Chapter 179 Injury

Shu Shu was puzzled and said: "Our lord was so warm-hearted before that he couldn't bear the request of the princes, so he agreed to help with the customization... But he is a prince, he hasn't opened a mansion yet, and he doesn't support craftsmen, so he naturally put the deposit together with the customization. Submit the form to the Ministry of Internal Affairs..."

So if you want to unsubscribe, go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Princess Duanmin choked.

It's one thing to ask for money back from elder brother Jiu, but it's another thing to ask for money back from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

There are many people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and I really did that, but I don't know what tricks to make up.

It is impossible to say that there will be people who are regarded as poor by the clan in Beijing.

And Kangxi...

Because of her birth, Princess Duanmin still has no fear of Kangxi, who was born as a concubine prince, but the words of her husband and sons are still in her ears.

In the future, the royal family will be appointed as a lord, and the marriage of children will be inseparable from the palace.

It would be depressing if other people pointed at the princess and the county lord, and my own palace pointed at the rankless ancestral daughter.

Princess Duanmin's face was tense, she felt that there was nothing she couldn't bear, it was all about losing money and avoiding disaster.

Even Brother Jiu and Fujin Jiu, she also remembers these two couples in her heart.

One is greedy for money and treacherous, and has no regard for the prince's dignity;

The episode passed, and the soothing atmosphere under the shed resumed.

There was another change in the distant paddock.

It was estimated that two quarters of an hour later, there were a few riders looking over from the paddock.

Similar to the messengers, several imperial guards were ordered to report the victory to the Queen Mother.

The emperor has shot first, killing a tiger and three deer.

The guards announced the good news and brought two deer, which were presented by the emperor as a tribute to the queen mother.

The Empress Dowager concealed her worry, just smiled and nodded: "The emperor is brave..."

The crowd also chattered, and followed the eulogy.

Princess Duanmin's mouth was pursed like a clam shell, she refused to join in the fun,

Guards go down.

The steward of the dining room, who had been waiting for a long time, took the two deer down and prepared to roast the venison.

Shu Shu thought of Tiger King yesterday.

I don't know if it was the first shot today.

In addition to the little tiger, there are two other tigers.

And that black bear, should it be released today, or another day?
Shu Shu felt that it was a danger to walk.

Because the venison is sliced ​​and then grilled, it cooks quickly.

In about two quarters of an hour, plates of barbecue had already been delivered.

Served with a few salty and sweet pastries, dried fruits, and fresh fruits that were already placed, this is today's noodles.

The barbecue is not marinated, just a few simple spices.

Shu Shu was not used to it for a while, so he just took a few mouthfuls and ate some salty pastries.

The Queen Mother is tired and needs to take a lunch break.

The crowd surrounded the Queen Mother and went out of the shed, and dispersed separately.

As soon as Shu Shu entered the small courtyard of her home, she saw He Yuzhu pacing up and down like a fly without a head.

Seeing this, Shu Shu's heart tightened: "What's wrong, this is?"

When He Yuzhu saw Shu Shu, he hurried forward as if he had met the backbone: "Fu Jin, it's not good, something happened to the fifth master..."

Shu Shu felt as if she was on a roller coaster, and hurriedly said, "What's wrong? Are you startled?"

The only danger she could think of was this.

By the prince's elder brother's side, there has never been a shortage of followers.

Especially the several adult princes who have been conferred titles.

There are almost enough guards around him.

It's inconvenient to follow when you're in the palace, and you'll be by your side when you come out.

He Yuzhu shook his head: "The slave doesn't know the details, but the king of Zhijun sent someone back, brought the imperial doctor there, and asked Fujin to help, and quietly brought Wu Fujin to take care of him, don't disturb the queen mother..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt at ease.

It should be safe for life.

Otherwise, Eldest Brother would not dare to delay, and would directly send someone to Xing here, instead of sending the imperial physician there.

As for why quietly...

It is because today is the first day of the siege, if there is a lot of noise, it will be easy for the Mongolian prince to look down upon it.

As for the Empress Dowager, at the first moment, I was worried that the Empress Dowager would not be able to bear it because she was getting old;

Shu Shu calmed down: "Where is the person now, how will I get there with Wu Fujin?"

He Yuzhu said: "It's just over the paddock yamen..."

Shu Shu didn't delay anymore, she was wearing clothes similar to riding clothes and boots on her feet today, and asked Xiaosong to take Xiaosong to Wu Fujin's yard.

For He Yuzhu, she sent out to prepare horses.

Wu Fujin is doing work, it is a belt.

The fifth elder brother talked about it twice. Although Wu Fujin was self-aware and knew that he was not good at needlework, he still tried to do it.

Hearing that Shu Shu was coming, Wu Fujin got up to greet her.

Shu Shu directly took her hand, seeing that there was no one else around except her confidant nanny, she said in a low voice: "Sister-in-law Wu, you have to calm down, don't be afraid..."

Wu Fujin was already smart, so he couldn't think of it, and said with a vibrato: "But Wuye..."

"Life is safe..."

Shu Shu talked about Big Brother's response and her own guess.

Wu Fujin made up his mind, went to look through Fifth Elder Brother's change of clothes, and packed a big bag.

The paddock is in charge of the yamen. Shu Shu just went there yesterday, so he naturally remembers the journey.

She was also anxious, but she didn't dare to run too fast for fear of making mistakes in her busy schedule.

After a quarter of an hour's journey, everyone arrived at the Yamen in the paddock.

Someone heard the movement and came out to check. It was the fifth elder brother who was guarding him.

The man looked sullen, like a dead father, and saluted Wu Fujin and Shu Shu, and his voice was crying.

Wu Fujin's eyes turned black, and his body shook accordingly.

Shu Shu hurriedly supported Wu Fujin, glared at the guard and said, "What are you doing with a mournful face? What happened to Master Wu?"

The guard realized that he was frightened, and hurriedly choked up and said, "Master is fine, it's... our boss is gone..."

Shu Shu silently helped Wu Fujin in.


The chief guard of the fifth elder brother!
How dangerous!

A group of people followed the guards into the main courtyard of a yamen.

In the main hall, more than ten people crowded together.

In addition to the elder brother, the fifth elder brother, the imperial physician and others, there are also Prince Jian Yabu, the owner of the Xianglan Banner, and Prince Danzhen, the owner of the Xiangbai Banner.

Hearing movement at the door, everyone looked over.

The fifth elder brother sat in the arhat chair and looked up at the door.

Wu Fujin saw the appearance of the fifth elder brother clearly, tears came down all at once, his body trembled and he couldn't speak.

Shu Shu followed behind and froze when she saw Fifth Prince's appearance.

The fifth elder brother has already entered the flag and is the lord of the Xiangbai banner. Today, he is wearing a battle armor of the Xiangbai flag style, white with blue borders.

Therefore, the blood on this body is very obvious, the upper body is full of blood, especially the shoulders and chest, which are already dark red.

Wu Fujin was concerned, but he was confused, thinking that it was a vital injury.

Shu Shu could see clearly that Fifth Prince's battle armor was intact, and the blood was spilled on it.

His wounds are on his face.

From the eyes to the neck on the left side, there is a big opening three or four inches long, where the bone can be seen deep, and the flesh is opened.

Regarding this fifth elder brother, the most widely circulated theory in later generations is that apart from not being able to speak Chinese, he was disfigured and lost his inheritance rights, so he was safe.


history is terrible...

Shu Shu's heart felt cold.

The fifth elder brother was covered in cold sweat, but he grinned and said: "It's okay, it's just a skin injury, it looks scary..." As he spoke, he choked up, and his eye circles were also red: "It's just that Brother Hei is gone. ..."

When a female family member came, Prince Jian and Prince Xian greeted the elder brother and left first.

Wu Fujin had already stepped forward, choked with sobs and said, "Isn't it hunting? Is this an order?"

Fifth elder brother shivered: "It was all an accident, no one could have imagined it, the blind man went crazy..."

Bear? !

Shu Shu looked at the elder brother, and then at the fifth elder brother, hesitating in his heart.

The target is the fifth elder brother? !
The eldest elder brother was full of guilt, and said to Wu Fujin: "The bear came to me, and the fifth younger brother came to protect me..."

Fifth elder brother waved his hand: "Brother, what are you talking about? If the bear is coming towards me, how can big brother watch?"

The elder brother shook his head and said: "That can't be done! But the elder brother has also made a note of it... the black guards have double pensions, and if there are nephews who can use them, they can mention them..."

The fifth elder brother nodded with tears streaming down his face: "It should be like this..."

Shu Shu's mind was spinning quickly, thinking carefully about the physical characteristics of the bear yesterday.

A little thin.

The neck is also like a normal bear, with a white scarf around it.

That is, this white scarf is not a long strip like the one commonly seen in pictures of black bears, but a piece the size of a palm, from the neck to the jaw.

Shu Shu asked the elder brother in a strange way: "My lord, is it such a black bear..."

Shu Shu described the black bear again.

The eldest brother did not answer immediately, but fell into deep thought.

It was a mess just now, and only cared about the fifth elder brother, who would pay attention to where the black bear's white hair grows?
When he remembered the appearance of the black bear, his expression changed, he looked straight at Shu Shu, and said, "Where did you see it..."

Shu Shu's face also became serious, pointing to the ground: "It's raised here..."

As he said that, he talked about the scene when he came to see the tiger and black bear yesterday: "This black bear is full of viciousness. It is uneasy to live in a big iron cage. It will jump at anyone... I was so scared that I asked Master Jiu two or three times. It’s not that I haven’t eaten people before…”

Big brother's face became more and more ugly.

The fifth elder brother was half-knowledgeable, and then complained: "Then what's going on with this manager? He caught a man-eating bear... No wonder he's so vicious, he doesn't know how to hide when he sees people..."

As he said that, he was confused: "Why did you spot the big brother, you can't avoid it, but you are chasing him alone...Brother, you are a bear..."

Otherwise, what hatred, what resentment?
When I see a hunter, I don't know how to run, but I still go forward...

Shu Shu also looked at Big Brother.

Yesterday the black bear was staring at himself and the thirteenth elder brother, and today it was the eldest brother.

What do the three have in common?

Shu Shu felt that there was something in her mind, which was faintly visible, but she couldn't grasp it clearly.

The elder brother has already gritted his teeth and ordered the guards around him: "Go and bring the steward here to the master..."

Even a fool would understand that this man-eating bear was prepared for him.

who is it?

Get this "big gift"!
(End of this chapter)

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