Chapter 180 Shot
Shu Shu immediately thought of Suo'etu.

I also feel that such a scheme is too shallow.

Regardless of whether the big brother can be tricked this time, others will suspect Suo'etu's side.

Suo'etu is also on the list of retinues.

During this northern tour, Suo'etu, as the Minister of Internal Guards, was ordered to prepare road sacrifices for the Queen Mother.

If there is no mistake, the steward who is in charge of raising wild beasts in the chief yamen should be gone.

I just don't know whether to seal it passively or actively.

Sure enough, the elder brother's guards turned around after going out for a while, with a very ugly expression: "Master, I'm dead..."

"How did he die? Drink arsenic, wipe his neck, hang himself, swallow gold..."

The elder brother sneered and said: "Murdering the life of the master, it's over if you die, how can it be so cheap..."

Murdering the prince's elder brother is no different from conspiracy, and the family can't escape.

In the worst case, the family will be lost, and they will be sent to the armored men as slaves; in the worst case, the whole family will be executed.

"Falling into the well..."

The guard said: "The corpse has been fished out, I've been looking at it for a while..."

The wild animals raised are sent to the paddocks in advance.

That is today Maochuqian.

"Keep the corpse, and ask someone to take a closer look at it later. I have to find out whether it was he who jumped into the well or was pushed out as a scapegoat..."

Big Brother's face was cold.

Not only anger, but also fear.

This is the royal enclosure!

It is not people from outside who can arrange hands and feet here.

This time, he was the one who plotted against him. He escaped only after being stopped by the fifth child and the black guard who sacrificed his life.

How would I be without these two people?
If it's not him who is planning this time, but Khan Ama...

Then the day will collapse.

The fifth elder brother was beside him, and he was already dumbfounded.

It was not an accident, someone really murdered the prince.

The imperial doctor was still using salt water to debride the wound, and his hands were shaking.

It seemed that he had heard something extraordinary.

Wu Fujin didn't care too much, just looked at Fifth Elder Brother, tears streaming down his face.

Shu Shu's mind was running fast, but what she was thinking about was the weirdness when she just came in.

The owner of the bordered blue flag and the bordered white flag are both present.

If a small paddock is set up for hunting, shouldn't the two flags be separated?
How did they get mixed up?

There is also the combination of big elder brother and fifth elder brother, which is not quite right.

Since hunting is to practice the Eight Banners, they must be doing their own thing, and there is no reason to mix it up like this.

In March, the prince was knighted, and six princes were conferred.

But in fact, only the eldest elder brother and the third elder brother have dialed down the collar and officially entered Xianglan Banner.

The fourth elder brother, fifth elder brother, seventh elder brother, and eighth elder brother did not dial the population, nor did they enter the flag.

But before the hunt started, there was news.

The fifth elder brother and the seventh elder brother were arranged to hunt in Xiangbai Banner with the owner of the Xiangbai Banner.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the princes do not enter the flag according to their titles, but enter into the flag according to their rank.

The eldest brother and the third elder brother entered Xianglan Banner.

Fifth elder brother and seventh elder brother entered the inlaid white flag
The fourth elder brother, who is in the middle of the four, either enters the bordered blue flag or enters the bordered white flag.

Eighth brother, Zhenglan Qi has already been booked.

Then the ninth elder brother, the prince next to the eighth elder brother, is also Zhenglan Qi, if there is no accident.

"My lord, why are the bordered blue flags and bordered white flags hunting together? Shouldn't the two flags be separated?"

Shu Shu felt that there was a problem, so she asked directly.

She has always wanted to stand out from the crowd and not want to express herself too much.

That's the safest way to keep her safe and make her feel safe.

But she has flesh and blood, so she can't be hard-hearted.

Not to mention fifth elder brother, even eldest elder brother, the care of ninth elder brother these days is in Shu Shu's eyes.

Shu Shu knows that this is "love the house and the crow", but she appreciates it.

The whip prepared by the elder brother, the Mongolian knife prepared by the fifth elder brother...

The two regarded her as a younger brother and sister, so she couldn't regard them as paper figures.

The eldest elder brother saw Shu Shu's cleverness, knew that she would not ask this for no reason, and said: "It's separated, the bordered blue flag is in Dongxiaowei, and the bordered white flag is in Xixiaowei... But in the morning, the third elder brother said that he had something to look for. Brother Seven, I want to go over..."

As he said that, he looked at Fifth Brother: "Old Fifth, how did he tell you..."

The fifth elder brother thought for a while: "It's almost the same meaning, so I replaced it... By the way, I asked Prince Xian to hear it. Prince Xian didn't bring anyone with him, so he handed over the inlaid white flag to the seventh brother, and followed him... ..."

This one should be avoided.

Xianwangfu's status in the clan has also been embarrassing in recent years.

This Prince Xian is the second-generation king, the great-grandson of Emperor Taizong, the grandson of Prince Suwu, and the son of the first Prince Xian.

Prince Suwu, one of the founding kings, was persecuted to death by Dorgon.

When Emperor Shizu came to power and rehabilitated his eldest brother, this branch was inherited by the prince and renamed "Xian".

However, when the first generation of Xian Prince accepted the title, he was only nine years old.

Without military merits, the owner of the inlaid white flag is nothing but a name.

The second generation Prince Xian was even younger, he was six years old when he took over the throne.

Therefore, the Prince Xian family is the same as the Shuncheng Prince's Mansion. After two generations of child kings, they became marginal figures in the clan.

Respected status, but no real power.

For the princes who voluntarily evaded, they could not put on airs of being the leader of the banner at all, which was in line with Prince Xian's usual style of conduct.

Third elder brother...

What a coincidence.

Even the elder brother was silent.

If there is no exchange, it will be the eldest brother and the third elder brother who met Xiong today.

Did Brother San mean it, or did it unintentionally?
Shu Shu looked at the eldest brother.

The armor worn by the elder brother is the standard armor with a blue flag, and the blue cotton armor with a red border.

Wearing armor, naturally there will be no gadgets like purses and sachets.

However, the bear's nose is the sharpest, it relies on the sense of smell to chase its prey...

What do you, the thirteenth elder brother, and the eldest elder brother have in common?
Shu Shu couldn't see anything strange about Big Brother, so she opened her purse.

It is golden inside.

It is a honey black sesame ball wrapped in gold leaf.

These days, she is traveling outside and her hair is dry, so Shu Shu eats this every day to nourish her hair.

Coincidentally, Brother Nine and Brother Ten think this is too sweet, but Brother Thirteen likes it the most.

Shu Shu asked Xiaotang to make more and left a big jar for Brother Thirteen.


Crazy for this?
Isn't this something on the normal diet of black bears?

It always feels a little too far-fetched.

The eldest brother looked at Shu Shu's movements, and was very puzzled: "What is this, what is wrong with my siblings?"

Shu Shu hesitated and said: "I thought that when I came here yesterday, Brother Thirteen and I both brought this honey sesame ball...but honey..."

Everyone knows that bears love honey.

But when you are so hungry that you are so animalistic, it is a bit unreasonable to precisely locate the honey.

Shouldn't you just bite when you see someone, fill your stomach first and then talk...

The elder brother looked solemn, opened the front of the armor to reveal the bag underneath, took out a paper bag, and sneered, "Coincidentally, I really have a bag of honey twist... the third brother gave it in the morning..."

Finger-sized golden twist, with a layer of honey on the outside, wrapped in kraft paper, the room is full of sweet fragrance when opened.

Shu Shu was silent.

It seems not surprising.

I just don't know whether the third elder brother is being used completely, or if it is a part of it.

Quiet in the house.

The fifth elder brother was still in a daze before, but now he is angry: "Third brother is so stupid? Is he being used by someone? Big brother, quickly ask someone to find him and ask what's going on..."

He has a simple temperament, and he can't think of harm to others.

After all, we all have the same father and brother, and there is no festival, who will properly attack the brothers.

The elder brother nodded with a stern face, and ordered the people around him: "Go to the paddock over there, and invite the third elder brother..."

It's about confrontation, to see if this idiot is being used by others, or using others.

Shu Shu was silent.

I became more and more suspicious that it was the handwriting of that person.

The third elder brother is the perfect candidate for the scapegoat.

I haven't investigated it carefully yet, if I really want to investigate it in detail, the clues will probably fall on the third elder brother.

But Kangxi can still convict another son for one son?
Besides, there is something strange about it.

In the end, most of the big things were turned into small things, and small things were turned into small things.

But right now, I can't take care of it, the imperial doctor has finished debridement, and is ready to suture with mulberry paper.

Yes, the sore department of the Tai Hospital now has complete debridement and suture techniques.

Just rough.

Saline debridement can only clean the dust of the wound, and has no antibacterial effect on the epidermis.

The suture tools have not been sterilized, so you don't need to think about it to know that they are all bacteria.

"Doctor, wait a moment, don't rush to suture..."

Shu Shu stopped her.

According to the imperial physician's treatment, the wound on the Fifth Prince's face could heal, but it was infected and the scar was too big.

Such a conspicuous place.

Even if he is as noble as a prince, he will inevitably receive all kinds of strange looks.

Such a good brother shouldn't have to bear this.

Shu Shu thought about the substitute words for bacteria and viruses, but the medical books he read did not mention any information related to virology at all.

"I've read it in a book, saying that animal claws are poisonous, and the wounds are easy to fester after being scratched. I don't know if the imperial doctor has heard this statement..."

She really couldn't think of it, so she said it carefully.

The imperial doctor fell into deep thought: "I haven't read it in the classics, and the family inheritance has not mentioned it, but I have read similar medical cases in the grandfather's handbook, that is, I met a tiger at that time... It was a good thing to escape from the tiger's mouth, but it was a good thing to be escaped by the tiger. From the palm to the calf...then caught up with Futian again, the wound festered and died..."

Eldest brother remembered one thing: "A few years ago, a guard with a white flag met a wolf when he was on the siege, and he was hit on the face. No matter how much medicine he applied, his life was saved, but his face was rotten..."

The fifth elder brother was in cold sweat from the pain, but he just endured it.

Hearing that it would endanger his life, he was terrified and choked up, "I don't want to die..."

The doctor's face turned pale.

If a prince elder brother is really going to die, even he, the imperial physician, can't escape.

Wu Fujin was crying incessantly, but now he stopped crying, and wiped the cold sweat on Fifth Brother's forehead with a handkerchief, so as not to flow to the wound.

"Brother and sister..."

It's just that she is also trying to calm down, and she has no idea in her heart, so she can't help but look at Shu Shu.

These days Shu Shu has shown her intelligent side, and has become the backbone of the sister-in-law trio.

Seeing that everyone was shocked, Shu Shu hurriedly explained: "There is a way to solve this. Wash the wound with salt water, clean the outside of the wound, and kill the poison with needles and threads. It will heal well later, and the scar will be lighter... "

As for leaving no scars, it's impossible.

This wound has reached the dermis.

However, if the wound is treated well to avoid ulceration, or less hyperplasia, the scar will be much shallower.

There was no time to delay, so Shu Shu didn't sell the lawsuit either.

Directly stated the materials needed.

It is soju.

"Steam the shochu a few more times, and when it reaches the concentration of the first wine, it will be able to kill the virus, but it won't get into the meat..."

Shu Shu said: "So we need to use shochu, the stronger the better, you can steam it a few times less..."

Xing brought out a lot of wine in the dining room.

Yesterday, when I gave a banquet, what was served was shochu.

In the bitter cold of Mongolia, shochu has gradually replaced rice wine and has become everyone's favorite drink.

The paddock yamen needs a kitchen here.

When the big brother's guard took the big brother's waist card and Kuaima came back with the shochu, Shu Shu also used the existing pot and stove in the kitchen to make a simple distillation device.

Two kinds of wine were taken, both of which were spirits.

Shu Shu simply tasted it, but couldn't tell which one was higher, so she took two small saucers, poured some wine in each and lit it.

When the alcohol is burned out, one has more water in it and the other has less water.

Shu Shu chose the steamed wine with less water.

Time flies.

I was busy and steamed three times.

Ignite it again, and the remaining water is about a quarter, which is almost close to the concentration of [-]-degree disinfectant alcohol.

A small bowl of alcohol was steamed out in total.

Shu Shu asked the imperial physician to disinfect the needles, thread and tweezers with alcohol, and also wiped her hands with this, and then used the steamed gauze to disinfect the fifth elder brother.


The fifth elder brother was biting the handkerchief in his mouth, the veins on his neck were popping out, and tears were coming out of pain.

The imperial doctor's face was also covered with sweat, but his movements became more stable.

Don't say it's "alcohol". Even if it's not alcohol, the steamed clean water is cleaner than salt water mixed with warm water.

The imperial physician had already heard the rumors about Jiufu Jin, and knew that she was a talented woman with extensive knowledge and knowledge, so he would make a more appropriate treatment for Brother Jiu's heat illness.

He already believes five or six points in his heart, and the rest depends on the certification.


The fifth elder brother's tears flowed out big and big, which affected the disinfection of the imperial doctor.

Wu Fujin hurriedly covered Fifth Elder Brother's eyes with a handkerchief.

The fifth elder brother didn't move, but his shoulders twitched.

The handkerchief in Wu Fujin's hand was soaked when he saw it.

After the imperial doctor sterilized, he was sweating all over.

Seeing the fifth elder brother's reaction, he couldn't help worrying, looking at the eldest elder brother who could call the shots, he said: "My lord, if I want to sew up, it will hurt even more. If Lord Belle struggles..."

It can't be said that the injury is added to the injury.

The elder brother was decisive, glanced at the big case next to him, and called a few people in.

In a short time, the fifth elder brother was put on the big case, and the people around him.

Someone pressed the leg, someone pressed the arm.

The shoulders are the most crowded.

The two pressed their shoulders, and the other pressed his forehead.

The fifth elder brother has been fooled, tears have stopped, looked at the eldest brother, and said in a daze: "Eldest brother..."

The elder brother said: "Lie down well, try not to move... If you can't help it, just scold the third child..."

Fifth elder brother shook his head and said: "I don't scold third brother, third brother must have been cheated..."

As he said that, he looked at Wu Fujin and said, "Master, it's all right, just finish sewing, you and your siblings go out and wait..."

Wu Fujin was worried, and stood still, refusing to leave.

Shu Shu persuaded in a low voice: "Sister-in-law Wu, listen to brother five, brother five won't be happy for you to see him in a mess..."

Only then did Wu Fujin nod, and followed Shu Shu out.

The two stood at the door without going far.

Shu Shu was worried about the mulberry paper.

I don't know how well it absorbs as a suture.

She knew in her heart that catgut would be better, but that was no better than alcohol, it was secondary processing, and the speed was fast.

Gut, if you want to wait for ready-made ones, it's too late.


There was a scream in the room, followed by the high-pitched voice of the fifth elder brother: "Yinzhi, I'm going to kill grandma..."

The third elder brother who came in a hurry with the guards arrived just in time, and his face turned black...

(End of this chapter)

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