Chapter 182 Wisdom

The fifth elder brother here changed his bloody clothes, wiped his body, drank calming soup, and fell into a drowsy sleep.

But because of the pain in the wound, he couldn't sleep very well.

Every time I close my eyes, I wake up twitching for a quarter of an hour or two.

Wu Fujin sat by the bed and accompanied her.

Every time Fifth Prince woke up, she sang a lullaby in a low voice.

The fifth elder brother's situation is better.

Shu Shu hid outside and stood at the door, still thinking about the relationship between honey and black bear.

There was movement outside.

Brother Jiu came in from the outside in a hurry, his forehead was covered with sweat.

"Fifth Brother..."

Just as he was about to ask, Shu Shu gagged his mouth.

Shu Shu said in a low voice: "Lord, keep your voice down, Fifth Brother just fell asleep..."

Nine elder brothers pursed their lips, relaxed their movements, entered the room, and tiptoed to the bedside.

After seeing the wound on Brother Fifth's face clearly, he widened his eyes.

When he came out, he pulled Shu Shu out of the yard, and then said in shock, "Caught by a bear?"

The fifth elder brother's wound was obvious, it was a scratch.

In addition to a large three-inch long wound, there is also a small one-inch long wound almost parallel to the left and right sides of the cheekbone.

The small wound only broke the epidermis without stitches.

The reason why Brother Jiu guessed was not because he was so smart, but because he was surrounded by guards and still had the ability to hurt people. It was either a tiger or a black bear.

Shu Shu nodded, and told about the exchange of a few elder brothers with the eldest brother and fifth elder brother who met Xiong.

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "It's not the third child, he doesn't have such a brain... If he really has the guts to kill two birds with one stone and want to reap the benefits of the fisherman, then he won't be him..."

Shu Shu didn't argue with him.

Heart is under the kyte.

Who knows if the mindless short-sightedness shown by the third elder brother is a human design.

"Grandpa, under what circumstances would a wild beast target a person?"

Shu Shu felt that if she found this question, she might be able to find clues to the murder of wild bears.

"There must be a grudge, big animals hold grudges..."

Brother Jiu said: "The hunters in the mountains have a rule, that is, if they encounter tigers, leopards, and wolves, if they are injured but not killed, they will try not to enter the mountain...or else they will be attacked by surprise at any time, and they will die. ..."

"Brother is with us, he just entered the paddock yesterday, and I have never heard of him hunting in the mountains, so where did this hatred come from?"

Shu Shu thought about all kinds of possibilities, but still felt that the smell was tampered with, not just the honey.

Brother Jiu couldn't guess for a while, and said: "It doesn't mean that the bear corpse is also here, let's go over and have a look..."

The bear carcass is in the next yard.

The young couple went over, and after seeing the characteristics of the bear corpse clearly, Brother Jiu trembled: "This is the one in the cage yesterday..."

Only then did Shu Shu remember that he hadn't mentioned where the bear came from, so he nodded and said, "That's why it's even more strange. Since hunger arouses fierceness, why are you still staring at honey to drive people away..."

Brother Jiu sneered and said, "It's not that simple?! This is a female bear, smelling like honey, and if she kills a cub in front of her, she's an enemy..."

Black bears are commonly known as black blinds, which means that they have poor eyesight and can tell people by their taste alone.

Shu Shu looked at Brother Jiu, a little worried.

The whole person was shrouded in a gloomy atmosphere, looking a little scary.

She hurriedly took Brother Jiu's hand: "Master, the imperial doctor has already said that Fifth Brother's injury will recover..."

Brother Jiu's palms were wet and cold, he shook them back fiercely, and said through gritted teeth: "It's all my fault. You mentioned it twice yesterday, but I didn't pay attention to it... But if you are more careful and ask someone to check this bear carefully, you will be fine." There will be no accident today..."

Shu Shu hurriedly persuaded: "You don't need to blame yourself, the key now is to find the real culprit behind the scenes! If you don't catch this person, even if you avoid bears, there will still be tigers, wolves, and poisonous snakes... Who knows what this bad guy is?" Time to start again..."

Brother Jiu didn't feel comforted, but he also diverted his attention, and said bitterly: "Once, twice, it's not over yet, right? Last time it was me, this time it's the boss, who are they going to plot against next time?" ?”

Brother Jiu's appearance like this is to identify the enemy's Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Shu Shu didn't say anything, no matter whether the person behind the scenes is Suo'etu or not, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is definitely not innocent.

Whether it's feeding man-eating bears in the paddock, or honey twists in the dining room, this whole process has to go through the hands of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Even Shu Shu had some dark thoughts.

The reason why I chose honey as the bear primer is because it is not easy to be suspected, or is it because I asked someone to take a few extra jars of honey from the dining room a few days ago?

Whether it is honey black sesame balls or honey autumn pear cream, it needs a lot of honey to prepare.

I am a member of the blacklist of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

If you want to deal with yourself specifically, that's not enough, but if you hug grass and beat rabbits, by the way?

I'm afraid they are happy to see it happen.

In restlessness, time passes very slowly.

The imperial doctor is also guarding here, and the medicine for clearing away heat and reducing fever is prepared, just because he is afraid that the fifth elder brother will have a high fever.

Such a large injury will often cause high fever.

But I don't know if the alcohol has played a role, but the temperature of the fifth elder brother is still normal.

Before dusk, Elder Brother Ten and Elder Brother Thirteen arrived.

It was the elder brother who arranged for someone to bring food here, so that the two of them saw it and insisted on following.

When they saw the wound on Fifth Prince's face clearly, both of them followed with fear.

Is it a scratch or that, if the bear slap is real...

"This is too scary... In the future, we should keep less of these big guys..."

The thirteenth elder brother said dumbfounded.

It's really an accident that the young man is innocent, and he can't think of any conspiracy theory.

For this kind of "fraud" thing, I began to reject it.

The tenth elder brother said to the ninth elder brother in a low voice: "It's not a blessing if you lose your horse. Even if a man has a scar, he is still a hero. That is to say, the atmosphere in Beijing is bad, and men are learning to dress up... the founding kings, Those who charged into battle, who was not injured?"

Brother Nine has always been on good terms with him, and he didn't hide it from him. He gritted his teeth and said, "Anyway, I'm going to make a fuss this time. I don't want to be used to these uncles from the Ministry of Internal Affairs..."

Elder Brother Ten wanted to stop him when he opened his mouth.

It's not that I'm worried about the internal affairs office, but I feel that even if the internal affairs office is wiped out, the real culprit may not be caught.

However, he still swallowed the words that blocked him, and only said: "Anyway, if there is any order, Brother Nine will speak, brother has money to contribute money, and is able to contribute..."

Concern is chaos.

If it had been Brother Jiu who was injured this time, he couldn't calm down, so he had to vent.

Brother Jiu nodded: "Don't worry, I won't be polite to you..."

After finishing speaking, he urged the two of them to go back: "Let's go, I was going to hide it from the queen mother and empress, but you still mobilized people to come out, why are you hiding it?"

It is true that the fifth elder brother had an accident before, and the guard camp dared not be careless.

So this time the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother came out, with fifty guards behind them.

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said, "Go back now, don't worry if you don't take a look..."

The two elder brothers came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

The management yamen returned to calm.

Shu Shu and Brother Nine were outside, watching the food on the table and no one moved.

Brother Jiu has no appetite.

Shu Shu felt that she was using her brain too much, she felt a little nauseous, and she didn't want to eat.

After a while, there was movement outside again.

Brother Jiu stood up, feeling uneasy, and said, "Isn't it the empress?"

Seeing the fifth elder brother's injury, the brothers were heartbroken, how could the mother-in-law bear it?
Shu Shu also couldn't guess, and came out together with Brother Nine.

It wasn't Concubine Yi who came.

It was Kangxi himself.

He brought his elder brother and came here in a light car.

Seeing Shu Shu and Brother Jiu come out to welcome him, he paused and said, "How is Brother Fifth? Is it hot?"

Brother Jiu replied: "Still asleep, no fever..."

Kangxi nodded, stepped lightly, and entered the room.

Wu Fujin was sitting on the edge of the couch, and wanted to get up when he saw this, but Wu Elder Brother held one hand, so he could only stand next to the bed, and his body was blessed.

Kangxi's eyes fell on the hands of the two, and then he walked to the side of the couch and carefully inspected the fifth prince's wound.

His face was very ugly.

Just by looking at the location of the wound, one can know the danger at that time.

and this face...

Such a big wound will definitely leave a scar...

Kangxi stood there for a while, then stretched out his hand to touch Fifth Brother's forehead, making sure he didn't have a high fever, and then turned around and came out.

"Where's the black bear? Take me to see it!"

After leaving the room, Kangxi turned and said to the elder brother.

The elder brother responded and led a group of people to the next door.

Under the bright lights, the black bear's corpse was particularly hideous.

Its fatal wound is the jaw.

However, there are more than a dozen holes in the body, large and small.

Kangxi took a closer look, his eyes stopped on its chest, and he came to a conclusion: "This is a female bear in childbirth period!"

The eldest elder brother understood, and said: "So that's the case, my son was wondering if something else was added to the honey, which caused the black bear to go crazy... So it's the childbirth period..."

Brother Nine was beside him, drooping his head, and took the initiative to plead guilty, telling what happened yesterday.

Kangxi showed disappointment on his face: "The ones who should be cared are not cared about, and the ones who shouldn't be cared about..."

Brother Nine was so frustrated, he said in a muffled voice, "It's my son's fault..."

The elder brother saw him nearby and said, "Ama Khan, no wonder Lao Jiu is on him. This is the royal paddock, and it doesn't take a year or two to raise big animals. How could he have thought that he could do something about it? Minister, if I hadn't met this time personally, I wouldn't have thought... or the people behind the scenes are too sinister and vicious to use this method to harm people..."

Kangxi was noncommittal, looked at Shu Shu, and said: "I see that you are not timid, why would you worry about a black bear jumping into the cage?"

In the afternoon, when the elder brother reported the matter, he did not hide Shu Shu's credit, and told about the alcohol disinfection.

Shu Shu was also mentioned in Brother Jiu's narration just now.

Kangxi's mood is quite complicated.

If her knowledge is different from that of Lao Jiu, why should I worry about it?
Shu Shu didn't say any illusory words like "murderous intent", but said carefully: "When my daughter-in-law was young, I heard the guards at home talk about ancient times, saying that it was the horror of wild beasts. As long as they ate people, they would be put on the hunting list. ...especially likes to eat women and children...Yesterday, the black bear reacted to his daughter-in-law and thirteenth uncle, the daughter-in-law thought of this when she saw the beast for the first time..."

Kangxi fell into deep thought, nodded for a while, and said: "Shuntian Mansion reported several incidents of wild beasts entering the village and hurting people, and the victims were indeed mainly women and children..."

(End of this chapter)

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