My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 183 Big Fish

Chapter 183 Big Fish
Kangxi nodded, once again lamenting Shushu's intelligence.

He thought of Qi Xi's youngest son.

He is not very old, but he looks like a clever kid, and he is well taught.

Looking at the elder brother and the ninth elder brother again, Kangxi was not pleasing to the eyes, looked at the elder brother's eyes, his eyes fell on his right arm, and said: "Stretch out your right hand..."

"Khan Ama..."

The elder brother showed embarrassment on his face.

"Hand out!"

Kangxi's voice was impatient.

The elder brother reluctantly stretched out his arms, but clenched his fists.

Kangxi directly grabbed his wrist and turned over, his face livid.

Big brother's right hand tiger's mouth is completely split, and the flesh and blood have dried up. It is still terrifying to look at.

The thumb was swollen and shiny, and the entire wrist was blue-purple.

Shu Shu felt her scalp go numb as she watched.

This is already a wound that needs to be stitched up, and it hasn't been exposed for a long time, so it's just hidden in the sleeve.

If it hadn't been for Kangxi to find out, no one would have known that the elder brother was also injured.

Brother Nine saw this, and frowned.

Originally, in his heart, he had some opinions on Big Brother.

After all, the elder brother is the eldest brother, and he still dominates with bravery on weekdays, but it is difficult to protect himself in the event of an accident, and he has to drag his brother down.

Seeing this wound, the grievances in his heart were much calmed down.

"Nonsense! The guards follow, what are you trying to do! How dare you poke under your jaw..."

Kangxi was really angry: "Other people flatter you a few words, and you think you are really Ba Tulu? Hunting bears? How dare you? You are not a filial son!"

The elder brother laughed and said: "Ama Khan, it was critical at the time, my son didn't think so much, but he just caught up... just happened to be with my son..."

What if you don't move the knife?
The guards surrounded it, but the black bear had rough skin and thick flesh, so it was not easy to kill it.

At that time, I was pushed away by the fifth child, and the black guard stopped in front of the fifth child.

If the black guard hadn't blocked the fatal blow, the fifth child would already be a corpse now.

It was the black guard who tried his best to block it, and the mad black bear also came a second time.

If I hadn't stabbed it under the jaw, and then stood up and slammed it sideways, then the second slap would not only shave Fifth Brother's face, but slap him on the head.

Thinking of the thrill at noon, the elder brother trembled slightly.

Narrow escape, nothing more.

Kangxi had a stern face, seeing his son's fear, he didn't reprimand him any more, he just said: "Go back and ask the imperial doctor to sew it up, don't drag it any longer, no wonder you changed your left hand to rein in the rope..."

Big Brother agreed.

Kangxi looked at the ninth elder brother again, and the ninth elder brother said: "Khan Ama, when will you start checking the yamen and dining room in the paddock..."

Kangxi mused, but didn't answer right away.

The elder brother said: "Ama Khan, I beg you to investigate this matter thoroughly!"

If the matter is not investigated clearly, the safety of the paddock is a hidden danger.

Ever since Mulan Paddock came into being, Shengjia came to Qiuxi almost every year.

This time, it was the prince who was calculated, and they almost succeeded, which shows the shortcomings.

Kangxi's gaze paused on the elder brother, then he shook his head: "There are still a few more hunts, you should recuperate honestly, and stay by my side in a few days..."

As he said that, he looked at Brother Nine and said seriously: "I will leave this matter to you. If you want to investigate, you should investigate carefully..."

Brother Jiu didn't take care of everything, thought for a while, and said: "Ama Khan, can you let Brother Seven follow his son to investigate... My son is young and has little experience, I'm afraid they will fool me..."

Kangxi looked at Brother Jiu with mixed emotions: "You are quite self-aware..."

Brother Jiu didn't bow his head as usual, but said seriously: "This is a big deal, my son is afraid it will be delayed..."

What if the investigation is slow and the other party wipes out the traces?
Catch a few small fish and shrimp to vent your anger?

After that, no one would dare to plot against the prince.

Kangxi nodded: "Understood, let Lao Qi check with you..."

The ninth elder brother took the order, and when Kangxi took the eldest elder brother away, he couldn't wait for a moment, looked at Shu Shu and said, "You accompany the fifth sister-in-law...I'll go find the seventh brother..."

Shu Shu had no objection, and only warned: "Cutting people's money is like killing their parents. I'm afraid they have long hated my master...Master must prevent people from causing trouble, and also prevent the dog from jumping over the wall..."

Brother Nine nodded and hurried back.

Wu Fujin had already broken away from Fifth Prince's hand and came out to have a look.

Seeing that Shu Shu was the only one left, she said with a bit of embarrassment: "I came out late..."

Shu Shu shook her head and said: "Fifth brother is important..." As she spoke, she whispered about the big brother's injury.

She could see that Kangxi deliberately disclosed the matter in front of Brother Jiu.

It should be because they are afraid that there will be a rift between the brothers.

As for Wu Fujin, Shu Shu felt that she should also mention something.

Looking at the reaction of the fifth brother in the afternoon, it is obvious that the eldest brother is injured.

Wu Fujin showed surprise: "I didn't pay attention in the next afternoon, is it seriously injured?"

Shu Shu stretched out her hand, and compared with her: "It's cracked to the end, the wound is more than half an inch deep... here, and here are all swollen to burst..."

After hearing this, Wu Fujin showed concern: "Then it must be treated properly, don't delay..."

"The emperor ordered, and people should be watching..."

Shu Shu said, and praised: "Fifth Brother is loyal and protects Eldest Brother; Eldest Brother is also brave and cut the black bear's neck with his own hands..."

Wu Fujin nodded with red eyes: "Yes, it's all good, that's why I got Buddha's blessing..."

Shu Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

Enmity becomes enmity.

This is relative.

If the saved people are selfish and feel that kindness is a burden, they will try to downplay the matter.

If a person who saves lives loses his sense of normalcy and thinks that the other party should do whatever he wants to save others, he will be resentful for a long time.

Shu Shu didn't want Brother Jiu and Wu Fujin to take anger and resent Big Brother because of this incident.

People have preferences, and there are distances and distances.

Unknowingly, she put these people in the real circle of relatives and friends, and hope everyone is well.

It's early September now, and the days are starting to get shorter.

When you are right, the sun will set.

Walking over there, two carriages came to pick up Shu Shu and the fifth elder brother and his wife.

The tenth and thirteenth elder brothers followed the car.

"Brother Nine is following Brother Seven to interrogate people, and the dining room has arrested a bunch of people..."

The tenth elder brother took people to carry the fifth elder brother, and the thirteenth elder brother couldn't wait to share the latest news with Shu Shu: "I also sent someone to call Xiaotang over to ask about honey..."

As he said, he untied his purse and brought displeasure: "The sesame balls were taken away by brother Jiu... Are you too careful..."

Shu Shu understands that brother Jiu's behavior is not because he suspects others, but because he is worried about the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

So he was worried about letting them continue to eat the honey provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

There is no big mistake in being careful, but if this continues, can you still stop eating?
Shu Shu felt helpless in her heart.

With Brother Nine's temper, it might not be true.

Anyway, it's not in Mongolia now, but in the middle of the road, and it's just a matter of one sentence to temporarily build a small dining room.

This guy has never liked to go out of his way.

Shu Shu originally thought that he lost his usual calm due to anger, and then realized that this should be for Kangxi to see.

Forcing the prince to look like this, the dressing in the dining room is still good...

At this moment, Elder Brother Ten has already supported Brother Fifth to come out.

The fifth elder brother said unhappily: "No need to help, and it didn't hurt my legs..."

While speaking, he pulled his wound and grinned again.

The tenth elder brother hurriedly said: "Fifth brother, please stop talking, take good care of it... save five or six days to get well, and then raise it for ten and a half months, when the time comes, the empress dowager and concubine can't hide it. I can't help feeling bad..."

The fifth prince immediately became honest.

A group of people arrived at the row.

When the fifth elder brother was about to get off the car, the fifth elder brother told the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother: "Go around, don't let the people on the side of the emperor's grandmother and empress see..."

The tenth elder brother agreed, and said to the fifth elder brother: "The fifth elder brother stands behind the younger brother, and can avoid people when he meets..."

Fifth elder brother's stature is not tall among brothers, and when tenth elder brother was taller, he was already a bit taller than fifth elder brother.

The fifth elder brother looked at it and straightened his waist.

Shu Shu and Wu Fujin followed behind, looking straight at him.

Shu Shu pointed and motioned Wu Fujin to look.

Wu Fujin also smiled when he saw Wu Prince's childish actions.

Shu Shu leaned over and said in a low voice, "Sister-in-law Wu can make a pair of insoles for Brother Fifth..."

Wu Fujin looked over, a little puzzled.

Even if you do personal work, shouldn't you be making socks?

Men have sweaty feet, and the insoles are often changed, which are all done by needleworkers.

Shu Shu stretched out her hand and measured it with her thumb and forefinger: "Now the hats have been changed, and everyone has also changed their boots. Put a one-inch high, one-inch high insole, and you can't see it from the outside..."

Wu Fujin understood, took Shu Shu's hand and shook it, with silent gratitude on his face.

After this experience, the fifth elder brother recuperated in the following days, and the husband and wife got along day and night, which was the time to deepen their relationship.

"Follow what you like" may be a good entry point.

A group of people arrived at the small courtyard of the princes.

The fifth elder brother said: "Send off the siblings first, and they have been tossing for a long time..."

Everyone had no objection, and Shu Shu didn't pretend to be polite. She said goodbye to everyone and took Xiaosong back to the yard.

Shu Shu was exhausted.

Hot water is readily available. She washed up, changed her clothes, and turned on the kang before looking at Walnut and saying, "Did you hear any wind..."

Walnut was born as a coat in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and many of the three aunts and six family members work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so they are the most well-informed.

Walnut nodded, lowered his voice and said, "At first it was said that something happened to King Zhijun, but later it was said that it was King Cheng... In the next afternoon, Master Jiu went to the dining room to arrest people, and Master Wu never showed up, so some people guessed that Master Wu on..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu was not surprised that the news spread.

The entire paddock, the upper and lower errands are coated.

Nothing can really hide from them.

"Where's your majesty? Have you sent Aunt Xianglan here?"

Shu Shu asked.

According to Shu Shu, this matter should not be hidden from Concubine Yi.

No matter whether it's Fifth Brother or Ninth Brother, they don't want Yi Fei to worry too much.

Seeing what their brothers mean, it is a day of delay, and the fifth brother's wound will heal better by then.

Shu Shu didn't need to think, she could guess Yi Fei's anger.

Maybe they will blame her and Wu Fujin.

But it's not easy for Shu Shu to go past the two brothers and tell her mother-in-law about this.

Walnut said: "No..."

Xiaotang came in with a bowl of fried rice with yogurt and half a bowl of beef jerky.

When the table was put on, Shu Shu waited for quite a while, but Xiaotang did not move: "That's all?"

Xiaotang said with a wry smile: "There is still noodle tea, if Fujin is not full, the servants will make a bowl..."

"Forget it, enough..."

Shu Shu waved his hand and started to move.

The dry beef jerky is processed twice, but it has a rare salt and pepper taste.

You don't need to guess, you know, chili and cumin, the seasoning brought from the dining room must also be taken away by Brother Jiu.

After eating a bowl of yogurt, making tea and rice, and rinsing her mouth, Shu Shu said helplessly, "What should I do tomorrow? Eat all this to fool me?"

Xiaotang said: "My lord said, let's cook by ourselves starting tomorrow... We will discuss it with the emperor on a case-by-case basis..."

Shu Shu is embarrassing.

Can't Kangxi see this little thought?
You underestimate people.

She decided to wait for elder brother Jiu to come back to persuade her, enough is enough.

Otherwise, the eye drops are too much, and the eyes are hot.

Shu Shu felt that she was physically and mentally exhausted, but her mind was extremely clear.

Is it really Soetu?
It seems that there are still some years before his curtain call.

If his handwriting is found out, then Kangxi will not allow him to continue jumping around.

If it weren't for Suo'etu, there would still be no direction to follow...

The room was brightly lit, so Shu Shu dug out her little books.

She sat cross-legged on the kang, put the notebook on the kang table, and wrote what she saw and heard today.

I wrote about the brotherhood and bravery of the two elder brothers, and I didn't hesitate to praise my words.

I hope this can impress Brother Jiu...

Let him understand what true brotherhood is, and he will also weigh it when he gets along with the eighth elder brother in the future, and compare it.

Don't stand in line!
Resolutely do not stand in line!
It is the right choice to have the last laugh!

All brothers!

As for hugging the fourth elder brother's thigh...

It's not that Shu Shu hasn't thought about it, everyone has a trick.

Otherwise, she wouldn't feel regretful when she heard that the fourth elder brother was holding the red flag when he went with Kangxi.

But thinking about Brother Jiu's EQ, she gave up this idea.

That one is not generous.

It's better to be polite and keep your distance.

The so-called "Nine Dragons" are still immature.

Even the oldest elder brother, his dissatisfaction with the prince is like a battle of wills.

For the younger brother below, he has the demeanor of a big brother, and he has no intention of wooing the younger brothers to stand in line.

It can be seen from his attitude towards the third elder brother that he just doesn't like the younger brother's character very much, and it's not that he is hostile because he is the help of the prince.

This is true for the younger brothers, and it is also true for the princes and ministers of the Eight Banners.

The elder brother is like a lone ranger, not like a prince who seized the heirloom at all.

But the third elder brother, his actions today revealed his restlessness, that's why he won over the seventh elder brother.

The ink on the letter was dried, and just as it was closed, Brother Jiu came back.

His eyes were full of anger.

"Caught a big fish!"

Brother Nine gritted his teeth and said: "Last time he was disturbing the wind and rain, and disgusted me once, but the big and small things turned into small and small things... This time, let's see where he is going... It's all because of Khan Ama's connivance. Get used to him getting more and more insatiable..."

Shu Shu listened, but her heart sank.

So simple?
Find it directly on Suo'etu?
If this is really the case, then Suo'etu will have to call the curtain down, and the prince will lose his biggest backer, so how can he persist until he is abolished?
 It's another [-]D day, everyone have a happy weekend, and the small ticket...

(End of this chapter)

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