Chapter 184 Lu

What a Suo'etu...

Shu Shu couldn't believe it.

Brother Nine had already gritted his teeth and said the answer: "It's that old thing, Hirazon!"

Shu Shu was shocked.

What a big fish!
Hyrazon is not only the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also a senior manager.

It has been more than [-] years since Kangxi served as the head of the House of Internal Affairs for five years.

It is conceivable that this person must be the emperor's confidant, otherwise it would be impossible to be the general manager for so many years.

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu's engagement was arranged by this man.


Shu Shu felt unbelievable, remembering what brother Jiu said just now: "Did you take refuge in the prince? He also contributed to the rumors last time?"

"It's him... At the time, I thought it was a negligence, but now that I think about it, the bullshit negligence is sincere..."

Brother Jiu sneered.

Shu Shu always felt something was wrong.

The head of the House of Internal Affairs is the top-ranked official of the second rank, but because he is a close minister of the emperor, his status is no worse than that of Da Jiuqing on weekdays.

Hyrazon is over sixty years old and is about to retire.

Such a person acts as a "princeling" and helps murder the elder brother. What is he trying to do?
"What's the purpose? To help the prince?"

Shu Shu asked out her doubts.

If he really had contacts with Yuqing Palace in private, would the emperor tolerate it?

Kangxi was in his prime, not yet deaf, blind and blinded by others.

"Who knows... Maybe it was to curry favor with that side, or maybe it was for personal revenge... Anyway, he didn't run away this time..."

Brother Nine took out a few pieces of paper: "The manager of the ranch prepared the tigers and black bears according to his orders, and the man who kept the bears was his distant nephew... the dining room is also his people to pass the word, except honey Ma Hua, and a few honeydews..."

"Then... what kind of personal enmity..."

Shu Shu still felt weird.

The boss who has been in charge for more than [-] years has been waving his fingers up and down in the House of Internal Affairs.

Harm someone with such a shallow scheme?

Also, the cost of exposure is too high, it is a crime of exterminating the whole family, don't you think twice?
The older the rivers and lakes, the less courageous.

The sixtieth old man, I am afraid that he has great-grandchildren, so he is so decisive?
"His son was born early, and the eldest grandson is the boss's haha ​​bead. In the twenty-ninth year of Kangxi, he followed the boss to fight against Ulan Butong, fell off his horse and died..."

Brother Nine frowned and said, "He originally had a little grandson who only became a child this year. The boss remembered this and asked someone to leave an errand for him early on. As a result, the wind and cold in March disappeared..."

"There is no other blood?"

Shu Shu asked.

Both of these sounded like accidents, so why did you blame Big Brother for this?

How could such a paranoid and rebellious person have kept Kangxi from him for so many years?
"There is also a granddaughter... married into the Wei family, she is the aunt of myna, who died in childbirth a few years ago..."

Speaking of this, he said bitterly: "No wonder Bafujin is notorious in the palace, and last time I got my master involved, the purpose is myna..."

Shu Shu couldn't sit still anymore, and hurriedly said: "Master, go and report to the emperor..."

Regardless of whether Brother Jiu found out it was true, or someone else was planning to let him know, at this point, the next step is to seal it up.

Brother Jiu hesitated: "It's past the third watch? It's time to rest at Ama Khan's place. I originally planned to go to the imperial court tomorrow morning..."

Khan Ama worked diligently, and most of them started before the fifth watch, so there were still two hours left.

"It's too late to change!"

Shu Shu thought about the seriousness of the relationship: "It's okay if you really commit suicide in fear of crime, but if you're 'suicide', maybe a basin of dirty water will be held on Grandpa and Qiye..."

It is not a good reputation for the two princes to investigate the House of Internal Affairs, intimidate veterans, and cause people to die.

Brother Jiu came to his senses, got up and got off the kang: "You're right, I'm going now..."

Brother Nine walked away in a "dump, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap" manner.

Shu Shu looked at the door and had a bad feeling.

I'm afraid it's too late.

She originally wanted to wait for Brother Nine to come back, but she couldn't bear it after an hour, and fell asleep drowsily when the sound of clappers sounded at the fourth watch.

When I opened my eyes, the sun was already high.

Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with the women's family today, and the girls didn't call early.

She was full of sleep and revived with blood.

"Grandpa hasn't come back yet?"

Shu Shu took out her pocket watch and looked at it, it was already upright.


Walnut responded, with hesitation on his face.

Shu Shu glanced at her and said, "What news is this from the Ministry of Internal Affairs? About the Lord?"

The purpose of keeping this person is to not cut off the relationship with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and not to become deaf and blind.

But Walnut's background affected her position.

Hope she can make a wise choice.

Walnut hurriedly said: "It's not about this, it's over there in the dining room... The newly appointed manager came in person in the morning, brought a bunch of ingredients over, and gave the servant money, thinking about asking the servant to help you with a good word The slave didn't dare to accept it... Sister Xiaotang saw it and asked to accept it first, and wait for the master to show it..."

Said, took out a purse.

Inside are small and exquisite gold pancakes.

Two taels and one, a total of four taels.

You must know that the annual salary of a registered court lady like Walnut is only six taels of silver.

This is already six or seven years of annual salary, which can be described as a heavy gift.

"Acquainted relatives?"

Shu Shu asked.

Otherwise, walnuts would not be used as a way to exploit.

Just like the nobles of the Eight Banners contacted and had relatives, so did the families of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"Well, it's my aunt's brother. He was originally the master of the imperial dining room. He came out with his attendants, and he was temporarily acting as the chief of the dining room yesterday..."

Walnut responded honestly.

Shu Shu remembered that Walnut's uncle was a pen post made by Neizao, and this aunt should be referring to this family member.

A few days ago, I heard Xiaosong say that Ama, who is a walnut, has a bad mind, did not make up errands, and the older generation did not have a separated family. Now her uncle and aunt are in charge of the family.

The brother who lives with the aunt is also a relative in-law.

Shu Shu felt pretty good.

Although the couple wanted to leave the palace, it would take a year or so even if it was soon.

It is much more convenient to have an acquaintance in the imperial dining room.

What's more, this person's promotion was also thanks to Brother Nine's help in the dining room.

"Put it away, and ask the Lord later..."

They will also stay in Mulan Paddock for twenty days.

But not only stationed here.

After all, with the Eight Banners guards dispatched, Qiu Yu became a military exercise.

Prey in a small paddock, a hunt.

After two or three days, we will go to the next small paddock.

The prince's dining room is also troublesome to build.

When the walnuts went down, Xiaotang came in and whispered, "Fu Jin, Uncle Hetao is a smart person... Long before he came out, the second institute went to raise the division, or prepare the ingredients. He is a friendly person, and he doesn't fight or snatch... A few days ago, when the Queen Mother was not comfortable, the steward of the dining room changed several times, and he came out... This time he picked up the leak again, and became the acting chief..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu couldn't help laughing.

At first, he thought that the other party was frightened by the vicious reputation of himself and brother Jiu, so he came to visit the pier first.

It turned out to be the case.

There is another benefit.

"Very good, use it if you can, it will be convenient in the future..."

Shushu said.

Xiaotang also meant the same thing.

Living in the palace, food and clothing are all provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Among them, eating is the big head, and seriousness cannot be separated from the imperial dining room.

Shu Shu tidied herself up after breakfast and lunch, waiting for her mother-in-law's call.

Even if the news from Concubine Yi is delayed, it should be almost believed today.

Aunt Xianglan might be coming soon.

Whether it is asking for guilt or questioning, you must be careful.

The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law needs careful management and maintenance.


Until noon, when it seemed that it was time for dinner, Concubine Yi still didn't send anyone.

Shu Shu hesitated for a moment, but still didn't take the initiative to go over.

Today is neither five nor ten.

Not a day to say hello.

At the end of July and the beginning of August, when everyone just came out of Beijing, Shu Shu, Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin went to pay their respects every day.

After a few times, Concubine Yi called out.

After all, there is still Seventh Fortune, and although Concubine Yi is eligible to receive the gift of Seventh Fortune as a concubine, it is not good for a long time.

If we were particular about it, wouldn't the Fujins also want to give Zhang Concubine some peace?

The less trouble, the better.

Just follow the rules of the palace.

Shu Shu and Wu Fujin went to greet Concubine Yi on every five and ten.

Qifu Jin was exempted.

It was Qifu Jin who sent Haitang over.

"Jiu Fujin, we Fujin want to come and see the little rabbit, I don't know if it's convenient..."

"It's convenient, it's convenient, Master Jiu just sent someone over to say that he won't be coming back for dinner..."

Shu Shu said: "I'm going to open a small stove tonight, and I was thinking of inviting you Fujin over..."

Seven Fujin asked if it was convenient, it was Brother Nine.

If my brother-in-law is here, she won't be able to come here.

When the house was tight before, it was fine to live in a yard, but now that the house is spacious, what should be avoided should be avoided.

Haitang went back.

In just a quarter of an hour, Qi Fujin hurried in.

"What's going on? Is the fifth master injured?"

Qi Fujin looked at Shu Shu's expression, and seeing that everything was as usual, he was relieved, and asked a bit gossip: "I asked our master, but our master was also vague..."

Shu Shu pulled her to sit by the kang, and found something strange.

"Why don't you wear high-soled shoes?"

It turned out that Qi Fujin was short in stature, instead of the four-inch flag shoes that he often wears these days, he replaced them with flat shoes.

Qifujin raised his eyebrows proudly: "Our master said, you don't have to wear that all day long and suffer from twisting your feet, you only care about me who is so small and exquisite..."

Shu Shu is so embarrassing.

Thinking of Seventh Prince's cool and indifferent temperament, I can't imagine him coaxing people like this.

These words, [-]% are processed.

As for Seven Fujin's "small and exquisite"?
This is talking nonsense with your eyes open.

Qi Fujin is not tall, but who can score with him?

Compared with the tall Shu Shu and Wu Fujin, they are two or three inches shorter, but they are still about [-] meters tall, which is considered to be of medium stature.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the royal family to choose her as Prince Fujin.

Qi Fujin finished showing off, remembered the business, and urged: "Tell me quickly, what's going on? I'm so worried, but Fifth Master is recuperating, so I can't go directly to find Fifth Sister-in-law to ask this..."

(End of this chapter)

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