My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 185 Thoughts

Chapter 185 Thoughts
It's not that he doesn't trust Qi Fujin, but that the words spread easily out of shape.

Shu Shu thought about it, and didn't mention the conspiracy and calculations, but only mentioned the incident of the prince's encounter with Xiong in the east paddock.

Qi Fujin turned pale when he heard this, covered his mouth and said, "My God, my God, that's a blind's too dangerous..."

"Fifth Master's injury will take a while... When the camp is released the day after tomorrow, most of them will stay here... If Seventh Sister-in-law wants to visit the sick, she has to go as soon as possible..."

Shu Shu suggested.

Not to mention the close sisters-in-law, but they don’t have much contact with each other. If you get news, you can’t justify not visiting the sick, otherwise it will be a loss of etiquette.

Qi Fujin nodded and said: "Yes, it's noon now, so it's not easy to go... Haitang, Haitang... You can go to Wu Fujin and ask, just say that I want to go to see a doctor tomorrow morning, is it convenient... ..."

Haitang responded and turned to leave.

Shu Shu stopped yelling: "Wait..." As she spoke, she ordered Walnut: "You follow me, I should go there tomorrow too..."

Walnut agreed and followed Haitang out.

When there was no one in the room, Qi Fujin touched his face, and whispered: "It's really disfigured? How can it be better from now on..."

Shu Shu said firmly: "It should be as usual, the emperor has always treated the princes with kindness and generosity..."

Especially for the older princes, it's almost enough to say that they are child control.

If he were an ordinary courtier, his official career would be cut off after his disfigurement, which would be an eyesore.

But elder brother, dear Ama, can you still dislike him?

And the queen mother will not allow her beloved grandson to be rejected.

Seventh Fujin nodded: "That's right, prince elder brother, even if there is a scar on his face, who would dare to look at his face... Try our prince Fujin? Even if he still occupies Fujin's seat, I'm afraid he will end up unable to heal his illness." ..."

Shu Shu brought her a cup of tea: "A daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law, you have to be self-aware, if you insist on comparing yourself with your son, isn't that self-inflicted?"

Qifujin sighed: "That's the truth..."

Seeing her feeling disappointed, Shu Shu couldn't help being surprised: "Okay, what's the matter?"

I didn't look forward to the reunion of husband and wife before, but now we are together, it is time to step up to make a baby.

Qi Fujin broke her fingers: "There are still three or four months, which is thirty-eight years. I have been in the door for three years... If I don't want to be happy again, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop you from asking Mrs. Feng..."

Without a legitimate son, the eldest son of a concubine is precious.

Not mentioning the relationship between the seventh elder brother and Nala Gege, it is just for the sake of the younger elder brother's background, and the birth mother's status should not be too low.

Shu Shu never likes to talk about other people's family affairs, so it's easy to be wrong inside and outside.

But she thought about it, and comforted her from a different angle: "I'm only optimistic, Baylor is only a side wife. If this one takes the position, it's better than being given by the noble lady of the Eight Banners..."

Even if it wasn't a gift from the superior, when the seventh elder brother is divided into the leader, among them are high-ranking officials and officials who want to marry the lord, will they accept it or not?
Accepted, if the other party's father and brother are capable, Qi Fujin, the master, Fujin, will be tied up.

Qifujin lowered her head and looked at her stomach: "I only hope to conceive, regardless of gender, it will allow me to take a breath..."

Not being able to give birth, and not being able to give birth to elder brother are two different things.

Dafu Jin gave birth to four little princesses before he gave birth to his first son, so it is good to fall in the eyes of others.

But if he is not happy all the time, his confidence will become more and more lacking.

It's just that she has a bright personality, and within a quarter of an hour of frowning, she began to think about playing with the little rabbit: "Come on, let's go and have a look... It's fluffy, I've been thinking about it for a long time..."

The little rabbit is kept in the wing room.

The two sisters-in-law went to see it.

There was no smell in the room with the windows open.

The cage was also cleaned by someone, and it was clean inside and out.

Qi Fujin took out one of them, put it in the crook of his arm, and was about to stroke it when he realized something was wrong.


She almost threw the rabbit in her hand.

Shu Shu reacted quickly and took over immediately.

Two peanut-sized dung balls were not so dry because they were just pulled out, and they stuck directly to Qi Fujin's skirt.


Qi Fujin's eyes turned red all of a sudden, and he froze.

Shu Shu hurriedly handed the rabbit to Xiaosong, used a handkerchief as a cushion, and helped her take off the two small dung balls: "It's's okay..."

Knowing each other since childhood, Shu Shu knew that Qifu Jin was a little bit obsessed with cleanliness and delicate.

But Qi Fujin couldn't bear it, and hurriedly said: "No, no, it's so dirty, I'm going back to take a shower... Really, this is someone who provoked someone, last time it was pee, this time it's just shit... ..."

As she spoke, she kept on stepping and left in a hurry.

Shu Shu felt that this coincidence also made people speechless.

She looked at the little rabbit in Xiaosong's arms: "Is this a female or a male?"

Xiao Song turned the little rabbit's belly over and looked at it: "It's a male rabbit..."

Shu Shu was silent.

If only it was a pregnancy sign.

I hope Qifu Jin's wish will come true.

When the dinner was served, Qi Fujin hadn't come back yet.

Shu Shu sent Walnut over to have a look.

This one originally said that he would stay here to eat a small stove.

It wasn't until Walnut came back that Shu Shu realized that Qifujin was still taking a bath.

"It's been more than half an hour..."

Shu Shu was very worried, she stood up, and planned to go and have a look: "Isn't this just nonsense? Soaking for so long?"

It is now mid-September, late autumn.

It's cold outside the Great Wall early in the morning, so I have to wear a small fur vest sooner or later.

This has been soaking, easy to catch a cold.

Walnut said: "Don't worry, Fujin, I didn't take a bath, but washed it three times... Qi Fujin said that I lost my appetite today, but come and eat, let the master eat by himself..."

Shu Shu sat down again, looking at the eggs on the table.

Sweet and sour poached eggs, shredded gingko, egg custard, egg gourd shredded pancakes, spiced tea eggs.

Among them, the sweet and sour poached eggs and candied ginkgo are specially prepared for Qifu Jin, and they are all sweet.

Shu Shu pointed to the two dishes and said, "You guys share it, it won't taste good when it's cold..."

Walnut served the dishes and went down.

Shu Shu ate half a plate of pancakes with egg custard.

Brother Jiu didn't come back until sunset.

His face was dull, without the anger of yesterday, and his eyes were a little confused.

After entering the house, he hugged Shu Shu in his arms.

Shu Shuyuan was still smiling, but now his expression was also frozen, listening to Brother Jiu's "thumping" heartbeat.

She didn't rush to ask, and waited for Brother Jiu to calm down by himself.

After a while, brother Jiu let go of Shu Shu.

Shu Shu looked at his expression: "Did the investigation go wrong?"

Brother Jiu rubbed his temples and sneered: "On the contrary, if it goes smoothly...the case is closed!"

Shu Shu was too shocked to speak.

Such a big case of murdering the prince's elder brother will be closed in one day? !

What are you kidding? !

"Hirason hanged himself and left a suicide note..."

Brother Jiu said weakly: "I'm too stupid, I thought of this earlier, maybe I can stop it..."

Shu Shu couldn't help worrying.

Wouldn't it be a counterattack?

"In the suicide note, did it say something bad about Master Qi or Master Qi?"

Shu Shu asked.

Brother Nine shook his head: "The old man is smart, so he naturally understands the principle of being close to each other... The whole story is just the same thing. My negligence caused the two princes to be in danger, and I am ashamed of the grace of many years..."

Being able to work under Kangxi for more than [-] years as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he has been in this position since the emperor took charge, and he has never moved. Trying to figure out the holy will is already a basic skill.

"Is that really him..."

Shu Shu was puzzled.

Brother Jiu shook his head: "I don't know... Khan Ama is sad, and the Mongolian prince seems to have got some news, so ask someone to inquire..."

Not only did he die a confidant, but he also hurt his face.

He trusts and promotes people who have been respected for decades, and they may have other masters.

How does Kangxi accept this? !
Shu Shu held Brother Jiu's hand: "Don't be upset, sir, it's about the safety of the paddock, the emperor has to be more considerate... Maybe it's because there are so many people, it's not easy to investigate clearly, so I let you close the case ..."

"Master knows that family ugliness cannot be publicized, but he is unwilling..."

Brother Jiu was full of anger and lowered his volume: "Is it for his face, or is it because he is afraid that the investigation will hurt the prince's face in the end? They are all noble people, and face is more important than Fifth Brother's face?"

He became more and more angry, trembling all over.

Shu Shu held Brother Jiu's hand.

Such eccentric things will continue.

No one was there in the middle of the night.

Shu Shu was so tired that Brother Jiu calmed down, hugged her in his arms, and said in a low voice: "Who is a fool... I went to the Tai Hospital, Hailaxun has been taking medicine these days, old man There are sores in the lungs, and there are not many days to live..."

This is calculation.

Push a dying boss out, and in the name of personal enmity, to murder Big Brother.

"Except for the Hesheli family, there is no one else..."

Brother Nine gritted his teeth and said, "Ama Khan's reliance on the boss is getting in the way..."

Especially this year's title of king and entry into the banner.

It seems that the big elder brother and the third elder brother are treated the same, they both have the title of county king, and the sub-leaders are also the same.

The titles of the two are county kings, but the number of assistants assigned to them is the example of Prince Gong and Prince Chun who were enfeoffed in the [-]th year of Kangxi.

There are six Manchurian assistant leaders, three Mongolian assistant leaders, three Han army assistant leaders, one Manchurian assistant leader of the House of Internal Affairs, one Qigu Zuorling, and one internal management leader.

It is the Zuo Ling of the division, not all of them are drawn by the upper three flags, but also the Gongzhong Zuo Ling of the Xianglan Banner.

The social structure of the Eight Banners is actually a two-level lord system.

Kangxi, the emperor, was a great lord.

These princes under the Five Banners are the small lords in the middle layer, and they have an absolute master-servant relationship with the king's subordinates.

Even if they are academicians and ministers of the imperial court, who were born under the Five Banners and have a lord above them, they must observe the etiquette of master and servant, and go to pay their respects to the lord's house every year and festival.

For weddings and funerals of the master's family, the bachelors, ministers and others have to serve as if they were in charge of the royal family.

If these people have ups and downs in their official careers and are dismissed for questioning, they will also be sent back to their lords for disposal.

The population of Zuo Ling assigned by the elder brother has a prominent family name, and there are many senior officials in Beijing and outside of Beijing.

These people will be the help of Big Brother in the future.

As for the Zuoling population on the third elder brother's side, there are no outstanding people.

"It would be great if the prince wasn't the prince..."

Brother Jiu's voice was inaudible.

Shu Shu's hairs stand up...

(End of this chapter)

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