Chapter 187 Celebrating

Shu Shu was shocked, and looked at Brother Jiu speechless.

Although the chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs sounds like a royal butler, he actually has great power and high status.

If there is a vacancy for the head of the House of Internal Affairs, he will be selected from among the princes of the clan, the ministers of the interior, the six ministers, and the ministers, or he will be promoted from the guards of Manchuria, the doctor of the House of Internal Affairs, and the minister of the third courtyard.

The number of stewards is not fixed, usually three.

Ever since a general manager was promoted in the [-]th year of Kangxi, and a general manager died of illness in the [-]th year of Kangxi, there was only one person left, Hirazon, and there has been no addition.

It turned out to be Brother Nine acting as the agent!

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu's expression, held back a smile and said, "It's nothing, didn't Khan Ama just say to let the master go to the construction office..."

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Congratulations, sir..."

As she said that, she pointed to the temporary small stove in the inverted room, and said, "Why is there nothing? I don't have to think about the small stove in the future... I have to find a way to eat the hundred eggs I got back yesterday." , or you have to go back..."

Brother Jiu laughed too.

Shu Shu wants to understand the key.

This is one or two mistakes in food, and Kangxi no longer trusts the people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In addition, Brother Jiu's performance was so pitiful that the dignified prince brother didn't even dare to eat the regular dishes from the imperial dining room...

For forcing the prince elder brother to be like this, Kangxi naturally had to think about it.

Shu Shu originally thought that this way of applying eye drops was childish, but one thing and two things must be done again and again, she didn't expect that there would be such a miraculous effect.

Elder Brother Thirteen added from the side: "Not only Brother Ninth is acting as an agent of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but Brother Seven is also in charge of the affairs of the officers and soldiers of the Three Banners..."

Because of her family relationship, Shu Shu is fairly familiar with the military system of the Eight Banners, but she is a little unfamiliar with the military system of the Three Banners in the House of Internal Affairs.

Seeing that she was ignorant, Brother Nine explained from the side: "The main thing is to protect the barracks. It is the selection of the three-flag vests. The quota is [-] people. It is one of the imperial guards... usually in the palace. The gate, when the holy driver is on patrol... This area was originally under the jurisdiction of the head of the House of Internal Affairs. The head of the House of Internal Affairs, Ma Sika, who was in charge for [-] years, moved to the Minister of the Guard with the Yellow Banner, and the guard camp was also under the name of the Minister of the House of Guards. Now it has been moved back to the House of Internal Affairs, temporarily under the care of Seventh Brother..."

Shu Shu understands, there is only joy.

Everyone in the Ministry of Internal Affairs has no good fruit to eat.

The two princes and elder brothers were sent out at once, and the power and soldiers were also occupied. The remaining members of the House of Internal Affairs had no room for resistance except to lie flat and be sorted out.

"By the way, before we came back just now, we went to the fifth brother's place first, and the imperial doctor happened to be there, saying that Sanqi powder was the right symptom... Fifth brother asked the master to thank you..."

Brother Jiu thought of this and said.

Shu Shu smiled and said: "It's just the right symptoms, nothing, it just happens to be there..."

Elder Brother Ten was listening, and said, "Sister-in-law, is there anyone who is rich? If you help my younger brother prepare two packages, Ahma Khan will allow me to walk around with Thirteen Banners..."

Shu Shu nodded in agreement, and said, "Congratulations to the tenth and thirteenth brothers..."

Holding the flag and walking around is to serve as a temporary commander of a flag.

Although it is just hunting, there are also some military skills in it.

Before Shu Shu was thinking about the injury of the fifth elder brother, the princes and elder brothers who will be around next time will put safety first and act cautiously.

Unexpectedly, he was still released for training.

A perfect example of a tiger dad.

Today is a happy event, so naturally we have to celebrate it.

A small kitchen is ready-made, as are two baskets of eggs.

Brother Ten opened his mouth to order: "Eating meat every day is really boring, so let's eat some shredded cucumber with egg skin..."

Brother Thirteen ordered something sweet: "Thick omelette with milk and sugar..."

Shu Shu memorized it all, and when he ordered Xiaotang to add these two, he also asked to add the sweet and sour poached eggs and shredded gingko at noon, as well as light egg and vegetable rolls, and Jiu Niang steamed eggs that brother Jiu likes to eat.

There are all kinds of egg dishes on the table.

It just so happened that the small stove here had just been prepared, and the dining room over there sent someone to deliver the meals.

Without thinking about the staple food, Shu Shu put two plates of pastries on it.

As for this dish...

It's not the fat chicken and big elbows before, but a few familiar dishes.

It was ordered by Shu Shu when she was writing the menu for the queen mother.

Shu Shu smiled, and asked Xiaotang to put it on.

Wait until the small seats are placed.

The princes and elder brothers all saw their favorite food, and their chopsticks moved very fast.

Brother Nine looked satisfied while eating the crispy cheese.

But Shu Shu was thinking about the intention of Kangxi's choice.

Several older elder brothers were all knighted, and they said they were walking in Liubu, which means literally, and they didn't have any special errands.

Just like the fifth elder brother, when he left Beijing in April, he received an errand to inspect the rivers in Gyeonggi.

When he returned to the capital, he handed over the errand.

This time the holy car is on a north tour, and the elder brother and the third elder brother are assigned to serve as guards.

The holy driver set off and settled down, and the various guards and guards were manned by the minister who led the guards and supervised by the two princes.

When Shengjia returns to Beijing, this job will definitely be unloaded.

The minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is often lacking.

Kangxi surpassed several older sons who were knighted, and asked the sixteen-year-old son who was not knighted to act as an agent. Why?
As for the seventh elder brother, he has a physical illness, even if there is a change in the storage position, it will not fall on him.

In this way, he has less interest with the prince.

Brother Nine...

Pretty much the same.

Physical illness is not good for offspring.

Not to mention being an incompetent elder brother, he doesn't have any outstanding talents, even if he has good aptitude, with this defect, those who want to make great achievements have to weigh it.

It is to protect the prince.

Shu Shu felt that he had to have a good chat with Brother Jiu at night, if he wanted to sit in this position for a long time, he had to suppress his dissatisfaction with the prince.

Otherwise, if it is exposed, there will be a rift with Yuqing Palace, and the manager will not be able to grow.

She could remember clearly that Kangxi seemed to provide convenience for the prince, and later specially promoted the prince's grandmother to be the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

After the meal, Elder Brother Thirteen thought about the eggs that had just filled the table, and asked curiously to Elder Ninth, "Did Brother Ninth do it on purpose? Well set up a small dining room, even the Queen Mother's side hasn't set it up alone... ..."

Brother Jiu didn't answer, but instead confessed: "Thirteen, remember, don't get used to those slaves, this Forbidden City is the Forbidden City of Khan Ama, not the Forbidden City of the coat..."

The Duke's Mansion and Baylor's Mansion outside are almost in repair, and this batch of knighted brothers will leave the palace to open the mansion at the beginning of next year.

At that time, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother, who have been crowded in Zhaoxiang's place for many years, will move to the elder brother's place.

Brother Thirteen nodded honestly, with a bit of anticipation: "Then... when the time comes, my brother will be a neighbor with Brother Nine?"

There are six princes who are going to leave the palace to open the mansion, and the five houses of Gandong and the first house of Ganxi where they live will be vacant.

Brother Nine was puzzled and said, "Didn't you occupy Gandongtou's place?"

According to the repair time, the five houses in Ganxi will be repaired first, and the five houses in Gandong will be repaired later, so the houses and courtyards on the east side will be newer.

Elder Brother Thirteen shook his head quickly: "I want to live next to Brother Nine and Brother Ten, to Ganxitou's side..."

Brother Jiu didn't care, nodded and said: "Whatever, anyway, there will be a lot of yards empty by then..."

Shu Shu was listening, thinking of Brother Fourteen.

It's like a bear child, it doesn't seem to care about the order of seniority.

She couldn't help reminding Thirteenth Elder Brother: "Thirteenth Brother has this idea, so I will find an opportunity to talk to the Emperor... make a report in advance, and save any changes..."

Brother Thirteen understood, nodded and kept it in his heart.

Elder Brother Ten remembered one thing: "Brother Ninth acts as an agent for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so Brother Nine will handle the younger brother's marriage?"

Everyone thought of this.

Brother Nine smiled and said, "I forgot about this, don't worry, Brother Nine appointed you to do it decently..."

Elder Brother Ten did the math and said: "The wedding date is planned for February next year. I'm afraid they will send someone to Beijing by the end of the year to be married. It will be soon..."

Brother Nine was also puzzled when he listened.

Could it be that Khan Ama asked himself to act as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to prepare for the elder brother's wedding?

Would it make Khan Ama unhappy to do something else by himself?
Brother Jiu is not a fool, so he naturally knows that whether this job can last for a long time depends on his own performance.

If you don't perform well, then the agent will stop at any time.

When the two younger brothers were about to leave, elder brother Jiu followed them out.

After sending the thirteenth elder brother back, he said to the tenth elder brother: "Khan Ama asked me to be the manager, what does it mean, I am also confused..."

Elder Brother Ten thought a lot, but he couldn't say it in front of Elder Ninth, for he was afraid that it would show on his face, so he said: "If there is anything you are not sure about, let's discuss more with brothers and ask sister-in-law... just keep it secret. Be kind, lest the concubine find out that she is unhappy..."

Brother Jiu nodded and listened.

When I got back, I asked Shu Shu about it.

"Where should I start?"

Ninth elder brother was a little high-spirited: "The moths in the Ministry of Internal Affairs are definitely not limited to the line of the palace..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu trembled in her heart, and reminded: "Didn't you just say white face and red face before, how did you forget?"

Thousands of people point at it, but die without illness.

There is subtle metaphysics in this sentence.

Among the legalists of all dynasties, few died well.

Brother Nine was stunned, his brows were furrowed tightly, and he said after a while: "Ama Khan pushed me out because she wanted me to show my face..."

Shu Shu saw that his thoughts were going astray, and hurriedly said: "That may not be the case... Since the emperor suppressed the prince's injury yesterday, he was still seeking stability, and did not want any major changes..."

Ninth elder brother said displeasedly: "Then master went to make decorations? You can't really just prepare for the eldest brother's wedding..."

Shu Shu really wanted to teach him the workplace philosophy of "do more and make more mistakes, do less and make less mistakes, and it's not bad if you don't do it", but she felt too passive and tired.

This suits her, not Brother Jiu.

Otherwise, Kangxi would feel that this son would not be able to stand up if he came and went again and again.

She said: "You don't need to be in a hurry, wait until you get familiar with it, and it won't be easy to make mistakes... As for the prince, the master is still respectful, and the supply is more abundant, so that the emperor will not feel sorry for his son and point the prince's people to the house. House..."

As the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, two or three people are the norm.

The crown prince is in charge of the palace power, and if the people around the prince go to the House of Internal Affairs to appoint a chief, then the chief nine elder brothers will be restrained.

Brother Jiu smiled strangely: "Don't worry, there is only enough supply, if it is short, it will not short Yuqing Palace..."

(End of this chapter)

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