My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 188 Quarrel

Chapter 188 Quarrel
Seeing Brother Jiu's eyes flickering, how could Shu Shu not understand?

This is suffocating.

In the previous incident, Suo'etu was suspected to be behind the scenes, and he also had suspicions against the prince in his heart.

She was angry and funny: "My lord, think about the emperor... You can't even hide your little thoughts from me, how can you hide your majesty?"

The way of applying eye drops is just a trail.

Whether it can be effective does not depend on whether the eye medicine is applied well or not, but depends on the disparity in the weight of the two sides.

In the eyes of Kangxi, the judge, the servants of the Ministry of Internal Affairs combined are not as precious as the ninth elder brother.

The balance naturally tilted.

If the other end of the scale is replaced by the prince, it will be another situation.

Brother Jiu was silent, and after a while he muttered: "Is this for nothing? Even if the crown prince is not the chief envoy, he is not innocent, he is their backer for evil..."

His original plan was that Yuqing Palace's daily supply should not be deducted, but increased instead, compared with the imperial use.

So once or twice, what would Khan Ama think?
Now being reminded by Shu Shu, he knows it's not easy to use this method.

Shu Shu thought for a while, got up and took a piece of paper and handed it to Brother Jiu.

There is an ink stain on it.

"Can you help me think of a way to get rid of this ink?"

Shu Shu made a serious request.

Brother Jiu looked at it, puzzled and said: "Is this still possible? Even if it's a framer who peeled off the paper, there are marks on the bottom..."

Shu Shu said: "If it's not clear, what if it's a cover?"

"Ah? Isn't that getting darker and darker? This is not something that can be found..."

Brother Jiu showed a strange expression on his face: "I haven't seen you for a long time, why have you become so stupid, I can't even figure it out..."

As he said that, he felt worried, and stretched out his hand to touch Shu Shu's forehead: "I don't have a fever, why are you so confused..."

Shu Shu was annoyed, grabbed Brother Jiu's hand and bit it: "Master, are you confused? You forgot that I'm 'often reasonable', isn't this just telling you the truth...everything has been done, there will be traces, the more Find a fix, the bigger the loophole..."

Ninth elder brother sneered, and nodded reluctantly: "Okay, okay, I'll listen to you, or you'll have to talk again..."

Shu Shu handed him another booklet: "If you don't know where to start, try this..."

As for the main contradiction in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it should not be intensified.

Otherwise, it will do no good to the family.

Now Kangxi is annoyed, or let Brother Jiu take over, because he wants to rectify it.

But if he changed his mind and wanted to be lenient again, then Brother Nine's rectification would become "strict" and not handled properly.

In order to show his kindness, he took the ninth brother to sacrifice the flag if he couldn't say it.

Brother Jiu took it over and looked at it, with surprise on his face: "Is this going to be handed over to the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

This is a proposal to sell pills in Mongolia.

Shu Shu smiled.

She still remembers Brother Nine's frustration and resentment yesterday, and today's joy is also very precious.

If she could persuade Qi Fujin to change her mind, she would naturally find another way, and wanted to help Brother Jiu avoid the predicament of the Ministry of Internal Affairs' reform.

"Master is already the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so our structure should be more grand... We don't have any foreign debts, and we don't need food or clothing. It's not bad to use this to get a foothold in the Ministry of Internal Affairs..."

Shu Shu said with a smile.

Brother Jiu held Shu Shu's hand and was speechless for a while.

He did the calculations before, so he naturally knew how lucrative the profit was.

He was a little reluctant.

It's not this way of making money, but how I and Shu Shu work together to control costs, calculate profits, and improve the plan little by little.

"Everyone is waiting for me to do the wrath of thunder, but instead I send money, they will feel that I am cowardly..."

Brother Jiu is still stubborn.

Shu Shu persuaded: "So what if the punishment is heavy again? When the time comes, the newly recruited manpower will still be the nephews of these people... At that time, the master should be careful, everyone is the enemy... See the wise and think like him, just follow the emperor The thing to do is..."

Speaking of this, she lowered her voice: "How does the emperor govern the Eight Banners, the Lord will govern the Three Banners of the House of Internal Affairs according to the model, and the designation can't be wrong..."

Brother Nine nodded, and said: "Then I won't go to Han Ama today, I can't rush you like this, as if someone cares about being the manager... Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I will be in front of Han Ama, I just pretend to mention it unintentionally... ..."

Seeing his arrogant appearance, Shu Shu naturally didn't have any objection, she just said: "Would you like a gift from Master Qi?"

Brother Nine shook his head: "Don't be serious, otherwise it's like asking for a gift... Didn't I make a lot of honey sesame balls last time, I remember that Lao Qi also likes sweets, so I gave him some sweets later. Just two boxes..."

Shu Shu was a little surprised, she really didn't see that Brother Qi was a sweet eater, but he and Qi Fujin could eat together.

She asked Xiaotang to prepare honey sesame balls, and then ordered: "I also wrote the recipes for the shredded gingko and chicken cakes, and put them in..."

The chicken cakes here are not steamed, but fried, similar to Tamagoyaki, with milk and sugar added, which is what Brother Thirteen ordered before.

Xiaotang went down and got ready.

The atmosphere in the room was just right, and Shu Shu didn't forget to call back at night.

On the mother-in-law's side, there is a countdown.

"How can I tell my mother? I won't lie, and I can't tell the truth..."

Shu Shu was very embarrassed, and looked at Brother Jiu trustingly.

Brother Nine thought for a while, got up and said: "Forget it, it's easy to cause trouble if it is passed around, and you can't hide it. It's better to go for a while... There is a happy event, and Fifth Brother is sure It's better, the empress doesn't have to worry so much..."

Shu Shu followed and reminded in a low voice: "If the empress is annoyed, if something comes to me, please remember not to hold it against me, just listen..."

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "You're thinking too much again, okay, what are you blaming you for? Squint carefully, and wait for the master to come back..."

After speaking, he took He Yuzhu out.

Shu Shu returned to the room, saw the brochure on the little table and patted her forehead.

I'm so confused, I didn't ask brother Jiu to hold this...

Let's go, Concubine Yi's living place.

The dinner had been set for more than half an hour, but the food on the table was hardly touched.

Xianglan was beside her, and said worriedly: "Master, use it a little bit... If you burn your body, Fifth Master will feel guilty... The servant really asked about it, Fifth Master is fine..."

Concubine Yi nodded, picked up a small milk steamed bun, tasted like chewing wax, choked on it dryly, and said bitterly: "These one and two are all debt collectors, so there is no peaceful life..."

"Wufujin is gentle and Jiufujin is careful. Both of them are virtuous people. With them following elder brother, master can rest assured..."

Xianglan continued to persuade.

Yi Fei nodded.

After all, Wu Fujin is not a wooden man, and the days have turned around.

Shushu there...

Concubine Yi was in a slightly delicate mood.

It's not that I don't like it.

She is a smart person herself, so she can naturally see that Shu Shu is also a smart person.

It is good to act in such a thoughtful way and complement her son in every way, even if she is talented, she is no worse than the Crown Princess and Da Fujin.

As a prince elder brother, mediocrity is not a disadvantage.

Only by being well-behaved can we live in peace for a long time.

The prince Fujin is the same.

As she was thinking, she heard movement outside.

Brother Nine is here.

Concubine Yi immediately stood up and greeted her: "How is your fifth brother's injury? Is it better?"

Brother Jiu was taken aback, then nodded and said: "It's better, my son went there at noon, and the imperial doctor was there, there is no festering, and the healing is good..."

Concubine Yi caressed her chest: "Thank God!"

She breathed a sigh of relief, but still asked, "How's the food? Did you sleep well? Your fifth brother is the most afraid of pain, and your sister-in-law takes good care of it?"

Brother Jiu said: "It looks all right, I haven't heard of anything wrong..."

"Look? Hear?"

Concubine Yi stared at Brother Jiu, a little annoyed: "Why are you a younger brother? Why can't you pay more attention and take care of him?"

Brother Nine came here in high spirits, but his expression was a little stiff at the moment.

After a while, he nodded: "It's my son's fault..."

Concubine Yi saw his reluctance and was also annoyed: "Who is this showing off? You are getting bolder and dare to hide everything from me? This time it's okay, luckily, There is no life-threatening, if there is an emergency..."

As she spoke, she also choked up.

In the end it was the flesh that fell from her body, even if she tried to pull herself together, her heart was already on fire.

Brother Jiu was a little unhappy at first, but seeing her crying now, he didn't care about his own mood, and persuaded him in a good voice: "It's because it's not a matter of life and death, so I just want to wait for the wound to heal in two days, otherwise, what should I do? What? Tell Er Niang, it won’t make sense if you only hide it from the Queen Mother... But I told you everything, the Queen Mother is in the Spring and Autumn Period..."

Concubine Yi of course understands the truth, but she is still depressed and complains: "You are all grown up and have ideas..."

Brother Nine was silent, and suddenly felt boring.

Concubine Yi was still thinking about Fifth Elder Brother, and continued to ask: "Your Fifth Elder Brother will stay tomorrow, how about the two of them? In case there is something that cannot be taken care of, it is not convenient for your Fifth Elder Sister-in-Law to be a woman, so go tell the Emperor , and stay here to take care of your fifth brother..."

This is not a tone of discussion, but a direct order.

Brother Jiu looked at Concubine Yi and was speechless for a while.

Seeing this, Concubine Yi became a little annoyed: "You don't want to stay and take care of your fifth brother? Why? You have to travel every year, and earning dignity by the emperor's side is more important than taking care of your fifth brother?"

Brother Jiu shook his head and said, "It's not because of this..."

Concubine Yi's face darkened, and said: "Why is that? For Elder Brother Ten and Elder Brother Thirteen? You have become a good elder brother, so you can't be merciful, and you can also be a good younger brother... Your fifth elder brother is When you need someone, when will you not help? How did your fifth brother treat you before?"

Brother Nine couldn't listen anymore, and stood up: "It's not that my son doesn't help, it's because my son has an errand..."

Concubine Yi showed disappointment on her face: "What errand? To get money from the Mongols in another way? You didn't do this before. Who did you learn from?"

Hearing this, Brother Jiu took Shu Shu's anger into account and wanted to retort, thinking of Shu Shu's instructions, he felt a little dazed.

Empress seems to have become a stranger.

Maybe it's because I never really understood Empress...

(End of this chapter)

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