My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 189 Unfilial Son

Chapter 189 Unfilial Son

Brother Nine felt tight in his chest, and replied truthfully: "Halason hanged himself yesterday, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is vacant, and Ama Khan asked his son to act as an agent for the Ministry of Internal Affairs..."

Concubine Yi paused, and after a while she said: "I heard that many people were arrested in the dining room yesterday, this is the reason? Since you are acting as an agent of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you must remember one thing, don't move too much in the dining room. If you meet Concubine De's relatives, let them go..."

That was the territory of Concubine De's natal family.

Back then, Concubine Rong put relatives in because she was favored, but she was disgraced in the end.

Brother Jiu felt harsh.

What's the matter, my mother?
What I think is to be wise and protect my life, shouldn't I think that the time to mobilize the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not right?
The Fifth Brother just had an accident, so he moved the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He should first think about the middle relationship.

Or did she already know that Fifth Brother was accidentally injured this time, and those people were not planning on Fifth Brother?

But accidental injury is also injury!

What is the difference between counting big brother and counting their brothers?
Those who dare to plot against Big Brother will naturally dare to plot against their brothers.

He had just told Elder Brother Thirteen before that the Forbidden City was Khan Ama's Forbidden City, not the territory of Baoyi, so the empress asked him to avoid it.

Brother Jiu was very confused and did not refute.

Concubine Yi was worried, and continued: "As for Guo Luoluo's family, whether it's family relatives or in-laws, you don't have to worry too much... If you want the new official to take office, then you should start with them... There is no need to light the fire outside to affect the relationship between brothers..."

Although the four concubines in the harem have handed over the palace power to the crown princess, they still maintain a balance between them.

Even if there were some small caresses and small resentments when you were young, it is mostly due to the passage of time, and there is no such thing as life and death.

Between the princes, there is no need to be close, and there is no need to offend anyone.

Yifei doesn't want to upset this balance.

Brother Jiu was very surprised: "But that won't make Erniang feel ashamed of us..."

"Emiang is the lord of the first palace, and fifth brother Ni and you are the prince's elder brother. The dignity of our mother and son has never been in Guo Luoluo's house..."

Concubine Yi said sternly: "Now that your grandfather is carrying the flag, other relatives are still in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and there are in-laws like the Jin family, so they have to favor you... This opening can't be opened, otherwise there will be no, say no I'm going to push it on you..."

Brother Jiu listened carefully.

Regarding the slowing down of Guo Luoluo's family, brother Jiu has already experienced it.

If a reliable person is sent to him, the prosperous shop in the Gulou will not be in a deficit, not to mention making a lot of money every day.

And Guidan...

Now that I think about it, it was audacious.

The residence of the Eight Banners Dutong was still the family of the founder of the country, and he dared to frame a lawsuit just because he was the nephew of the favorite concubine.

And buy land and shop...

Originally, there is no price in the market, and it is very scarce.

Other people's premiums have to be relied on favors, and he directly lowered the price to [-] to [-]% under the name of himself as the prince's cousin.

Erniang didn't favor her natal family, she still put their brothers first, and Brother Jiu was in a better mood.

Concubine Yi thought of one thing, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Concubine Wei's natal family is also working in the imperial dining room, so don't meddle in his family's affairs... Can you use this opportunity to get ahead? The concubine's family is facing each other, let them suffer by themselves..."

Brother Jiu nodded: "Well, my son knows..."

He doesn't even get used to his natal family, will he get used to the Wei family?

A starling is a starling, and the Wei family is the Wei family.

Brother Nine didn't think that the relationship between the Wei family and mynah would surpass his brotherly relationship with mynah.

"The money and food yamen is managed by Concubine Hui's family... There is a lot of trouble, and if you want to check it, you can find out if it is not... But if you can keep it, it is better not to move it... Huangzhuang rents and taxes, remember on the books Well, those who enter the warehouse every year, if you want to chase after the previous account, it is not easy to chase, and it is meaningless to check the three or five years in front of you... The internal management and collar were originally managed by the emperor, since he was named the crown princess, Right now, the prince's grandma is in charge... This is in charge of the palace's errands, so don't interfere... The construction department is Guo Luoluo's family with many in-laws... If you want to make meritorious deeds, just stare there...Anyway You checked the palace before..."

Concubine Yi felt a little helpless at the end of her speech.

Brother Jiu was stunned when he heard it, his face flushed red, and he was very surprised: "Why didn't Er Niang say it before?"

Before, I knew that there was a cousin who was the head of the palace, but I didn't expect that the construction department was Yifei's sphere of influence.

Concubine Yi glanced at him, and said: "It's a mistake... If not, how could the emperor believe that Er Niang was deceived?"

Brother Jiu was stunned, and really wanted to ask a question.

Are you really being deceived? !

So many taels of silver have been greedy, have you paid tribute to Yikun Palace?
Concubine Yi smiled wryly and said: "It was a common practice back then. Everyone chose a similar place to house their relatives, and Er Niang naturally followed the crowd... I knew that they would make trouble among them, but I didn't expect them to be so ruthless... Er Niang was in the same palace. Concubine, what can I do? Dispose of my natal family and the internal management with great fanfare? It's just turning a blind eye, and now it can be regarded as getting out..."

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is its own system.

There are more than [-] yamen in total, and more than [-] officials.

The forces are complicated.

The sphere of influence occupied by the fourth concubine's family is only a small part of it.

It is not easy to occupy a territory, who is willing to break their own arms?Cut off your fortune?
Brother Jiu was panting, unable to calm down.

He still remembers the condescending treatment of him by the chief executive.

A dozen taels of gold leaf...

How dare they? !

Others don't know that the construction department is Yifei's territory, and the mice on their line don't know either?

Are you watching his joke?
There is also Khan Ama, who uncovered the matter by himself at the time, and asked to find out the errands for the repair of the palace...

If there is a seam in the ground, brother Jiu thinks he can get in.

Concubine Yi talked about the Ministry of Internal Affairs for half an hour, and she spoke dryly, remembering her previous gaffe, she lowered her eyes and said, "Emiang admits, Emiang's heart is off, so I shouldn't be angry just because I was worried about your fifth brother." to you..."

Brother Nine looked dumb, and kept his mouth shut, not wanting to speak insincerely polite words.

It was originally eccentric.

Before, he refused to admit it, saying that it was the same for their brothers.

When was it the same?

"It was Erniang's first child. She was conceived in October. Once she gave birth, she was looking forward to it day and night...but when she landed, she took her to the Queen Mother to raise her...the little elder brother next to her was carried to Zhaoxiang's place, and she was also separated from her mother and child. , is not the same... Especially after being a concubine for twenty years, Er Niang surpassed the old Concubine Rong and the emperor's new favorite Concubine De, ranking second..."

Concubine Yi said, her eyes turned red: "At that time, there was an uproar in the palace, saying that Er Niang was playing tricks, and she gave up your fifth brother to curry favor with the Queen Mother, so she changed this ranking...Er Niang didn't, that was Er Niang's firstborn son, why? Willing? Later, when your fifth elder brother was older and the queen mother moved the palace, the emperor let your fifth elder brother live in Chengqian Palace and handed him over to the imperial concubine to be raised by the imperial concubine. Without you and Shishi, I don't want your fifth brother... Because of this, your fifth brother and Er Niang had an awkward fight, and only turned around when I was ten years old..."

Brother Jiu listened, and spit on himself in his heart.

I may be cruel.

Listening to these words, I really can't empathize.

Maybe it's too far away, maybe since he can remember, he only remembers that Er Niang favored Fifth Brother and alienated him and Eleven.

With knots.

Wouldn't life be bad if you were sent away?

Who would not envy Fifth Brother's life except the prince?

The queen mother is used to it, and even Khan Ama is not easy to teach this son a lesson.

Whoever stays with Erniang becomes a sweetheart?
Those are the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother!
Even the imperial concubine and empress doted on the old ten very much during her lifetime.

What about myself and Eleven?
It is stocking.

I'm fine, I survived, now that I'm married, life will only be good in the future.

Whether Khan Ama's favor or Erniang's favor is good, he is already grown up, so it is not rare.

But what about eleven?
He was obviously the youngest son of a beloved concubine, and should have been pampered to grow up, but in the end he was ignored all the time, and he died unclearly, whether he would be sad when he was alive...

Brother Jiu's heart became cold again.

The atmosphere in the room was a little heavy.

Xianglan walked in and said softly: "Master, the two Fujins are here..."

It turned out that Shu Shu was waiting for elder brother Jiu to go back, but she couldn't return after waiting so hard, instead she waited until Wu Fujin.

After discussing with the fifth elder brother, Wu Fujin decided to listen to the fifth elder brother and come to her mother-in-law to report the matter in person.

Otherwise, if you don't follow the big army tomorrow morning, you will be exposed.

Wu Fujin went to talk to Shu Shu first, thinking about taking the clothes booklet directly, so as to save Aunt Xianglan from making another trip because of this, and embarrassing Shu Shu.

Shu Shu felt that she couldn't pretend to be dead, so she should follow along.

Between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, it's hard to tell right from wrong.

It’s not that you think it’s right, it’s really right.

What I thought was to keep a distance and be polite to each other, but it wasn't that there was a rift between them and they hated each other.

Two sisters-in-law, come here hand in hand.

Brother Jiu heard Xianglan's report, remembered Erniang's vague condemnation just now, and was a little worried, but he still got up and said: "Then Erniang talked with sister-in-law and Dong E, and my son will go to Fifth Brother to see, see Let's see what's wrong..."

In fact, the fifth elder brother is not short of manpower at all.

It's not that only Wu Fujin is with him, and no man will come forward when something happens.

The guards are there, and the eunuchs are also around.

But brother Jiu thought, maybe Erniang likes to see her get close to fifth brother, so let's go for a while.

Concubine Yi's expression improved as expected, she nodded and said: "Go ahead, your fifth brother is careless, your fifth sister-in-law is cautious, you can help if you can..."

Brother Jiu came out, met Wu Fujin and Shu Shu, greeted him, and left first.

Shu Shu's heart lifted up.

Brother Nine's eyes just now were not quite right.

Is this a quarrel between mother and son?

Or did you say it yourself?
Concubine Yi turned her anger on her and Wu Fujin?
Shu Shu's expression became more and more submissive.

In my doesn't seem to be a surprise...

She followed Wu Fujin into the house.

He heard Wu Fujin say: "Emiang, my daughter-in-law is here to apologize..." As he said that, he wanted to kneel down.

Shu Shu followed behind, very at a loss.

Kneeling is not popular among female family members of the Eight Banners.

Kneeling to parents before marriage, kneeling to parents-in-law when first meeting after marriage, ancestral tablet of step-in-law's family, and ancestral tablet of natal family.

I don't like this on weekdays.

Except for Kangxi, the one kneeling was not the father-in-law, but the emperor.

Concubine Yi was also taken aback, she quickly stood up and supported her: "You child, do well, what kind of gift are you doing..."

Wu Fujin said with a face full of guilt: "I should have come the day before yesterday... I made my mother worry about it for two days..."

Knowing that the eldest son's condition is better, Concubine Yi has calmed down a lot, and her eyes are red again after hearing Wu Fujin's words: "These two bastards have a big idea one by one! Er Niang knows, it's them who don't do your sister-in-law's business. Don't let me say it... When you have children in the future, you will know what it means to be a mother..."

With tears in his eyes, Wu Fujin said: "We shouldn't just listen to our master, we should be sympathetic to our empress..."

Speaking of this, she took a look at Shu Shu: "The day before yesterday when our father had an accident, the younger siblings mentioned my mother, and I went there this morning and told my daughter-in-law in private that I should come and tell my mother..."

Concubine Yi was a little surprised when she heard this, and also looked at Shu Shu.

Shu Shu was surprised, he said it this morning, when did he say it the day before yesterday?
But she didn't show it on her face, and said respectfully: "My daughter-in-law looks at how the mother treats the fifth uncle and the ninth master, the same as how the daughter-in-law treats her younger brothers... It's not the kind of love to hug her son by her side and talk about being close , but I can also see everywhere, the concern is the same..."

Concubine Yi thought about Brother Jiu's stubborn expression just now, she felt sore, she immediately lowered her head and covered her eyes with a veil.

When she looked up again, Concubine Yi had already smiled: "So this son is a debt collector, it's better to be a girl..."

The atmosphere in the room turned around.

No matter what the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law think in their hearts, they are happy on the surface.

Wu Fujin went into detail, and explained in detail the fifth elder brother's recovery from his injuries in the past few days, what he ate, what he drank, and when did he change his medicine.

She didn't mention alcohol disinfection, but thanked Shu Shu for coming: "The recipes sent by my brother and sister are very good. The fifth master has to avoid food these days, and many of them can't eat... I got the recipes from my brother and sister, and I have asked people to make them continuously. After two meals...there is also panax notoginseng powder, the imperial doctor also said it is suitable for the disease, it looks like it is not worse than what is stored in the imperial pharmacy..."

Shu Shu said with a slight smile: "Fifth Brother and Fifth Sister-in-law are too polite, but it's a trivial matter and should be done. Fifth Brother just asked Master Jiu to thank you..."

Concubine Yi listened, and said: "Good boy, don't worry, there's nothing wrong with it... I deserve thanks..."

Shu Shu bowed her head.

Just listen to these words, don't pay attention.

The difference between a good boy and a bad daughter-in-law is actually not that far apart.

I hope Brother Nine will mature sooner.

In the future, the issue of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law should be resolved by himself.

It was not early, and Shu Shu and Wu Fujin did not sit for long.

Seeing that the relationship with her mother-in-law has almost recovered, she said goodbye.

Along the way, the two held hands without speaking.

When they arrived at the resettlement place and were about to separate, Shu Shu asked in a low voice: "Why do sister-in-law want to kneel?"

This is not in line with her usual behavior.

Wu Fujin looked docile, but he had a soft-hearted personality.

Besides, today's apology is just to give Concubine Yi a step up, and it's not really her fault.

Wu Fujin also replied in a low voice: "It was the fifth master who instructed... the fifth master said, the empress seems to have a big temper, but she acts according to the rules, and cares about what others say..."

The sister-in-law exchanged glances, and they both smiled faintly.

Shu Shu couldn't help complaining: "Your Majesty is right, my son is indeed a debt collector..."

Unfilial son!
 It's [-]D again!The author is handicapped and has exhausted all his powers. The alarm clock is set at four o'clock in the morning. The college entrance examination has never been so hard... Then, I asked for a ticket... ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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