Chapter 190 Youth (Part [-])
After visiting the fifth elder brother again, the ninth elder brother was a little confused.

Originally, I thought that being the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was a simple job, not comparable to the six departments. It involved important national affairs and needed careful consideration.

Like a big steward, it is to restrain disobedient slaves, so as not to make these coats from the Ministry of Internal Affairs more arrogant.

As a result, there are untouchable people everywhere.

This is the relationship in the palace, so what about the people in other yamen?
There are more than [-] small yamen hanging under the House of Internal Affairs.

The four concubines are all powerful, how many late empresses and noble concubines?
Those four came from honorable backgrounds, not Baoyi, but the three empresses had all been in charge of the palace, and had several internal management collars, so they don't have their own old people?

The two empresses had three internal collars under their names. Empress Tong had two inner collars as the imperial concubine before her death, and the imperial concubine also had two.

How could it be possible that these subordinates did not follow the queen to "ascend to heaven"?

Except for the inner court forces...

What about the Minister of the Guards who went to the Three Banners?
According to the banner status, the upper three banners are divided into Manchuria, Hanjun, Mongolia, and Baoyi.

There are many high-ranking officials in the three banners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition to marriages within the three banners, there are also marriages with other banners.

This is a network of relationships.

Stretch your whole body.

Brother Jiu understood why Shu Shu asked herself to sell medicine first instead of thinking about checking those departments.

When Shu Shu and Wu Fujin came back after saying goodbye, they saw Brother Jiu who was thinking like this.

Shu Shu was a little hesitant, wondering what he and Concubine Yi had said before, which made both mother and son hold their breath.

Before Shu Shu could figure out the words to use, Brother Jiu had already said it in a low-pitched manner.

He not only complained fiercely about Concubine Yi's partiality, but also said that Concubine Yi was picky about her: "I didn't expect you to guess, she was unhappy, she took her anger on Master, and even picked on you... ...Hmph, this mother-in-law is also bullying and afraid of being tough...Why doesn't she dare to pick on Fifth Sister-in-law? No one will hurt us if she bullies us. Fifth Brother has the Queen Mother here..."

Shu Shu was speechless.

Fortunately, I was prepared, and I didn't naively treat my mother-in-law as my own mother, and I didn't care about these things. Otherwise, if I were an ordinary bride, I would definitely remember my mother-in-law in my heart.

Counting on Brother Nine to turn things around, forget it.

With him stirring in the middle, it couldn't be more chaotic.

Shu Shu slandered in her heart, but her mouth kept praising: "Master's answer is really good... The empress is confused when she cares, and her heart is suffocating, but it's easy to stare at the people around her... After this effort, the empress I can understand it myself... At this time, it is more sympathetic, there is no need to be stubborn... Comparing my heart to my heart, if the mother is partial to the fifth brother, the master will feel uncomfortable; if the master is partial to me, the mother will also feel uncomfortable..."

Brother Nine took Shu Shu's hand and sighed: "Master understands, the more sensible you are, the more disadvantaged you are... I am thinking about the ignorance back then..."

Shu Shu softly said: "Who can always be a child..."

Speaking of this, Shu Shu looked at Brother Jiu twice, feeling a little embarrassed for no reason.


Is this late puberty? !
The difference between the outlook on life that they learned from books when they were young and the real world makes their cognition confused.

Changes in hormones can also easily affect emotions, leading to low self-esteem, sensitivity, irritability, ecstasy, and lack of security.

Personality gradually became independent, and I began to examine my parents who I looked up to when I was a child, and magnified their shortcomings.

Kangxi and Yifei are also traditional parents, accustomed to persecution education.

Perhaps in their eyes, their cognition of Brother Nine has been solidified.

Brother Nine is at a sensitive age, how can he not feel the pickiness and contempt of his parents.

Shu Shu looked away, unable to look directly at Brother Nine.

Brother Jiu didn't notice Shu Shu's strangeness, but he was proud: "You have reminded me twice, if you don't understand, you are a fool... No wonder there is an old saying that 'one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, unless one male and one female'. I'm too careful, I like to care about what I don't have..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu gritted her teeth and twisted Brother Jiu's waist: "Master said I'm a tigress..."

Brother Jiu grabbed her hand, snorted softly and said, "My lord wants to say the last sentence, you're the only one who cares about these things when you're free... a biological mother-in-law, a biological daughter-in-law, what's wrong with both being close? We have to divide them into relatives and relatives..."

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "It's not just a matter of intimacy, there is also a matter of dominance... In our small family, I naturally think that my brother-in-law is in charge... But in the eyes of the elders, it can't be said that we are young, There are few things to go through, I am afraid that we will go astray, and I want us to go smoothly, follow their advice and go straight..."

Brother Jiu thought of his mother-in-law, that's exactly what happened.

But I only want to hear half of it, as long as I know the news.

In the end, I still want to decide how to act.

He also told Shu Shu what Concubine Yi said about the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Shu Shu was not surprised.

The fourth concubine has held the power of the palace for more than ten years, and she must use her relatives.

Those who come and go again and again are a circle of influence.

The current situation is much better than Shu Shu expected.

No one can dominate alone.

There are hills everywhere, so they don't show up.

It's security with the other party, and it's security with brother Jiu.

Otherwise, what would Brother Nine do if there was such a dominant coating family?
Moving away is the enemy of life and death.

If you don't move it, you will be in the way.

Others will also wait and see what the acting chief executive, Brother Jiu, will do. Seeing that he can't suppress the old man, they will naturally lose their deterrence.

"It's a shame, I don't know why Khan Ama laughed at me..."

Brother Nine is most annoyed, and now it is this: "Tell me what's wrong? The empress is too much... She is innocent, but what will I become in Khan Ama's heart? Like a big fool!"

It's not easy for Shu Shu to follow Brother Nine to complain about her mother-in-law, so she said, "I probably didn't hide it on purpose. Fifth Master didn't remind Master, so he definitely didn't know about it."

Brother Nine nodded, feeling more comfortable now.

Although there are some small setbacks today, but overall I am very happy.

Nine elder brothers waved their fingers, with a little pride, and muttered to Shu Shu: "There are more than [-] small yamen, I really dare not think about it... Even the internal construction office, I don't even think about going to be in charge of the house, thinking about it." It’s just to learn errands…”

It seems that he can touch these more than [-] yamen. In fact, apart from the few divisions that are not easy to touch and are closely related to the life of the palace, and those outside Beijing, there are not many places that Brother Jiu can intervene now.

But when he is firmly established as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and is no longer acting, it will be fine.

Brother Nine was very excited tonight.

Career is really a recipe for a man.

Shu Shu felt awkward, but he didn't want to spoil the fun directly, which left him in the shadow.

After tactfully begging twice, Brother Jiu triumphantly hugged her to sleep.

Early the next morning, when Shu Shu woke up, Brother Jiu had already gone out.

Breaking out of camp today, Shengjia went to the next paddock along the northeast direction.

Shu Shu looked in the mirror and touched her face.

Men are also the best medicine for women.

Although the heat is not enough, the medicinal effect is not bad.

Her face was rosy and her dark circles were gone.

This is simply unscientific.

She calculated the sleep time last night, two and a half hours.

If she was in a later life, she would still be able to ask Du Ma right away.

Now, even if you turn the pages of the book, you might find answers like "reconcile yin and yang" or "harvest yang to nourish yin".

The Holy Driver team set off again.

Shu Shu's carriage is still behind Qi Fujin's carriage.

It was in front of Qi Fujin's carriage, without Wu Fujin, directly next to San elder brother's carriage.

Shu Shu still noticed the difference.

It's really not as good as the county magistrate.

Brother Nine parachuted into the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Shu Shu also followed suit.

This morning, the luggage was loaded into the car, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs arranged for a steward to bring people over.

Before departure, when queuing up the convoy, an extra luggage cart was given here.

The location of the trip this time is not close, fifty-five miles, and it will take half a day to get there.

There is also a nap in between.

In late autumn, it is already very cold in the mountains.

Shu Shu also put on the quilted vest.

Before Xiaotang asked someone to light the stove, someone from the House of Internal Affairs brought a charcoal stove and a large pot of hot water.

When he met Xiaotang, he said "Auntie" in every mouthful.

Just as Shu Shu was about to get out of the car, he couldn't help frowning when he heard that.

After the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs left, Shu Shu got out of the carriage, looked at Xiaotang and said, "Okay, why did you become an aunt..."

In the palace, aunt is regarded as a respectful title.

The earliest source is the name of the little palace lady to the older palace lady.

After the maids entered the palace, they were assigned to various palaces and learned errands from the older maids.

It's a bit of a master-student inheritance, and the title is "aunt".

Later the eunuchs followed suit.

The low-ranking concubines are also called the big palace ladies who are in charge.

After coming and going again and again, "aunt" has become the respectful title of a decent court lady.

Xiaotang said with a smile: "Because of elder brother's honor, slaves have grown up in generations since yesterday..."

Shu Shu also smiled, but the smile was a little shallow.

At this moment, Qi Fujin came striding over with a displeasure on his face.

"what happened……"

Shu Shu asked someone to move the small stool, the two sat down, and asked curiously.

Qi Fujin pointed in the direction of the carriage: "jumping again... I'm so bored... I just got out of the car to take a breath, and I ate two sesame balls, and somehow I fell into her eyes... Send someone over, just go Begging, said it was a 'whooping cough', I can't eat anything else, honey nourishes the lungs, I want to try this..."

Shu Shu thinks a lot.

Sesame balls look dark, can you see honey on the outside?
Did she want the honey balls, or did the elder brother want them?

The relatives of the third elder brother were dismissed because of the little honey.

Qi Fujin curled his lips and said: "What's wrong, I talk about this disease and that disease every day, pretending to be "sick Xi Shi" and fascinated King Chengjun... It means I am soft-hearted, otherwise According to her symptoms, tell the imperial concubine directly and let her 'rest', that would be fun..."

Shu Shu explained, "It's not too serious, just ignore it... If you really want to talk to her, you'll praise her instead..."

Whether right or wrong, it's a joke to match up with Bozi.

Qi Fujin also understood this truth, nodded and said: "Anyway, she is hypocritical...Compared with her, my family's one is a peace of mind..."

(End of this chapter)

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