Chapter 192 Appointment
Ninth elder brother was very curious: "Nahan Ama usually doesn't seem to mention these things..."

Kangxi solemnly said: "Agriculture is the foundation of the country, and in all dynasties, emphasizing business is not a good thing...

Besides, businessmen have no morals and are not easy to govern. Is there still less collusion between officials and businessmen?As long as I show a little bit of emphasis and follow the example, the place will lose its stability...

Take your sesame balls as an example. If the trading is allowed, more materials will be used. At that time, the price of sesame and honey will rise. Farmers lack knowledge and are greedy for small profits. They give up their grain to grow sesame and raise bees...

There are more people who can sell, and the price of purchasing raw materials will be lower. Merchants value profits, especially those with a dark heart...

The yield per mu is limited, and if the money from selling sesame seeds is not enough to buy rations, the common people will not be able to survive, and borrow money to survive. The interest rate is high, so they can only sell the land. At that time, they will lose their livelihood. "

Brother Nine was only interested in economics before, and he found buying and selling very interesting.

There seems to be some rule, not just buying low and selling high.

He never thought about the impact of business affairs from the perspective of national livelihood.

He lowered his hands and listened carefully, showing shame: "It's because my son is thinking too little..."

Kangxi thought for a while and said: "When you return to Beijing, you should read "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" carefully, and copy the "Han Ji" several times to see how merchants harm the people and the country. , the small ones sit in the queue and sell them, take advantage of their chances to win, travel to the city every day, take advantage of the urgent situation, and sell for twice as much'..."

Brother Jiu couldn't help but be speechless: "Merchants are not the bottom of the four peoples, how dare they be so rampant?"

"Hmph! It's so vivid in the history books, was it just for nothing?"

Kangxi looked at Brother Nine as disliked, he read idle books since he was a child, and didn't care about serious learning at all.

Brother Nine took a bit of flattery: "When my son returns to Beijing, he must copy it carefully..."

As for how many times, forget it.

They all come out of the upper study room and copy books all day long.

Kangxi didn't bother to care about these little tricks with him, he waved his hands and said: "Go down, we will have a feast tomorrow, don't make mistakes..."

Ninth elder brother smiled, and solemnly agreed.

Tomorrow the Eight Banners will encircle, and Generals Heilongjiang and Ningguta will come to court.

Tomorrow there will be a small banquet for the princes of the clan, the generals of the Eight Banners and the two generals.

As for the matter of suppressing business, Brother Jiu has other opinions in mind.

Merchants don't live in one place like the common people, and they travel north and south, which is not easy to restrain.

But the more this is the case, the more policies should be formulated to govern them.

Increase taxes and supervision, and keep them under the law of the court, instead of ignoring or suppressing self-deception.

At present, it seems that businessmen have no rights.

But through "collusion between officials and businessmen", they are already gaining power.

Shu Shu has settled down here.

In a small courtyard, there are three main rooms, two east and west wing rooms and two inverted rooms.

The masters and servants can all be accommodated, and Xiaotang and the others don't have to go to live in the camp of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Brother Jiu came back and met Shu Shu, so he mentioned "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" and talked about the merchants in "Han Ji".

Shu Shu thought about it carefully and said: "This is compared to the peasants. There are indeed some things that people criticize for merchants... It's just that the goods flow from north to south, and there is no shortage of benefits to the people's livelihood... Renting shops, hiring workers, transporting goods... ...This should be a university question..."

Brother Jiu listened with gusto, nodded in agreement, and said, "That's the truth, how can we only see the disadvantages? Don't talk about anything else, just talk about a prosperous place, where businesses are flourishing, this is worth pondering..."

The husband and wife were talking, and there was movement in the yard.

"Ninth brother, ninth brother..."

Before the ten elder brothers arrived, the sound was heard first.

Brother Thirteen followed behind.

The two had already sent people to watch the yard here, so Brother Jiu couldn't wait to come over as soon as he came back.

Ninth elder brother couldn't sit still, and raised his voice: "Okay, okay, stop sticking your teeth, come in quickly..."

Shu Shu stood up with a smile.

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother came in with their heads held high.

It turned out that both of them were wearing armor.

The ten princes are in the Zhenghong flag system, and the thirteen princes are in the Zhenglan flag system.

Brother Jiu saw his jealousy, stood up, circled around the two of them twice, sat back, and hummed softly: "It's just a circle, as for what? Pretentious..."

Elder Brother Ten pointed at him, raised his eyebrows at Elder Ninth, and said, "Brother Ninth looks at this and doesn't think about anything else?"

Brother Jiu looked at it several times: "What's wrong? It's embroidered? Can't tell..."

Brother Ten sighed helplessly, and looked at Shu Shu: "Sister-in-law Jiu, tell me..."

Shu Shu looked at the clothes of Elder Brother Ten and Elder Thirteen, and had a guess.

Yesterday, because the ninth elder brother was acting as the agent of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it became a trivial matter for the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother to hold the flag and march around.

Seeing the ten elder brother's clothes, Shu Shuruo thought: "In the emperor's heart, I am afraid that the tenth younger brother's banner has been set..."


Brother Nine jumped up all of a sudden: "Old ten... is the red flag?! Where's the master?"

The tenth elder brother is still behind him. If the tenth elder brother's flag is drawn up, what about his own?
Positive red flag?
Or Zhenglanqi?
"How many princes are divided into one flag?"

Brother Jiu was a little uncertain.

Shu Shu was a little moved.

What if Brother Nine encloses Zhenghongqi?
Immediately, thinking about Kangxi's habit of serving water, Shu Shu felt that there was no need to think too much.

Brother Jiu already had a lot of thoughts in his mind: "Then is it Zhenghongqi or Zhenglanqi?"

The boss and the third child have already entered the flag, with a blue flag inlaid.

The fifth brother and the seventh brother walked around a few days ago, with white flags inlaid in their palms, which almost meant that.

The fourth child is between the two flags, so it is more likely that the white flag should be inlaid.

Because it involves population distribution, Xianglan Banner is already two county kings.

I am probably Zhenglan Qi...

Brother Jiu thought it didn't matter before, but now he doesn't like it.

He glanced at Elder Brother Ten, and then at Shu Shu: "Master also wants to join Zhenghongqi, can you think of a way?"

Shu Shu and Brother Ten looked at each other, both of them felt helpless.

Elder Brother Ten said in a low voice: "Khan Ama has always been arbitrarily determined, and the distribution of the prince's entry into the banner may have been planned a long time ago... Besides, the distribution of the prince's entry into the banner also needs to consider the prince of the banner..."

Zhenghongqi is different from Zhenglanqi.

Zhenghongqi has Prince Heshuo and Prince Duoluo, and Zuo Ling is mostly concentrated in the hands of these two.

It's okay for the other princes to come down and talk, but they are just idle little banner owners.

Brother Nine, the son of a concubine with lower teeth, has nothing to be afraid of by the prince of Zhenghongqi.

However, he married Gege, a direct branch of Dong E's family, and became a concubine Fujin, so he needed to avoid suspicion.

Because Zhenghongqi Manchuria and Mongolia are all in the hands of Dong E's family.

Brother Nine lowers the flag and hooks up with Dong E's family, so that he can set aside the flag owner's line.

For example, plotting to Zhenghongqi will arouse the dissatisfaction of the Zhenghongqi prince.

The eighth elder brother intervenes in Zhenglan flag affairs, and everyone with a discerning eye sees it, but no one stops it.

Because Zhenglan Banner has been in a state of disunity since the death of An and Prince.

The current king of An Jun has no military achievements and lacks prestige, and he is eager to be a horn with the eighth elder brother.

Chun Tai, the leader of the Zhenghong Banner, is also a juvenile Xijue, but he can't stand the group of that line.

Brother Jiu muttered: "I didn't think anything at first, but now I'm annoyed when I hear Prince An's Mansion... It's still early to enter the flag, let's talk about it later..."

Elder Brother Thirteen smiled and said: "Brother Ninth is annoying, so just ignore them, we are naughty..."

He is also thirteen, and knows a lot about the prince entering the banner.

I didn't know what to do at first, but today I know that I might be ranked in Zhenglan Qi, so I feel much more at ease.

The tenth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother's frustration, and changed the conversation: "Sister-in-law, eat breakfast today, and I will go to the Zhenghongqi camp to meet Mr. Qi later..."

Shu Shu nodded with a smile, got up and went to ask Xiaotang for instructions.

Brother Nine didn't like it, so he glanced at Brother Ten: "Okay, okay, there's no end to being proud..."

Brother Ten didn't bother with him, and comforted him: "Brother Ninth's strength is not in this..."

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes at him: "It's just that I like to be clean, and I can't stand this dusty mess..."

Brother Ten smiled.

The thirteenth elder brother was surprised: "Isn't the ninth brother following Qiu Xi for the third time? He hasn't held the flag for the siege?"

"Oh! What's the matter, no way..."

Ninth elder brother looked at Thirteenth elder brother and felt it was an eyesore: "What is this capable of? Let elder brother see it later, how promising are you, Thirteen?"

He is not good at riding and shooting, but he is not willing to be looked down upon by his younger brother.

If you can't beat him by yourself, someone will win.

Elder Brother Thirteen scratched his head, he really didn't say this on purpose, he was just surprised.

After all, Mulan's autumn is as short as half a month and as long as a month, and there are many hunts, large and small.

I'm only thirteen, this is the first time I've come here this year, and I can hold the flag...

Brother Nine is sixteen this year...

Shu Shu came in after ordering the meals, and saw that the elder brothers were in a confrontational situation.

"what happened……"

It was fine just now, it’s hard to say now...

The ninth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother met and said something seriously.

The tenth elder brother was by the side, but not in a neutral position, but on the side of the thirteenth elder brother.

It's really strange...

"Come here quickly..."

When Brother Jiu saw Shu Shu, he immediately became more determined: "Thirteen wants to compete with us in archery, we two together, they together, we have to bet..."

When Shu Shu saw the quiver today, his hands were itchy. He looked at Elder Thirteen and said with a smile, "Okay, Brother Thirteen, tell me, how do you compare?"

The thirteenth elder brother was dumbfounded, and looked at the ninth elder brother with grievance on his face.

How do you compare yourself?

Obviously Brother Jiu said to compare!
Shu Shu looked at Brother Thirteen's reaction, what didn't she understand?
This is brother Jiu teasing his younger brother.

With his three-strength bow...

Elder Brother Shi smiled and said, "Last time, I said that I would find a chance to compare with Sister-in-law Nine, so that's it..."

Shu Shu said: "I've been holding back for a long time, and I want to practice..."

Everyone is about the same age, and they are precocious again, so they speak more casually.

Brother Jiu looked awkward, and said: "Old Ten, but it's agreed, the one with the lottery..."

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said, "Don't worry, I won't mess with this..." He said, thought for a while, and said, "I have a hand crossbow, which was brought in by Niu Gulu's family earlier, and it has not moved. Someone brought the familiarity, and put it in the bottom of the box... let's use that as a lottery..."

After all, he ordered his personal eunuch to go back and get it.

Elder Brother Thirteen followed up and said: "The oriole that was given to Sister-in-law Jiu before is gone. If I lose this time, I will buy a good feathered bird for Sister-in-law Jiu when I return to Beijing..."

Shu Shu listened with a smile, not selfish, looked at Brother Jiu and said, "Master, where is our prize?"

Brother Nine got up, found a box of gold leaf sesame balls, and said proudly: "This is our lottery, and we will sell medicine in Mongolia in the future... If you win, one of you will arrange two people to come in to run errands for brother. At that time, brother will give you dividends..."

The thirteenth brother glanced at the tenth brother, but he didn't dare to respond.

This is the lack of the two Ministry of Internal Affairs...

The thirteenth elder brother's natal family is also covered by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so he naturally knows that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is short of money.

Elder Brother Ten responded cheerfully: "Brother Ninth is so proud, Elder Ten has to perform well today!"

Elder Brother Shisan then nodded and looked at Shu Shu with apologetic words: "Sister-in-law Jiu, then Shisan will be impolite...I will sell the shortage later, and give half to Sister-in-law Jiu..."

In a word, everyone laughed.

Brother Jiu scolded with a smile: "What are you selling? Are you still collecting money from your niece?"

Elder Brother Shi also said: "If you are not close to that side, just ask your concubine to see if there is anyone out there who needs a favor..."

Elder Brother Thirteen shook his head, and said seriously: "Favours can't be done in vain? Why, give them in vain? Maybe the other party thinks that the job is not precious, so they don't care. I think it's just a matter of the prince's elder brother's words... At that time, Brother Ninth's errand will be delayed, and even my younger brother will be ashamed..."

Brother Nine and Brother Ten were thoughtful after hearing this.

Elder Brother Shisan nodded and said: "Thirteen is also reasonable, that's how people's hearts are raised... We are kind enough to help, maybe the other party will feel that the lack is not good enough, the grade is not high enough..."

Brother Jiu thought of Guo Luoluo's family, and when he thought about the construction department, he also felt annoyed.

The empress is in the palace, and the people who go to build the department and manage the power are from Guo Luoluo's family.

so much silver...

Who else could be the mastermind?

They took the bulk of it...

Talking and laughing, time flies.

After a while, Xiaotang and Sun Jin came back with a meal.

There are no exceptions.

But I added a flying dragon soup.

"This is what the princes have. It was hunted by the guard camp. The emperor ordered it to be rewarded..."

Sun Jin spread the word.

Everyone was thinking about archery, so they ate a bowl of Feilong soup and then put it down.

Elder Brother Ten and Elder Thirteen went back to get their quiver.

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu also changed their clothes.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and took out the lead bag.

This game is to be lost.

One fence has three stakes, and one hero has three gangs.

Shu Shu could see that the ninth elder brother was deliberately betting on the shortage, and wanted to sell favors to the tenth and thirteenth elder brothers.

It's not because he wants to win over his younger brother, but because he really has no one on hand.

He didn't want to use people from Guo Luoluo's family, so he could only ask for help outside.

Fifth elder brother over there...

Inconvenient, the flag will be lowered soon, and the disciples are all flying the five flags, so it is not easy to get involved in the affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother were targeted by him...

Shu Shu sees through but doesn't tell

Brother Jiu personally helped her tie the lead bag, and said like a good brother: "It's fine to win at the beginning, and it's all about coaxing the children. Who calls you a brother..."

(End of this chapter)

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