Chapter 193
Shu Shu nodded: "I know..."

She is a woman, even if she really beats the tenth and thirteenth elder brothers, it will not be of any benefit.

On the contrary, the tenth and thirteenth elder brothers lost to the sister-in-law, a woman, who might not be talked about.

People live in this world, everyone talks about others, and everyone is talked about by others.

Shu Shu didn't pay much attention to these things, but there was no need to quarrel for the sake of winning or losing for a while.

Brother Jiu didn't expect to win at all, so he calmly asked He Yuzhu to pull out his three-strength bow.

After the couple cleaned up, they brought He Yuzhu and Xiao Song out.

At the door, Elder Brother Ten and Elder Brother Thirteen were already waiting.

It happened that Seven Fujin was also there, talking with Elder Brother Thirteen.

Seeing Shu Shu coming out, Qifujin said excitedly: "I heard that you are going to the school field for a shooting competition, at the guard barracks, then I will be a referee for you..."

Shu Shu smiled and nodded, "That's a good relationship..."

There was one more Qifujin in the group.

The school yard is in the southeast corner, where the barracks of the guards are located.

Brother Jiu and the others are walking ahead.

Shu Shu and Qi Fujin fell behind, holding hands and talking small things.

"Where is Brother Seven?"

It's not easy for the husband and wife to reunite, how can they have time to come out and watch the excitement?

Qi Fujin pointed to the direction of the destination ahead: "Didn't this take over the military affairs of the Three Banners of the Inner Mansion and go to the guard barracks, tsk tsk, I didn't see it before, it's still an official fan..."

Shu Shu nodded.

All have the same virtue.

Which man does not love power?
Those who talk indifferently are mostly unable to hold power and explain themselves.

Seven Fujin here, are you impatient?
Started chasing after her husband.

He took the initiative to speak as a referee. It turned out that Xiang Zhuang danced the sword with the intention of Pei Gong.

I just don't know what reaction Seventh Brother will have when he sees his little wife coming over there in a while?
It can't be true hiding, right?
Looking at Qifu Jin's slightly thick lips, Shu Shu's thoughts could not help but diverge.

The elder brothers in front were also talking, started laughing, and got annoyed again after not knowing what to say.

Brother Jiu sneered and said, "Don't be crazy about Thirteen, I'll tell you to experience the archery skills of sister-in-law Nine soon..."

After hearing this, Thirteen Ah hurriedly turned her head to look at Shu Shu.

Shu Shu heard that the voice was not right, so she also looked up, and happened to see the boy squarely.

Brother Thirteen blushed and explained: "Sister-in-law Jiu, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that... I just thought that I was tired of drawing a bow and archery. If sister-in-law Nine wants to shoot an arrow, she should shoot three or five arrows. We brothers compare ourselves to..."

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Didn't we agree on two to two?"


Elder Brother Thirteen looked at several people in turn, feeling embarrassed: "The division of this group is uneven...the victory is not martial..."

Shu Shu knew that elder brother Thirteen was kind and didn't want to take advantage, but it didn't please her ears.

been underestimated.

Brother Jiu also felt offended, and said in a strange way: "Then according to what you said, how should we distribute..."

The thirteenth elder brother immediately said: "I will take the ninth brother, and the tenth brother will take the ninth sister-in-law... This way the two sides will be balanced, and they will be evenly matched..."

Brother Nine couldn't bear it anymore, and kicked him: "Stinky boy, you're so crazy... I need you to bring me..."

The thirteenth brother was caught off guard for a moment, he tilted his body, staggered, and bumped into the tenth brother.

Elder Brother Ten pushed away with disgust: "What does this mean? This means that I have been identified as the second child, so it is not as good as you..."

The thirteenth elder brother was pushed away, his face was embarrassing.

The brothers are usually very good, but they can't listen to the truth.

Brothers eat and travel together these days, and they have known each other for a long time.

It was just a joke, and I didn't take it seriously.

At this time, someone said loudly: "Old Ninth, Old Ten, what's the matter with you? Bullying Old Thirteen? You treat my brother like this, and dare to do it? You really shouldn't, you are worthy of Khan Ama's teaching and trust Is it?"

It was the voice of San Age.

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt irritable.

This one is really a cold show king.

A good atmosphere makes him feel weird every time.

It wasn't just the third elder brother who came across by chance, but also Kangxi and the eldest elder brother.

The three of them, father and son, went out for a walk after eating to digest food.

Just in time to see brother Jiu and the others chattering, so they followed.

Everyone saluted Kangxi together.

Kangxi glanced at his sons in disgust, and because of Shushu's attire, he looked twice more, and finally landed on Qi Fujin, who was a bit shorter, and said kindly, "Where is Brother Qi?"

In my memory, that son was mostly alone, and among the other brothers, he seemed to have some connections with the fifth child.

This daughter-in-law is very popular.

He still remembers the situation when the sister-in-law and sister-in-law were holding each other's hands, their heads were about to be glued together, and they were so affectionate.

Qi Fujin replied honestly: "There will be a siege tomorrow, Master Qi is going to inspect the barracks..."

Tomorrow, the Eight Banners will encircle, and there will be fewer servants in front of the imperial court.

The guards don't say double, but also pay attention to no loopholes.

Kangxi was satisfied after hearing this.

His seventh son has a strong temper, so he can rest assured that the errands are in his hands.

It's these Seven Fortunes...

Her husband is away on an errand, so she doesn't stay well. Is this going to chase after him?
Although Kangxi ordered his daughter-in-law personally, he couldn't help but be picky at the moment, and frowned when he looked at Qi Fujin: "Are you looking for Brother Qi?"

Under this power, Qi Fujin didn't dare to raise his head, nor did he dare to deny it, and he was about to nod.

Shu Shu was at the side, and hurriedly said: "Ama Khan, sister-in-law Qi was brought in by her daughter-in-law to be the referee..."

Kangxi looked over, curious: "The referee..."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "The two elder brothers will go to visit tomorrow, and our master will take the two elder brothers out to get acquainted with each other..."

Kangxi looked at Brother Jiu.

Brother Nine said bluntly: "Who told Old Ten and Old Thirteen to show off, we have to pour cold water on them, we can't let them be so arrogant..."

Kangxi looked at Elder Brother Ten again.

Elder Brother Ten clenched his fists in his sleeves, and said, "Brother Ninth probably wants to encourage us to let our son be in the same group as Thirteen. This is not a sure win..."

Brother Thirteen was waiting by the side, and when Kangxi looked at him, he immediately added: "Yes, yes... Is there any interest in this grouping? There is no suspense in the outcome, so my son told Brother Jiu just now that we should regroup. Ninth Brother, Tenth Brother and Ninth Sister-in-Law..."

The third elder brother saw the pushing and shoving between the brothers just now, and Kangxi and the eldest elder brother who were traveling together naturally also saw it.

Although he was unhappy, but he was in the city, and he didn't know the reason, so he didn't directly attack.

After listening for a while, I realized that this was the reason.

No wonder the two elder brothers just repaired him, the old thirteen of my family didn't seem very humble.

The third elder brother was by the side, and he understood.

Seeing may not be believing, it was just a misunderstanding.

But he still put on airs, refused to admit his mistake, and instead wanted to make amends, and said bitterly to the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother: "Even if the thirteenth brother is straightforward, if you tell the truth, if you don't be tactful, it will hurt your brother's face. You shouldn't have crossed Khan Ama's discipline..."

Brother Nine was already impatient, and immediately turned back: "Didn't Brother San understand what he said? Why did you get confused when it was your turn?"

The third elder brother was confused: "What did I say? What does it matter to me? Doesn't this mean that you and the old ten are fighting against the thirteen?"

"With Khan Ama here, the old thirteen doesn't need us brothers to discipline..."

Ninth elder brother said, looking in the direction of Kangxi and eldest elder brother: "Don't say that we are just naughty, so there is no need to make a fuss; since there is really something urgent, isn't there still Han Ama and elder brother here?" , the third brother shouldn't go over Khan Ama and the eldest brother..."

Third Elder Brother: "..."

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother looked at each other, and both of them held back their smiles.

Shu Shu also felt refreshed after listening.

The third elder brother is the one who is "often reasonable", and he always pushes and tramples when he speaks.

Such a person treats him respectfully as his elder brother, and he will only get used to him more and more like a father.

Third elder brother thinks a lot.

Would Khan Ama really blame him for Gosho?

Wouldn't the boss be unhappy if he spoke before the boss?

The third elder brother looked at Kangxi and the eldest elder brother, carefully paying attention to the expressions of these two people.

Kangxi watched a verbal lawsuit from the sidelines, and knew that his three sons spoke badly, and were disgusted by his younger brothers.

However, he was not respectful enough to the boss in front of him on weekdays.

Even if sometimes what is said is in favor of the boss, but it always brings out something else.

It seems that my third son has also grown up.

When Kangxi thought of this, his expression was profound and indisputable.

The third elder brother took a look, feeling flustered, but he didn't dare to look any further, so he looked away at the eldest elder brother.

I saw the elder brother looking at him with a half-smile, if there was any deep meaning.

The third elder brother was so fluffy, he didn't care about stepping on a few small ones, and hurriedly defended himself: "It's just a small fight, I just made a few words, and it's a big mistake, I have Khan Ama and Big Brother to discipline you ..."

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Third brother, as long as he understands... who said that third brother has always been smart, and others will praise him for his actions, so there are really few times when he doesn't follow the rules...My brother felt a 'click' in his heart just now, just I was afraid that the third brother would hold a grudge, so I used the problem to make use of it to punish me..."

Third Elder Brother: "..."

If the third elder brother was shocked just now, this time he was scared.

He has some small opinions and emotions in it.

My uncle and Tang uncle were dismissed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and lost their jobs, and when I turned around, Lao Jiu was acting as an agent for the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

However, do these need to be displayed? !

Or in front of Khan Ama? !

Lao Jiu is really vicious!
Like a poisonous snake, with one bite, three parts of the meat are penetrated.

The third elder brother was sweating on his forehead, and hurriedly said: "What did the ninth brother say? You and my brother are doing well, and we can't get along with each other on weekdays. How can there be any enmity?"

Brother Nine nodded, and said boldly: "It's fine not to hold grudges, isn't it because I'm afraid that the third brother will care about it and cause chaos, and confuse distant relatives?"

Speaking of this, he remembered what Eriang said yesterday, and slightly modified it, imitating the third elder brother's usual tone, earnestly speaking, and said: "Whether it is the honor of the empresses, or the future of the brothers, it is all given by Khan Ama. ...We are a family. Those princes and relatives are taking advantage of the power of the concubines and relatives to act as a domineering outside, amassing money wantonly, doing nothing to the country and the people. We only need to restrain and discipline them, and don't need to praise them..."

(End of this chapter)

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