My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 195 Digging a Pit

Chapter 195 Digging a Pit
A group of people talked and laughed and arrived at the school grounds.

There is a small school who is clever and comes forward to greet all elder brothers.

Brother Nine said: "Support four targets, the one with the seven rings..."

At this time, the eight-banner standard target was called "Manchuria Buhu", which was divided into five rings and seven rings.

Buhu is one foot and two inches in diameter, and the bull's-eye with seven rings is smaller than the bull's-eye with five rings. The bull's-eye is red, and the outside is white and blue.

The bow and arrow of the Eight Banners are all practiced from the five-ring Buhu, and the archery is superb and changed to the seven-ring.

The small school responded and prepared.

Qi Fujin looked at the barracks next to him, cast a winking glance, pulled Shu Shu and muttered: "I don't know if our master is here?"

Seeing her winking, Shu Shu didn't understand. She looked at Brother Jiu, and just about to ask him to go over to have a look, there was movement in the barracks.

Brother Seven came out.

He walked a little slowly, but steadily.

If you don't look carefully, you can't see any inconvenience.

If you look closely, you can see that his shoulders are slightly tilted.

With a smile on his face, Qi Fujin has already stepped forward, his voice is like honey: "Master..."

Seventh elder brother put on a straight face, with a bit of patience, he said to Qi Fujin: "Why are you here?"

Qi Fujin said with a smile: "Old Nine and the others are going to compete, and my siblings dragged me over to be the referee..."

Brother Seven was noncommittal and looked at everyone.

Shu Shu and Brother Nine also greeted each other.

The seventh elder brother looked at the tenth and thirteenth elder brothers' dressing up, frowned and said: "Tomorrow, I will walk around and don't want to recharge my energy, what is the comparison?"

Manchurian bows are different from ordinary bows and arrows. They require a lot of sawing, and they also use heavy arrows.

The bow is powerful and can break through armor, but it also takes a lot of effort.

Shu Shu was listening and realized their negligence.

Brother Thirteen is still a young man with limited strength. If he is tired today, or accidentally strains his arm, he may not really show his timidity tomorrow with a hunting bow.

Elder Brother Ten looks like an adult, but at this age, it makes sense.

Brother Jiu said angrily: "I forgot this... Forget it, forget it, let's not compare, just shoot a few arrows to find the feeling..."

Elder Brother Thirteen said: "That's better than these few arrows, you don't need to fill a pot of arrows..."

Brother Jiu looked at him and said, "Are you still thinking about bringing Brother Jiu? It seems like you're sure to win... don't think about it, what if you lose..."

The thirteenth elder brother looked at the tenth elder brother suspiciously, hesitant to speak.

Elder Brother Fan rolled his eyes: "What? I can't hide my clumsiness, and win a game or something?"

Brother Thirteen shook his head and said, "It's not like, Brother Nine is probably talking about Sister Nine..."

Only then did he realize: "Sister-in-law Jiu must have won against Brother Jiu..."

But even so...

Brother Ten can't beat himself, and in the end he will compare himself with Sister-in-law Nine, haha...

The thirteenth elder brother was a little bit excited: "Just one person and three arrows..."

At this time, the small school has brought a few people to set up Buhu.

A few people didn't wait for the past, and a few people came from afar.

It was Liang Jiugong who came.

"My elder brothers, you two Fujins, the emperor ordered the servants to bring this here, to make a good fortune for the masters..."

Liang Jiugong bowed and said, took a bow from the hand of the little eunuch behind him, looked around the crowd, paused when he saw Brother Qi, and handed his hands to Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu looked at the bow, his face flushed, and he didn't stretch out his hand for a long time.

Elder Brother Ten was beside him, took both hands, and said with a smile: "Please Wen Da, I need to run for a while, this is what I need..."

Liang Jiugong nodded, glanced at Brother Jiu, and left with the little eunuch.

Shu Shu stood beside Brother Nine, looking at the bow in Brother Ten's hand.

The bow is seven and a half feet, and the bow is wider than usual...

It is a seven-power bow...

Brother Jiu uses a three-strength bow every day, and he can barely open a five-strength bow...

When Kangxi gave this bow as a prize, he had already ruled out Brother Jiu in his heart.

Brother Thirteen was still young, so he didn't think of this at all. He came over with great interest, his eyes shining brightly: "Khan Ama is so kind, and I prepared this as a prize for us..."

Elder Brother Ten glanced at Brother Ninth, but did not speak.

Shu Shu couldn't bear Brother Nine to suffer.

She took Brother Jiu's hand, and said in a low voice: "Master, let's be together... After winning this bow, I will leave it to my little brother..."

Brother Nine turned his head, with surprise in his eyes.

The two said before that they would not win.

There's no need to be in the limelight.

Shu Shu said softly: "The ruler is short and the inch is long. No one can be outstanding everywhere. From now on, the things that our family uses their brains will belong to the Lord, and the things that need to be done will be left to me..."

Brother Jiu couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth when he listened, he suppressed his joy and said, "How about this, okay?"

Shu Shu nodded: "Okay, how about a competition, naturally it's better to win..."

In just a few decades of life, no one can guarantee that they will be safe forever.

In the era when a single wind and cold can kill a person, what will happen tomorrow if it is not guaranteed.

Instead of thinking about whether there will be a tragedy in more than [-] years, it is better to live well now.

If they were worthless as princes and prince Fujin when Kangxi was in power, then even if they tried their best to avoid the big pit of the "Baye Party", it would be just a new round of patience.

Brother Nine spouted outrageously today, and it's really hard to say what will happen in the future.

Shu Shu felt that she could properly pamper Brother Nine without being restrained blindly.

Brother Nine has already been convinced of his wife these days, and doesn't think she will talk big.

He nodded, raised Shu Shu's arm, and went to untie her lead bag. He also looked a little high-spirited, and his voice was high: "Then win! I won the bow and leave it to our elder brother!"

The two couples were muttering to each other before, and others were reluctant to come over.

However, Brother Nine's words were heard by everyone.

Everyone looked at Shu Shu in unison, their eyes involuntarily aimed at her stomach.

Seventh elder brother lowered his face, and reprimanded ninth elder brother: "It's just nonsense! Brother and sister are pregnant, when it's time to rest, why are you so ignorant?"

Elder Brother Ten also followed suit and said, "That's right, that's right, Brother Ninth, you should be more careful... The one who draws the bow and shoots the arrow, how about stretching it..."

Brother Thirteen couldn't help but condemn: "Brother Ninth is too careless..."

Qi Fujin had already walked up to Shu Shu, supported her arm with both hands, cautiously, as if protecting a porcelain doll: "Be careful, be careful..."

Shu Shu was "pregnant", not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and hurriedly said: "No, no..."

Brother Nine also crossed his arms, feeling displeased, looked at the brothers and said, "Am I such an unreasonable person? It seems that I abused Fujin..."

Even though he said that, everyone still didn't dare to let Shu Shu move easily.

Newlyweds, seeing the sky together, who knows whether they are pregnant or not.

If you are pregnant, you will not be able to sit firmly on the womb, and it will be a big deal if you stretch.

Elder Brother Thirteen handed the bow and arrow in his hand to the eunuch behind him, and said cheerfully: "No more, I will leave this bow to my eldest nephew..."

The tenth elder brother and the ninth elder brother grew up as children, and saw that he was not happy before, and he was not happy, but he said on his face: "Yeah, no more comparisons, no more comparisons, Khan Ama is the same, so I will give you a bow. You and Shisan Ming'er will be able to encircle, whoever wins this is right...Let's leave it to the eldest nephew..."

The thirteenth elder brother and the tenth elder brother are both kind, Shu Shu lowered her eyes and wrote down their sympathy.

Seventh elder brother doesn't talk much, but acts decisively, and has already ordered people to withdraw Buhu.

He also sent someone to invite the imperial physician.

When the imperial physician came with the medical box on his back, Shu Shu was extremely embarrassed.

She is careful.

I didn't use any medicine or anything, but it's considered a safe period, and I tried to get it outside as much as possible.

Even if elder brother Jiu has no health problems, Shu Shu's body hasn't grown up yet, it's not time to conceive and give birth.

Hearing that he was taking Shu Shu's pulse, the imperial doctor looked solemn, but he was determined in his heart.

Brother Nine's body is a secret at the side, in Tai Hospital...

Everyone on the upper level knows...

After all, Brother Nine is still drinking medicine to regulate his body in the morning and evening.

It would be a good thing if the happy pulse is diagnosed now; if it cannot be diagnosed, it is expected.

After the imperial physician had finished his pulse diagnosis, he said after careful consideration: "There is nothing to be seen on the pulse chart, maybe the time is short... I don't know if Jiufu Jin has other symptoms..."

Shu Shu shook her head: "No discomfort, no pulse, it should be fine..."

As the prince Fujin, she was supposed to ask for a peace pulse every ten days.

Because I was away from home, I was in a hurry to catch up with my schedule every day, and I haven't had a pulse for [-] days.

Thinking of this, she glanced at Qi Fujin.

Seven Fujin...

It seems something is different...

The complexion is better...

I am more addicted to sweets, and I also eat meat more fiercely than when I left Beijing...

It's a bit like accumulating nutrients...

"Trouble the imperial physician, please give Qifujin a pulse..."

Shu Shu got up to give up her seat, and pulled Qi Fujin over to sit down.

Qifujin was stunned for a moment, and whispered to Shu Shu: "I just left a few days ago...Although it is less than usual, but here I am..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt more and more like her. He pressed her shoulder and said, "It's good to have a look..."

Everyone looked at Qi Fujin, and at her flat shoes.

Even Brother Seven was a little moved.

The imperial physician took action, then looked at Qi Fujin's face, and asked, "How's Qi Fujin's diet recently?"

Seeing him like this, Qifujin couldn't help feeling nervous, and thought about it seriously: "Everything is pretty good, maybe it's because of the cold weather, I'm a bit good at eating, and I'm hungry faster..."

The imperial physician got up and said, "Congratulations to Qiye, congratulations to Qifujin, Qifujin has slippery pulse, even if the pulse is still shallow... these days, Qifujin should rest in rest, and wait until Yue Yuechen comes to ask for another pulse..."

Qi Fujin was already stupid, and after a while he felt a bit dazed and helpless. He pulled Shu Shu and said, "Shu Shu, what did the imperial doctor say? Am I a servant..."

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Congratulations to Seventh Sister-in-law, your wish has come true and you are pregnant..."

"My God, my God..."

Qi Fujin was surprised and almost jumped up, but Shu Shu hurriedly pressed her shoulder: "You can slow down..."

Seven Fujin looked at Seventh Elder Brother, grinning loudly: "Master, I have it, Master is really amazing..."

Brother Seven nodded, his face flushed.

There is no need to say this outside!
Seeing this, Brother Jiu suppressed the soreness in his heart, but seeing Shu Shu's reaction, seeing that there was no haze on her face, she was genuinely happy for Qifu Jin, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother congratulated the seventh elder brother.

Seventh elder brother's expression has returned to normal, with brisk brows and eyes.

Although he has become an Ama, but the first son is different after all.

After this episode, the matter of the competition will be over.

This side is walking outside, not far from the Eight Banners camp, so the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother went to the Eight Banners camp together.

Qi Fujin wanted to stick his eyes to Brother Qi's body, stretched out his arms and said, "Help me, what if I fall..."

Seventh elder brother frowned and reprimanded: "Say everything? How can you curse yourself..."

"I don't care, anyway, my legs are weak now and I need someone to support me..."

Seven Fujin said coquettishly.

Brother Seven took a deep breath, and finally stepped forward to help him.

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu followed behind and watched a great show.

Shu Shu is really happy for Qifu Jin.

Brother Jiu was silent for a long time.

Shu Shu noticed it, and hooked Gou Jiu's hand.

Brother Nine looked over, looking a little sad.

"Didn't we agree that the master has me, and I have the master, and the rest follow the fate, don't be greedy..."

Shu Shu said softly.

Even if you worry about your children, you don't need to do it now.

Wait until ten or eight years before you can give birth.

Brother Jiu looked into Shu Shu's eyes, which were full of sincerity, without any falsehood.

His restless heart also settled down, he nodded and said: "Well, I have a servant, I am not greedy..."

When she got back to the yard, Shu Shu remembered one thing and told her about the arrangement of the yard before the manager.

Brother Jiu heard this, and his face turned dark.

Shu Shu asked Sun Jin to come in: "How's the inquiry going? Who is it?"

Sun Jin glanced at Brother Nine and said, "It's not someone else, it's from Gao Lizuo Lingjin's family, he's the cousin of Guo Luoluo's uncle and wife, and he's been in charge since the [-]st year of Kangxi..."

Shu Shu and Brother Nine looked at each other.

It's actually a relative, so what's going on with this digging?

Just being courteous, not on purpose?
"Anyway, I don't like their family style..."

Brother Jiu complained to Shu Shu.

Just as he was talking, He Yuzhu came in and said, "My lord, the manager Jin Fusheng is here to see you..."

"Let's pass it on..."

Brother Jiu ordered impatiently.

A middle-aged man in his forties came in, with a face in Chinese characters, and looked a bit refined, wearing men's clothes, he came in and beat Qian'er: "Slave Jin Fusheng has seen Jiuye, Jiufujin, give Jiuye, Please greet Jiufu Jin..."

Brother Jiu raised his hand and shouted, straight to the point and said: "Master just wants to tell you, since you're here, let me tell you what's going on in the yard? You're not the manager for the first year, so you should know how to prepare the yard. ..."

Jin Fusheng hurriedly said: "The servants are ignorant. The servant originally ordered to clean up Jiuye's yard and change the window paper... Unexpectedly, they cleaned up the front yard on their own initiative..."

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "It's so simple, it's just that the servants misunderstood what you mean?"

Jin Fusheng's expression was stiff, and sweat was dripping from his forehead: "It's a misunderstanding, it's a misunderstanding, the servant was negligent, and it's also the fault of the servant..."

Brother Jiu remembered Shu Shu's previous speculation, looked at Jin Fusheng and said, "Didn't you go to say hello to Qiye and Qifujin?"

Jin Fusheng's face turned blue, and he said stubbornly: "It was they who found out that the arrangement was wrong, so they decided to make up for it on their own..."

Brother Nine stood up, with some curiosity, looked Jin Fusheng up and down: "Since you are from the Jin family, if you can make up for this job, you must have come from the Guo Luoluo family..."

Jin Fusheng became more and more respectful: "Yes, the servant got the support from his in-laws, so he took over the errand here..."

"Then tell me, what to do to avenge kindness and dig a hole for the Lord..."

Brother Jiu sat back and asked very seriously.

Jin Fusheng immediately knelt down: "I don't dare, I don't dare..."

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "Master remembered... You have to set aside repair expenses here every year. This is to show you off, and blame you for uncovering this matter, and let you lose your money..."

 It’s another 300D day. I’ve been chasing updates for two hours and recommended Sir Dybala’s big book. It’s already [-] million. It’s beautiful.


(End of this chapter)

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