My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 196 Collision

Chapter 196 Collision

How dare Jin Fusheng admit this?

He hurriedly kowtowed and prayed: "Master Jiu, it was the slave who was negligent and made a mistake. I beg you to look at the love of the two in-laws, and let the slave be spared..."

Brother Jiu glanced at him and couldn't help laughing: "Are you here to talk about marriage with the master? Who are you protecting? Since the subordinate made a mistake, follow the rules and hand it over to the Punishment Department. of……"

Jin Fusheng's expression was disastrous. Seeing that he had no intention of changing, his spirit was sluggish: "It's the servant who made a mistake. I was soft-hearted, right? I pity the old man for a while, so let's make arrangements..."

Brother Nine waved his hand, sent him down, and called Sun Jin in: "Follow me out to see what's going on..."

Sun Jin went in response.

Brother Jiu said to Shu Shu: "There is something wrong with this old boy, if there is a mistake in his subordinates, it will not be like this..."

He has already expressed his displeasure, not to mention that it is really the problem of the subordinates, even if it is not Jin Fusheng, he should push out someone to take the blame, and it is more in line with common sense to settle this matter.

Instead of carrying it to death, even relatives talk about it, which is ridiculous.

Even though there were quite a few concubines in the harem who were born in Baoyi, none of the prince's uncle's family dared to discuss their relatives with the prince.

The prince's relatives are Hesheli's family, Niu Gulu's family and Tong's family.

Shu Shu nodded and said, "It's either a relative, or a confidant who knows everything..."

The relatives are reluctant, and they are afraid that if the words of the confidant are released, the consequences will be out of control.

Brother Jiu sneered and said, "I'm not a coward, I'll show my wits in front of you..."

Not to mention the in-laws of the Guo Luoluo family, even the members of the Guo Luoluo family, Brother Jiu would not care about anything.

Shu Shu couldn't sit still.

Seven Fujin is pregnant, and she still needs to report to Concubine Yi.

Concubine Yi, as the high-ranking concubine of this retinue, is in charge of the affairs of the women's family.

In the first three months of pregnancy, no one can say for sure, if something happens due to poor care, it will fall on Concubine Yi.

"I'll go to the empress and tell the empress about the seventh sister-in-law..."

Shu Shu went to change clothes and came out, and said to Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu hesitated, and whispered: "If the empress says something unpleasant, don't be stubborn, just be respectful..."

With Ba Fujin's lessons learned, Brother Jiu didn't dare to let Shu Shu and Concubine Yi contradict each other, for fear that someone would take advantage of it and ruin her reputation.

Shu Shu nodded with a smile: "Don't worry, Lord, I'm also respectful in my heart..."

Shu Shu sent Walnut to take the first step, and took Xiaosong to follow.

When they came to the yard where Yi Fei had fallen, Walnut and Pandan were waiting outside.

Xiang Lan blessed Fu, and said: "Fu Jin is here, but there is something to do, why don't you wait a moment, the servant girl will go to report to the face... The Emperor just came, and the empress is having wine..."

This is inconvenient anymore.

It was also for this reason that Shu Shu sent walnuts ahead.

Who calls mother-in-law a favorite concubine?

Shu Shu shook her head and said: "I'm fine, I just have a happy event, and when I turn around, I will tell my mother that it is..."

After all, I talked about the happiness of Qifu Jin.

"The doctor said that the pulse is a bit shallow, it's less than two months..."

Shu Shu mentioned this sentence again.

No wonder Seven Fujin praised Brother Qi for being amazing at that time.

Calculated according to the day, this is the fetus made from the end of July to the beginning of August.

It was only during that time that everyone followed suit.

According to the current habit of raising a fetus, within three months, you must be careful to rest.

If there were no accidents, Qi Fujin would probably be left here to raise her baby.

Next, whether to join up with the main force or go back to Beijing directly depends on Qi Fujin's physical condition.

Xianglan looked solemn, listened carefully, nodded and said: "Don't worry, Fujin, I'll report this to your empress when I turn around..."

After completing the task, Shu Shu took Walnut and Xiaosong and left.

It's far away from the middle road where the harem concubine's residence is located, and it's on the east road.

Shu Shu thought about the trip of the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother tomorrow, and asked Xiaotang to prepare a convenient meal for the two of them after going for a whole day.

And Ama's side is in the Red Flag camp.

It is also very good for ten princes to enter Zhenghongqi...

Shu Shu saw the matter of giving up the game today.

Elder Brother Thirteen was innocent, and only when Shu Shu really liked the gifted bow and worried about her physical condition, did he take the initiative to give it up.

Brother Ten is here, obviously because of Brother Nine's mood.

He is a caring brother.

The Zhenghong Banner is passed down through the same line of princes and princes. Compared with other flags, there is much less strife, and it is very peaceful.

Banner owner Chuntai, the young Prince Heshuo, is sixteen years old this year.

The small banner owner is Chong Bao, the young King of Duo Luo, who is fourteen years old this year.

Both of them are great-grandsons of Prince Li Lie, brothers of the same generation as the tenth elder brother, and they will not rely on their old age to overwhelm the tenth elder brother.

Just as Shu Shu was thinking, a person rushed out from the corner.

Xiaosong hurriedly blocked Shu Shu behind him, and Walnut immediately scolded: "Who is it? After seeing Master Fujin, you still don't kneel down and kowtow..."

It was a boy in a brand-new royal blue robe.

He knelt down in front of Shu Shu, raised his head and said: "Your slave will keep it, I have met Master Fujin, please greet Master Fujin..."

Fifteen or six years old, some boys and girls, facial features are not ugly, but the eye circles are dark, with hooks in the eyes, showing a bit of obscenity, when talking, the eyeballs roll around, and they land on Shushu's chest several times forward.

Shu Shu kept a cold face, disgusted.

These slightly familiar eyebrows and eyes, and this surname...

Shu Shu somewhat understood the reason why Jin Fusheng carried to death in front of Brother Nine.

"Throw it out, and ask the guard barracks, how do you guard the door..."

Shu Shu explained to Xiaosong, and left with walnuts.

"Master Fujin..."

The man was still shouting, but Xiaosong took off his jaw three or two times, lifted the back of his neck, and pulled him out like a dead dog.

When she returned to the house, Shu Shu was still blocked.

The coats of the Ministry of Internal Affairs simply don't know what to say.

Don't say that she is the prince Fujin now, even if she is not married, she is still the big princess of Dong E's family, and no one in the Eight Banners would dare to lust in front of her like this.

This is because the emperor is used to working as a errand, and the fox pretends to be his own power.

Brother Jiu was worried at first, seeing her come back with an angry face, his expression changed, and he became nervous: "This is what the empress said..."

Shu Shu quickly shook her head: "I'm not doing your mother's business, I came back to meet a disgusting and disgusting guy..."

As she said that, she told about the incident of being bumped when she came back.

Brother Jiu's face turned dark, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Master's hands are itching, and someone is rushing to bump into him, even you dare to bump into him..."

After finishing speaking, he instructed He Yuzhu: "Go and tell the guard camp that someone has trespassed into the forbidden area, acted secretly, and will be imprisoned for torture..."

He Yuzhu went in response.

Ninth elder brother complained: "Did seventh brother get confused with joy, such a mistake..."

Although the area where they settled was not as heavily guarded as the middle road, there were also a hundred guards on duty and a hundred guards patrolling.

Shu Shu said something fair: "It doesn't look small, it should be the badge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs..."

The prince's family lived in this area, except that the Ministry of Internal Affairs was on duty, and no one else could pass the guard.

After a short time, Sun Jin came back and made many inquiries.

As Shu Shu expected, it was Jin Fusheng's only son, Jin Baobao, who arranged the yard.

He has grown up, has not yet filled the gap, young and vigorous age.

Last month, the Seventh Brother inspected the renovation of the palace and found out a lot of deficiencies. He acted in a thunderous rage and arrested many people along the way.

As the news spread, the lines to be investigated became tense.

The palaces in various places are in charge. In order to get rid of crimes, they have to spend their own money to repair them.

Because of the rush to work, there must be enough manpower, and the materials can only be nearby.

Most of the swallowed money was spit out without saying anything, and he still had to worry about it, and prepared a big gift for the seventh elder brother, in order to ask him to hold his hand high.

The son of the Jin family, through Ama being the manager, is a domineering man, so he should be used to arrogance.

I heard that elder brother Jiu was the leader of the investigation, and now elder brother Jiu is also the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so he was upset, so he dug a hole on purpose.

At this moment, He Yuzhu also came back.

It turned out that the kid who bumped into Shu Shu was Jin Baozhu, who was sent to the guard barracks by Xiao Song.

After a meal, Jin kept typing all his shit and urine, and said one more thing.

His cousin, the eldest daughter of the Jin family, was elected at the beginning of the year and entered the palace as a palace lady.

The family pushed in, originally to prepare for Brother Jiu, and also entrusted the relatives of Guo Luoluo's family in the capital to pass on the message to Concubine Yi.

In the end, she was reprimanded by Concubine Yi and chose someone else.

The Jin family did not give up, and spent money to record the eldest girl of the Jin family in the unassigned palace women's book.

After Shu Shu and Brother Nine got married, when Shu Shu wanted to choose a palace lady, she arranged for Da Niu Jin as a backup.

As a result, Shu Shu chose someone else, and the girl from the Jin family finally went to Zhaoxiang's office.

Brother Jiu's face became darker when he heard it, and he complained with Shu Shu: "What the hell is this? Khan Ama is generous and frugal, and he doesn't eat two things, but he didn't save any money, so he asked these slaves to put them in their pockets." ...Well, they are all thinking about the prince's backyard, and if they are not allowed to climb the dragon and the phoenix, they will be enemies, but it's embarrassing..."

Shu Shu thinks this is what Kangxi is used to.

Because of the unique lord-like social structure of the Eight Banners, Kangxi divided the subjects of the Eight Banners into two parts, the upper three banners and the lower five banners.

The high-ranking families in the Upper Three Banners are difficult to completely separate from the other Five Banners because of clan in-laws and other reasons.

On the contrary, the Three Banners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is coated and is a domestic slave, and the interpersonal communication is basically within the Three Banners, relatively few interests are involved, which can make Kangxi more trustworthy.

"Isn't the master just wanting to show his prestige, the empress has also agreed, and it's just right to send it..."

Shushu said.

She didn't forget that there was a remarried aunt in the Jin family who married Elder Brother's Baogong.

I don't know who is behind this.

Taking the opportunity of cleaning up the Jin family, there may be other gains.

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Don't worry, they won't be allowed to stay overnight..."

That night, the manager was changed as soon as he could.

The former chief executive was dismissed from office because of "negligent errands" and "indulging in evil", and was handed over to the Punishment Department for investigation.

The deputy manager was appointed, and the acting manager was appointed, and he came to kowtow overnight.

(End of this chapter)

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