My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 197 Comments

Chapter 197 Comments
Brother Jiu took a few glances and saw that he was dressed plainly, not like a dog like Jin Fusheng, so he said: "Do your job well, don't make any mistakes, you guys have a lot of leisure here, and there is a lot of excitement throughout the year. After these few days, if you still can’t handle the errand, it’s your own fault..."

The acting chief kowtowed, and respectfully replied, "Don't worry, Jiu Ye, this slave will definitely do a good job, and dare not disappoint Jiu Ye's promotion..."

It's a good idea, knowing who borrowed the power.

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "My lord has appointed you to act as an agent, so I may not be able to go to this agent, and I have to rely on you to work hard..."

The manager hesitated and didn't dare to answer.

Brother Nine ordered this sentence, and the tea has already been served.

The man bowed and retreated.

Shu Shu came out from the second room and looked at Brother Jiu, feeling incredible.

It seems that he got the hang of it all of a sudden.

Seeing Shu Shu's expression, Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows, and said proudly: "I need to clean up the Jin family's things by myself..."

If Jin Fusheng is not guilty, then this line can only be the acting general manager.

Only when Jin Fusheng is convicted, will the acting manager's manager be considered stable.

Even if the deputy chief executive is honest and smooth, and he is unwilling to make enemies with others, he will make a choice when driven by interests.

Shu Shu doesn't think that Brother Jiu is cruel, if he doesn't die from beating a snake, he will suffer from it.

Brother Nine sighed and said, "I used to hate those people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and thought I'd find a chance to clean them up... But what you said makes sense, even if you punish a group of people, it's still their nephews..."

Instead of comprehensively suppressing them and letting them form a group, it is better to pull one group to clean up the other group.

Not to mention the large number of people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, even if it is a family with one surname, it is easier to break through from the inside than from the outside.

For example, Prince An's Mansion.

Prince Anhe was the general king of the two dynasties, and he made great achievements in battle.

Back then, the descendants were flourishing, and if they all stood up, they would not be able to fight as father and son soldiers. They would have passed on long ago, and would become a branch that should not be underestimated in the clan like Prince Li Lie's lineage. It is not uncommon for several princes to inherit .

As a result, due to internal strife, the son of the superior was almost dead, and the remaining two were also sons of maidservants, which were of little importance.

The third successor Fujin kept a few of his sons, but because of his young age, none of them had ever led the army.

If so, there are six brothers in this generation, which is rare in the clan.

If six people were in a group, the total number of Niu Lu in their hands would be no less than the number of Prince Anhe when he was alive.

So what did Khan Ama do?

Firstly, Prince Anhe's military exploits were rewarded to the sons of the eldest sons, so that several elder brothers from the first sons could be crowned high, two county kings and one son.

Because the military merits were divided, when Prince Anhe died, the prince's son descended to attack the county prince.

The identities between brothers are not separated.

At about the same age, at about the same title, no one is willing to become a vassal even if they are brothers from fellow countrymen.

They come and go again and again, red-eyed, wishing to pull the other party off the horse.

Without the need for others to do anything, the momentum of Prince An's Mansion began to decline.

Shu Shu didn't think there was anything wrong with Brother Jiu's employing people like this. After all, he had just acted as an agent for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and there were still many people watching from outside, so it was inappropriate to make any big moves.

But these are trails.

If it is still the case when you have the power, it will appear a bit dark and easy to be criticized.

"It's still the same sentence, as long as the master abides by the rules and goes straight on the road, he will be invincible... Others want to attack, but they can't find a reason... As for making things out of nothing and making up nonsense, even if you have the courage, you can't get past the emperor's decision." One pass..."

Shu Shu thought for a while, and reminded.

Brother Nine nodded, looked at Shu Shu with a serious face, and said, "Don't worry, didn't you tell me to 'see the virtuous'? I think that besides learning from Khan Ama, I can also learn from you... I think 'often It's good to be reasonable, especially when you meet a bum like the third child, it's very satisfying to throw down one set of principles... From now on, sir, that's it..."

Shu Shu smiled and gave him a blank look, unwilling to take the blame, said: "I'm clumsy, but I can't match my master's cleverness..."

She knows her own shortcomings.

I'm still cowardly in my bones, and I won't turn my face when I can.

Not good at tearing with people.

At most, it is reasonable.

Brother Jiu, is that reasonable? !

That's the crazy output of "nine hits"...

Yifei's place.

There are small tables on the kang, and a few dishes of wine and vegetables on it.

A plate of shredded cucumber with egg skin, a plate of dried five-spice tofu, a plate of dried pork, and a plate of sauced pork liver.

It's not a regular meal, Concubine Yi also knows that the emperor is thrifty, so she asks people to prepare a few things.

The small silver jug ​​containing three liang of wine was already empty.

Kangxi sat cross-legged on the kang, holding the wine cup, his drunken eyes were dim, and he was still full of emotion: "In the past few years, my brothers have grown up, and each of them has an idea. I feel uncomfortable, and I am also afraid..."

Yifei was next to accompany her, picked up a chopstick of shredded egg skin cucumber, and refused to intervene easily.

Kangxi continued: "Especially the boss, I taught him personally..."

Babies are prone to die.

Back then, when elder brother gave birth to one and died, Kangxi felt timid.

Even if the crown prince is established, he will be moved to the Qianqing Palace, and he will go there to take a look at it day and night, for fear of something unexpected.

In his heart, eldest brother is not only the eldest son, but also a candidate for the crown prince.

If the prince cannot stand, or if the prince's qualifications are dull, then the eldest son will be the prince.

However, the prince stood still.

The prince's qualifications are excellent.

He hoped that the boss could follow the example of Prince Yu, so he arranged for the boss to follow Prince Yu and Prince Gong on the expedition for twenty-nine years.

As a result, the battle of Ulan Butong...

Eight Banners elite discounted several percent.

The military exploits reported by the court to the outside world are victories.

In fact, it is a defeat.

But the boss also showed his talent in leading troops in battle.

If it weren't for the boss's meritorious service, it would be even worse if he couldn't be defeated.

For the stability of the court, Kangxi suppressed the faults of Prince Yu and Prince Gong, and also suppressed the merits of the boss.

The grievance in the boss's heart may have arisen at that time.

"What can I do? If I want to judge the boss, then I have to judge the crimes of Prince Yu and Prince Gong... It's just these few brothers, the near branch clan is weak, and the distant branch clan is rising..."

Kangxi was slightly drunk, and chattered.

Concubine Yi couldn't help complaining in her heart.

All excuses.

So what if he really judged Prince Yu and Prince Gong? !

At that time, the eldest elder brother was already nineteen years old, and the third elder brother was fourteen years old. If the two elder brothers were directly enlisted into the flag, they would be able to take over the leadership of the two princes...

"Boss cried today. The last time I cried in front of me was when I was five or six years old... In a blink of an eye, so many years have passed..."

Kangxi sighed, and drank the last half of his glass of wine: "The third child is crooked, he was brought up by his mother-in-law, he is becoming more and more sluggish, he doesn't look like a big brother..."

As he spoke, he began to talk about the sons in Jingzhong again: "The three sons of the prince, the eldest is already eight years old, and he stopped... even though he doesn't have many heirs, I hope the concubine will be able to conceive the emperor's grandson smoothly... The fourth son's day will be too late." Get up, the fourth Fujin seems to be a sensible..."

Concubine Yi was still smiling, but she was waiting for the next comment in her heart, the next one would be Fifth Elder Brother's turn.

The fifth elder brother is no better than his elder brothers in talent, but he is kind-hearted and sincere in his dealings with others. He is also a good boy who is reliable and reliable.

Not wanting to, Kangxi turned back to the elder brother again, with worry: "I saw the pulse case in the palace a few days ago... Over at the head office, Da Fujin has been ill since the Mid-Autumn Festival, and he is still not recovering... This has happened every fall and winter for the past two years... Remember to remind me that when the next Eight Banners draft is held, I will point out a suitable side Fujin for the boss..."

Yi Fei smiled and nodded, but her heart was sore.

Could it be that his two sons were not born to the emperor, but picked up?

She didn't want to hear the emperor rambling about these precious elder brothers anymore, so she smiled and said, "I haven't announced the happy news to the emperor yet...the seven blessings are here, and the emperor is going to have more grandchildren..."

After hearing this, Kangxi became interested, and said: "The old Seventh Fujin is not bad, he is up to date..."

Speaking of this, he thought for a while, and said: "The life in Prince Chun's Mansion is deserted. When the little elder brother lands, he can be taken to Prince Chun's Mansion to be raised..."

Concubine Yi's expression remained unchanged, she said with a smile: "The emperor is sympathetic, Prince Chunfu Jin must be very happy..."

I just don't know if Qifujin knew the news, whether he was looking forward to giving birth to an elder brother or not.

Kangxi thought of Brother Nine, and praised Concubine Yi: "Old Nine is a pure hearted person, he is kind and good...but his mouth is a bit stupid, and his words are not mellow..."

He praised and picked on his son, but he didn't intend to let Concubine Yi discipline him.

Naturally, Concubine Yi would not dislike her, but she was a little confused.

This refers to the ninth, not the fifth?

The emperor must be drunk...

The next day, before dawn, Shu Shu woke up.

Lights in the house.

Brother Nine yawned, and said reluctantly, "It's just a tour, not an expedition, so why should I send it off?"

Shu Shu pushed him up: "Isn't it considered a drill? It's no different from a war... The master went out to see it off, and the tenth and thirteenth brothers appointed Huanxi..."

"Every one of them is disgusting..."

Brother Jiu complained, but got up anyway.

Shu Shu here, ordered Xiaotang to prepare food last night.

One small package per person.

Inside was a box of burritos rolled up.

The roll is fried chicken leg meat, which does not smell fishy when it is cold, and it is served with tender lettuce leaves.

When the ten elder brother put on his clothes and came out of the yard, he saw his brother and sister-in-law waiting outside with a lantern...

(End of this chapter)

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