My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 198 Tribute

Chapter 198 Tribute

"Ninth Brother, Ninth Sister..."

Elder Brother Ten had a soft heart and smiled brightly, not hiding his joy at all.

He stretched out his arms and put his arms around Brother Nine's shoulders: "Leave a deer in the paddock today, and wait for my brother to come back to barbecue tonight..."

Brother Nine said: "There is a small feast tonight, if there is one alive, save one for tomorrow..."

Today, the Eight Banners will be encircled, tomorrow will be rested, and the day after tomorrow, the holy driver will set off.

Elder Brother Ten nodded: "Well, then keep only the live one and eat it tomorrow..."

As he said that, he looked at Shu Shu again: "Sister-in-law Jiu, if you hunt a fox today, I will leave the leather to make clothes for you..."

Shu Shu nodded unceremoniously: "Then I'll just wait..."

Elder Brother Thirteen brought people over and said, "All the fox skins I beat are also left to Sister-in-law Nine..."

Brother Jiu slapped him on the head: "What did you say? Is the concubine disrespectful?"

The Thirteenth Elder Brother realized that he had made a slip of the tongue, and hurriedly said: "Then one person will be half, anyway, I must hunt more than the Tenth Brother..."

Elder Brother Ten snorted coldly and said, "Old Thirteen, you are so tight-lipped, don't play tricks, wait a while and see if you catch them..."

The thirteenth elder brother raised his chest and said confidently: "You just wait, my brother has determined to be a general king since he was a child!"

The post of Great General in the Qing Dynasty was created during the reign of Emperor Taizong.

Selected from close relatives and nobles to lead the army and conduct full-time expeditions.

If Prince Heshuo and King Duoluo bear the seal of the General, they will be called the King of the General.

The great generals of the Taizong Dynasty were Prince Dorgon Wang Yourui, Prince Yu Duoduo, King Yuetuo of Keqin County, and Azige King Wuying County.

The great general Wang An and Prince Yue Le of the two dynasties of Shizu Dynasty and this Dynasty.

In this dynasty, Prince Yu and Prince Gong were also linked to the General King.

Elder Brother Shi also aroused his fighting spirit: "The elder brother will win the future general king first today..."

Brother Jiu thought about yesterday's bows, and said: "I don't accept your bows in vain. What I said yesterday is still counted. One person and two are missing... Today you will have a competition, whichever flag enters the top three, you will add two more... "

In the encirclement of the Eight Banners guards, the first must be the inlaid yellow flag.

Because the bordered yellow flag is the head flag, the meaning is different.

The remaining seven flags are actually competing for the second and lower ranks.

Shu Shu was beside her, and she also joked, "I have no shortage, but I also have a lottery... When we return to Beijing, we will open a restaurant outside. We will reserve two private rooms, and everyone will use one in turn. Whoever wins the remaining one will win." After today's game, who will use it exclusively..."

As for money or not, there is no need to mention it at all.

It's an outlier to mention it.

Could it be that the younger brothers have to pay for the restaurant opened by the elder brother and sister-in-law?
The tenth elder brother was full of confidence, and he was bound to win: "It seems that today I want to reveal my true skills..."

Brother Thirteen is not afraid at all: "Brother Ten doesn't need to talk big..."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "If you win, you will be rewarded, and if you lose, you will be punished... If you fall to the bottom three, you will be punished..."

Everyone looked over curiously.

"Punishment for what?"

Brother Jiu opened the mouth and said.

Shu Shu thought for a while and said: "If you lose, I will copy the "Great Qing Law"...The tenth and thirteenth brothers are also grown up, and they will meet more people in the future...Learn more about this, and save yourself from being fooled ..."

Brother Nine nodded and jumped with joy: "Just punish this, you have also studied the "Great Qing Law" for a month ago... It is just right to copy the book at this time..."

Elder Brother Ten remembered the lawsuit between Brother Nine and Sister-in-law Nine, and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll just copy this, and my brother will fool Borzigit later..."

Brother Thirteen thought about the thickness of "The Law of the Qing Dynasty", and he became more and more bloody: "My younger brother will definitely win... I will leave the work of copying the book to Brother Ten..."

The ninth elder brother looked at the thirteenth elder brother and said: "I will be short of it for you later, so don't worry about selling... What is the use of silver? Food and clothing are all in the palace, and it is more important to have two people who need it can use it in your haha ​​beads, or your cousins ​​from the Zhang family, if you have a suitable one, you can use it..."

Brother Thirteen listened with his hands down, nodded and said, "Well, I listen to Brother Nine..."

Brother Nine looked at Brother Ten again.

Elder Brother Shi thought for a while and said, "I have two nurse brothers who are helping to look after the shop outside, they are quite clever..."

Brother Jiu nodded: "When we get to the capital, let them come to me."

At this moment, someone has already led the mounts of the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother over.

One person and two riders, prepared wartime equipment.

The two got on their horses, took their entourage, and went away with high spirits.

Shu Shu and Ninth Brother walked back.

It was still dark.

Almost at the beginning of Mao.

"If you leave so early, when will you be back?"

Shu Shu asked.

Because it is an encirclement of the Eight Banners, it is in the large paddock next to it, and the time for a large scale should not be short.

Brother Jiu counted the time in his mind, and said: "Shen Zheng will return at the latest, there is a banquet today, General Heilongjiang and General Ning Guta are coming..."

Shu Shu nodded.

Before, Shu Shu thought that "coming to court" was an excuse for the princes of the feudal land to face the saints.

After walking all the way, I realized that "come to court" means literally.

Come on Hajj.

Regardless of the feudal princes.

As long as those who come to face the Holy Spirit are counted as "coming to the pilgrimage".

However, not everyone is qualified to "come to the DPRK", and an order must be requested first.

If there is something serious to report, or think about the emperor, Kangxi will approve the papers before allowing him to "come to court".

After breakfast, brother Jiu left.

Before leaving, he even complained to Shu Shu: "There is not even a serious person around me..."

It was only then that Shu Shu realized what he was telling Brother Thirteen this morning, and it was out of feeling.

It's just this, Shu Shu can't help.

The banner vacancies within the Eight Banners are all selected by a limited number of people.

The lack of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is limited to the three banners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The same is true for the internal defects of the eight banners.

As for the full vacancies on the court's side, they are distributed among the banners in proportion.

The lower the grade and the larger the number of shortages, the smaller the scope of limitation.

The smallest one is even directly limited to a certain leader of a certain banner.

The more high-grade the lack, the greater the choice.

Tang officials like Shangshu and Shilang can expand the scope of choice to the left and right wings of the Eight Banners.

To put it bluntly, it is to balance the internal forces of the Eight Banners.

Brother Nine lacks the manpower of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, that is, the lack of coated subordinates. This is a group of people that Shu Shu has never been in contact with before.

However, she thought of the uncle who was the acting head of the Walnut Imperial Dining Room, and said to Brother Jiu: "He is a smart man, and he took good care of the second house when he was in the palace..."

Brother Jiu listened and went in, nodded: "Okay, then look back... We don't care about buying those fat spots, but the imperial dining room is different from the other places, and there are more than one of us. Peace of mind..."

Shu Shu thought of the Jin family, and said: "Since the master wants to use the Jin family as a knife, he should also ask people to inquire about the other in-laws of the Guo Luoluo family. If there is a law-abiding and obedient one, one should be promoted... Otherwise, it will fall into the trap." In the eyes of others, they thought that the master was not showing face to the empress, and it would be bad if there were more gossip about the mother and son's estrangement..."

Hundreds of good and filial piety are the first, and all evil and adultery are the first.

No matter when you criticize and criticize a person's conduct, you cannot do without these two items.

Brother Nine has experienced slander, so he naturally knows how vicious it is to make up nonsense outside, and said: "I understand, wait a few days to meet with Fifth Brother, and ask Fifth Brother..."

As for the empress, forget it.

Brother Jiu doesn't want the empress to intervene in his own affairs.

The couple said a few words, and Brother Jiu took He Yuzhu and Sun Jin away.

In the absence of manpower, Sun Jin was temporarily transferred to fill up.

Brother Jiu went to the Yamen, and there were many things that needed to be decided by him, the acting chief.

Shu Shu called Xiaotang over, discussing how to write a few recipes for snacks, so that they could be left to Qi Fujin.

According to what Qifujin said yesterday, she has a big appetite now, so prepare more snacks to save herself from feeling uncomfortable.

Shu Shu is a theoretical school, but she has never studied pregnancy knowledge.

When I return to Beijing, I can't say that I can study it, so as not to be caught off guard in the future.

Qifu Jin likes sweets, so Shu Shu asked Xiaotang to record the sesame candies. This is easy to make, and the ingredients are also popular, so it is more convenient. There are also red dates and peanut cakes.

Add honey pork jerky and pork dates to make four dishes.

Just finished writing, Walnut came in to report, and Aunt Xianglan came.

Shu Shu hurriedly got up and went out to welcome her.

Xianglan held a small box: "The time tribute from the Governor of Fujian and Zhejiang has arrived. Your Majesty loves to eat tangerines, so the emperor left four for your Majesty, and your Majesty sent a servant to bring one to Fujin..."

Saying so, he opened the box, revealing a yellow-orange mandarin orange inside.

Shu Shu took it with both hands, with a pleasant surprise on her face: "I'm partial to the good things from the empress again..." After speaking, he paused and said, "It's getting colder, our master has a cough, this is just right for eating..."

Don't dare to dislike less.

Now that the transportation is not convenient, it is not easy for these fresh fruits from various places to be tributed to the capital.

Basically, there is one way, that is to transport by barrel.

Naturally, the barrels are not fruits, but fruit trees.

That's it, due to factors such as traffic fatigue, climate change, etc., it is not bad to survive one barrel out of ten.

It can be seen that the fruit is precious.

This kind of fruit tree suitable for transportation and supply will not be too tall.

Mostly a few feet high.

Such fruit trees have limited fruit bearing.

A concubine like Yi who has won four rewards at a time is treated like a concubine.

After Xianglan delivered the things, she started talking about the business: "Your Majesty sent a servant here, besides sending this, I also want to discuss something with Fujin..."

Shu Shu listened, her heart sank, but she couldn't pretend to be confused, and said: "But the empress has something to order..."

Although the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have passed the initial honeymoon period and are a little delicate at the moment, they are both smart people and look good.

Xianglan said: "The empress passed the word to the imperial physician and asked about Qifujin's happy encounter... The imperial physician said that Qifujin's pulse condition is fine, but after all, it is because the fetus is still short, and it is not suitable to move in the first three months... What the empress means, let Qifujin Stay here to conceive, wait for three months to see whether to meet Shengjia again, or go back to Beijing directly..."

Shu Shu had guessed this a long time ago, so she went to report the matter to Concubine Yi in person, but she couldn't figure out what it had to do with her. Could it be that she was left here to take care of Qi Fujin?
There is no such thing.

I am a younger brother and sister, or a young daughter-in-law who has been in the family for less than half a year, and I am not familiar with the matter of pregnancy...

If it were a sister-in-law who had given birth, it would make sense to be ordered to stay and take care of her.

I heard Xianglan continue to say: "Earlier, my mother asked the needleworkers to help several Fujins prepare winter clothes, and arranged twelve people to work on sewing... Now that the five and seven Fujins cannot move, the empress means to send them away." The servant came over and asked if he could catch up with those two first, and stop the sewing on Fujin's side first..."

The cloak that Prince Fujin wears outside is still made of good material like satin, and the inside is mink fur. Naturally, one piece cannot be finished in two or three days, it is delicate work.

Shu Shu breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is too polite, and you're not in a hurry, just let the two sister-in-laws go first..."

Xianglan just came to deliver a message, and after saying this, she went back.

Shu Shu was supposed to pack some things, but no matter whether it was snacks or side dishes, they were all gone.

She could only hand the written pork jerky and jujube recipes to Xiang Lan and said, "I was thinking of sending them over to the empress, but it's just in time for my aunt to come. Please honor my empress on my behalf..."

Xianglan looked at Fang Zi, a little surprised, thought for a while and said: "Fu Jin doesn't have to be too's better to keep the dining room as usual, so as not to be inconvenient... You have someone to take care of the two elder brothers here Errand..."

This is a misunderstanding.

He thought that Shu Shu gave the prescription instead of the finished product because he acted cautiously.

In addition, I also heard that this place started to eat regular dishes before, and I felt that it was right, so I added this sentence.

Shu Shu silently accepted the credit, and said shyly: "Our master is the acting agent of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, one thing more is worse than one thing less..."

Xianglan took a look at Shu Shu, and thought that this Fujin master was very interesting.

If you say you have a good temper, you won't accept any grievances, otherwise you won't have a bad reputation.

If you say you have a bad temper, you really can't feel it.

Not only to himself, but also the little maids and eunuchs who have really dealt with each other on weekdays, all said that this master is kind.

When she got back to Concubine Yi, Xianglan couldn't help boasting: "Put Elder Brother in your head everywhere, be careful in everything... Don't talk about other places, Master Shan Jiu, you can rest assured in the future..."

Concubine Yi only felt a headache: "She is sensible, but she can't keep Lao Jiu from hearing about it as she grows older. She thinks it out once she thinks about it! She was expected to be smart and able to persuade Lao Jiu... In the end, Lao Jiu took control of her ..."

Xiang Lan said with a smile: "This is the virtue of Jiufu Jin. He respects Jiu Ye everywhere. If he really wants to be domineering and rule Jiu Ye, the empress will be really worried..."

Thinking of the eight blessings in the palace, Concubine Yi curled her lips and said, "You think it's Concubine Wei who suffers? Then you've been mistaken..."

Xianglan is smart, she doesn't talk about her master, but she also understands the meaning of Yifei's words.

Today, it is Bafujin who has lost his reputation.

When others mentioned Concubine Wei, they felt that they loved their son so much that they tolerated their daughter-in-law's offense.

In the confrontation between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law over there, Bafujin has already lost the upper hand.

Now the one who is going to bow down to Concubine Wei in desperation is also the Eighth Fortune...

Shushu yard.

Knowing the reason for Xianglan's visit, Xiao Yu frowned and complained to Shu Shu in a low voice: "Fujin, then you only have one set of big wool clothes... What if the temperature drops? Otherwise, you will get the materials and come back and the slaves will sew them ..."

Xiaoyu is good at pulling hair and women's maintenance, but she also knows a little about needlework.

Shu Shu waved his hands and said: "No, there are Dongji clothes... If you can't make it in time, you can wear that to meet guests..."

The needleworker in Yifei's hands, even if she is busy, it should only be half a month.

There is still half a month before winter begins, and Xiaomao's clothes will still be able to wear it by then.

The master and servant were talking, and Qi Fujin came.

Her face was flushed, she looked very healthy, but she looked at Shu Shu pitifully and said: "Shu Shu, I'm hungry..."

 It's another day of [-], pinch your waist for a while, ^_^.

(End of this chapter)

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