Chapter 199 High Participation

Shu Shu got up, dragged her to sit by the kang: "Is this because I haven't had breakfast yet? The child has made a fuss?"

It was only an hour before breakfast time.

Qi Fujin shook his head with a smile: "It's good to eat, half a plate of Su Ye bread, a bowl of old yellow rice porridge, two fist-sized red bean buns..."

Shu Shu couldn't help being speechless when she heard this, and she was very worried: "Sister-in-law should be more careful... glutinous rice is not easy to digest, and so is old yellow rice. Both are warm in nature. Pregnant women are not taboo, but they can eat too much. What about swelling?"

Qifujin hesitated: "But I'm hungry..."

Shu Shu felt that she was more like the sequelae of the low-carb diet a few days ago, with a tendency to overeat, not like her stomach was hungry, but her eyes were hungry.

After eating so much glutinous rice and yellow rice, I couldn't digest it in an hour.

"I really can't help but want to eat, so I slow down and chew a few more..."

Shu Shu said: "Aside from eating, how did you sleep?"

Qi Fujin said with a smile: "It's dawn, if it wasn't for the doctor's examination, I wouldn't feel any discomfort at all..."

Shu Shu also knows that the time of morning sickness is not always.

Some early, some late.

However, she still praised Qi Fujin, "He is a filial and caring child..."

Qi Fujin pulled Shu Shu's arm: "Shu Shu, I want to eat golden cakes... If there is no golden cake, stewed red fruits with rock sugar will do..."

She was pitiful, but Shushu didn't dare to give her these two things, she shook her head and said: "The hawthorn is for the harem, it is not suitable for pregnant women..."

Although it is nonsense to talk about other things apart from the dosage, but since it is recorded in the book, just in case, it is better to believe it than not.

Qifujin was surprised: "So that's how it is. Fortunately, I came here to look for you, and I didn't ask for it directly from the dining room..."

Shu Shu pondered: "Sister-in-law Qi is no better than before, she needs a mother who has been around for many years to watch..."

Qifujin sighed and said: "My nanny didn't come out with her, she was looking after the house at No. [-], and the nanny who came out with her had never given birth..."

Shu Shu didn't even have a hand here, thinking of Qi Fujin talking about eating sour.

You can't eat hawthorn, you can eat something else.

She called Xiaotang and ordered: "Go to the dining room and make two bowls of sour soup vermicelli, just enough to save you from being unable to eat in the afternoon, and then bring half a bowl of vinegar... for the side, choose the best one." The pork belly is deep-fried, let’s make a plate of oil, and the small dish is filled with fine salt and sugar..."

Xiaotang memorized it carefully and went to the dining room.

Qifujin swallowed her saliva: "Sour soup fans, just listen, my saliva is dripping out... and there is that oil, I can eat a bowl with sugar..."

Shu Shu is also hungry, and wants to eat hot and sour noodles.

However, brother Jiu received chili powder in front of him, Shu Shu felt that there was no need to eat for this, so he insisted on twisting.

Besides, the climate is changing now, the weather is dry, and eating spicy food is easy to get angry.

As for the Seven Fortunes, they are even more unsuitable.

Chili itself is harmless, but if it stimulates the stomach and stomach, it is very unfriendly to pregnant women.

As for oil...

She thinks that Qifujin has some "sequelae of dieting", which is why she has a tendency to overeat.

Supplementing with high-quality fats should alleviate this symptom.

After a while, Xiaotang came back with the food box.

Walnut also moved the kang a few over.

One bowl of sour soup vermicelli per person, using very fine mung bean powder, mixed with balsamic vinegar and mature vinegar, topped with green coriander and green onion leaves, as well as fried crispy beans and chopped pork belly .

A plate of oily, pork belly with the skin on, deep-fried golden and crispy.

There is a small bowl next to it, filled with half a bowl of balsamic vinegar.

There are also two small plates of more than two inches, one filled with fine salt and the other filled with white sugar.

Qifujin couldn't wait, picked up the sour soup and the fans started to eat it.

The bowl uses two large bowls, which look not too small.

However, under Shu Shu's instructions, Xiaotang controlled the portion, and only a few chopsticks vermicelli at the bottom of each bowl.

After Qi Fujin finished eating, he was still unsatisfied. He even drank half a bowl of sour soup, and the finely crushed fried beans and crushed oil in it were clean.

Shu Shu also ate the fans, looking at Qi Fujin's greediness, she was a little worried.

It's not a good thing if you don't control your appetite and your stomach is too big.

It's just that Qifu Jin is in high spirits, and Shu Shu won't mention these unlucky things.

This is the beginning of the entire pregnancy, maybe when you have a pregnancy reaction, you may not be able to eat even if you want to.

Qi Fujin put down the bowl, and his eyes fell on the plate of pork belly oil.

She picked up a chopstick and rolled it in the white sugar. It was covered with white sugar before she put it in her mouth. After eating, she squinted her eyes and her face was full of intoxication.

Shu Shu has always been dipped in salt, and seeing her like this, she couldn't help but also tried dipping it in sugar.

The oil and sugar mix together to form a magical reaction in the mouth.

The smell of meat is doubled.

The bursting oil is mixed with white sugar to form a honey aroma.

Shu Shu couldn't help picking up another chopstick.

The plate is a five-inch plate, and there are twenty or thirty pieces of oil.

After a while, the disc was on.

Qifujin put down his chopsticks in satisfaction.

Xiaotang cleared the table, and another girl came up to serve and wash her mouth.

Qi Fujin spit out the mouthwash, put down the cup, tilted it on the pillow, and said happily: "As the old saying goes, sour children are hot girls, I eat sour so easily, so is this baby a little brother?"

Shu Shu didn't want to think about whether Qifu Jin gave birth to a boy or a girl in history, after all, history is not static.

At this time, there is no need to pour cold water on it.

She smiled and said, "I've heard that too..."

Qi Fujin laughed more and more cheerfully: "Mother Yi sent Aunt Xianglan over in the morning, rewarded him with a citrus, and passed on the mother's instructions to let me stay here to conceive..."

Speaking of this, she hesitated: "I'm staying, and our master ordered us to stay too... It won't delay our master's errand..."

Shu Shu said: "There are still two county kings here, the emperor is kind, and the empress is considerate, so it is impossible to leave Seventh Sister-in-law here alone..."

It is a matter of security and defense, and the guards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are just one of the guards of the Imperial Guard.

When it was not handed over to Seventh Elder Brother before, several ministers who led the guards were in charge, and there were no mistakes.

Qi Fujin nodded: "That's right, let's not talk about this... Even if I stay here, it will take at least a month and a half, and I won't be able to be your companion..."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "What's the matter, the days to come will be long..."

Qi Fujin stretched out his hand and waved his fingers: "I asked our master before that there are six palaces to walk in the paddock, and this is the second place now...the fifth sister-in-law is kept in the first place, and I am kept in this place. I hope You all go well, otherwise you should leave the next place..."

Shu Shu felt that the next process should be accelerated.

The Mongolian party is where the princes of various ministries greet and send off, have banquets and the like, as well as the recognition of relatives by Princess Fumeng, the princess and others.

Things are repeating, and the plot is a little watery.

If this was a novel, impatient readers would have started raising it.

The same is true here in the paddock, but one can be used and two cannot be repeated, otherwise the stories will spread and become "The Collection of Paddock Stories".

In fact, this section of the paddock is only a small part of this northern tour.

During the Shengjia's northern tour, it was a incidental task for the Queen Mother to return to Horqin.

Autumn is an annual process.

Shengjing Yeling is the theme.

Qi Fujin said, and laughed himself: "Sister-in-law Wu is not here, and I am not here. If there is anything to do with Tian Gege, I should look for you..."

Shu Shu spread her hands and said, "Can you find me? I'm in the back, not her sister-in-law... I think it's because the fifth sister-in-law has a good temper, and she's used to it... Isn't it love to show off? Side Fujin hasn't been sealed yet, The attitude of the little sister-in-law is all displayed..."

Speaking of this, she was unhappy.

This morning I heard something from Walnut. Yesterday, when I was setting up, Tian Gege bumped into Tenth and Thirteenth Brothers.

At this time, Tian Gege should retreat and ask the two princes to go first.

But Tian Gege greeted the two of them loudly, and went ahead by himself.

Shu Shu was unhappy.

There are distances between people.

She naturally favored the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother.

Before hearing that the Emperor Taizu ordered to reprimand him because Taizong Ji Fujin sat on the bed and passed by the door of his uncle and brother-in-law, Shu Shu felt that he was making a fuss out of a molehill.

They are all of the same generation, so how can there be so many rules?
Now that she heard about Tian Gege, she couldn't help but think a little darkly, if the matter was passed to the imperial court, she would not know how Kangxi would react.

That's a "child control"!
Not to mention being a concubine Gege, even a serious daughter-in-law, I'm afraid she has to make a note of it.

Qi Fujin swayed here for a while, his eyelids became heavy, he got up and yawned: "I'm going back to sleep, so as not to prevent Lao Jiu from coming back and delaying your work..."

Shu Shu couldn't stand it anymore, and hurriedly said: "It's broad daylight, what did Seventh Sister-in-law say..."

Qifujin smiled and said: "Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore, as long as you are all serious people..."

Shu Shu is very serious, remembering a piece of common sense, she had to put it in Qi Fujin's ear, and said in a low voice: "Before I went out, I seemed to have heard that the first three months and the next three months can't live in London. ... Seventh Sister-in-Law, you should also pay attention..."

Qi Fujin pursed her lips, feeling unhappy, and muttered: "It's been so long, it's uncomfortable..."

Shu Shuquan pretended not to hear.

She is still a child.

The prescriptions for the two snacks were already written, so Shu Shu took them for Qi Fujin, but she still instructed: "Eat sugar in moderation, too much can easily lead to diabetes..."

Qifujin nodded and said, "Don't worry, I've written everything down..."

After sending off Qifujin, Shu Shu thought about the business and started to write.

Others are secondary, we must hurry up on the matter of Yaowanzi.

The Mongolian prince left after autumn, and there was only half a month left.

It was like a child's play when she and Brother Jiu said this before.

In fact, it is not that simple to implement.

No one is a fool.

If you want to sell honey and black sesame at a high price, it is a one-shot deal, and you can cheat one by one.

Because what is sold is a gimmick, not the drug itself.

Since it is necessary to flow slowly, it is another regulation.

There must be a flagship sign.

What is the signature drug of Tongrentang?
Angong Niuhuang Wan? !

Because the medicinal materials are precious, such as bezoar, musk, rhinoceros horn and so on.

Also because it's a lifesaver.

Stroke is a disease with a high fatality rate in future generations. This will work and has been praised by countless people.

This can be used as a reference...

There are also big active pills!

This is mainly for arthritis.

As people get older, it is common to experience numbness in the limbs and pain in the lower back, which can be considered symptomatic.

This is medicinal, but slower.

Liuwei Dihuang Wan, needless to say, is one of the main products...

Ganoderma spore powder.

Improve immunity.

Gynecology's Wuji Baifeng Pills...

Wuzi Yanzong Wan and Liuwei Dihuang Wan are brothers...

In half a month, it is nonsense to try to come up with a powerful prescription.

Shu Shu drew a circle on Liuwei Dihuang Wan and Ganoderma lucidum spore powder...

That's all...

The imperial pharmacy in the palace already has some ready-made prescriptions.

There is one category of concubines that nourish yin and beautify the skin, and the rest are those that strengthen yang.

Choose one that is similar, and the effect is similar to that of Liuwei Dihuang Wan.

As for Ganoderma lucidum spore powder.

This is easy.

Ganoderma lucidum is also known as "the immortal herb of immortality".

The imperial pharmacy has abundant reserves.

Take out a small part, put it in a gold bottle the size of your thumb, and put it in a brocade box, it is absolutely tall...

(End of this chapter)

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