My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 201 Ranking

Chapter 201 Ranking
After sending someone out, Concubine Zhang complained to Concubine Yi: "You're so old, you still look like a child..."

Using this as a gift looks too frivolous and immature.

Concubine Yi smiled and said: "I remember Elder Brother Thirteen was born by Dongyue, he will be two years old, but he is only eleven years old, isn't he just a child?"

Zhang Pin said: "It's hard for Brother Nine and Brother Ten to be reconciled, and I don't think he's annoying..."

"Brother, what's the trouble? Besides, Elder Brother Thirteen is a good boy, always well-behaved and sensible, you are a lucky one..."

The younger son, is not the same as the older son.

Concubine Yi could see that the emperor loved and doted on the little elder brothers.

Especially the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother are really treated like old sons.

The fourteenth elder brother has the same mother and brother above him, and the first seal will not be high.

The thirteenth elder brother has no mother and brother, so the first seal may be from Baylor.

Zhang Pin pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Trust me for auspicious words... I don't have anything to ask for, I just hope that the emperor will choose a decent Fujin for Thirteen three years later... It doesn't matter whether it is as dignified and gentle as Wu Fujin, or nine A caring and sensible person like Fujin can do anything, I won't pick..."

Concubine Yi joked: "Brother Thirteen is good-looking, but ordinary ones don't match, so just don't be picky..."

Shu Shu here also ate deer blood tofu.

Tender, smooth, with the embellishment of pepper oil and chili oil, it has a little bit of hairy blood.

Shu Shu ate so much that she ate up more than half of the bowl by herself.

Brother Jiu is not here, he went to the Eight Banners Banquet with the other princes.

Brother Jiu didn't come back until he entered the watch.

"In the past two days, Qiu Gong came up from the paddock. My master said hello to the dining room and left a live deer. Let's roast it tomorrow..."

This is still thinking about grilling meat for Shu Shu himself.

Shu Shu naturally had no objection.

However, she noticed that Brother Nine was abnormal.

The eyes are not quite right.

Brave the thief.

His complexion is also a little flushed.

Shu Shu was worried, so she leaned closer and smelled it: "This is drinking..."

Brother Nine shook his head: "The people in the House of Internal Affairs are smart and caring everywhere, the water in the jug..."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand behind his back and shook a skin bag: "I brought it for you, guess what it is?"

It's a skin sac.

Shu Shu was curious: "Wine?"

Although this is a water bag, but Shushu saw that the Mongolian princes are addicted to alcohol, most of them use this as a flagon.

"Fresh stag blood wine!"

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "This is the master's share..."

Fresh deer blood...

The legendary effect of this is also well known...

Shu Shu is naturally no stranger, her eyes are charming, but when she thinks of Elder Brother Ten and Elder Thirteen, she feels a headache: "Are there any younger brothers?"

Brother Nine snorted softly: "My master is so unreliable... Thirteen is still young, and tenth didn't bring Ge Ge out..."

Shu Shu praised: "Master looks more and more like a brother..."

Brother Jiu shook the hip flask in his hand: "Would you like to see and see..."

Shu Shu nodded, also curious in her heart.

You must know that deer blood is a high-quality tonic, not only important for men, but also nourishing yin and beauty.

She drinks well.

It is because of the shadow of my childhood that I don't like liquor very much.

At that time, she just remembered, when she was three or four years old, she went out to drink with Ama, was teased by her relatives, dipped the tip of her chopsticks in white wine, and burst into tears.

deep impression.

When she was in her teens, Shu Shu started to go out with Amu and Er Nie to socialize, started to drink some sweet wine, fruit wine and so on, and fell in love with her a little bit.

Especially dessert wine.

Drink it hot in winter, and drink it iced in summer.

Three years ago, Shu Shu had memories of her previous life.

I started to train my liquor capacity purposefully to make up for this shortcoming.

Otherwise, in the future, you will not be able to avoid the drinking situation, get drunk and so on...

Therefore, Shu Shu followed the whole journey, and participated in large and small banquets, all following the trend, neither drinking too much nor drinking less, just right.

Shu Shu then told Xiaotang to go to the dining room to order some appetizers.

For a while, the kang table was placed, and the husband and wife sat opposite each other.

Shu Shu looked at the wine cup in front of him, it was a standard five money cup.

She smiled and said: "Master, it's agreed, just try it... so as not to ruin the effect of the medicine..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Just try it, it's the first time I drink this..."

The deer blood wine was poured out, bright red.

"One serving of deer blood, plus nine servings of shochu... This is fresh deer blood wine, and there is another kind that is processed with medicinal materials. It will take more than forty days, and it will be brought to the palace as a yearly tribute in the twelfth lunar month..."

Brother Jiu explained to Shu Shu.

Shu Shu picked up the wine cup and smelled it, the spicy smell and the strong smell of blood were mixed together, which was very appealing.

Her throat was a little itchy, she didn't want to see this, so she hesitated.

Brother Jiu didn't notice Shu Shu's strangeness, and held up the wine cup solemnly: "Come on, I would like to offer you a..."

Shu Shu cooperatively raised the cup and asked with a smile, "What are you offering?"

"Regard you everywhere..."

Brother Nine's voice was a little gentle: "Among Khan Ama's sons, although I don't occupy anything, I look ordinary, but I am are my blessing... Even if I am a rotten tree, I have you behind me I struggled to hold on, and stood up... That's right, thank you for your hard work..."

This revealing of his true feelings made Shu Shu foolish.

She doesn't want to accept this favor.

Otherwise, brother Jiu would not have confidence in front of her, so he would find confidence in front of others.

She said coquettishly: "Look at what I said, I don't dare to be greedy for merit. It's obvious that the big idea was taken by me. I just picked up the lost things to fill in the gaps... Don't coax me with good words, I will believe it later, and show it on my face. It's a joke..."

Brother Jiu smiled and drank the wine in his glass.

Shu Shu wondered why he felt this...

She didn't show it, and drank it.

Mouth full of fishy smell and spicy.

Shu Shu held back, so she didn't vomit.

Brother Jiu has already picked up a chopstick of shredded mustard greens and handed it to Shu Shu's mouth.

Shu Shu opened his mouth to eat, and then suppressed the fishy smell in his mouth, but it was still so hot that his tongue was numb.

"This wine seems to be stronger than usual..."

Shu Shu felt her throat burning hot, and her face was already flushed.

"The head of the wine used..."

As Brother Jiu said, he poured himself another cup.

Seeing that he didn't look happy, but rather lonely, Shu Shu snatched his jug and said, "Just these two cups will do... After half a year, I will accompany you as long as you want to drink..."

After all, she poured herself another glass.

Brother Jiu was very moved, he took Shu Shu's hand and said, "You are so kind... Even if it is soft rice, I am willing to eat it..."

Shu Shu heard that the words were wrong: "Someone gossiped with me? Why didn't I spit on him? I am a prince and elder brother, with a noble status. I was married and climbed up to me. Why do you say that I eat soft food? This kind of bastard The words are intentionally disgusting, but the master is paying attention..."

She cursed, and she already had a candidate in her mind.

Such disgusting and talkative, no one else, it must be the third elder brother.

Brother Nine raised his chin: "I didn't spit on him, but I didn't take advantage of him... If I said I eat soft rice, then what is he? I can't eat soft rice... It's really strange. Before the northern tour, Every time we meet, I still get close, but this time it's changed...not just because of my father's hatred...I think about when..."

As he spoke, he fell into deep thought, and said for a while: "Master, I remembered that a few days after we came out, father-in-law gave old ten and old thirteen horses... let him see it, and questioned him a few times. Just bring some out...Really, take care of your wife..."

Shu Shu sneered and said: "It's not that you are being lenient, it's because you treat Dong E's family as his subordinates. When you got close to me before, you should hope that you can use this to win me to be an arm for him... As a result, if you don't get close to him, he starts to be afraid." I'm afraid that the master will take away his help..."

Brother Jiu sneered and said, "It's also the son of a concubine, but the master is sick, so why don't you give him the crown prince's servant as an arm? If you really want to rush forward, wouldn't it be more convenient to go directly to the prince..."

As he spoke, he stopped talking, with a look of surprise on his face.

After a while, he lowered his voice and said, "Third brother, what does he mean?"

Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine and didn't give an answer directly, but asked instead: "What do you think?"

Brother Nine gloated a little: "Is this a thought? This is too self-aware... Which onion is he?! Whether it's a courtier or a prince of the Eight Banners, he can see the prince and the boss. Has anyone mentioned the third child... What kind of spring and autumn dream is this... haha... I laughed so hard..."

"Dreams, there is always something, what if it comes true..."

Shu Shu remembered this familiar sentence and answered it with a smile.

Brother Nine looked up, his eyes serious.

Shu Shu looked back at the past, frankly.

Brother Jiu leaned over and whispered in her ear: "What about you? What is your dream..."

His heart trembled, thinking of his misunderstanding of Shu Shu in March.

At that time, I thought that she was unwilling to point it out to herself because she wanted to cling to the prince.

It was a misunderstanding then, what about now?

She is already Prince Fujin...

As long as he is a prince, he would have fantasized in his heart when he was a child, if one day he was as majestic as Khan Ama.

In Prince Fujin's heart, has he ever envied the empress in the harem or the queen mother...

"You still don't know my wish? Ever since I was seriously ill, I have only one wish, and that is to live a long life... Although this is a beautiful wish, it may not be fulfilled, but I have to start at seventy or eighty..."

Shu Shu's eyes were clear, and she said without hesitation: "After I married my master, who is so good, my wish changed a little... that is to live a long life with my master..."

Therefore, there will be no existence except for clan affiliation and short-term death.

Everyone is fine.

Brother Jiu felt hot in his heart, and his body also became hot...

After a night of verification, Shu Shu felt that deer blood was indeed a good thing, no wonder it was praised by others.

And this effect also works, it should be better than others.

Brother Jiu finished washing up, saw Shu Shu holding the skin bag, and hurriedly said: "You can't drink this all the time, you have to take it slowly..."

Shu Shu's eyes turned around on Brother Jiu, and he smiled like a flower and said: "Master, didn't you mention that you should make two kinds of pills first, and put out the royal signboard... I think this deer blood is good, use this to make it." The meatballs made from raw materials should have immediate results..."

"Stand up for what?"

Brother Jiu felt uncomfortable: "It's broad daylight, be more disciplined, don't say anything..."

Shu Shu couldn't do it, and looked down.

This is an idiom.

It's purely a coincidence, and there is no need to check the number.

Brother Jiu stretched out his hand to cover her eyes: "There are hooks in the eyes, look again, I will fix you..."

However, he also listened to Shu Shu's words.

"These days, the imperial pharmacy has made a lot of dried deer blood. You can use that as the main medicine, add ginseng, deer antler, etc. It sounds even more precious..."

Shu Shu also felt good.

From ancient times to the present, earning money from men and increasing motivation have been the eternal theme.

Today is free, take a day off and start tomorrow.

After breakfast, Elder Brother Ten arrived.

He came to thank his brother and sister-in-law.

He received gifts in return from various places, only then did he realize that the things he sent back were dedicated by his brother and sister-in-law.

That's the relationship here, so you don't have to say thank you.

Elder Brother Shi reported yesterday's results to Shu Shu. He hunted two deer and killed three foxes: "It's a little small, but I said hello to others and exchanged a car of leather. Sister-in-law can use it..."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "Okay, if there are rich ones, I will also add a big cloak to you two..."

Speaking of this, she remembered that she hadn't asked yesterday's ranking: "Where is Zhenghongqi ranked?"


Elder Brother Ten was proud: "It's second only to the two yellow flags..."

Needless to say, the inlaid yellow flag is the head flag, and no one is fighting for it.

Zhenghuangqi's strength is not weak, and he has never been convinced by Xianghuangqi.

This second, in theory, has a higher gold content than the first of Xianghuangqi.

Zhenghongqi and Zhenghuangqi were in a deadly battle. Elder Brother Ten talked about the encirclement situation: "The total number of prey is the same, but they have two more large animals... It's all luck. If we also have animal nests here, then it must be Second..."

Shu Shu was very happy when she heard this.

Not only happy on behalf of Elder Brother Shi, but also on behalf of my own Ama.

It is very good that Hongqi is like this.

Become a benchmark, not easy to shake easily.

Dong E's family will also develop steadily.

"Where is the blue flag..."

Shu Shu asked.

A languid voice came from the door: "Zhenglan Qi is second to last..."

Brother Nine is already at the side, talking to Shu Shu about the overall ranking.

The bordered blue flag held by the elder brother is fourth, the bordered white flag held by the seventh elder brother is fifth, the white flag is sixth, the blue flag is seventh, and the bordered red flag is eighth.

According to the previous bet, Brother Thirteen needs to copy the book.

He didn't mean to play tricks, but he said depressedly: "It's not my fault, the Zhenglan Banner is a mess, and the leaders do their own thing. They haven't practiced it on weekdays..."

Shu Shu explained: "This is the first time that Thirteenth Brother just thinks it's just training his hands. If soldiers don't know their generals and generals don't know how to fight, they don't have much chance of winning... Later Thirteenth Brother will really lead the army, remember today Lesson learned, practice well is..."

Brother Thirteen nodded, feeling that he was doing well again.

He glanced at Brother Nine, and then at Brother Ten: "Brother Nine is in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which government office will Brother Ten go to learn next year? Anyway, my younger brother is going to the Ministry of War... Maybe I will have a chance to meet him See the flag camp in the place..."

(End of this chapter)

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