Chapter 202 Joy

Elder Brother Ten snorted softly, "To put it lightly, if you want to go to the Ministry of War, go to the Ministry of War?"

Elder Brother Thirteen was puzzled and said: "What's so difficult about this, if Khan Ama refuses, just beg a few more words, learning what is not learning..."

That is to say, he was used to being favored, so he was so confident and lacking in fear, he felt that he could want this or that in front of Khan Ama.

The ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother looked at each other, and they felt that this younger brother was a bit in need of repair.

The thirteenth elder brother didn't know that he had poked the lung tubes of the two older brothers, so he moved up to Shu Shu and said shyly, "Sister-in-law Nine, thank you...for taking care of this for me...the empress dowager is the same as Khan Ama Concubine Yi, Concubine Yi, and Mother Yi all received rewards, and the elder brothers also returned presents..."

Since Shu Shu is helping Elder Brother Ten and Elder Thirteen to get favors, naturally she has to go everywhere.

Except for the emperor, queen mother, and concubine Yi, the two concubines, the concubine Zhang, the two nobles, and the elder brothers were not left behind.

It's Shu Shu himself, all of them are ranked in it, and they count as one.

Shu Shu smiled and said: "Sister-in-law doesn't dare to be greedy for merit. It's your ninth brother who thinks carefully. Thinking of you holding the flag and walking around, you can be regarded as receiving an errand. When the elders everywhere are filial..."

The thirteenth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother.

Brother Nine raised his chin with a bit of complacency.

Elder Brother Thirteen grinned and said, "Brother Ninth's Zhou Quan also learned from Sister-in-law Nine, who is close to Zhu Zhechi..."

"Hey! Hey! Brat, why do you have such long eyes? Ninth brother is already so talented..."

Brother Nine was unhappy and gave him a blank look.

Elder Brother Thirteen puffed up his chest, and looked at him with contempt, with a half-smile on his lips, he demonstrated it to Shu Shu: "This is how Brother Ninth used to look at people..."

As he spoke, he glanced at Elder Brother Ten again, loosened his shoulders, and walked sideways: "Brother Ten is like a crab..."

Shu Shu frowned and covered her mouth with a handkerchief, so she didn't laugh out loud.

I didn't expect the thirteenth brother to be such a thirteenth brother.

Captured the essence of parody.

Not to mention, imitating Brother Nine's awkward appearance is the same as Shu Shu's memory of the first few times they met.

There is also the tenth elder brother, the thirteenth elder brother and the tenth elder brother are somewhat like fathers, both of them are thin, and they look like the tenth elder brother who is one size smaller.

The ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother couldn't bear it anymore, and each took one shoulder of the thirteenth elder brother, and hugged him up.

Brother Thirteen laughed and asked, "Brother Ninth, what are Brother Ten doing..."

The two of them were already hugging their waists and legs, and they wanted to give him a headlong blow.


The thirteenth elder brother screamed, and put his arms around the necks of the ninth and tenth elder brothers, preventing them from succeeding.

The three laughed together.


There was laughter at the gate of the yard.

It is Qifujin.

She took Haitang and stood at the gate of the yard, looking at everyone with a smile.

"Sister-in-law Seven..."

Shu Shu went up to welcome her.

Brother Jiu also stopped fighting and came over to greet Qi Fujin.

Qi Fujin smiled and waved his hands: "You brothers and stubborn, I'm here to talk to Jiu Fujin..."

When he was in the room, Qi Fujin stopped talking and only looked at Shu Shu.

It's really here to ask for food.

Shu Shu was very helpless: "It's not a good idea to add meals like this every day. What if you get fat? Didn't I give you two prescriptions yesterday and ask someone to make some snacks. If you want to eat, you can use that molar to relieve the pain." some……"

Qi Fujin rubbed his handkerchief, lost his heartiness: "Our master is so strong, he acts according to the rules, I'm afraid there will be something that people will talk about... I'm only upper body, so I'm going to toss around like this, I'm afraid our master won't like it..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu understood Qi Fujin's concerns.

Between husband and wife, this is how to accommodate each other, slowly run in, and maintain a similar rhythm, so that they can run side by side.

Otherwise, if you only care about yourself and don't learn to understand and sympathize with each other, you will drift away.

"Then tell me, what a big deal..."

Shu Shu just started to write a list of snacks, not only to save herself trouble, but also to facilitate Qi Fujin.

When the delivery food is exhausted, she just prepares more by herself when the order is delivered.

With Xianglan's words in front of her, Shu Shu has already brushed up on her being well-behaved in front of her mother-in-law, and she is much more relaxed in her actions. She immediately called Xiaotang and told her, "Go to the kitchen and prepare these two things, make more..."

Sesame candies and red dates and peanut crisps are both resistant to storage and are not afraid of spoilage.

Xiaotang went down in response, and Qifujin looked at Xiaotang's back and said enviously: "I don't envy those next to you, but I envy you girls, who are more useful than those around me..."

Shu Shu glanced at Haitang standing next to him and said: "Sister-in-law's words are not a shame, without Haitang and Pomegranate staring at you, you can live such a leisurely life..."

Qi Fujin got married and brought two nuns and four daughters into the palace.

However, because her wedding had been delayed for a long time, two of the girls around her were in their twenties, two years older than her, so they pointed out that they would be escorts.

Among the four girls brought into the palace, Haitang and Shiliu were the older ones, and the other two little girls only kept their heads.

This arrangement is also to prevent the lack of manpower to serve in the future.

Who would have thought that at the beginning of this year, the seventh elder brother would be ennobled, leaving the palace to open a mansion would be a matter of the next year or two.

Mentioning this, Qi Fujin waved his hand and sent Haitang away, then whispered to Shu Shu: "What does the emperor mean?"

Shu Shu was a little puzzled: "What's wrong?"

"Our Lord's Baylor Mansion was not built on land, it was repaired in an official building behind Chunwangfu Street..."

Qifujin pouted.

It was the first time Shu Shu heard of this.

But it is not surprising.

Kangxi has been controlling the number of clan titles in recent years, and will not allow the distant clan to adopt the near branch.

If Prince Chun's Mansion chooses an heir, he can only choose among the close branches, namely the Palace, Prince Yu's Mansion, and Prince Gong's Mansion.

If there hadn't been the fact that elder brother Qi was sent up for adoption when he was a child, naturally the children from the other two palaces would be more suitable.

Prince Enfeng Heshuo is also the king of Doro County.

It is a better choice for the children of the prince's mansion.

For the prince, it is a downgrade.

Kangxi's heart softened now, and the matter of passing the heir became vague.

But he was not willing to give the family property of Prince Chun's Mansion to others, so he acquiesced in Seventh Prince's closeness to Prince Chun's Mansion and also gave him help.

"Anyway, if you don't suffer, my sister-in-law will suffer..."

Shushu said.

Not only is it not a disadvantage, it is simply a big advantage.

Not only can the mansion be opened with the [-] taels of silver that the prince treats, but it can also inherit a piece of the family property of the pure prince's mansion.

Prince Chun's Mansion, because of Prince Chun's untimely death, Prince Fujin has been a widow for many years, seems to have a deserted family, but he is a wealthy family in the clan.

Not only is Prince Pure's property at the bottom of the house, but also Prince Fujin's dowry.

Prince Fujin is the daughter of the princess, and his father was born in Pingnan Palace.

When she married the emperor's younger brother, it was also regarded as a marriage between the vassal king and the imperial court, so the dowry was naturally very generous.

Qifu Jin is not the kind of person who gets cheap and is easy to act obedient. Naturally, he knows the benefits, so he said helplessly: "Who would have thought that in the future, I will stand up to two mothers-in-law... Be respectful to the nobleman, lest there will be some place to slow down, sorry. Seeing me as frivolous and impolite... the prince's mansion, I'm afraid I have to worry a little bit..."

The less close you are, the more considerate you must be.

Thinking about it, Qi Fujin felt tired, and hummed softly, "It means I have a big heart, and I can think about it... If you look at it carefully, I'm afraid I've already made enemies..."

Other elder brothers, before the big marriage, the biological mother or adoptive mother usually chooses Gege to come over.

Here in Qifu Jin, the biological mother is just a concubine treated by nobles, and is not qualified to interfere in the matter of the beautiful daughters of the House of Internal Affairs.

The person chosen by the pure prince Fujin.

These two grids are the same in appearance.

They are also the daughters of officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and they are all from the collar of the Manchuria.

Everyone has a different position.

The pure prince Fujin wanted to get close to his heir, which was not wrong.

Shu Shu is not good at commenting, so she can only advise: "Let's see in the future... Since Master Qi is a well-behaved person, there is nothing to worry about..."

Qifujin laughed heartily: "He followed his rules before, and now he has to follow my rules..."

Shu Shu smiled and listened.

Is this the art of taming husbands?

First results? !
Seventh elder brother just looked cold and cold, put the age here, it would be strange if he could reject the hot and unrestrained Seventh Fujin.

What's more, she is the original wife, and she is such a beauty with outstanding appearance and figure.

Shu Shu couldn't help but glance at Qi Fujin's chest.

Seeing this, Qi Fujin puffed out her chest, and said happily: "Is it bigger..."

Shu Shu moved his eyes away, coughed lightly and said, "So sister-in-law has to control it. It's okay to be plump, but it's not good to be strong..."

Qi Fujin smiled and said: "Why are you pretending to be serious? When I was sewing small clothes, who stopped me and said that if they are flattened, they won't grow anymore. It's better to grow naturally..."

Shu Shu laughed and said, "I was talking nonsense..."

Nowadays, noble ladies of the Eight Banners don't have a bulging figure, and feel that they are losing their dignity.

It is for the kind of dignified, straight body, standing like standing, sitting like sitting.

When the little girl started to grow at the twelfth or threeteenth, she was also shy and shy, and most of them sewed close-fitting clothes to bind them.

It's the kind of buttoning under the armpit, a row of buttons the size of a fingernail, which tightens the small clothes tightly.

Qi Fujin was chubby and greedy when he was a child, and complained to Shu Shu when he was strangled.

Shu Shu was two years younger than Seven Fujin, only eleven at the time.

She has not awakened the memory of her previous life, but she also has her own worldview and outlook on life.

I don't think it's right.

Even if you want to hide it, you have to grow it out.

Otherwise, I didn't wait long, and I was crushed, and it would be too late to regret later.

Qi Fujin was impatient to tie this up, but felt it made sense after hearing it, so he changed into his little clothes.

Qifujin smiled and said: "Thinking about how interesting it was when I was young, you were really good at chatting, telling stories about ancient times, and never idle for a moment... When you grow up, you are quieter, and you have less contact with the outside world..."

Serious illness of boudoir daughter is taboo.

Dong E's family did not advertise it widely.

Even if Nala's family is the front and back neighbors, they don't know the details.

At that time, I mistakenly thought that Dong E's family started to discipline their daughter and prepare for the draft, so they restrained their daughter from going out.

Shu Shu thinks of those days of innocence, and also finds it interesting.

Unfortunately, people have to grow up.

(End of this chapter)

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