Chapter 203 Cloak
The two were talking.

Walnut came in and reported: "Fu Jin, Mrs. Zhang Bi sent someone over..."

Shu Shu nodded and called in.

It was a nanny in her [-]s, Zhangpin's nurse, followed by two little eunuchs, holding two large packages.

Come in and greet Shu Shu and Qi Fujin.

Shu Shu bowed, stretched out her hand and called out, ordering Walnut to move the seat.

This is respect for the elderly.

But there is no need to be as respectful as you are to the people around the Queen Mother and Concubine Yi.

Because those two belong to the mother-in-law and the grand-grandmother, they are different.

If Concubine Zhang is here, then Shu Shu and Qi Fujin can only welcome her.

In the current etiquette law, there is no clear regulation to determine the status of the concubine and the prince Fujin.

However, in terms of uniforms, there is a general comparison.

Among the royal family members, empress dowagers, empresses, and imperial concubines auspiciously wear bright yellow, princes and concubines use apricot yellow, noble concubines and concubines use golden yellow, and concubines and prince Fujin wear apricot.

In addition to the uniform system, there is also the etiquette system.

During the Shunzhi period, it was stipulated that "Princess Gulun mourned Prince Fujin", indicating that the status of the two is similar, but the princess was ranked ahead of Prince Fujin in the grand ceremony.

However, there are regulations that when a princess is canonized, not only must she bow to the emperor and empress, but she must also kneel down and kowtow four times to the concubines and concubines in turn.

This means that Princess Gulun is inferior to concubines in terms of etiquette.

This refers to the elder concubines and junior princesses.

When it comes to the generation of the eldest princess, like Princess Duanmin, it is another kind of regulation, promoted by one rank, and the concubine sees the same courtesy, and the concubine is exempted from each other.

The enfeoffed princess Gu Lun was like this, so naturally the bald prince was similar.

Shu Shu called walnuts to serve tea.

The nanny took a look at Qi Fujin, and then said respectfully to Shu Shu: "These days, our concubine is grateful to Jiu Ye and Jiu Fujin, always thinking of doing my best, but I don't know what to prepare. It just happens to change seasons. Seeing the cold every day, I asked someone to prepare two cloaks, and today I ordered the old slave to bring them over..."

The gift from the elders is irresistible.

Shu Shu accepted it politely, and said: "My concubine is kind, Master Jiu is ashamed to be with me, go back and thank my concubine..."

The nanny gave the gift, said goodbye and left.

Qifujin asked curiously: "Why do you want to give clothes?"

Between the concubine and the concubine and concubine's daughter-in-law, it seems a bit intimate to send this.

But Shu Shu guessed the reason, and said: "It should be that I know the news that my winter clothes are delayed, and a helping hand is here..."

Qi Fujin was confused by what he heard, so Shu Shu told about what Xiang Lan mentioned yesterday.

Qi Fujin felt embarrassed: "It turned out to be because of me... Concubine Yi is kind, but it's fine with my sister-in-law, and it's the same with me here. They all live in the mountains, and they don't go out to meet guests. Why are you in such a hurry..."

Shu Shu said: "The holy car is on the way, and the needleworkers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs followed. They sealed the clothes of the fifth sister-in-law and yours in one go, and even if they sent someone to send them, it would not delay you from wearing them... Otherwise, this Those who do one way, give one way, those who mobilize the masses, you are uncomfortable, and the empress is also annoying..."

Qi Fujin nodded and knew that this was a cheap strategy, so he said with emotion: "Next time I go out, I have to inquire and make preparations. In the wilderness, I want to make up for my own food and clothing, but I can't do it myself." Find a place to go..."

Shu Shu also had lingering fears.

Her clothes are ready until the end of October.

But the end of October in Beijing is different from the end of October outside the customs.

It's only mid-September, and she's already wearing a furry vest, and she needs furry clothes by the end of the month.

By the beginning of October, big woolen clothes will be needed.

So the tailoring of winter clothes is really quite nervous.

The sister-in-law was talking and opened two packages.

One is a royal blue Shouzi satin sable cloak, and the other is a fragrant silk silk sable cloak.

Shu Shu smiled, this concubine Zhang's behavior is similar to hers.

That is, as if he was afraid of taking advantage of others, every time he received a favor, he would get it back in full.

At the beginning of the northern tour, I got a tortoise shell inlaid jewel bracelet, and today I got two cloaks.

Not to mention that the sable fur is of high quality, but the surface used is the best material.

Qifujin is good at needlework, so he paid a little attention to this, and his eyes fell on the royal blue satin material with "Shou" characters: "This material is full of embroidery, with big and small Shou characters... This work is also delicate, it doesn't look like rushed out..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu thought about it for a while, and came to understand, feeling helpless: "I'm afraid the thirteenth brother's birthday gift was removed..."

Zhangpin's job is either Kangxi's or Thirteenth Brother's.

At this time, this color scheme should be prepared for Brother Thirteen.

Brother Thirteen's birthday is in mid-November.

But it should have been done by a needleworker under her name, otherwise this ceremony would not be appropriated.

Even though there is a difference of ten years, the concubine and the married prince still have to avoid it.

With admiration on his face, Qi Fujin muttered in a low voice: "These ladies in the palace are all smart people, and none of them are simple... They live here, and their movements are all under the eyes of the emperor..."

Let alone two cloaks, even ten would not be a loss.

Asked for a few good ones.

The thirteenth elder brother is also the emperor's son, so he can't double make it to Zhang Concubine.

Shu Shu didn't think much about it, she just said: "It's a gift from the elders, just keep it, don't have to think so much..."

Go back to Brother Thirteen.

That's what Zhang Bin thought in his heart.

There is no need for a concubine in the harem to interact with the non-biological prince and the prince Fujin.

When Xiaotang came back with two snacks, Brother Jiu and his brothers also set up an oven outside.

Qi Fujin was about to go back to sleep, but when he saw this, he couldn't move.

"I want to eat this too..."

She took Shu Shu's arm and begged in a low voice: "Shu Shu, help me think of a way... I just took a look at the deer blood yesterday, but I didn't see the venison, and the dining room changed the dishes." ..."

Venison and venison are dry in nature, so pregnant women should not eat it.

Shu Shu shook her head: "I couldn't eat it yesterday, and I can't eat it today..."

Speaking of which, seeing that Qifu Jin was wilting, she still couldn't bear it, and said, "I'll roast the pork ribs for you later... and grill some more vegetables..."

Qi Fujin raised his eyebrows again: "Don't eat grilled pork ribs, grilled pork belly, those sizzling oily..."

Shu Shu nodded and agreed: "It will take a while, it will take half an hour, my sister-in-law will go back and ask someone to send it to you..."

The main reason is that the Seventh Fujin is here, and Brother Jiu and the others have to avoid it, which is inconvenient.

Qifujin snorted softly, reached out and nodded his forehead, and said, "You've become an old sister-in-law..."

The old sister-in-law is like a mother, so naturally there is nothing taboo about her brother-in-law.

Shu Shu smiled and said, "It's not a loss if I try my best to take care of her for two months, but I still can't become an old sister-in-law..."

Qi Fujin nodded: "That's right, this time it's your hard work..."

After joking around, Qifujin took Haitang back.

Shu Shu personally sent it out, and then told Xiaotang to go to the dining room to prepare other things to be baked.

In addition to the pork ribs just mentioned, there is also the pork belly hand-picked by Qifujin, and the rest are all kinds of seasonal vegetables.

"Aubergines, beans, cucumbers, and pimples. You can choose a few others..."

Shu Shu ordered: "I also need some chili powder, cumin powder, pepper powder, and salt... Ask if there is any peach cake over there, and prepare some if there is, and cooked sesame seeds..."

She remembered the all-purpose barbecue material of later generations.

Xiaotang went.

Brother Nine, the charcoal fire has already started.

Next to the oven, there are several tables, on which there are half a fan of venison, a few daggers, and two pairs of copper chopsticks with the top half of wood.

Seeing Shu Shu seeing off the guests, the elder brothers also got up and greeted Qi Fujin.

After Shu Shu ordered Xiaotang, she also sat down.

Seeing that there are two seasoning dishes, one with pepper powder and salt, and one with chili, he smiled at Brother Jiu.

The oven at this time is naturally not a long oven like that of later generations, but a disc shape.

The base at the bottom is like an incense burner, filled with charcoal, and the grate on the top is round and movable, and there is a groove around it, which is the place to receive the grease, so as not to fall directly on the charcoal fire and smoke.

He Yuzhu took the tenth and thirteenth elder brothers' servants to help him, and there were wash basins and towels beside him.

Fresh venison, without marinating, is sliced ​​and served on the grill.

It was the first time for the elder brothers to do this by themselves, and they all had a great time.

Cut the meat, turn it over, and sprinkle it with seasoning.

Have a great time.

Shu Shu is happy to make a ready-made one.

But thinking about the tenth elder brother's "respect dish" and the thirteenth elder brother's shuttlecock yesterday, she whispered to ninth elder brother: "The emperor and the queen mother..."

Brother Jiu pointed to the food box in the corner next to it: "How can I forget this..."

When the first grill came down, it was a little horrible.

Brother Jiu hesitated for a moment, and said: "Why don't we serve it in the next batch, or let's taste it first... once raw and cooked twice..."

Elder Brother Shi shook his head and said, "A gentleman stays away from the kitchen, this is just right..."

After finishing speaking, he ordered He Yuzhu to put it on a plate.

The amount of each plate is not much, just seven or eight pieces of barbecue.

For the emperor, queen mother, concubine Yi, concubine Zhang, and the two concubines, there were six trays in total.

By the time the second set comes down, the color has been slightly better.

Brother Nine couldn't help it, took a bite and tasted it, the fire was over, he was a little bit of a mouthful, immediately put down the chopsticks, and hurriedly said: "This time for the brothers..."

Elder Brother Ten also took a piece, ate two mouthfuls, spat out the meat in his mouth, and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, orderly..."

Elder Brother Thirteen was beside him, also suppressing a smile.

There were also two nobles who followed in front of them, plus the elder brother, the third elder brother, and the seventh elder brother. They filled five plates and sent someone to deliver a batch.

By the third set, the brothers gained experience and knew to control the heat.

There is also a sense of proportion when sprinkling the ingredients. The venison slices are roasted until the outside is charred and the inside is tender, full of the aroma of charcoal fire.

In addition, Shushu asked someone to prepare the all-purpose barbecue seasoning with peach crisps and sesame seeds, which is the icing on the cake.

Several people ate happily.

The aroma of barbecue is also scattered.

"It's still baking..."

There was movement at the door, and the elder brother came, with a bit of interest: "It's really here..."

(End of this chapter)

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