My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 204 Zongren Mansion

Chapter 204 Clan Mansion

Everyone stood up and said hello.

Shu Shu ate two plates of barbecue, and the pork belly and seasonal vegetables prepared for Qi Fujin were also roasted, so she gave up her seat to the elder brother and went back to the house first.

She can act as an old sister-in-law in front of the tenth and thirteenth elder brothers, but she can't do it in front of the eldest elder brother.

Ninth elder brother gave up his seat to eldest elder brother, and took Shu Shu's seat by himself.

He Yuzhu was clever, and came over with clean dishes without ordering.

Big brother found something was wrong.

The roasted venison on the grill was different from the one I gave myself just now.

Thinner sliced ​​than that venison and sprinkled with paprika.

In addition to venison, there are ribs, pork belly, eggplant slices, beans and the like on the side table.

Forget about eggplants and beans.

The pork belly with three layers of five flowers looks just right.

Big brother glanced at ninth brother and picked up a piece of venison.

Looking down at his own bowl, he put the dipping material, the elder brother dipped it, and put it in his mouth.

The venison is tender and the dipping sauce is spicy.

The elder brother ate several pieces in a row, and seeing the light on the baking tray, he put down his chopsticks, and hummed softly to elder brother Jiu: "Old Jiu, I really have you, and I thought you didn't know how to roast meat, so I put it on." The venison has been roasted for a long time, isn’t it good to eat?”

Brother Jiu knew that it was because of the venison sent earlier, how could he admit it?
He remembered that the elder brother had just watched the pork belly, so he handed over a plate, and said with a smile: "It's the first time to grill meat, and the quality of the first batch was even worse. I honored Khan Ama and the Queen Mother, and I respected the second batch. Brothers..."

The elder brother heard the meaning of the words and couldn't laugh or cry.

"Oh? No wonder the sun rises in the west and has received your filial piety. So that's why..."

A deep voice came from the door, it was Kangxi who came.

The brothers all stood up.

At the door of the main room, Walnut was just about to pull out the curtain, when she saw this, she hurriedly retreated and told Shushu.

Shu Shu didn't dare to delay, so she hurried out and followed the crowd to greet her.

Kangxi nodded to Shushu, then looked at Brother Jiu, feeling unhappy: "Say, what's going on?"

Brother Nine was worried, and planned to make up a speech. Remembering what Shu Shu said, you can't hide anything from Khan Ama, so he stepped forward cheekily, went to hold Kangxi's arm, and said, "Khan Ama, you are here!" Just in time, the second round is about to be baked..."

Brother Ten reacted and quietly pushed Brother Thirteen.

The thirteenth elder brother smiled and stepped forward, helping the other side: "Ama Khan, is the barbecue delicious just now? The tenth brother cut the meat, the ninth brother turned it over, and the son sprinkled the seasoning..."

Seeing his youngest son being lively, Kangxi's face was also warm, and he tensed up immediately: "Why don't you choose the good ones? The heat is uneven, some places are scorched, and some places are raw..."

Elder Brother Thirteen was surprised and said, "Is that so? It was the first furnace, and the sons didn't move their chopsticks, just thinking about being filial to the elders..."

Seeing the atmosphere turn around, Shu Shu didn't get in the way, hid in the room, and told Xiaotang to go to the imperial dining room immediately.

There are two more people, no matter whether it is real food or fake food, this meal cannot be prepared less.

Thinking of Kangxi's frugality, Shu Shu didn't think about adding anything else, and ordered Xiaotang to add two plates of pork belly, two plates of stewed sausage, and two drinks of sweet wine and hawthorn water.

Xiaotang made a note, took Xiaosong and the two, and quietly walked across the yard to the dining room.

In the courtyard, Kangxi had already been invited to the upper seat. On the left were the eldest brother and the tenth brother, on the right hand was the thirteenth brother, and the ninth brother was sitting across from him.

He Yuzhu was clever and took a clean towel and handed it over.

Ninth elder brother took it and gave it to Kangxi with both hands, then took the clean one and handed it to eldest elder brother.

The eldest elder brother wiped his hands, and couldn't help but praise Kangxi: "My son still remembers Lao Jiu's appearance when he just entered school, wearing a little red robe, wearing a gold collar, and he hasn't shaved his head, like a little princess , carved in powder and jade... This looks like a grown-up..."

Brother Nine recalled his previous vengeance, and complained to Kangxi: "Ama Khan, elder brother was outrageous at the time. He held his son high and frightened him to death..."

The eldest brother smiled and said: "Isn't it coaxed later? I hugged you to the room, and I had so much fun, I refused to come down..."

"And this thing?"

Brother Nine was in a daze.

He entered school at the age of six, actually not yet his fifth birthday, so his memory is not deep.

Brother Thirteen looked at Brother Nine and said, "When I first entered school, I also thought Brother Nine was unusual. He was wearing a gold sachet, and the pouch was also embroidered with gold thread, and it was changed later..."

Brother Jiu said: "I won't wear it after my natal year..."

He is the life of a water pig, and his life lacks gold.

When I was a child, my health was not good, and my mind was unstable. People from the Qin Tianjian saw it and said that they wanted to bring gold to make up for it.

After the zodiac year is over and the fire of life is stable, it will be fine.

Kangxi also remembered this incident. He chose "禟" when he named his son, which means blessing.

It is also because of this that he is not so disgusted with gold belts and gold purses. If it were any other brother, he would have reprimanded him a long time ago if he dared to play tricks like this.

Brother Ten and Brother Nine grew up together, so naturally they also remember this.

He looked at Brother Jiu and felt that Brother Jiu's complexion was getting better and better.

Perhaps, Sister-in-law Jiu is Brother Jiu's golden baby, making up for Brother Jiu's fate.

Brother Nine felt embarrassed when he heard what happened when he was a child. He glanced at the silent Brother Ten, and said, "Ama Khan, Shisan said that when I grow up, I will ask you for an errand in the military department. It's time to follow Qiu Xi and hold the flag to compete for the top three..."

Kangxi looked at the thirteenth elder brother and said: "If you have ambition, you don't need to belittle yourself. You don't need to care too much about success or failure. You should learn from it..."

Elder Brother Thirteen got up and listened, nodded and said: "From yesterday to today, my son has already reflected on it. It is useless to talk about war on paper. If you want to be a good general, you need to practice hard every day..."

As he said that, he frowned and said, "Zhenglan Qi's training is a bit poor, the vests are very unseemly, they all seem to be made up, and the horses are also uneven, some of them are too old to run... The equipment of the two yellow flags is the worst. Well, the Zhenghong flag is not bad either, but both the blue flag held by the eldest brother and the white flag held by the seventh brother both have their own strengths..."

Kangxi nodded and said, "If you want to be familiar with the military affairs of the Eight Banners, you don't need to go to the Ministry of War. When you come out of the Shang's study, first go around the Beijing camp..."

Elder Brother Thirteen was excited, nodded vigorously, and said, "My son must study hard at that time, and he will be the general king of Khan Ama in the future..."

Kangxi smiled and said, "Okay, Khan Ama is waiting."

Brother Nine said: "Ama Khan, what yamen does the old ten go to? The old ten is a month and a half younger than his son, so he shouldn't continue to dawdle..."

Kangxi glanced at the ninth elder brother, then looked at the tenth elder brother: "Yin, what yamen do you want to go to?"

The main yamen of the imperial court are six ministries, five divisions, two supervisors, two courts and one mansion, with a total of sixteen yamen.

Elder Brother Ten didn't answer right away, but thought about it carefully.

According to his original intention, what he most wanted to go to was the House of Internal Affairs, to be Brother Nine's deputy.

But this is delusional.

If he had to go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he might as well take Brother Jiu's position.

Then he thought of the Tai Hospital. Brother Jiu needed to cooperate with the Tai Hospital to sell medicine in Mongolia.

However, he is self-aware that in a place like Tai Hospital, Khan Ama would not allow the prince elder brother to intervene.

Brother Ten sighed in his heart, and his face became more serious: "Ama Khan knows that his son is the most lazy. No, my son wants to go there..."

There are Zong Ling, Zuo Zongzheng, Zuo Zongren, and Fucheng on the Zongren Mansion.

It is indeed a leisurely and error-prone yamen.

Kangxi had no intention of objecting, nodded and said: "Since twenty-four years ago, it has been more than ten years since the king of the county was in charge of the family's affairs. You used to learn more..."

After hearing this, Elder Brother Ten was very satisfied.

Brother Jiu's face already showed joy.

Following Zongling, is this a Zongling given to the old ten?

You must know that the Zongling of the Clan Mansion was selected from among Prince Heshuo and Prince Doro.

The worst thing after the old ten is the king of Doro County!
Brother Jiu thought of this, and Brother Thirteen naturally thought of it too, with envy on his face.

The brothers are all grown up, it may be the last few years of conferring the title and opening the mansion, I hope I can catch up with this wave.

Big brother is very calm.

This result is not surprising.

The old ten was born here, second only to the crown prince among the princes.

Regardless of whether it is awarded early or late, the title will not be low, otherwise Khan Ama will be easily criticized.

Pointing to Fujin of Mongolia, conferring a noble title and receiving a noble job in the clan's mansion is indeed the most suitable arrangement for Lao Shi, the son of a noble concubine.

Ninth elder brother was really happy for his younger brother. Seeing that Kangxi was in a good mood, he took a step forward and said to tenth elder brother: "The clan's residence is the busiest at the end of the year, and all kinds of errands are also complicated. Otherwise, don't be idle when you go back, start walking around." Get up...and get close to the princes..."

In this case, will the members of each family be thicker at the wedding next year?
He winked, his calculations were all on his face, Elder Brother Shi was also happy to join him, nodded and said: "Brother Ninth is right, listen to Brother Nine..."

Kangxi felt that he hadn't seen it, so he looked at his precious eldest son.

Big brother is holding chopsticks to prepare the barbecue.

He remembered the difference between the venison he ate and the venison he had sent, passed the venison, took the plate of pork belly, and grilled it.

Cast iron griddle.

The pork belly is "sizzling" and oily.

The thirteenth elder brother took the seasoning bowl, adjusted the seasoning, and brought it to Kangxi: "Khan Ama, dip this in for a while, it's delicious... It's made by sister-in-law Jiu, who says it's a universal dipping sauce. This dipping in tofu and cabbage is delicious..."

Kangxi looked down and saw that there were white sesame seeds, salt, pepper powder, cumin granules, and something similar to fried noodles.

"Peach cakes are used, which is the regular pastry in the imperial dining room. It is delicious when mixed here... For barbecue in the harem, in addition to the salt and pepper dish, you can also add this dipping sauce..."

Brother Thirteen explained.

It is a trivial matter to add a seasoning plate to the dishes in the imperial dining room. When his son brought it up, Kangxi nodded and told Liang Jiugong who was standing next to him: "Remember what elder brother said, and tell the dining room later..."

Liang Jiugong bowed and agreed.

At this moment, the eldest brother roasted a plate of pork belly, put it on a plate, and brought it to Kangxi: "Ama Khan, my son borrowed flowers to present Buddha, and I will honor you once..."

Ever since the father and son talked about it the day before yesterday, the rift has gone and they have gotten closer.

Kangxi nodded with a smile, very pleased.

At this moment, Xiaotang and Xiaosong also came back with the food box, went to Brother Jiu, and opened the food box.

In addition to two plates of pork belly and two plates of stewed fat intestines, there are also two jars of drinking.

Small bowls and spoons are also brought.

The ninth elder brother filled the rice wine himself and distributed it to Kangxi, the eldest elder brother and the tenth elder brother. He and the thirteenth elder brother put hawthorn water in front of him.

Kangxi saw the difference and raised his eyebrows.

Nine princes suppressed their complacency, and explained with a smile: "Dong E's is the most talkative, her son eats two more pieces of barbecue, she is afraid that she will not be able to overcome it, so she asked someone to prepare this... Thirteen is also here, young, Weak stomach..."

Kangxi snorted softly and took a sip of the sweet wine.

This taste is very light, a little cool, but it is very greasy.

The eldest brother also drank it, and felt that the taste was a bit bland.

He looked at the triumphant Brother Nine, glanced at him again and again.

Brother Jiu showed off and said, "Brother also wants to drink hawthorn water?"

Looking at it like this, if it has a tail, it will shake it.

Kangxi also looked at Brother Jiu, and also took several glances.

Brother Jiu restrained himself, hesitated for a moment, and said: "There is still a bowl, how about pouring it for you..."

Kangxi was too lazy to talk to him.

Eldest brother smiled and said, "Did Khan see it too? Lao Jiu's face is a bit fleshy. It was dry before, but it's better now..."

Kangxi nodded, and then glanced at the tenth and thirteenth elder brothers.

Not only Brother Nine has flesh on his face, but Brother Ten and Brother Thirteen are even more obvious.

Both of them had thin oval faces before, but now they have oval faces.

Especially the thirteenth brother, with a puffy face, a little bit like the previous two years.

The elder brother also followed Kangxi's gaze, found the difference, nodded and said: "It seems that the nine younger brothers and sisters are really dedicated... These young ones are just at the age of the tiaotiao, and they are running around all the way, and they can still raise children." It's really not easy to produce meat..."

The thirteenth elder brother said proudly: "If you eat those old good things, if you don't gain any more flesh, you will be at a loss..."

As he spoke, he pointed with his fingers: "Beef jerky, pork jerky, meat dates, spiced eggs, eggplant, peanut dip, hawthorn strips, noodles, chestnut cakes, yam rolls, millet pancakes...except following the dining room There are two meals, one extra meal on the way, and two snacks are prepared at night to prevent starvation..."

At the end, he looked at Kangxi pitifully, and said, "It's all gone now..."

Kangxi was still very kind, patient, and said kindly: "If there is no more, I will ask your sister-in-law Jiu to prepare it for you, just to know the right amount, and don't delay the serious meal..."

Elder Brother Thirteen smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, Ama Khan, my son won't have to worry about it. Sister-in-law Nine said that it hurts my stomach like that, so I just make supplementary food..."

Sitting in the room, Shu Shu didn't know that her good popularity was starting to show strength now, and several elder brothers took turns to brush up her favorability in front of Kangxi.

I am not outside, outside is my own legend.

She listened to the father and son talking and laughing in the yard, and she had a strange idea.

If this atmosphere continues, what will be the direction of "Nine Dragons Seizing the Inheritance"?
If one dragon, one dragon, withdraws from the inheritance, how many dragons will seize the inheritance?
 It’s a little slow to plan the career lines of ten and thirteen, and it’s another day of [-], so I’m asking for tickets, ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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