My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 205 Hawks and Doves

Chapter 205 Hawks and Doves

After eating a barbecue for half an hour, they left.

Kangxi left with his elder brother.

There were only a few brothers left, Brother Nine smiled and thumped Brother Ten on the shoulder, and said, "When you go to the clan's mansion, you will do well... At that time, you will also learn to trust the king of the county, and you will hang on for ten or twenty years." Zong Ling..."

Ezha, the king of Xinjun, the grandson of Yutong, the first king of the founding of the country, and the great-grandson of Taizu.

This branch used to hold the Zhengbai Banner, and after the Zhengbai Banner was transferred to the Shangsan Banner, this branch rowed to the Zhenglan Banner, which is the second force of the Zhenglan Banner.

The Manchurian capital of the Zhenglan Banner is currently held by the clan members of this branch.

Although it is not comparable to several Heshuo prince's mansions, this one is also at the top among the county prince's mansions.

However, the military achievements of the ancestors have been eaten for two lifetimes, which means that there are no successors.

King Xinjun was about the same age as Kangxi, in his forties.

All these years in the clan's mansion, they have been working in a friendly manner, so they don't easily blush with others.

After all, the specific affairs of the Clan Mansion are taken care of by the Clan Mansion Prime Minister, and the people in the Clan Clan need to be deterred by Zuo Zongzheng, who is Lafayette, acting as a facade.

After seven or eight years, the ten elder brothers have experienced it, and it's time to give way over there.

Brother Ten listened with a smile, but was not as optimistic as Brother Nine thought.

When I really want to go to my own patriarch's mansion...

And some boil...

The clan's mansion is not only about the rank of title, but also the level of seniority.

Otherwise, if there is something, it will be troublesome in terms of seniority.

Now Zongling and the two Zongzheng are brothers of the same generation as Khan Ama.

Speaking of which, the royal family, starting from Emperor Taizong, ranked at the bottom, only a few years older than Prince Lilie's son.

When it came to Emperor Shizu, he was the old son of Emperor Taizong, and he was almost thirty years younger than his elder brother.

That is to say, it is difficult for the prince of Suwu to have an heir. If there are prosperous descendants over there, the grandchildren will be the age of the emperor Shizu.

After two generations, the seniority of the royal family is higher than that of the royal family.

Nowadays, most of the grandchildren of Emperor Taizu are withered, and even if there are any left, they will still be old.

The generation of great-grandchildren, that is, the emperor's cousins, subordinate cousins, and clan brothers, are actually dying.

Nowadays, the princes of the clan are more of the great-great-great-grandson generation of the great ancestor, that is, the emperor's nephew and nephew.

Shu Shu also got the good news that Elder Brother Shi went to the clan's residence to study on an errand, and she was really happy.

Perhaps, this is the established path of Elder Brother Ten.

This kind of planning is more in line with his identity.

In the end, he was sent to the ditch by his good brother Nine.

Elder Brother Ten remembered something, and whispered a few words to the eunuch beside him.

Not long after, the eunuch came over with a brocade box.

Elder Brother Shi said to Shu Shu: "I just forgot to tell Sister-in-law Jiu just now, this is the hand crossbow bought by Niu Yulu's family...the advantage is that it is small, and Sister-in-law Jiu kept it..."

This thing is not usually used.

That is, these days in the paddock, it is possible to try.

The brocade box is not small, about two feet long and one and a half feet wide.
Open it to reveal the hand crossbow inside.

It is completely different from what Shu Shu thought before, tied on the wrist, not much bigger than a pistol.

It's like a shrunken bow, and it's like an enlarged version of a slingshot.

It is a combination of bow and slingshot.

One and a half feet wide and one and a half feet long.

The main body of the crossbow body is copper-clad hardwood, and some accessories are made of tempered steel.

With only five arrows.

The arrow had a cold light and was extremely sharp.

Brother Thirteen couldn't move his eyes, touched the body of the crossbow, almost drooling.

Brother Nine said to Shu Shu: "I tried it two years ago. Don't underestimate this crossbow. It's powerful, and the range can reach sixty feet..."

When Shu Shu heard this, she was also speechless.

You must know that the common Qing bows nowadays are heavy bows and heavy arrows, and the longest range is only about [-] feet, and this hand crossbow is twice that of that one.

However, is the crossbow a prohibited weapon?
Shu Shu thought about the regulations in the "Law of the Qing Dynasty", "Privately casting red clothes and other large and small cannon positions and carrying guns, regardless of officials, soldiers, civilians, or casting craftsmen, will be executed together, and the wives will be slaves to the families of the heroes." , the family property enters the official, the neighbors of the foundry, the owner, the head of the village, etc., all plan to be hanged and imprisoned."

The imperial court continued the "Law of the Ming Dynasty", and the main ban was firearms, as well as vests, side cards, flag banners, and trumpet belts, which should be banned. Bows and arrows, guns, knives, crossbows, harpoons, and forks were not prohibited.

The thirteenth elder brother likes military affairs, and has read a lot of related books: "Before the Ming Dynasty, crossbow arrows were invincible, especially during the Tang and Song Dynasties, they were used to equip the imperial army..."

But it was banned in Yuan Dynasty.

In the Ming Dynasty, when firearms flourished, the crossbow lost its status as a heavy weapon in the army.

Many manufacturing drawings of bed crossbows have been lost.

"At one time and another, crossbows replaced bows and arrows, shotguns will replace crossbows..."

Brother Jiu said casually.

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said: "Yes, in that case, the Eight Banners will lose their deterrence. This is also the reason why the imperial court banned firearms..."

Shu Shu ordered people to serve tea, and everyone sat down to drink tea.

In her heart, she was also thinking about this.

Because there are few people in the Eight Banners, for the sake of stability, the development of firearms is prohibited.

But if it is suppressed at home, can it be suppressed abroad?
"One will ebb and flow, and I'm afraid that ten or twenty years later, we will have to lock the country to protect ourselves..."

Elder Brother Ten frowned.

Shu Shu was very surprised.

She has memories of her previous life, and she also knows this development trend.

Elder Brother Ten can think of this just by relying on the imperial court's ban on firearms, and his vision is very precise.

Ninth Brother said: "Old Ten, you are really worrying about nothing... Such a large site, it is good to be able to manage it properly, self-sufficiency is good, and it will not be restricted... The door is stricter, and it will save border troubles..."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Brother Thirteen and said: "Thirteen, you should have learned about borders and border troubles, do you think this is the truth?

The thirteenth elder brother listened to the words of the two elder brothers and felt that they both made sense, so he was a little undecided to support that one.

Closing the door to prevent theft is a way, but is the thief really blocked outside to keep it safe?
Brother Thirteen looked at Shu Shu.

Shu Shu thought for a while and said, "Within a hundred years, it should be fine..."

The huge China, with a population base of hundreds of millions, is like an elephant.

Now that it has entered the colonial era, European countries are still developing indigenous peoples.

In their eyes, a large oriental country with a complete political system is mysterious and rich.

Even if you are greedy, you will not challenge yourself beyond your capabilities.

Mostly after eating away the small forces around them, they stayed at the end to carve up.

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "That's why the old ten is worrying unnecessarily... Now that the world is peaceful and the prosperous age is just emerging, what do you want to do so much?"

Elder Brother Ten nodded: "Yeah, what are you thinking about so much..."

They can think of this, Khan Ama can't think of it?

Those old court ministers couldn't think of it?

It's not their turn to worry.

Elder Brother Thirteen frowned: "You can't just wait, not to mention those foreigners, even the pirates along the coast can't be tolerated, what should be dealt with should be dealt with, otherwise it would be outrageous to rob the people along the coast..."

Brother Jiu said: "You have also seen the globe, and you should know the vastness of the sea... Since they are pirates, they fled into the sea after looting, how to deal with it?"

"Doesn't the imperial court have sailors? What are you doing for nothing? If you encounter pirates disturbing the people, naturally you should chase them down!"

The thirteenth brother is a hawk, the main battle.

"Before the soldiers move, the food and grass go first. Do you think that fighting is just playing tricks? Just open your mouth and fight?"

Brother Jiu’s first consideration is still economics and asked: "If you spend millions of dollars, no one can guarantee how it will be captured... If it is on land, you can grab a territory or something, it can be regarded as opening up a new territory... …When we arrived at the vast ocean, after tossing around, there was no harvest, how could we get involved…Even if there is a black heart, there is nowhere to find someone to go to…”

Elder Brother Thirteen snorted softly and said, "If there is no war, will the appropriation from the imperial court be less? The money allocated year after year is just for display. According to this argument, is it the coastal officers and soldiers in Guangdong and Fujian? The suspicion of raising a bandit's self-respect..."

Brother Jiu said: "Who knows, the court seeks stability, and the local government also seeks stability. As long as nothing happens, no one cares so much..."

Elder Brother Thirteen disapproved and said: "But desires are hard to fill, this man's heart is raised... Maybe they just asked the court for some money before, but after ten or eight years, their appetite will become bigger... I think about it. If you leave me, I will think of ways to collect more money..."

He said, lost in thought.

Listening to Brother Thirteen's words, Shu Shu already thought of a word.

Soldiers and bandits.

If the military pay is limited, it can only be a second job.

One Piece.

Ships and cannons are all ready-made, and they are used for private use.

Elder Brother Thirteen also thought of this, frowned and said, "If this goes on like this, it will be chaos in less than a hundred years..."

Shu Shu is like a qualified prince Fujin, listening to the elder brothers discussing state affairs with a smile, without opening his mouth easily.

However, she was very restless.

What will China look like in a hundred years?

It cannot keep up with the pace of world development and has become a poor and backward country.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten.

Then there was a hundred years of darkness, and it became a semi-colony dismembered by the great powers.

It doesn't matter how many universes this is, and it doesn't matter what dimension it is.

I don't have the ability to open up the world.

But I don't want to sit back and watch.

What can you do within your capabilities?

Shu Shu's eyes fell on Brother Jiu.

After the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother left, Shu Shu said to the ninth elder brother: "Master, I heard that all the western goods in the palace are bought by the governor of Guangdong..."

Brother Jiu nodded: "Almost, Guangzhou has a wharf, and some Western merchant ships will stop for supplies..."

This is another mistake in the words of later novelists, that is, they mistakenly believed that the Qing Dynasty had always banned the sea.

In fact, it is not. In the twelfth year of Shunzhi, the sea was banned.

In the eighteenth year of Shunzhi, people along the coasts of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, and Shandong moved [-] to [-] miles inland, which was called "moving to the border and banning the sea".

In the [-]nd year of Kangxi, the San Francisco rebellion was over, and Taiwan was also recovered. The imperial court opened up the sea and successively established the four major customs of Fujian, Guangdong, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang, which respectively governed foreign trade matters of dozens of foreign-related ports.

This is a full blown sea.

It can be seen from everyone's daily life that there are more and more foreign goods on the market in recent years, and foreign trade has entered an active period.

It's just that the elders in the court don't pay much attention to it.

They regard tribute and trade as two different things, paying more attention to tribute than trade, and do not accept self-owned trade.

Some trade like placing an order.

They also sit in a well and watch the sky, not paying attention to the surplus and deficit of foreign trade.

Thinking of these, Shu Shu became ambitious.

Brother Jiu saw the serious expression on her face, and asked curiously, "What are you thinking about? What foreign goods do you want?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "It's just that I'm not reconciled, let the foreigners earn so much money... Shall we think of a way to earn it back? I heard that although they are not as rich as the Qing Dynasty, they are rich in minerals, and the least Lack of gold and silver, will build a big ship, running around the world..."

In fact, this is not the case. Most of those minerals came from plundering and encroachment.

There was bewitchment in her tone.

 The second update will be later, I slept with the window open last night, and my nose was stuffy when I got up early, and the code words were super slow. The second update also wrote the beginning, and it will be updated in the afternoon, 5555
(End of this chapter)

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