My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 206 Yanzi Wan

Chapter 206 Yanziwan
"You think so beautifully..."

Brother Jiu pinched Shu Shu's face, and said narrowly: "Since the [-]th year of sea opening, Zhejiang merchants and Fujian merchants have taken over the Nanyang trade routes, Cantonese merchants have gone to the West, and Shanxi and Huizhou merchants have gone to the East. Thinking about it, where else can I insert it?"

Shu Shu: "..."

I'm really not familiar with these.

Isn't it business suppression?
Only to the inside, regardless of going out?
"They all sell silk and porcelain?"

Shu Shu thought for a while, but she still didn't give up, and continued to ask: "Is it too monotonous to recognize these few things outside?"

"The big ones still have raw silk, and the rest are fragments..."

Brother Nine said: "Don't worry, don't worry about it, good boy... These customs are under the control of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and the Lord has already taken care of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so it's not good to meddle in the affairs of the Ministry of Household Affairs, or else it will pass... ..."

Shu Shu thought of the tea garden, the domestic tea market is immature now, even if there is foreign trade tea, it is still sold at the sidelines.

"Since private commerce and trade have been liberalized, let's organize a fleet by ourselves in the future..."

Shu Shu asked tentatively.

It is best for the clan to let it out and open their eyes to see the world, so that they will no longer deceive themselves and others.

Brother Jiu glanced at Shu Shu: "Sell those things too? That would be a profit from the people. If you want to be criticized by others, the censor will also impeach..."

Speaking of this, thinking of the medicine, he paused, then shook his head and said, "This can't be mass-produced, it's far away, and there aren't that many buyers, at most it's just by the way..."

Mongolia is optimistic because the princes and guilds of Mongolia will respect the imperial court and believe in the authority of "imperial medicine", which foreigners will not recognize.

On their side, there are kings, big and small.

It is said that the smallest country does not have a county like the Qing Dynasty.

So the court, imperial use and so on, that's all.

"Grandpa forgot the tea?"

Shu Shu held Brother Jiu's hand: "I heard that the Western side is similar to the Mongolian Luocha side. Our ancestors were also nomadic, and our diet was mainly meat and milk... Mongolians can't do without tea, so they can leave? Huitou asked to go to the Ministry of Accounts to inquire and see how the tea trade is doing. If there are few outsiders and there is really a vacancy, we can try..."

Brother Jiu listened and pondered carefully.

With a smile on his face, he said proudly: "Not only tea is fine, but I also thought of something else..."

Shu Shu asked curiously, "What?"

"tobacco leaf……"

Brother Nine raised his eyebrows and said, "Dan tobacco was passed down from the Portuguese, and snuff has been passed on in recent years... Let's find a way to process the tobacco leaves and make something similar to snuff to sell back..."

Shu Shu held Brother Jiu's hand and groped for his thumb.

Still need to think?

Just use doctrine.

Brother Jiu was numb from the touch, looked outside, and whispered: "It's still early, wait until it gets dark..."

Shu Shu was embarrassed by the words, and patted his hand: "What's on your mind? I'm a craftsman in the Xunsi Palace. The craftsmanship is more exquisite, and I can make countless tricks just by pulling my fingers... It may not necessarily be positioned as a finger pull." , but if we really want to form a caravan, we can also add the things made in the house... The rare things are expensive. When foreign goods arrive in the capital, they are all expensive. Then our things here come from the mysterious ancient eastern country, and they can be sold in the West. A high price..."

However, it is limited to gold and silverware, because the current gemstone cutting and polishing technology is still very backward.

"Take your time, you have to do the things in front of you first, so that Khan Ama can rest assured that you will hand over the House of Internal Affairs to me..."

Brother Jiu said: "This kind of business is too costly and involves a lot, we can't do it by ourselves... Two ways, one is to unite the clan and find a few wealthy palaces to partner; the other is to persuade Khan Ama, within In the name of the Ministry of Affairs...Comparing the two, the latter is naturally better..."

Speaking of this, he also became interested, got up and said: "Master, go and walk around the imperial pharmacy, and also look for Imperial Physician Yin..."

Having said that, he lowered his volume, put his arms around Shu Shu's waist, and said in a low voice: "Master, go and ask for some medicines, let's try the medicine..."


Among the patented medicines in the imperial pharmacy, there happened to be a prescription with deer blood as the main medicine.

The deer blood that is used as medicine is not the kind that is fresh and difficult to store, but the dried deer blood that has been dried into flocs.

It's called deer blood ginseng antler pill, which is similar to what the couple had talked about before.

It is an old prescription handed down from the former Chaotai Hospital.

Just by listening to the name, you can tell that it is not bad, and all the precious medicinal materials are used.

Deer blood, ginseng, deer antler, and more than a dozen other medicinal materials are carefully processed.

Brother Nine happily took two pills back, and waited until midnight to test the efficacy of the medicine.

The effect is better than stag blood wine.

In the early morning of the next day, Elder Brother Jiu discussed with Shu Shu: "Master, I feel that I can't exhaust my energy, can I stop the medicinal soup?"

Shu Shu's face was full of peach blossoms, soft and weak, she shook her head lightly and said: "My lord has also read the "Huang Di Nei Jing" and knows the principle that the five viscera and six fu organs perform their duties... That medicine is for regulating the spleen and stomach..."

It is not for nourishing the kidneys!
Besides, last night's strength and the like are the result of people participating in deer blood.

As for kidney deficiency...

Anyway, Shu Shu decided not to ask him to eat this anymore.

In case of addiction, not to mention the loss of the body, the tossing is also hard.

Brother Jiu also said the same thing.

He picked up the remaining deer blood ginseng antler pill, and said: "This looks like too much to deal with. It's just an ordinary wax seal. Let's replace it with gold leaf and put a brocade box outside. The name is a bit ordinary..."

Shu Shu thought of the Ganoderma lucidum powder before, and suggested: "If you want this, you must buy that first, and sell it with it..."

Ganoderma lucidum powder alone is not as effective as this one, and I'm afraid it won't be sold at a high price.

Brother Jiu said again: "You can't say it's for's a business, it doesn't sound so precious..."

Shu Shu nodded, so control the quantity.

It is sold privately to a small group of people.

In the next trip, brother Jiu became busy.

The entire northern patrol team slowly moved northeast within the Mulan paddock.

Change the row every three days, and wrap the row every time.

In addition to the previous Eight Banners Encirclement, there are also Shangsan Banners Encirclement, Mongolian Eight Banners Encirclement and so on.

A steady stream of tributes also entered the dining room.

The paddock tribute deer tongue, deer large intestine, deer intestine, deer belly, deer tendon...

It is called "Lu Gong".

In addition to all kinds of deer products, there are also roe deer, roe deer, tree chicken, pheasant, wild duck and so on.

There are also wild fruits such as sorbus and red yamazato.

This is called "October fresh tribute", and New Year's tribute will be paid in November.

When Kangxi spoke, Shu Shu let go of her hands and feet as she prepared to eat.

Yi Mian prepared more than a dozen boxes at a time.

Each box is [-] pieces of bread.

Both the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother like to eat it.

In addition to Yi noodles, other convenience foods include oil fried noodles and lotus root noodles with nuts.

They are all edible.

For meat snacks, in addition to dried pork and pork dates, dried venison and dried venison are also made.

The rest is various sauces, such as venison sauce, pheasant sauce, mushroom sauce and so on.

There is also a chili sauce fried with butter similar to the hot pot base.

The sugar is only sesame candy and amber walnut.

As for dim sum and the like, we have prepared four kinds of small twists and red bean cakes, millet pancakes, and yam cakes, all of which are shelf-stable.

We can't keep using the dining room all the time, and concentrate on one day to prepare all these.

The several large boxes that were vacated before were all filled.

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother looked at it with smiles on their faces, and then they went to the imperial court with confidence.

Seeing the excitement here, Wu Fujin came over to watch, and couldn't help counting.


Packed six or seven boxes.

"That's too much..."

Wu Fujin was very surprised: "Can I finish eating?"

She arrived yesterday, following the fifth elder brother, and assembled with the big team.

Shu Shu nodded, with helplessness: "I didn't expect so much, but the thirteenth brother was always worried that there would not be enough food, so I repeatedly told him to prepare more, so as not to miss it..."

So today, a few stoves were separated from the dining room to prepare these.

After tossing for a long time, I made these dozen kinds.

Only half of them are boxed in front of me, the other half is given to Kangxi, the Empress Dowager and Concubine Yi, and the other half is given to several elder brothers.

Speaking of uncle, Shu Shu had to ask Wu Fujin: "Sister-in-law, tenth brother's birthday will be in another ten days. What was the case with sister-in-law last year..."

It was Brother Seven's birthday in July, and the second institute prepared an antique smoker.

It can be regarded as a match, because Seventh Prince likes antiques.

The tenth elder brother is naturally closer than the seventh elder brother.

Elder Brother Ten has never heard of any obvious preferences.

Ask Brother Jiu about this, he should know more about it.

But Shu Shu still wants to hear what the routine is.

Because October is the tenth elder brother, and November is the thirteenth elder brother, the difference between the two birthdays is one month.

Wu Fujin thought for a while and said: "The little elder brother who hasn't left the Shang's study room, just trade pen, ink, paper and inkstone, you can't go wrong..."

Thinking of the good relationship between the tenth elder brother and the ninth elder brother, she couldn't help reminding: "Other things, you should ask the ninth uncle, he is a real brother..."

Shu Shu nodded. Naturally, she would not pass Brother Jiu.

Thinking of this, Shu Shu felt strange.

She has always treated Elder Brother Ten as a child.

I think he is a young man who shows his inner beauty.

It turned out that it was not until the tenth brother's birthday that the other party was born on October [-]th, two days older than her.

Ha ha……

Walking is still about the same.

It's an undercurrent.

It turned out that there was an old Taiji who told the emperor that he was getting older and lacking in energy, but he had no children. He was sorry for his ancestors, but the emperor gave him medicine because of his pity.

One serving of Ganoderma Lucidum Longevity Powder and one Yanzi Pill.

The effect of Ganoderma lucidum longevity powder is hard to say, but the effect of Yanzi pill is very good.

That old Taiji delivered medicine with warm wine that night, and not only brought the county lord's wife into the tent, but also called the two maids into the tent.

It screamed and screamed all night, disturbing many people.

The camps of the princes of the Mongolian tribes are all connected one by one.

There are some turmoil, which naturally spreads uproariously.

What man can say no to this?
Especially older men.

Let alone those who are lecherous and not lecherous, as long as this glory rises again, it is what the heart wants.

Otherwise, it's just a useless old animal, who would look down on it?

Lao Taiji tasted the sweetness, and couldn't let it go. He wanted to go to the imperial court to thank him for one purpose, to ask for medicine.

For the sake of future generations, this is a big deal.

But Kangxi got busy, not everyone who posted the post saw him.

Lao Taiji made a few posts and asked His Majesty to see him but was not approved. He had no choice but to dig out several golden pancakes before talking to Yuqian Eunuch Liang.

"It's an imperial medicine, and it's not much at all. It's a prescription handed down from the previous palace, and the medicinal materials are also scarce, so there's not much in total. It wasn't easy for the emperor to see you as an old man before, so he gave it out of pity. A pill came out... But I don't know how to spread the news, there are so many people asking for medicine, the emperor is also embarrassed... The emperor is the master of the world, so I don't want to be biased... As for you, you should think about it earlier..."

Old Taiji was like a headless fly, and he didn't know what the "Zhe" was, and complained to others: "I heard that it is a good thing, but all the begging is a donkey's play... Grandsons and great-grandchildren are all I ran all over the place, and I still have a lot of guts, not a good thing..."

He is different from others!
He is really seeking a child!
I was powerless before, so I stopped thinking.

Now seeing a glimmer of hope, how can you give up?

The taste of this is indescribable.

(End of this chapter)

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