My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 207 Tiger Skin

Chapter 207 Tiger Skin
It is really gratifying to see the effect of Yanzi Wan.

And it sounds auspicious.

Who doesn't look forward to having many children and grandchildren?

Some people counted the number of the emperor's sons in private.

Those who were ranked up to seventeen, plus those who died young, gave birth to more than twenty princes.

This medicine works!
Everyone knows that Jingui, the way to the imperial court is blocked again, like a chicken without a head.

But the siege came to an end, and in a few days Shengjia would leave the paddock, and the princes of all ministries would also return to Mongolia.

Someone thought of Brother Nine.

Brother Nine acts as an agent for the Ministry of Internal Affairs!

I heard that the Royal Pharmacy is not under the jurisdiction of the Grand Hospital, but under the Ministry of Internal Affairs!
The happiest one is the prince of the Karaqin tribe.

Whoever has dealt with the ninth elder brother is the prince of the Horqin tribe.

The princes of the Karaqin tribe are okay, they are already rich, and they think the gold belt is really good, which is in line with their preferences, so they ask for help, and the ninth elder brother also gives face.

When it came to the Horqin Department, the customization of this golden belt was a bit unpleasant. The prince's elder brother felt a little persecuted, and the princes of the Horqin Department thought it was "breaking money and eliminating disasters."

When it was time for the meeting to give the banquet, the princes of the Horqin tribe watched Princess Duanmin's sons play tricks, and pretended to be confused and followed to join in the fun.

Now that the ninth elder brother has been asked, the princes of Horqin are a little guilty, and the princes of the Harqin tribe are particularly frank.

It was no one else who came forward, but Princess Duanjing's father-in-law, the king of Karaqin County.

My sister's father-in-law, the elder of the relatives, is also a generous elder.

Brother Jiu's attitude is very good, and he is friendly when he speaks, but he has no accurate words.

However, he also reluctantly told the king that this medicinal herb is precious.

Even if he is the prince's elder brother, the number of people he can deal with is limited, but there are many relatives, and the county king needs to be considerate.

The king of Harqin County was already overjoyed.

According to his original intention, he only wanted to ask for a medicine to try.

But if there is a "quantity", naturally the more the better.

In one day, Karaqin sent three gifts to Shu Shu and Brother Jiu's residence.

Those who can become the king of the county are naturally not reckless people, and they will not do such unscrupulous actions.

This gift became the birthday gift of Shu Shu, Prince Fujin.

For the first time, a pair of one-foot-high coral bonsai.

The second time, a cart full of tanned leather.

The third time, a Mongolian horse.

They are the names of the king of Harqin County, Princess Duanjing, and Heshuo's consort.

On the same day, Elder Brother Ten also received a birthday gift from the Karaqin Department.

Two sets of lapis lazuli beads.

A hundred handfuls of birthday noodles and two sable cloaks.

A Mongolian horse.

The Mongolian ministries are also mostly related to each other.

When the Harqin tribe made a move, the princes of the Horqin tribe were still hesitating, and Princess Chunxi couldn't sit still.

Princess Duanjing is the elder sister of the princes, but Princess Chunxi is not?

People do not blame.

Knowing that the birthday is approaching, but still pretending not to know it, would offend others.

On this day, when Shu Shu was thinking about the return gift from the Kalaqin tribe, Princess Chunxi sent her dowry nun over.

Princess Chunxi wants to come to visit Shu Shu, and send someone to come over in advance to see if it is convenient.

Shu Shu didn't take it too seriously, and said directly: "I've been idle all day, since the eldest sister has something to do, I'll just walk around..."

As she said that, she ordered Walnut to choose some sweets and snacks from the food she had prepared, and take them to see Princess Chunxi.

Several princesses live on the right side of the row.

This place is close to the residence of the Empress Dowager, so it is convenient for them to go to ask Ann to speak.

The days of reunion are running out, and parting is imminent.

The next family reunion is unknown.

Princess Chunxi was still waiting for Mammy to come back, but she didn't expect Shu Shu to come, she hurriedly got up to greet her, held her hand and led her into the house, very close.

Shu Shu was respectful and intimate: "You are too polite, you just call me if you have orders..."

This one is the adopted daughter of the emperor, not her own sister.

The more this is the case, the more etiquette cannot be bad.

Princess Chunxi really smiled sincerely: "I heard that my brother and sister's birthday is coming, I was going to pay your respects to you, but I'm sorry to trouble you..."

"It's just a casual birthday, how can I bother my eldest sister..."

Shu Shu showed a bit of shyness on her face, and said: "I shouldn't alarm the outside world, I don't want to make people feel crazy..."

Princess Chunxi has a strong temper, she is not the kind of princess who lives in the inner house, and she has heard about the undercurrents in various ministries.

She thought for a while, and said straight to the point: "What the hell is going on with that Yanzi Wan? It's been widely spread, why haven't I heard of it before..."

Shu Shu said helplessly: "I have always had it. It is a patented medicine from the imperial pharmacy. It is a prescription handed down from the previous dynasty... I just haven't rewarded it outside. This time I rewarded it once, and it was revealed... Who wouldn't want a good thing?" Yes, but the quantity is limited, and now our father is suffering from headaches..."

After hearing this, Princess Chunxi couldn't help being moved, and asked in a low voice: "Is it really that useful?"

Shu Shu didn't answer immediately, but slowly blushed, and nodded slightly after a while.

Knowing that this younger sibling is still the new daughter-in-law, Princess Chunxi restrained her words, and said: "The younger siblings also know that our brother-in-law is not a member of the royal family, and the old prince who is in charge of the banner is our uncle's brother-in-law... old man I didn't come this time, next month will be my [-]th birthday, and our foreheads are going around to arrange birthday gifts..."

Shu Shu listened with a smile, but didn't know how to answer.

The old man is sixty, how about giving this as a birthday gift?
Shouldn't you ask for medicine in the name of seeking a child? !
The name of this "Yanzi Pill" was changed by Shu Shu before.

The previous Deer Blood Ginseng Rong Pill was too straightforward, and Shu Shu was worried that someone would look through ancient books to decipher the secret recipe.

Also, people nowadays are taboo about lust, and all the things about the bed are kept in the dark.

Especially now, the imperial court advocates Confucianism and begins to promote ethics.

Lust is also a kind of immorality.

Men take concubines, mostly under the guise of procreating offspring.

There are three kinds of unfilial piety, and no one is the greatest.

If you don't change your name, you will be included in the banned drugs, and many people can't bear to ask for drugs.

Together with the name of this medicine, it is not the kind of medicine that needs to be sneaked to avoid people, but it has become a medicine that can be used with confidence.

Shu Shu could see that she was the one who treated Princess Chunxi respectfully and befriended her, and the princess was very helpful, so she didn't make a pretense.

Shu Shu then became more sincere, and said: "Eldest sister also knows that the imperial pharmacy belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but it is managed by the people from the Imperial Hospital... After all, the Imperial Hospital is not an ordinary yamen, even our master has to avoid it..."

Princess Chunxi was raised in the palace when she was young, and she was only raised at the age of twenty, so she naturally knows about the situation in the palace.

Disappointment appeared on her face: "That's right, that's the imperial pharmacy... There are many imperial characters, so they are different..."

"However, a few days ago, the emperor rewarded our father with two pills, and there is one pill left. I thought I would give it to my cousin... If the eldest sister is not too little, I will ask someone to bring it later..."

Shu Shu was still as shy as a young daughter-in-law, and said with a bit of embarrassment.

Princess Chunxi was overjoyed: "It's not too little, it's not too little... Really, this time I took advantage of my younger siblings..."

The difference between the two is more than ten years, almost a generation.

There was nothing to say, Shu Shu's attitude was in place, and the favor was sent out, so she got up and said goodbye.

Princess Chunxi ordered the dowry mother to deliver it in person, along with the birthday gift she had prepared for Shu Shu.

Originally thought that she would follow Princess Duanjing's example and send a carload of loose furs, but now she couldn't get it out, so she changed it temporarily, and it became four pieces of silver fox skins, four pieces of wolf skins, and added a pair of pomegranates with a hundred pieces. Gold hairpins inlaid with jewels, a pair of gold flat squares with blessings and longevity patterns.

Both the Harqin tribe and the Horqin tribe sent birthday gifts, and other tribes followed suit.

Those who are well-informed know that Brother Jiu is a way to seek medicine.

If the news is not well-informed, it means following the crowd, afraid of neglecting the prince and prince Fujin, and offending others for nothing.

There are a total of nine parts that were encircled this time.

Everyone walked around for more than half a month and saved a lot of skins, and the various kinds of skins accounted for most of the birthday gift.

Shu Shu's hands are hot.

She then discussed with Brother Nine: "You can't take advantage of this, or you will be easily talked about... It's just a coincidence, and the birthday of the end of August is not so grand..."

The elders of the upper two floors are here, and it is another birthday, so it is time to settle with a bowl of birthday noodles, not to mobilize the crowd like this.

Brother Jiu didn't like to go out of his way, so he said, "Then what should I do? Collect everything and send it to Ama Khan? The old man is not easy to accept, right?"

If it's just from the tenth elder brother's side, the son is filial, and it's justified.

Khan Amara felt ashamed to take something from his daughter-in-law.

"Let's divide up..."

Shu Shu thinks it's not enough to worry about the few but the unevenness, so it's better to average it out: "Take out the skins from the tenth brother, pick the good ones to honor the emperor, and divide the remaining elder brothers... I The leather here is the same, give some filial piety to the queen mother and empress, and share the rest with the other female attendants..."

Brother Jiu thinks this is a good idea, and said in a low voice: "If they are here for the Lord, then I will take it, and the Lord will not be able to take it... But they are here for medicine, and there is Khan Ama behind it... ...Khan Ama's cheap, can you not get it or not, I'm afraid of being greedy for petty gains and suffering big losses..."

Shu Shu listened, amused in her heart.

Is this the intuition of a small animal?

Occasionally there are clever times.

The couple had made up their minds, so the ninth elder brother talked to the tenth elder brother about it.

Elder Brother Ten has always listened to Brother Ninth, so naturally he would not object.

He is not safe either.

Received birthday presents one after another, feeling uncertain.

He didn't want to accept anything except sister Duanjing's birthday noodles and cloak.

He knew Brother Nine's plan, and knew that this time it was not aimed at him, so it was hard to refuse.

In the future, Fujin will be Mongol Gege, and these princes will bring enthusiasm.

In addition, he is a prince, so his status is naturally higher than that of Shu Shu, the prince Fujin. Even if everyone wants something from Brother Jiu and his wife, the etiquette must be met, so the birthday gifts here are thicker than those over there.

"There are exactly two tiger skins, which can be honored to Ama Khan... four pieces of black fox skins are given to the eldest brother and the third child; four pieces of silver fox skins are given to the fifth brother and the seventh child; six wolf skins are given to the ninth brother and the third child. Thirteen minutes..."

Elder Brother Ten took inventory of his good skins and said.

Brother Nine narrowed his eyes, and said: "The one picked out by the tiger skin is a tribute to Ama Khan, and the rest is for the prince..."

Elder Brother Ten was taken aback for a while, and then murmured: "Brother Ninth..."

Brother Jiu twitched the corner of his mouth: "That's the prince, shouldn't it be respectful? How can I let it go?"

Elder Brother Ten looked serious: "Brother Ninth..."

Brother Jiu clenched his fists vigorously, so he didn't express the doubts hidden deep in his heart.

That is the death of elder brother eleven.

Seeing his firm expression, Elder Brother Shi thought about it carefully, nodded and said, "Then leave a piece of tiger skin...but you can't just give it to the crown prince alone, that's too obvious, leave a copy for the fourth brother and the eighth brother... ..."

Brother Nine patted Brother Ten on the shoulder: "Are you afraid?"

Elder Brother Ten grinned: "What are you afraid of? Isn't it because you've grown up, become sensible, and know Brother Zhouquan, no one can make a mistake... Give the fourth and eighth brothers two wolf skins each, and keep the remaining two for ninth brother. ...the thirteenth and fourteenth otter skins, and a few small ermine skins left..."

Brother Jiu's eyes were red, and he felt a little regretful in his heart.

Perhaps, he shouldn't drag the old ten into the water.

Brother Ten had already hooked Brother Nine's neck, lowered his voice and said, "What did that old bastard Suo'etu do?"

Brother Nine was startled when he heard the words, and turned to look at Brother Ten with astonishment.

Elder Brother Ten's eyes turned serious: "If it's just the rumor-mongering, Brother Nine wouldn't be pushed to this point..."

Who is the prince?

The prince is the crown prince of the country!
He is also the backer of Suo'etu and Hesheli's family!
On weekdays, they and Yuqing Palace had no relationship at all, and there was no reason for enmity.

Brother Jiu blushed, and said in a low voice, "Eleven..."

Elder Brother Ten stared wide-eyed, and after a while he said, "When Brother Nine went to the Compassionate Ning Palace in July, did you start the investigation?"

Elder Brother Nine nodded: "After the matter of Nanny Liu, I thought of Eleven...Although Eleven was born prematurely, she was well-adjusted when she was a child, and she was fine when she was in Yikun Palace...but it can be divided into different palaces. When I arrived at the fourth institute, I started to get sick again..."

Elder Brother Ten listened carefully, frowned and said: "Although it is a coincidence, there must be some omissions. The Tai Hospital has a pulse case, and Khan Ama will not be unaware..."

Ninth elder brother gritted his teeth, and talked about the death of eleventh elder brother's nanny and the remarriage of the widow of the Jin family: "After I got married, the Jin family arranged for their girls to go to the second school to be candidates. Empress's guise, now I know it's not Empress..."

The empress will not let them go to the second alternative, and they will not be sent to the Zhaoxiang Institute after they lose the election.

This is the way of the inner management leader, which is managed by the prince's grandma.

"The Jin family has connections with the Hesheli family..."

Brother Nine is not a fool, so he naturally noticed something was wrong.

Did the Hesheli family instigate the remarriage of the widow of the Jin family?

 Gritting my teeth and persisting, there may be a lot of typos, I will modify it later, ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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