My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 208 The Secret

Chapter 208 Mystery

When Brother Jiu came back, Shu Shu noticed the change in his mood, something was very wrong.

Before he left, he was full of ambition and looked pretty good, but now he is a little distracted, struggling and hesitating.

Shu Shu waved his hand, sent Walnut and Xiaoyu down, and poured a cup of milk tea into Brother Jiu's hand.

Brother Jiu's fingertips were a little icy, and his whole body seemed to be filled with coldness.

He took the milk tea and drank it, and his face calmed down a bit.

"what happened?"

Shu Shu pondered the reason.

It doesn't look sour anymore.

If the next prince elder brother received so many gifts on his birthday, ninth elder brother might feel sour.

After all, his birthday was just over a month ago, and it passed away quietly.

His mind is not big yet.

But the tenth elder brother was the one who received the gift, so the ninth elder brother would not be sour, and would only consider him from the standpoint of the tenth elder brother. The distinction between inside and outside is clear.

This is a good brother.

Brother Jiu raised his head, with annoyance on his face.

He thought of the white paper with ink stains on it. Everything that has been done will leave traces.

What's more, he promised that he would not hide anything from her, and the two of them had a discussion.

I don't seem to have a long memory.

When you encounter an opportunity, you will be a little bit above, forget about this.

"Grandpa found out that he is a bit bad... In the future, Grandpa may not become a big fat man..."

Brother Jiu's eyes wandered, not daring to look directly at Shu Shu's watery apricot eyes, and his voice was a little weak.

Shu Shu's heart tightened.

Break your promise and get fat?
What the hell did this guy do?

Her heart was like grass, and she was thinking about how to ask.

Brother Nine came over and whispered in her ear: "I know that Laoshi treats me well, and I seem to be used to this kind of kindness, but I don't think much about him on weekdays, just like a little follower." ...On the side of mynah, I trust and pay more attention to it..."

He reflected: "This shouldn't be the case. If you really want to talk about it, the starling treats the master well, but the old ten treats the master better... Put them together and compare them. ..."

Such a silly brother, seeing that there was a pit ahead, jumped down without hesitation.

Brother Jiu is not hard-hearted, and he hesitated after receiving this love, wondering if he was wrong, and if he should not be implicated.

Shu Shu was pleasantly surprised.

She doesn't know the grievances and grievances of these princes growing up, but only looking at the interaction of her marriage, it is really unfair to treat the tenth prince and the eighth prince as the same.

In the eyes of the tenth elder brother, the ninth elder brother is like a brother and sister, who will consider him wholeheartedly and trust him wholeheartedly.

On the eighth elder brother's side, there is a good relationship, it seems that he is very close to other elder brothers...

As for Brother Nine's closeness and closeness, there is no feeling that it is indispensable.

It seems that for him, the brotherhood with Brother Nine is more like icing on the cake, not a necessity.

Otherwise, Bafujin would not dare to treat my uncle so slowly.

Having said that, she suppressed her surprise, and couldn't help expressing her curiosity: "Why is Master so close to Master Ba? After all, there is a difference in age, we don't go to school together, and we don't spend much time together... "

Is it because of living next door?
The twelfth elder brother still lived in the Ganxi No. [-] house, and I didn't see the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother have any closeness there.

In comparison, it should have been the same relationship.

Half-brothers, non-students from one year higher or lower.

Why is there such a big difference?
"That was many years ago..."

When Brother Nine mentioned the past, he still had lingering fears in his heart.

"Grandpa was about the same age as Xiao Liu at that time, about seven years old... At that time, the empress of Chengqian Palace died of illness, and the fourth child kept her filial piety. The kennel hugged a pug for him..."

Shu Shu listened, feeling quite excited.

This is it? !
Clipping a puppy's tail? !

Did you cut it or not?
Speaking of this, Brother Nine curled his lips and said: "I heard about it, and I was a little curious. It happened that Lao Shi had a rash for a few days and was away. I was idle and bored. After school, I followed Lao Qi to Chengqian Palace... "

Shu Shu heard about the arrangement of the prince's residence once before.

The fourth elder brother, the fifth elder brother, the seventh elder brother, and the eighth elder brother all lived in Chengqian Palace when they were young, and they were brought up by Tong Jia, who was the imperial concubine at the time.

Later, the elder brother's house was repaired in the palace, and the fifth one in Ganxi was repaired first, and the eighth elder brother who was assigned to the yard over there was moved out first.

The remaining elder brothers were moved out after the renovation of Gandong No. [-] Institute.

Although Empress Xiaoyi Tong Jia is the third successor, her weight is no worse than that of Empress Renxiao Hesheli, the Yuan empress.

She is the emperor's close cousin, and she is called "Gege" when she enters the palace, but she is treated like a concubine. She was conferred the title of concubine the next year, and she was the first concubine officially conferred by the Qing Dynasty.

A few years later, the imperial concubine of the Jin Dynasty took charge of the affairs of the six palaces and became the first imperial concubine in charge of the affairs of the six palaces in the Qing Dynasty.

In the twenty-eighth year of Kangxi, this empress was so ill that she was established as a queen, and an imperial edict was issued to the world.

However, unsatisfactory things in the world, nine out of ten, even the emperor, can not dominate the matter of life and death.

The day after she was registered as a queen, the empress died.

Brother Nine has already reached the key point.

"Hmph, who raises the dog, who does it look like... The fourth child is a sour-faced person, so that pug followed him. The first fourth child didn't come out, and he was still petted and cuddled, so cute, But it hurts; when the fourth child came out, he immediately got up, bared his teeth and threw himself on the grandfather... Seeing that he was about to jump on me, the starling hugged me, stopped me, and was bitten On the calf..."

Hearing this, Shu Shu guessed the direction below.

The prince's elder brother Jingui, that biting pug might not end well.

"Baye is injured?"

Shu Shu was worried.

"Isn't it? I bit it right. It was around the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I didn't wear much. I left several small holes, which were bleeding..."

Brother Jiu said with anger.

"What about pugs?"

Shu Shu asked.

"It was strangled to death, and the eunuch who kept the dog beat him with forty boards..."

Brother Jiu said casually: "This is also the rule in the palace. This kind of cats and dogs who dare to bite and scratch the master are not kept, so as to save the next time..."

Shu Shu was silent, just listening, she could think of Si elder brother's grievances at that time.

He lost his adoptive mother, was not close to his biological mother, raised a pug, and was teased by Brother Xiong to get into trouble and strangle him to death.

"This... is a life-saving grace..."

Shu Shu felt a little childish.

Pugs are so small that even if they pounce on people, they will be at the knees at most.

He came here to accompany the prince again, so the damage should be limited...

Brother Jiu nodded firmly.

"Forget it! How old was my starling at that time, two years older than me, only a nine-year-old child... The neighbor lived there before, but he didn't know much about it, and he didn't know him well, so he basically didn't move around. ..."

Shu Shu did not comment.

For a nine-year-old child, such bravery is indeed commendable.

Even if the "life-saving grace" at the beginning is more watery, the intimacy in the subsequent exchanges is real.

The love points have also been saved.

She was even more curious about the puppy's tail.

The puppies are all dead, so the tail-cutting thing is fake?

The fiction of later novelists?

Brother Nine snorted coldly and said, "Master, he always repays kindness for kindness and revenge for revenge...

You said the sour face of the fourth child, obviously his dog bit someone, he didn't think about his own mistakes, but instead blamed on the master, it's really outrageous...

When Khan Ama asked someone to send him the five blessings, it was a new pug dog, following the name of the previous pug dog, and the first one was called Sanfu, what a shabby name...

Don't let me touch it, don't let me tease you...

Every time the master passes by, he hides the five blessings in the house. Do you think he is shameless?

There are more than ten people, so narrow-minded..."

Shu Shu just wanted to "hehe", this brat is really disgusting.

With the lessons learned earlier, he actually went to tease the pug, remembering to eat but not to beat.

The fourth elder brother is not a fool, he killed a pug, and it would be irresponsible to let it go.

Brother Ninth took a bit of pride.

"Hiding and hiding, my master was annoyed, so Brother Yang found an excuse to hold him back, and went to Chengqian Palace first... Tsk tsk, you don't know what Wufucheng is like, with two pigtails and floret clothes, nondescript you think it can be comfortable? Poor thing, it is huddling in Grandpa's arms, and Grandpa helps it take off its little clothes when he is soft-hearted for a moment, and if the braids are tightly braided, Grandpa will untie the braids..."

Having said that, he pouted.

"At that time, Grandpa was still young, and his hands were not flexible, so he pulled off a handful of dog hair... Grandpa remembered, the fourth son of a bastard, when he came back and saw this, he became impatient, snatched the puppy back, and returned it. Squeezed it on Grandpa's head..."

Shu Shu listened, feeling a little overwhelmed.

It turns out that such a thing really happened!

This brat, again and again, is driving people into a hurry.

I only pulled out a handful of hair, and I restrained myself.

But in Kangxi's eyes, it may be "uncertain mood".

Pugs and princes are not in the same weight.

The fourth elder brother is twelve years old, and he is half a year old. It is indeed easy for people to criticize him for venting his anger on his younger brother for the pug.

"He didn't get well either! I remembered, and Khan Ama reprimanded him for being 'moody' for this...I almost forgot about it before, and I deserve it. Who told him to pluck my hair..."

Brother Nine gritted his teeth and said, "If I can't complain, Master thinks he's not pleasing to the eye, and the fourth child also treats Master as if he doesn't answer, so there is really a grudge..."

Shu Shu was also speechless after listening.

Really is a child, the memory is intermittent.

I remember that elder brother hugged him and held him high, but I didn't remember that elder brother took him to the room afterwards.

I remember that the eighth elder brother helped him block the pug's attack, but he didn't remember the "grievance" with the fourth elder brother later.

What a bad brother.

Shu Shu doesn't want Brother Ninth to seek trouble for nothing, and then go to Brother Four for "revenge".

Shu Shu didn't condemn Brother Nine's childish behavior, but only said with a puzzled face: "According to the words of the master, there is not a pug's life lying between the fourth beile and the eighth master..."

(End of this chapter)

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