My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 209 Be a Good Person

Chapter 209 Be a Good Person
Brother Jiu is young, so he forgets most of it when he turns around.

The fourth elder brother is twelve years old, and the eighth elder brother is nine years old. Both of them are old enough to remember things.

It's the eighth elder brother who is dragging people, so it's impossible to justify this without venting anger.

Brother Nine proudly said: "It's not that the mynah has a good temper and doesn't care about the fourth brother...Mynah has always been like this, with a gentle temper and never turned against others..."

Shu Shu didn't answer right away.

She was lost in thought at first, and then her face became tangled, looking at Brother Jiu, hesitant to speak.

Brother Jiu glanced at her: "What's wrong?"

Shu Shu was still hesitating, as if in a difficult situation.

Brother Nine leaned over and said, "Want to tell Master about the grace of saving your life? Mynah is really a good person, don't take your anger on mynah just because of Eight Fujin..."

What a clever little ghost.

Rarely sharp again.

Shu Shu couldn't recognize her, she quickly shook her head and said, "I just find it weird, didn't I say something about red face and bad face before? Why do I feel that Ba Ye's good popularity seems to be a foil..."

Brother Nine frowned, unwilling to hear this.

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "I just said that, I feel sorry for Grandpa... Grandpa is sincere, he treats Baye very well, and I will be wronged on behalf of him if Baye returns nine points. I wish I could come back one hundred percent... It's like ten Like a younger brother, I really have no choice for my master, but my master is also a good brother, and I will do my best to treat my tenth brother, otherwise I would not take the initiative to mention the tenth brother's errand to the emperor..."

So don't digress, pull back, what did this bastard do without telling himself?

Send someone to the capital to give gifts?
Give him a good starling, afraid that he will be unhappy because of this?
Elder Brother Jiu also thought of something serious, and lost the interest of gossip when he was a child. He lowered his head and said the answer: "I know you like to be safe, but... the Lord still took the initiative to take a step..."

Shu Shu sat up straight and looked at Brother Jiu.

Brother Nine put his chin on Shu Shu's shoulder, and said softly: "Old Ten has two tiger skins, the master told him to leave one for the prince..."

Shu Shu didn't speak for a while.

Brother Jiu turned his head to the side, looked at her expression, and said nervously: "You...are angry..."

In Shu Shu's mind, a word came to mind.

The originator has no future.

"What if... what if the master guesses wrong?"

Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine, and said solemnly: "It's not that there is a saying called 'Suspicious Neighbor Stealing the Ax'... There is also a saying called 'Hearing is believing, seeing is believing'... The most unruly thing in this world Yes, it’s birth, old age, illness and death. Back then, the emperor wanted the queen’s honor to congratulate Tong Niangniang, but he couldn’t do so... If Uncle Eleven was an ordinary sick person, then the death of the nanny and the married daughter of the Jin family were all coincidences..."

Brother Jiu was a little dazed, obviously he hadn't thought about this question.

His expression was a little flustered: "But Suo'etu has a bad record before him, he is uneasy and kind, the rumors in July..."

Shu Shu really wanted to popularize the theory of development to Brother Nine.

Things are not set in stone.

Just because you did bad things this year doesn't mean you did bad things last year.

The logical relationship in this is a bit far-fetched.

Shoot people first, shoot horses, and capture thieves first.

This tactic is certainly correct, but the prince is neither a horse nor a king.

He and Suo'etu are interdependent and independent, and they are still Kangxi's most precious son.

"If it is found out in the end, it was an accident back then. I only became suspicious after being frightened by Nanny Liu's audacity. Then I will feel guilty and uneasy..."

Shu Shu asked softly.

Ninth elder brother was a little annoyed: "But there are many doubts, if you don't move the prince away, you can't thoroughly investigate the Hesheli family..."

"Even though that's the case, I still don't want Grandpa to be the instigator..."

Shu Shu frankly expressed her worries and expressed her opinions: "No matter whether the prince is really flawed in character or not worthy of virtue, he is the prince appointed by the emperor himself... whoever jumps out the first One aimed at the prince, that person will not end well... Whether it is the emperor or the new emperor in the future, they will not tolerate it... No one thinks that the master is just doing this to find out about Uncle Eleven's illness, but they will believe that Grandpa has ghosts in his heart..."

"Ah? Then... the boss..."

What Shu Shu said was reasonable and well-founded, brother Jiu began to waver, a little worried, and said: "What will happen to the boss in the future?"

The boss has been in the ring with Donggong for many years, and it seems that the king does not see the king.

"If the crown prince is in line, the Zhijun king will be preserved... because he will be the brother king, and the only brother king. History is like a knife. If the prince wants to be magnanimous, Shi Enzhijun king is the best I will not commit the crime of killing my brother..."

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said her guess: "The emperor is the emperor, but the emperor is also Ama, even if the king of Zhijun is pushed out to sharpen the prince, he will not really have the heart for him to die well..."

Brother Jiu digested Shu Shu's words, his face changed again and again.

It sounds like that is indeed the case.

Brother Wang is different after all.

Such as Prince Lilie, Prince Suwu and Prince Yu.

The status is particularly respected, and several emperors have also bestowed favors on their elder brothers, showing the world that the emperor's mind is as broad as the sea.

After Shu Shu finished explaining the truth, she said softly: "Master has a sharp mouth and a tofu heart, he is kind and responsible..."

Speaking of this, her expression became more sincere: "I said this, not to stop you from doing anything... If someone really dares to offend you, then I will accompany you, walk side by side, through wind and rain, and do nothing. Fear, the worst thing is death... But if the prince is really innocent, I can't bear to feel guilty..."

In this world, being a bad person takes more brains than being a good person.

Shu Shu couldn't believe Brother Nine's brain.

For everyone's safety, let's be a good person.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu's eyes full of admiration and love, and held Shu Shu's hand tighter.

As if I'm not that good.

But in Shu Shu's eyes, everything about him is good.

Shu Shu's mouth is a little dry, and after understanding it with reason and emotion, the rest needs to be held accountable.

"Tenth brother here...he lost his biological mother, and he is not close to his natal family. If he is implicated by the master and rejected by the emperor, what will he do in the future? The title has not come down, if it affects..."

Shu Shu said, with worry on her face, she was a good sister-in-law who treated her uncle like her own brother.

Brother Jiu couldn't sit still.

"Yeah, it's too hasty... No, you can't send it like this..."

Brother Jiu regretted it.

He wanted to find out the truth, but if he really wanted to delay his brother's title for this, he was not willing to bear the price.

He hugged Shu Shu in his arms, hugged him vigorously, and was deeply moved: "No wonder the empress and the old ten told me to listen to you. I didn't accept it before, but now I accept it... It's because I want to go left. I didn't do internal affairs before." The government can bear it, but now I am in a hurry when I arrive at the House of Internal Affairs... It is because I heard the empress said that the inner management is under the control of the prince's grandma, so I became angry, and I couldn't suppress it... Everyone knows that the prince's grandma You are the eyes and ears of Suo'etu..."

Only then did Shu Shu realize that the fuse was half a month ago.

Brother Jiu is also growing.

There will be something hidden in my heart.

If it wasn't for the distribution of leather today that aroused his dark side, or even Shu Shu didn't know how suspicious he was of the Hesheli family.

After the ninth elder brother finished speaking, he let go of Shu Shu, and went to find the tenth elder brother.

Shu Shu sat back on the edge of the Kang, thinking of a possibility.


Was it the only case that the Hesheli family really murdered the prince?

The palace is not peaceful.

Otherwise, the elder brothers would not die one after another, and the eldest and third elder brothers who were sent out to be fostered outside the palace lived well.

Aside from that, Concubine Rong's first son is still ahead of the eldest son of the empress, and that is the real eldest son of the emperor.

Shu Shu feels bad about herself.

He actually secretly hoped that the Hesheli family's crime of murdering the prince would be confirmed and known to the world.

Then the prince will lose his greatest support.

There is no need to delay the storage space for ten years before it is abolished.

Nine sons seizing the heir apparent is another direction.

After everything is accelerated, don't you have to fight to the death?
Shu Shu secretly looked forward to it.

But in the end, it depends on the final investigation results of Brother Jiu, and it can't be made out of nothing.

Even if the evidence is found out, they will have to find another way to uncover it, and they can't be the trumpeter.

Next door, ten princes.

The skins were spread all over the floor, and two colorful tiger skins caught the eye.

Seeing that the little eunuch was about to wrap the two tiger skins separately, Brother Jiu said: "You go out first, the Lord will talk to your master..."

The little eunuch glanced at Elder Brother Ten, saw him nodding, bowed and retreated.

Seeing Brother Nine go and return, Brother Ten said, "Is there anything Brother Nine didn't order?"

Brother Jiu pointed to the ground and said: "It's better not to separate the tiger skin... If you give it to the East Palace, it will be the same as the boss..."

"Sister-in-law Jiu stopped her, what did she say?"

Elder Brother Ten reacted and asked curiously.

Ninth elder brother looked proud: "She is careful and thinks a lot. She is always afraid that I will wrong the Hesheli family and feel uncomfortable... How can there be so much discomfort? Seeing the Hesheli family's misfortune, I still gloat more ..."

Not everyone in this world is self-interested at the expense of others, and there are also a lot of people who harm others and benefit themselves.

Brother Jiu felt that he was just a layman.

Thinking of this, Brother Nine said pettingly: "But what should I do? In her heart, I am good everywhere, so I just want to follow her... Forget it this time, in the future it will still be 'no one will offend me, I will not offend others'." ' Well, or else it will look like I'm making trouble..."

Elder Brother Ten looked relaxed: "That's fine, just check it out slowly... If it's really a misunderstanding, there's no need to have multiple enemies for nothing..."

Brother Nine nodded: "I was impatient for a while... I have already arrived at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, why are you so anxious? Take your time, and you can always come to a conclusion..."

Elder Brother Ten looked at the skin on the ground: "Forget about the ceremony in Beijing, don't worry about it..."

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "It's time to give it back. It's not a loss to give a gift now. Why are they so embarrassing after the next year?"

Elder Brother Ten felt helpless: "But in that case, wouldn't Sister-in-law Nine be set up? I will give it away, will Sister-in-law Jiu give it to all the sisters-in-law and younger sisters? If Sister-in-law Jiu also gave it away, what about Sister-in-law Fifth and Sister-in-law Seven?" ...One thing more is worse than one thing less, let's forget it..."

(End of this chapter)

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