Chapter 210 Guess Right
"I actually forgot this..."

Brother Jiu was annoyed, and hummed softly: "Since you thought of this, why didn't you stop me just now, and just made fun of me..."

Elder Brother Shi grinned and said, "It's not that seeing Brother Jiu feel uncomfortable, he just wants to stand beside Brother Jiu to make Brother Jiu feel better, and ignore others for the time being..."

He is very calm, this is also distant and distant.

Compared with others, sister-in-law Jiu is closer.

But compared with my brother Jiu, sister-in-law Jiu has to be in the back, so she doesn't care about everything.

Brother Jiu understood what he meant and felt uncomfortable.

In terms of fairness, I don't seem to treat my old ten as well as my old ten treats me.

I am my elder brother, so I should take care of my younger brother.

Why does it seem like you let your brother take care of you?
His heart was heavy.

It seems that when you grow up, there is no room for willfulness.

When he was young, he was self-willed, so angry that others were half dead, he would only be complacent.

Now, I'm a little scared.

Don't be afraid to stumble yourself, or hurt the people around you.

Such as Shu Shu, Elder Brother Ten, and Empress and Fifth Brother.

There is no need to worry about the starling, he is the son-in-law of Prince An's mansion, and Khan Ama still counts on him to collect Zhenglan Qi.

Elder Brother Shi's Pizi didn't plan to dig a hole for the prince anymore, so he still followed the earliest distribution method, asked someone to wrap it up, and gave it around.

Brother Jiu sat for a long time, and said: "It's okay for others, we don't suffer if there are people who come and go... The chicken thief of the third child, the gift is also "Book of Filial Piety", it really belongs to Pixiu, it's a loss." ..."

Elder Brother Shi smiled and said, "We do ours and he does his. Anyway, it's all in the eyes of Han Ama. It's really hard to say who will suffer..."

Along the way, the princes and elder brothers got along harmoniously, but the third elder brother seemed out of place.

If you come and go again and again, can Khan Ama not ask?

This is due to brother, once in a while it can be said to be careless or unintentional, but if it is always like this, it will lose friendship.

Brother Nine smiled: "In the past two years, he celebrated his birthday, and Khan Ama has also started to give books, haha..."

Seeing his mood turn back, Elder Brother Shi breathed a sigh of relief, and also smiled: "It's just this time, in the future, we will give books to him on his birthday..."

Shu Shu's fur here has also been distributed.

Four pieces of black fox skins honor the queen mother, four pieces of silver fox skins honor the concubine Yi, four pieces of red fox skins honor the two concubines, two pieces of green fox skins honor the concubines Zhang, and four pieces of otter skins honor the two nobles.

Here at Wufujin, besides two sheets of otter skins, there are also two rolls of ermine skins.

The same is true for Qifu Jin's. They reserved it and asked the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to send it over by the way.

The elder brother's two princesses and the third elder brother's Tian Gege are the same, each with two rolls of ermine.

As soon as the money-scattering boy became a boy, most of the skins on Shu Shu's hand went away.

Shu Shu didn't plan to move the rest of the leather.

I plan to leave it to my natal family.

Especially the four wolf skins.

I heard that it is good to use this as a mattress.

It just happened to show filial piety to the elders in the family.

Walking here, most of the female attendants received the gifts with joy.

Besides, it's still a good thing to get.

"Not only exquisite, but also generous..."

Concubine Duan Shun smiled and praised the Queen Mother.

Be decent, not snobby.

She is an old widow, she is not from the Horqin tribe, and she has no relationship with the emperor, so she is considered cold.

But that child has always been polite, and has never distinguished her from Concubine Shuhui.

The queen mother nodded and said: "I have watched all the way. She is a good boy, soft-hearted and patient. When Buyin marries in, it is her blessing to have such a sister-in-law to teach her..."

No matter the queen mother or the two concubines, they all have rich private houses.

They also won't take advantage of the younger generation, knowing that these skins are the birthday presents given by various Mongolian ministries to Prince Fujin, they asked people to write it down, prepare a birthday gift, and send it when the day comes.

Concubine Yi is also very satisfied with Shu Shu's actions.

She herself has a generous and undisciplined temperament, and she is not the type who values ​​money and objects.

"After all, you are from the family, and you act thoughtfully. Otherwise, even if there is a reason for the incident, this gift is too eye-catching..."

Concubine Yi whispered to Xianglan.

Xiang Lan boasted: "The two elder brothers are still blessed. Among the few Fujins in the palace, the two Fujins act with character, and they are all first-class..."

Concubine Yi had some shortcomings, she sighed softly: "They are both the eldest daughter and elder sister, he is still a bit inferior in Tara, and it is also because of his background..."

Although it seems that the relationship between the Fifth Brother and his wife has eased these days, it is not as warm as that of the Ninth Brother and his wife.

Shu Shu not only took care of Brother Jiu's daily life along the way, but also took care of his two younger uncles. He got along with his sisters-in-law as close as sisters, and spent a lot of time honoring the Queen Mother.

More suitable for the eldest daughter-in-law.

He acted in Taras, and it was within the rules.

But in the end, she is a high-married woman, her hands are tied, and she can't let go.

It's not bad to behave in the world, that's the difference of family status.

He was born in a lower class and lost his confidence.

Unlike Shu Shu, Dong E's family has been married to the clan for generations, and they act more generously.

Xianglan is the most loyal, knowing that the master is awkward these days, there are some reasons for this.

But in this way, it would be unfair to Brother Nine.

In fact, the empress is just thinking about it.

There is also Liu Gege who gave birth to the eldest son in the fifth elder brother's backyard. Wu Fujin has a gentle temper.

Jiufujin has a temper, not irritable, but he refuses to be wronged.

If the situation of the two of them really needs to be changed, with Jiufu Jin's spirit, it is estimated that it will be Qifu Jin again.

Life is going on, but the young couple is not as sweet and happy as they are now.

In the third elder brother's yard, Tian Gege looked at the two rolls of ermine in front of him with disdain.

"Is this a beggar? It's not even enough for a small sweater, so I can only make a waistcoat..."

The little maid beside him hesitated and said: "Ge Ge, the servant has inquired about it, and the same is the case with King Zhijun. The two Ge Ge seem to be asking for a gift..."

Tian Gege frowned and said: "Isn't it a noble daughter? Why does it look like someone begging for something... If you give it sincerely, it won't be a few days. Let's talk about it after the birthday is over. What is it called..."

The third elder brother came back from the outside, seeing her unhappy, said: "What's wrong? I was bitten by fleas again..."

Tian Gege is squeamish, and walking outside in the courtyard is not as clean as the palace. Recently, he often complains about this.

Tian Gege shook his head, pointed to the two rolls of ermine, and said, "The gift of Jiufu Jin has arrived..."

"Lao Jiu is addicted to collecting money. He was not satisfied with the search once. Taking advantage of Jiu Fujin and Lao Shi's birthday, this is the second time to collect money?! The past two days have been busy over there, and it is a bit eye-catching. This is to quell public anger... "

The third elder brother stepped forward, flipped through it, and said in a slightly sour tone, "It's not bad, I can barely get it out, I'll make it together later, and I'll make you an ermine coat..."

Although he didn't hold the flag, he followed the crowd several times and gained a lot.

He didn't move his head, he would pay tribute to Zhongcui Palace, and the rest was going to be distributed to wives and concubines.

Tian Gege came out with the third elder brother, and also took care of the chores around the third elder brother, so he naturally knew the types of those leathers.

She had already planned in her heart, before she returned to Beijing, she asked for a few good skins, so that Fujin would be jealous when she went back.

His own master, Fujin, acts too petty.

She is obviously the mistress, but she makes her life in the second school very different.

The monthly rules of rewards for the people of the two institutes still follow the old rules.

Then, those who fawn on Fujin will receive another reward.

The courtyard is obviously good and well-organized, but it makes her mess up, and people are divided into different classes, which is not as harmonious as before.

The prince's dining room is also there, it is fully prepared, but others still only have regular dishes.

Except for the special dishes, even if it is a cabbage leaf, you have to spend money to order it.

Tian Gege saw that the mistress was alone and not tolerable.

It is necessary to plan for yourself.

At this moment, the people around Brother Ten came, and they came to give gifts.

After sending someone to leave, he opened the package and looked at the two black fox skins. The third elder brother didn't look happy, and became more and more dissatisfied.

"All the good things that are thrown out at random, how much money does Old Ten have to make this time?"

Tian Gege has relatives who work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so they also came out this time, and they were sent to her yesterday.

She touched the fox fur, bit her lips, and said softly: "Master, there has been a lot of talk about Yanzi Wan outside these two days... It seems that these gifts are not just because I heard that those two are going to celebrate their birthdays Yes, I said it was to please Brother Nine... But Brother Nine can take the medicine from the Royal Pharmacy, so shouldn't I be able to take it too..."

She has read a lot of books, and she doesn't believe in "Yanzi Wan".

If it was really so effective, the Crown Princess would not have been in the house for three or four years before she was happy.

But she thinks it's worth the money.

Those old Mongolians who don't study and have money will flock to them.

"There is still such a thing..."

The third elder brother became interested: "Tell me carefully, what's going on..."

Tian Gege talked about the popularity of "Yanzi Wan".

The third elder brother jumped up, his face was very excited.


Tian Gege looked at it, and his heart was also agitated.

His county king is going to join the imperial pharmacy?

Then from now on, shouldn't those old Mongolians give gifts to themselves one by one?
The third elder brother looked inexplicable, and muttered to himself: "Also 'Yanzi Wan'? The name is well made up, it must be the deer blood Shenrong pill, which has this effect..."

Tian Gege couldn't hear clearly and was a little confused.

"It's no wonder that I was so thoughtless before, one or two people who are snarky, so it's because of this..."

He twitched the corners of his mouth, and his smile was a little weird.

Lao Jiu had sequelae from the heat?

Harm to offspring?'s not working...

No wonder it was fine, Khan Ama let him take charge of the House of Internal Affairs.

People are already useless, how can they live without worrying about things?
Seeing his expression changing, Tian Gege didn't know whether he was really happy or unhappy, so he tentatively asked: "Master, how do you return the gift? The birthdays of Jiufu Jin and Elder Brother Ten are only a few days away..."

The third elder brother showed a smile on his face, sat on the edge of the kang, and rubbed Tian Gege's body: "The old ten's place, according to the old practice, is to pack a copy of the "Book of Filial Piety"... Is it Jiufujin's place? Send someone to the dining room Ordering some birthday peaches and birthday noodles is also a poor man..."

Thinking of Shu Shu's appearance, he was slightly better than his own Fujin, and he was considered top-notch among the princes' Fujin.

The third elder brother sighed a little.

The beauty is unlucky, but that's all.

Shu Shu is here, talking about the distribution of pills with Brother Nine.

seeing is believing.

This round, there is still no payment.

Continue to test drugs.

Except for the one that Shu Shu asked someone to send to Princess Chunxi in private.

Brother Jiu asked about the gift-giving situation of other departments, picked out the ones with the richest gift lists, and made up his mind: "Only these few companies, without looking at anything, they are so generous, not short of money..."

Almost nine of them have a family.

To save the distance between the tribes and the tribes, the news is not so convenient.

It is necessary to ask everyone to inquire about the efficacy of the medicine, so that it is convenient for the next step.

After hearing this, Shu Shu couldn't help laughing: ""After this, I'm afraid I'll wear a hat that only recognizes money but not people..."

The "God of Wealth Nine" disappears, and the "Greedy Nine" first becomes.

Brother Jiu didn't take it seriously: "Say it sooner or later, and you'll have to suffer. As long as you get benefits, let them gossip. No one on the left or right dares to come to us..."

"The others are fine, I'm afraid there will be trouble with Princess Duanmin..."

Shu Shu also felt a headache when she thought of this one.

The other party's seniority is here, and if she spoils her, her husband and Taiji's son will find love for her. Even Kangxi didn't do anything to her, at most he just ignored her.

Brother Nine's seniority is here, it's better not to match up, otherwise it will become rude to be reasonable.

But among the few selected by Brother Jiu just now, there is no Princess Duanmin's Mansion.

For the Horqin Department, the Palace of Princess Chunxi was still chosen.

"When the sky is falling, there is a tall man standing there, and with Khan Ama around, I can still be bullied..."

Brother Jiu didn't put Princess Duanmin in his eyes, but instead focused on Princess Chunxi with Shu Shu: "What you gave was given by you, it's a favor you left... She must miss you... "

Speaking of this, he lowered his voice and said: "Not all princesses die in Mongolia after touching Meng. During the time of Emperor Shizu, Princess Gulun Yongmu went back to live in Beijing after being a widow, and was buried in Horqin after her death..."

There are precedents, Princess Chunxi may return to live in Beijing in the future.

Now she is the elder sister of the princes... In the future, she will be the eldest sister of the new emperor, and she can talk in the clan...

Shu Shu looked at Brother Jiu with admiration in his eyes.

This is "three days away from Shibai, you should look at each other with admiration"?
It seems that there are not even three days.

Just yesterday there was a mood ups and downs, as if I had grown up several years all of a sudden.

Can think so far.

This is for Shu Shu's consideration, Shu Shu naturally appreciates it, but also feels a little sour.

Why think about this in advance?
As long as he is doing well, even if the title is not high in the future, he will still be the emperor's brother, emperor's uncle, and a close clan.

Who can neglect Shu Shu, Fujin?

This is……

Thinking too far...

At this moment, Walnut brought something back and said: "Fu Jin, just now Wu Bei Le asked if the master was there, and said he wanted to come and talk to the master..."

On the side of the princes of the Horqin Department, there are several other branches besides the one where Princess Chunxi is.

They had a guilty conscience and didn't dare to surround the ninth elder brother like others, so they hit the fifth elder brother with their ideas.

If you want to invite the fifth elder brother to be a middleman, you have to serve wine to the ninth elder brother to make amends.

The fifth elder brother was confused, and after listening to them chanting, he realized that there was such an episode in the first banquet when he first arrived in the paddock.

At that time, he was taken away by the third elder brother, and he was not in front of him.

Knowing this time, he was annoyed and scolded those people out.

In his heart, the Horqin family is closer because of the emperor's grandmother, but they will not go past their brothers.

Don't say that the younger brother ignored them, just wanted to clean them up, and the fifth elder brother had no objection.

It happened that Walnut was going to deliver the skins, and the fifth elder brother asked if his younger brother was there.

Knowing that brother Jiu didn't go to the Yamen, he was ready to come.

Wu Fujin also had something to give to Shu Shu, so the couple came hand in hand...

 Buyin, full name Buyin Bayer, the name of Shi Fujin, was referring to Jiuyi’s Xinjiang classmate, a young lady living in the Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, tall, plump and strong, with fair skin and brown hair , not very good at speaking Chinese, as blunt as a foreigner speaking Chinese... As a result, I saw a group of classmates on Saturday, and another Xinjiang student left a message saying that this female classmate has left... This is what I have heard in recent days The second bad news... Terrible, they are all born in the 55s, shouldn't they be children?Why do you start to face birth, old age, sickness and death, [-], everyone take care, I hope everyone is healthy and worry-free.

(End of this chapter)

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