Chapter 211 Planning

After hearing the movement, Shu Shu and Brother Nine rushed out to welcome them.

The fifth elder brother strode in. The redness and swelling on his face had disappeared, and the wound had scabbed over. There was no infection or growth.

The wound is divided into two parts, the upper part is deep and has not fully healed; the lower part is shallower, and some scabs have begun to loosen.

I don't know how the scar will be left, but according to the worst development, it will be a two and a half inch scar.

Compared with the previous injuries, this result is considered good.

However, perhaps because of the taboo to heal his wounds, Fifth Elder Brother has become a little clearer, and his originally round face has become more distinct.

Every fat man is a potential stock, this sentence is applicable in ancient and modern times.

Compared with the ninth elder brother, the fifth elder brother is more like his mother, with more delicate eyebrows and eyes.

Wu Fujin followed Fifth Elder Brother, with a happy face and a good mood.

When everyone met each other, the fifth elder brother and the ninth elder brother went to the east room, and Shu Shu led Wu Fujin to the west room.

Behind Wu Fujin, two maids followed, each holding a big bag.

Seeing Shu Shu, she frowned and said: "It's just a few skins, everyone has a share, sister-in-law is a layman, what kind of gift do you have in return..."

"It's not a gift from Pizi..."

Wu Fujin picked up a package, opened it, and said, "This is a birthday gift for you. I was idle there a few days ago, so I took the girl to do some work..."

In fact, some birthday gifts were prepared long before the retinue came out.

What Shu Shu prepared here was a small magnolia double-bird screen, and Brother Ten prepared a pair of copper paperweights, both of which are light and easy to carry, and they are also decent to send out.

Elder Brother Shi's courtesy is not bad, it's passable on the face of it.

Shu Shu here, after this journey, after getting to know each other well, I feel that the gift is a bit thin and not very practical.

Thinking that there are still many days before returning to Beijing, and everyone's winter clothes are tight, Wu Fujin took advantage of the leisure time a few days ago to re-prepare the birthday ceremony.

What she was holding now was handed to Shu Shu, and said, "Try it, if it doesn't fit, I'll ask someone to change it..."

She wasn't good at girls, and one of the maids who followed her was a needleworker who picked palace girls from the House of Internal Affairs, and she also picked good girls.

Shu Shu was not too polite, so she opened it, and it was a sweet-colored satin-bottomed horse leather jacket.

She went to the back room to change, came out and walked around: "It's just right, sister-in-law, take a look..."

Wu Fujin stepped forward, touched his length and said, "Fortunately, I just measured my figure and asked someone to add an inch to you... There is a surplus here, if you are taller, you can still put it out an inch..."

Shu Shu laughed and said, "If it grows longer, it will become a stupid pillar..."

While speaking, Shu Shu's body felt dry, and her forehead was a little sweaty.

The house is burning hot, and the big woolen clothes are still a bit unwearable now.

She went in and changed again, came out with the clothes, and said to Wu Fujin with emotion: "When I was a child, I was very curious when I heard about these leather materials, such as Tianma skin, sea dragon skin, and ermine skin... Thinking about what Tianma is What kind of horse? What kind of dragon is the sea dragon? Ermine skin, what kind of fine pieces should it be..."

Wu Fujin nodded with a smile, and said: "It's all the same. I also remember that Guo Luomafa made an ermine coat for me when I first got my hair cut... I really thought it was on a mouse. I hated being dirty and refused to wear it anyway." , and got two slaps on my forehead..."

Tianma skin has nothing to do with horses. It is the fur on the belly of the sand fox, which is an upgraded version of fox skin.

The sea dragon skin has nothing to do with the sea or the dragon. In fact, it is the best otter skin, and it is considered the king of otter skins.

The ermine skin used to refer to the fur of a kind of ermine in Wula, Jilin.

Later, ermines were scarce, so they replaced them with other leathers, which became a general term for a kind of leather.

The ermine skin mentioned on the market today mostly refers to the section of the squirrel's abdomen.

Wu Fujin opened another package and said: "This is sent back by the empress. I brought someone to change it. When you get the clothes on your side, send it back to me..."

It is a [-]-piece fox girdle leather robe with fragrant Jiangxi silk bordered on tapestry.

Concubine Yi asked the four of them to choose their clothes before, and cut out winter clothes for them. Everyone has this fragrant robe.

"Why is it so urgent..."

Shu Shu received the birthday present calmly, but now she feels a little uncomfortable.

Wu Fujin took her hand and said: "It's so cold today... the little woolen clothes are useless..."

"Wait until you get out of the paddock..."

Shushu said.

The altitude of the paddock is higher, and it is densely covered with mountains and forests, so the climate is lower.

She calculated the approximate temperature in Shengjing in her mind, and said, "It's only a few days, when we arrive in Shengjing, we may have to change back to the little woolen clothes..."

"It's good to be prepared, anyway, it has been changed..."

Wu Fujin said with a smile.

Shu Shu stopped talking, just thanked her, and asked casually: "Sister-in-law Qi mentioned last time, the scar removal prescription at the Tai Hospital, has my sister-in-law sent someone to ask? Or just tell your mother... ..."

The prescriptions on the Qifujin side are all folk remedies, and they need to be verified to see if they work well.

But the fifth elder brother's scar is not something else, so there is no room for experimentation.

The prescription from the Tai Hospital is more reassuring in comparison.

Wu Fujin covered his mouth with a handkerchief, his eyebrows curved, lowered his volume, and whispered: "I saw your empress the day before yesterday, so I will entrust all this to your empress..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu understood, and praised in a low voice: "Sister-in-law understands..."

Speaking of the elders, Shu Shu hesitated when thinking of the Queen Mother: "What does the old man say? You are sad to see Fifth Brother..."

Wu Fujin sighed and said, "I didn't dare to see you... Fifth Master said that I would go there after the scabs fell off, so as not to make the old man feel uncomfortable... Because of this, I can't show my face to pay my respects over there..."

Shu Shu was silent.

Although the emotional couple returned to the Holy Driver team, they had to continue to act as invisible people.

East room.

The fifth elder brother was full of anger, facing the ninth elder brother, and almost sprayed his saliva on his face: "Are you stupid? Others pour you, and you just drink it? What do you do for their face? The body is important, or it's so stupid Human relations are important..."

Ninth elder brother was sprayed with disfigurement, and argued: "Isn't this a banquet? The toast is not someone else, it's from the Horqin Department..."

At that time, the nine princes who came to the court were all there. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, which prince would neglect the Horqin tribe?

Whenever there is dissatisfaction, rumors and rumors will fly all over the sky, and some strange speculations will arise.

If not, Brother Nine would not have let Princess Duanmin's sons drink too much.

The fifth elder brother didn't care about this, and said angrily: "What's wrong with the Horqin department? It can be more valuable than you! It's because Khan Ama is used to them, so I shouldn't show good face... I will tell the emperor's grandmother later, In the future, pay less attention to them, and see who they can take advantage of..."

Brother Nine hurriedly said: "Fifth brother, don't be like this..."

Yesterday he thought about it for a while, and realized that the mynah has something to rely on.

The wife's family is powerful, even if it is not as good as before, Prince An's Mansion is still the first-class family in the Jin faction clan.

Besides, Khan Ama treats the starling well, and he should have the intention to train him to be the next banner owner of the Zhenglan flag.

In contrast, Fifth Brother and Old Ten have nothing to rely on.

The old ten mother's family is dignified, but now the position of the Duke of Niu Hulu's family has been taken away by A Ling'a.

This person is not Lao Shi's real uncle, but also Lao Shi's real uncle's enemy.

It's probably just a matter of saving face when we go back and forth between the two.

Brother Jiu felt that he was stupid before, and he couldn't even see this, but he still wanted to "get closer" with Niu Hulu's family, it was really stupid.

Fortunately, there was a change, and his Fujin was replaced by Shu Shu, otherwise he didn't know what would happen between him and his tenth brother.

Where is Fifth Brother?
The queen mother is the biggest backer.

However, the queen mother has a spring and autumn.

The Empress Dowager is not a sociable and lively person, and there are countless people who come and go in the palace on weekdays, and most of them live in secluded places.

This time on the northern tour, the Empress Dowager made more appearances.

Especially in those days in Horqin, the queen mother was very concerned about the descendants of her relatives, and talked about the fifth elder brother and the fifth Fujin over and over again.

Horqin can be the backing of Fifth Brother.

Brother Jiu had a small plan, and his mind cleared up.

He changed his tune and said: "Then listen to Fifth Brother, I will ignore them from now on, and go wherever you like to cool off..."

The fifth elder brother saw that his younger brother was obedient, which is better, nodded and said: "That's right, ignore them, one by one is bad..."

Speaking of this, he snorted coldly: "The third brother is also bad, I will ask him later why he is so bad, he is still a brother..."

This is about the fact that the third elder brother deliberately took him away at the banquet that night.

"Fifth Brother just keep it in mind, don't bother to talk to him about it, he won't recognize it..."

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said: "It's been like this since I was a child, it's bad, and it's a set of words, it's all reasonable..."

Ordinary people are no match for the third brother, and the fifth brother is already clumsy, let alone tall.

I'm afraid that only someone like Shu Shu can be in the same class as him, so he won't fall behind.

The fifth elder brother and the third elder brother are three years apart, and they suffered more when they were young.

Fifth elder brother belatedly remembered something, hesitantly said: "Back then, the imperial grandmother seemed to have told me to be more respectful to my brothers, don't delay my brothers' studies, if you want to play, go find your brothers..."

Brother Nine nodded and said: "It must be that the third brother is broken, and it's not easy to tell the fifth brother..."

The fifth elder brother showed a tangled face, but finally showed firmness.

"Then I have to go find him once, I'm not afraid of him... I have to remind him not to do this in the future, don't try to bully you again, or use words to piss people off, or I'll beat him up next time... ..."

Brother Nine took a look at his brother's stature and his chubby belly, and said frankly, "Fifth brother can't beat him. Don't worry about the third brother, he's still going to be tough..."

If he is really useless, can Khan Ama pamper him?

That is also the prince who is both civil and military.

It is to cater to Khan Ama's admiration of Sinology that he made a gesture of not letting go of the book.

The fifth elder brother had self-knowledge, thought for a while, and said, "One-on-one, I definitely can't do about I drag Lao Qi..."

(End of this chapter)

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