Chapter 212 Brothers and Feet Like Bandits and Enemies

The princes and elder brothers in the palace are all brothers, but brothers are different from brothers.

Brothers from the same mother, there are ninth elder brother and fifth elder brother who are normal, brothers and sisters.

There is also the case of the fourth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother, with a big age difference, a difference of twelve years.

The fourth elder brother took care of his younger brother sincerely, taking care of his younger brother like a son, so that the elder brother was like a father; but the fourteenth elder brother was so stubborn that he didn't appreciate it at all.

When the two brothers got together, they jumped around and shouted loudly.

There are also the fifteenth elder brother and the sixteenth elder brother who are more than a year apart, and they look like twin brothers together, and it is unclear what will happen in the future.

Among the half-brothers, there are several types.

One is the son of the concubine, and the other is the adopted son of the concubine, so they are closer than the other brothers.

Just like the elder brother and the eighth elder brother, the prince and the third elder brother.

The fifth elder brother and the ninth elder brother have an adopted younger brother, the seventeenth elder brother, but because of his young age, he really can't see anything.

There are good relationships and there are bad relationships.

Such as the natural confrontation between the elder brother and the prince, the eldest son and the eldest son.

For example, the seventh elder brother and the third elder brother have a long history.

The seventh prince's mother, Dai Jia, was also born as a beautiful girl in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the [-]th year of Kangxi, she entered the palace in the same year as Concubine De and Concubine Wei. She was assigned to live in Zhongcui Palace as a concubine of the highest level.

When the seventh prince landed in the nineteenth year, he was born with a foot problem, and some bad words spread.

Zhongcui Palace is in bad luck...

It's all a coincidence, just in February of that year, an elder brother from a nobleman died in Zhongcui Palace.

In July, in the back side hall, another little prince who was born with incompleteness was born.

Kangxi didn't like it, so he didn't ask someone to take him to Zhaoxiang's upbringing, and he didn't arrange for the prince elder brother to be taken care of after he landed.

Even because he hated this son, Kangxi even visited Zhongcui Palace less.

Concubine Rong was the concubine Rong at the time, and she was already the lord of the first palace, so she refused to keep Dai Jia's mother and son, and insisted on calling her to move to the palace.

Concubine Tong Gui, who was still in charge of palace affairs, was kind and asked people to move Dai Jia's mother and son to the back side hall of Chengqian Palace.

Concubine Rong disliked the prince, but she didn't fall well. The next year she was named concubine, ranking last.

Perhaps there are inhumane reasons for this, but on the bright side, Concubine Rong blamed Dai Jia's mother and son for being named the last concubine.

Every time I meet Dai Jiashi, I don't have a good face.

These are originally the grievances of the previous generation, and have nothing to do with the seventh and third elder brothers.

But the third elder brother loved to reason since he was a child.

Seventh elder brother was already six years old when he was sent out of the palace, and he was about to go to school.

It's not good to hide anymore, Kangxi just wanted to adopt him out, out of sight, out of mind.

The third elder brother was nine years old at the time, and he was studying the "Book of Rites". He didn't know much about the patriarchal clan system here, so he liked to show off.

Hearing that the hidden younger brother was about to be adopted, the third elder brother leaned over and talked to the little seventh elder brother about what is the succession...

Just change Ama, change Erniang...

Ama is no longer Khan Ama in a bright yellow robe, but a wooden tablet.

Er Niang was not Dai Jia who agreed, but the pure Prince Fujin.

At that time, instead of calling her Er Niang, she will change her name to "E Nie".

Come back later, they are guests, and they become cousins...

But it is also an advantage, because he will attack Duke Doro, or Prince Heshuo directly.

If he does not succeed, he is the son of a concubine, a general of the country or something.

How can a six-year-old child care about the rank of title?
Khan Ama was originally a legendary person, and he had never seen him twice.

Erniang is here to depend on each other for life, and she doesn't want to change Erniang...

Then Seventh Brother went on a hunger strike and almost starved himself to death before returning to the palace.

The words of the third elder brother also spread to the imperial court, he was reprimanded, he was grounded for a month, and he copied the "Book of Rites" a hundred times.

The third elder brother is very strong when he is young, and regards this punishment as a great shame and humiliation.

When he came out, he found that elder brother Qi had also come to the Shang study, so he deliberately stared at elder brother Qi's legs and feet.

The seventh elder brother was enraged, almost made a move, was reprimanded by his husband, and got a test of "disrespecting elder brother".

Brother Jiu thinks of these old things, and his mentality is different.

I didn't think it was a big deal before, and the third child was just a small problem of breaking his mouth. There are too many children, and a fight is not uncommon.

Listening to it now, it's broken since childhood.

He couldn't help but murmured to the fifth elder brother: "It's just such a small and inhuman thing, why is Khan Ama still like a baby..."

Isn't this bullying what is it?
Why don't you dare to provoke the elder brother and the prince?
He also said that he was showing off his new knowledge, but he didn't show off in front of Shang Shufang's elder brother and younger brother, so why did he show off in front of an invisible younger brother who hadn't shown his face for several years?
He has scruples about saying that the eldest elder brother and the prince are elder brothers, but the fourth elder brother and fifth elder brother are always younger brothers, and he has never seen him show off once in the past.

Fifth elder brother shook his head and said, "He was only nine years old at the time, and he didn't do it on purpose..."

Brother Jiu shook his head, and said: "That's not necessarily... If you say that you have learned "Book of Rites" and want to show off to your little brother, then why do you mention titles or not..."

The "Book of Rites" does not include the inheritance of clan titles and titles.

Moreover, the titles of the concubine prince and the prince's elder brother were compared.

Did a nine-year-old child come up with these words casually?
Brother Nine has seen the cleverness of others these days, and he dare not underestimate them.

"If it was intentional, then the appointment is very proud, and it interferes with the succession of the seventh son..."

Brother Nine squinted his eyes: "Maybe it's all pretending like this now, and he doesn't seem very smart. Others don't care about him, and Khan Ama is more tolerant and loving to him..."

The fifth elder brother still didn't believe it: "That can't be, he has been like this since he was a child, and there are many times when he speaks without intention..."

Brother Nine became even more suspicious.

People are growing up, how can they be ignorant all the time.

Besides, he is still the royal elder brother, not the stupid son of the landlord's family.

He looked at the fifth elder brother and asked solemnly: "Fifth elder brother, do you think I have changed much this year compared to last year?"

The fifth elder brother nodded: "Big..." Then he shook his head: "There are still things I don't understand..."

"Is the one you're optimistic about better than last year?"

Brother Jiu continued to ask.

"Well, that's true, it's a lot stronger... Isn't this a family, and the younger siblings are also virtuous, so you will be sensible..."

Fifth elder brother told the truth.

Brother Jiu said the conclusion, and said: "So, everyone has grown up, and they are all different from when they were young. How could it be possible that the third child has not changed? He is already an Ama, and he can't be thorough in his words and actions. ? If you are really such a fool, why don't you see him "talking without heart" in front of Khan Ama?"

The fifth elder brother had a headache and couldn't figure it out, so he asked doubtfully, "Is he divided?"

Brother Jiu nodded resolutely: "That's natural, if he is also vain in front of Khan Ama, pretending to talk nonsense, and occasionally "unintentionally" insulting people, Khan Ama will appreciate him... ..."

The fifth elder brother nodded: "Then he is pretending... just pretending, I also pretend to be honest in front of Khan Ama, don't hate him too much... just look at his good, hardworking, persistent, and knowledgeable... ..."

His temperament is like this, he does not criticize others, his temper is more tolerant.

Ninth elder brother was speechless, and reminded himself for a long time, just wanting fifth brother to stay away from third child.

But he also recalled that Khan Ama was probably not happy to see his sons alienated.

He didn't talk too much, just reminded: "Anyway, fifth brother remembers to salute with the third child in the future, don't send others, just give books..."

Fifth elder brother smiled brightly and nodded: "Okay, I understand... Do you want to give a gift, you have to give it to your heart..."

Brother Nine smiled sarcastically, knowing what it means to have a short memory.

Just now he said that the third child was bad, and he was going to discuss it, but now he has left it behind.

My fifth brother is a little naive...

When the fifth elder brother and his wife were sent away, the ninth elder brother was very worried and couldn't help complaining to Shu Shu.

"How did the Empress Dowager teach you? The fifth brother is so heartless... I have been grinding my teeth with him for a long time, trying to keep him away from the third child so as not to suffer in the future. He didn't listen, and advised me not to hate him The third child... this temper is not good, and he will suffer in the future, so he has to pull it off..."

Shu Shu thought about the identity of the fifth elder brother, the eldest son of the favorite concubine, raised by the queen mother, his status among the princes was second only to the crown prince and the tenth elder brother, shoulder to shoulder with the eldest elder brother and the fourth elder brother.

With his status and temperament, he can stand on the sidelines and die well.

"Fifth brother is generous, this is also very good, how many troubles will be reduced, and there will be future blessings..."

When Shu Shu said this, he paused, and said: "Master has grown up, and he also knows the difference between growing up and being a child. When I was young, the elders helped to make up their minds, saying that it was for our own good. We don't care whether we like it or not. They are obedient and obedient...Growing up, the same elders, the same for our own good, but I feel irritable in my heart, and I still want to make up my own mind...Everyone has their own way of doing things, just do what you want, Reluctantly, each other is uncomfortable..."

The fifth elder brother is already twenty years old, not two years old.

Cultivate your temperament, you can change it wherever you say it can be changed.

Besides, the ninth elder brother is the younger brother, so he has no authority in the fifth elder brother's heart.

There are those who listen to the opinions of their father and brother. How many elder brothers can completely listen to the opinions of their younger brothers?
Brother Jiu hesitated.

Because what Shu Shu said made him feel the same way.

The teachings from the empress are all for his own good.

But he was able to listen to it before, and he was obedient honestly, but now he listens to the part he wants to hear, and he still wants to decide the rest.

It is said that stupid people have stupid blessings, Shu Shu also means this, right?

If you are smart and think more, you will have more troubles.

Just like myself.

After the ninth elder brother reflected on it, he didn't get entangled anymore.

As long as he stands up on his own, Fifth Brother can do as he pleases, anyway, he has his younger brother protecting him.

In the days that followed, some princes and princes received "gifts" from Brother Nine.

There was no movement from the Horqin Department.

The medicine that Shu Shu gave Princess Chunxi before was given privately.

Princess Pure Jubilee didn't make it public either.

So, not known.

The prince of Horqin could not sit still.

Shengjia will leave the paddock in three days, and they will also return to Mongolia.

It's a bit embarrassing, will others guess that Horqin's tribe has lost their holy family?

If Brother Nine was just ignoring them in the past, now he just shuts the door.

Everyone has no choice but to ask Fifth Brother again...

 It's the end of the month, and Xiaojiu insists on daily ten thousand high school every day, and everyone helps to order a little monthly pass, only to see Tiger's new book is on the shelves, and it is strongly recommended.

(End of this chapter)

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