My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 213 66 Birthday Ceremony

Chapter 213 Sixth and Sixth Birthday Ceremony
The fifth elder brother has a generous personality, but he is also the prince elder brother. He is angry in his heart and is very rude to Prince Horqin.

"Brother Jiu didn't want to see him, so he didn't see him. What reason could there be? Didn't you guys bully him first? It's because of the emperor's grandmother's sake that he doesn't get angry, so what else?"

Prince Horqin was in a hurry.

It's not just a question of buying medicine.

Instead, he really offended Brother Nine.

Behind him is a beloved concubine and the same mother, Lord Baylor.

Some people complained to Princess Duanmin's consort King Darhan one after another: "Go and make amends quickly, don't implicate others... The Princess House has confidence, but others still have to face..."

King Darhan had no choice but to offend all his cousins, so he could only come forward in person and stop Brother Jiu outside the yamen.

He also sighed in his heart.

But within a month, Brother Nine was no longer the bald prince who was at the bottom of the ranking, but the acting chief in charge of the royal house.

"Ninth Master..."

King Darhan did not put on airs of an elder, and his attitude was a little more respectful than before.

Brother Nine glanced at him, and didn't ignore people as King Darhan expected, and responded nonchalantly: "My lord..."

King Darhan apologized and said with a smile: "A few days ago, the dogs were rude when they were drunk, and slighted Master Nine. I'll come here..."

Brother Jiu was impatient to listen, looked him up and down, sneered, turned and left.

King Darhan only felt baffled, so he said a word, which word is wrong?

The confidant who was following hurriedly reminded in a low voice: "My lord, you must have an attitude when making an apology, it's not good to be so empty..."

King Darhan was puzzled: "Didn't you send a gift a few days ago?"

Although there were not many gifts, they followed the crowd and gave birthday gifts to Jiufu Jin and Elder Brother Shi.

Naturally, it is not in the name of the Princess Mansion. Princess Duanmin claims to be the Eldest Princess and only has relationships with the East Palace. She treats other princes and elder brothers as normal and not polite.

Instead, in the name of Prince Darhan's residence, they gave away skins, birthday noodles, etc., and made up four-color birthday gifts.

Originally, ten princes were supposed to be first, and Jiufujin was second.

It is the intention to ease the relationship with Brother Nine, and two strokes are the same courtesy.

The confidant said: "Your Majesty, one yard belongs to one yard... That gift is a gift of favor. Listening to Wu Beile's voice, this is a vengeance...It is better to resolve the enemy than to tie it. Taiji doesn't care about it... I heard that many people from the tribes came to Brother Jiu to ask for a golden belt, but none of them succeeded... Now those people in the Karaqin tribe are secretly laughing... the belt The order, Brother Jiu handed it over to the was the Neizaoban, if it wasn't through Brother Jiu, who would have such dignity as a Mongolian prince..."

Before, I thought this prince was greedy and abusive, but now it's really hard to tell who is taking advantage.

King Darhan felt a headache: "Then, do we need to prepare a backup gift?"

Even though he respected the princes on the face, there was comparison in his heart.

In terms of status, he is the hereditary Prince Heshuo; in terms of seniority, he is the uncle and cousin of the princes.

Even if the princes are decent and have high status, they cannot overwhelm him, a Mongolian vassal.

He didn't care about the golden belt incident before, in fact, he didn't look at Brother Jiu, but for the emperor.

Who said that the eldest princess was not rude at that time and offended the emperor.

His forehead can only make up for it.

It is not the prince who is respectful, but the emperor behind the prince.

He also specially prepared an apology ceremony, and he couldn't get it off his face.

The confidant hurriedly persuaded: "My lord, think about the Taijis, and the little brothers of the grandchildren..."

When the time comes, the marriage will be referred to in Beijing, and the princes and grandchildren who have no title inheritance will have to go to the capital to fill in the vacancies.

Even if you can't ask for the other party's head, you must guard against the other party's tricks.

King Darhan is a practical person, otherwise he would not put down his dignity and find love for his wife in front of the emperor.

Temporary entanglement is because of seniority issues.

When he figured it out, he asked someone to open the boxes he had brought out and pick out some valuables.

Small gold ingots with blessing characters lamp, white jade bergamot, sapphire blessings and longevity, ink jade pendant with a hundred sons and auspiciousness.

Add one tiger skin, two silver fox skins, two wolf skins, and two sable skins.

There are a total of eight-color gifts, and I asked the chief of the palace, Shi, to take them and personally go to the residence of Brother Jiu to give the gifts.

Still in the name of a birthday gift.

What else?

There are too many people talking, and it is impossible to really admit that it is an apology.

Brother Jiu was not there, Shu Shu was thinking about warming and tonic ingredients with "Materia Medica".

Seeing the arrival of winter, her throat felt a little itchy.

Coupled with the damp and cold air in the mountains, there are some signs of illness.

Now in the entourage, if the Tai Hospital is alarmed, it will be troublesome.

So Shu Shu asked someone to make "Mi Li Suo".

Last winter, it worked for her to eat this, and the symptoms were alleviated after three or four days.

This year or because it is in the mountains, it is not the same as the damp and cold in Beijing, so it is not very effective.

She thought about changing the recipe.

If it doesn't work, they can only use the name of "rubella" and stay behind closed doors, but it is the worst policy in the end.

Shu Shu was a little surprised when Walnut came to report that it was the long history of Darhan Palace who asked to see him.

A few days ago, there were quite a few gift-givers, but almost all of them were given.

Come now...

Shu Shu changed her clothes and came out to meet the guests.

Chang Shi was a Confucian scholar in his fifties, looked very respectful and respectful, and said: "Our lord heard about Fujin Qianqiu, and sent his ministers to congratulate..."

Shu Shu didn't reply immediately, she couldn't help feeling suspicious in her heart.

Could it be that I have misremembered, when Jiubu gave birthday presents, Darhan Palace didn't send them?
She glanced at Walnut, and Walnut made a six.

Shu Shu remembered, it was a four-six birthday gift.

Six pieces of red fox skins, six bolts of brocade, sixty birthday peaches, and sixty birthday noodles.

Ji Zhou looks decent, but in comparison, it is not as valuable as the birthday gifts of other tribes.

Red foxes are common among furs, brocades are not rare clothing materials, and birthday peaches and birthday noodles are made up.

Chang Shi had already stood up, holding the gift list in both hands.

Shu Shu's face was pulled down: "You will not be rewarded for nothing. Ben Fujin has already received the birthday gift from the palace. There is no reason to accept a second time. Please thank the prince on behalf of Fujin..."

After that, she picked up the teacup.

Chang Shi's hands and feet were numb, he didn't dare to be a scoundrel, so he could only respectfully retreat.

Didn't expect to be rejected.

I have inquired before that the Ninth Prince is greedy for money, but this Jiufu Jin's reputation is polarized. Some say that he has a gentle temper and makes people feel like a spring breeze, while others say that he is a proud daughter of a noble family and is as violent as the king of Hades.

It now appears that this notoriety is not groundless.

Shu Shu didn't care about Chang Shi's slander, and complained to Walnut: "What did you do earlier? I just wanted to give gifts..."

As for the Horqin Department, Brother Nine had already told Shu Shu about his plan.

At Brother Jiu's place, and at Shushu's place, the roads are all blocked first.

Forced the prince of Horqin to beg the fifth elder brother, and put the favor on the fifth elder brother.

If there is a coming and going, the ties will be deep in two strokes.

Shu Shu felt that Brother Nine's calculations were a bit naive.

If the fifth elder brother gains power, even if he doesn't do these little tricks, Horqin's department will try to curry favor with the fifth elder brother in the name of the empress dowager.

If the fifth elder brother loses power, it will be another situation.

Relying on this entanglement, it can only be a beautiful vision to make the Horqin Department become the backing and protection of the fifth elder brother.

But she didn't pour cold water on Brother Nine, she was still willing to cooperate.

It's rare for him to be sensible once, take the responsibility, and take the initiative to plan for his brother, let's let him be happy.

Growth always takes a little bit.

When Chang Shi returned to the camp of the palace, King Darhan felt a little numb.

When he picked out the presents before, he felt contemptuous in his heart, thinking that brother Jiu was still acting deliberately and wanted to take the opportunity to extort money.

He just took it as provoking a villain and avoiding disaster by spending money.

Did not expect this situation.

"Did you just refuse without looking at the gift list?"

King Darhan was puzzled.

People do not blame.

Besides, he is not an ordinary Mongolian prince, he is from the Horqin tribe, and he is also the uncle of the princes.

Chang Shi frowned and said: "I have inquired carefully, this prince Fujin was born noble, and the dowry is generous, so it should not be short of money... The birthday gift in front is a bit simple, I'm afraid this one is already annoyed..."

King Darhan frowned.

Women are narrow-minded and have no view of the overall situation. It is difficult to deal with it, and it is the most unreasonable.

His head hurt even more.

Chang Shi said: "My lord, it's better to start from Wubeile... I have inquired, Brother Nine is arrogant, but he is filial to his mother and respectful to his brother..."

What can King Darhan do?
Enemies should be settled rather than knotted, and one cannot really feud with the prince.

"Go to the next post, I will invite Wu Baylor to a banquet tomorrow..."

King Darhan rubbed his forehead and said.

On the next day, in King Darhan's camp, a banquet was held in honor of the fifth elder brother.

All the auspicious figures in the palace came forward to plead guilty.

The fifth elder brother said seriously: "It's good to know that you are wrong, but you should not apologize to me, you should apologize to my ninth brother..."

The eldest son of the princess, who was about the same age as the fifth elder brother, could lower his stature, and apologized: "We also want to make amends to Master Jiu, but Master Jiu is gone..."

The fifth elder brother looked at several people and asked seriously: "Are you really going to apologize?"

The few people got the order of the king's father, and they didn't dare to cause trouble anymore, they nodded hurriedly and said: "Sincerely, sincerely..."

The fifth elder brother looked better, and told the eunuch beside him: "Go ask the ninth brother, and say that some Taiji want to apologize to him..."

The eunuch responded and went to deliver the message.

The several Taiji looked at each other, and Da Taiji looked at the fifth elder brother, hesitantly said: "Master Baylor, is this disrespectful..."

How can there be such an apology?
If you don't come to the door and don't say anything, you still have to ask someone to come over? !
Isn't this another offense?
The fifth elder brother nodded: "It's disrespectful, you should go..."

Having said that, he turned his head to look at King Darhan, who was in the main seat: "But the prince is here, it's more convenient for Lao Jiu to run around..."

King Darhan didn't dare to be too big, he couldn't sit still, he got up and said: "Don't dare to bother Lord Ninth, or else I will trouble Lord Baylor and bring my father and son to make amends..."

The fifth elder brother glanced at King Darhan, then at several Taijis, shook his head and said, "Forget it, the nine younger brothers and sisters are here, and the courtyard is not spacious..."

Darhan and his son were silent.

Is it for this reason? !

Don't you respect the elders and respect the seniority of King Darhan?

The fifth elder brother said bluntly: "A few Taijis have passed, but the ninth brother and sister still can't see them; the prince has passed, so it's hard not to come out to meet guests, it's so troublesome..."

The father and son were a little confused.

It is said that the Mongols are straightforward, but who are the Mongols?
At this moment, Brother Fifth's servant has returned, followed by Brother Ninth in regular clothes.

"Fifth Brother..."

Brother Jiu lowered his hands, bowed slightly, and called out respectfully.

The fifth elder brother got up, stepped forward and pulled the ninth elder brother, and said: "The Taijis know that they are wrong, and want to apologize to you, you can see if you forgive them..."

Ninth elder brother still looked respectful, and when he looked at the auspicious people, he lowered his face, but he didn't even bother to answer a word, he just looked at fifth elder brother and said: "Little brother listens to fifth brother..."

The fifth elder brother hesitated, with a tangled expression on his face.

According to his original intention, he felt that it was good to know his mistakes and to correct them.

But the younger brother meant that he didn't seem to like them very much.

Brother Fifth didn't want to force his younger brother, so he whispered: "If you are still angry, forget it, don't make them apologize, let's go back..."

Brother Jiu seemed to nod when he heard this.

Da Taiji was close, heard it clearly, and hurriedly said earnestly: "Jiu Ye, our brothers were cautious for a while, so we were deceived by others and did stupid things. Now, Jiu Ye is in front of us, and he will be beaten and punished. I just hope you don't care about it." The villain has..."

After all, he knelt down on one knee.

Several Taijis followed suit and knelt down.

Brother Jiu narrowed his eyes, "bewitched by others"...

The fifth elder brother felt uncomfortable, seeing that everyone was half short, and looked at the ninth elder brother with some helplessness.

Ninth elder brother did not make a sound, still looked at fifth elder brother, and said, "What do you think?"

Fifth elder brother thought for a while and said, "Otherwise, let them pay a few boxes of old ginseng?"

He had asked the imperial physician before that his younger brother's body was better than before after several months of consolidating the foundation and cultivating the strength.

In autumn and winter, it is just warm and tonic.

Ginseng should be used as medicine, right?
You can't have a loss in vain.

King Darhan and several Taiji all looked at Brother Jiu.

Ninth Brother nodded honestly: "I listen to Fifth Brother..."

However, when he looked at the Taijis, he still had a cold face and said: "Forget it this time, seeing Brother Wu's face, I don't care about you! You are born of a princess, not ordinary people, how dare you So stupid? The Nine Ministries Alliance gave a banquet, in front of other tribal princes, you are so rampant, dare to plot against the prince brother?! If this elder brother did not take the overall situation into consideration and refused the toast of the Horqin tribe, it would be embarrassing for this elder brother , or you guys from Horqin?!"

The faces of several Taiji blushed, but they did not dare to bear the charge of disrespecting the prince.

Da Taiji was still hesitating, but Si Taiji, the youngest, spoke quickly and was already bald: "Jiu Ye, our brothers were indeed bewitched by others, and it was King Cheng who told us that we were too close to Wu A Brother, I’m afraid I made you unhappy, so I used the golden belt to vent my anger and let us treat you more respectfully..."

I usually can't touch it.

How to show respect?

There is nothing besides the toast during the banquet.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows, with a smile on his face: " this a misunderstanding?"

Sitaiji hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, it's just a misunderstanding... Respect is really respectful, and being narrow-minded is really narrow-minded, and now I sincerely admit my mistake..."

The other Taiji also nodded in agreement.

Brother Ninth nodded and looked at King Darhan.

King Darhan got up, with embarrassment on his face: "Master Ninth, it's a minister who has no way to teach his son..."

Brother Nine looked inexplicable, and said: "Few Tai Ji are upright, very good, since they hate each other, they will be rare in the future... If there is anything, you can go to the fifth brother..."

Speaking of this, his voice turned cold: "The birthday gift of 'Six Six' really makes people gain insight, and we appreciate it, who is called a junior..."

(End of this chapter)

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