Chapter 214 Great Smart and Comfortable

After hearing this, King Darhan looked embarrassed and was speechless.

Fifth elder brother was not happy at the side, not allowing him to be vague, and asked directly: "What's going on? What are you doing again?"

King Darhan could only bite the bullet and think about his excuses: "It was the manager who was confused and confused the gift list for Jiufu Jin. This king found out and asked someone to give the birthday gift again..."

The fifth elder brother couldn't stand it anymore, stomped his feet and said: "You guys are too much, after bullying the ninth younger brother, you still bully the ninth younger brother?! Who cares about your birthday gifts?"

As he spoke, he angrily dragged Brother Nine away.

Seeing this, Da Taiji hurried forward to stop him, but was stared at by Brother Jiu's cold eyes.

The father and son were a little at a loss.

I don't know what to do.

The previous apology was not accompanied, and later he offended a prince.

It's still fifth elder brother, the queen mother's precious grandson.

If the Queen Mother knew about it, she would not spare them.

The queen mother is the queen mother of the Horqin tribe, but the Horqin tribe is not just the Horqin of their father and son.

King Darhan rubbed his temples, gritted his teeth, and said, "What else can I do? Double the birthday gift, give it another time..."

As he said that, he said, "Don't neglect Fifth Brother, pick a few loads of good leather and send them over..."

Da Taiji thought for a while and said: "Father, seeing what Brother Nine just said, he respects Brother Fifth... Otherwise, Brother Fifth should also prepare a few more gifts..."

The leather is actually valuable, but this is a paddock.

After more than half a month of walking around, everyone has no shortage of skins, and skins appear to be normal.

King Darhan nodded and said: "Then don't distinguish between high and low, prepare two similar gifts, and send them to the fifth elder brother in the next afternoon, one is the fifth elder brother, and the other is for the fifth elder brother to pass to the ninth elder brother... ..."

He is also used to seeing the world, and he can see that the ninth elder brother intends to push the fifth elder brother to the front.

Although I don't understand its intention, I don't want to go against it right now.

walk outside.

The fifth elder brother said angrily: "The third child is too bad, why is he again? He dragged me away again, and encouraged others. I can't spare him, I have to beat him up..."

Ninth elder brother hurriedly stopped: "Fifth brother, don't rush to do it, otherwise it will be our fault. Let's think about it slowly, anyway, we won't spare him..."

The fifth elder brother refused: "It's okay, let's beat him first to vent his anger, at worst, he will admit his mistake after Khan Ama has taught him a lesson..."

Brother Nine said: "There's also the Queen Mother, if you make a fuss and alarm the Queen Mother, you won't be able to hide it..."

The fifth elder brother was still angry, with hesitation on his face.

"Don't be in a hurry..."

Brother Nine suppressed his anger, and patiently persuaded him: "After the Mongolian prince leaves, we will find a chance. At that time, no outsiders will watch, and Khan Ama's reprimand will be lighter..."

The fifth elder brother pursed his lips and nodded reluctantly.

The two brothers dispersed, and after Brother Jiu went back, he didn't hide his anger, wanted to fight back, and didn't really want to stay overnight.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to sleep well tonight.

I stopped and persuaded Fifth Brother before, just because I didn't want Fifth Brother to get involved.

He is not stingy with himself, and he doesn't care about his reputation, but Fifth Brother shouldn't be like this.

He said to Shu Shu: "Help me find a way, this third child can't indulge him like this anymore, it's too much to deal with him today no matter what... the toad lies on its feet - it doesn't bite it It's annoying..."

Shu Shu also felt that she couldn't be so good-tempered, it was time to fight back.

She thought for a while about the way that elder brother Jiu was talking about her, and she felt a little narrow-minded, so she said to elder brother Jiu: "Is the master very angry now? Very annoyed?"

Brother Jiu nodded: "Of course, and I don't know why he is, and he is not an enemy, whether it hurts or not... You said that when he was young, there was a cause and effect for the time he tossed with Lao Qi, But what cause and effect do I have here?"

Shu Shu said: "Did you forget what I said? You and he are the sons-in-law of Dong E's family. If you are attached to him, he is naturally not picky, but if you don't want to be attached to him, he will not tolerate it..."

Brother Jiu snorted softly and said, "I'm reading like a dog... Is this to be his only one? What kind of big dream... No, he dreams of him, but we can't suffer, so we should give him a break." Tighten the skin, let him have a long memory..."

His eyeballs rolled around, and it seemed that he was holding some bad water.

Shu Shu hurriedly reminded: "My grandfather just realized that there are traces of what he did the day before yesterday. Why do you use tricks like this? According to me, if you want to vent your anger, you should be upright..."

Brother Nine frowned and said, "Is it upright? Then I'll go directly to block the door and beat him up? But it's not right to be inferior. According to the rules, he is the elder brother and I am the younger brother. He is the only one who does it." Those who discipline me have no room for me to fight back, and it is even more wrong to take the initiative..."

Shu Shu pointed to the direction of the middle road.

"My lord didn't just pop out from the cracks in the rocks. Since I've been wronged, I should naturally find someone who can make the decision..."

Brother Jiu didn't understand Shu Shu's finger, thought it was a gesture, and said: "Then I'll go to the boss? Let the boss clean him up..."

Some are indebted.

Shu Shu was very helpless and said: "Isn't there still the emperor? With his old man around, it's not easy for the elder brother to go over the elder and teach the younger brother..."


Brother Nine was very surprised: "Master went to file a complaint, isn't that the same as the stinky old man? a bit embarrassing?"

Shu Shu was a little strange: "Didn't the master already sue before? Why can Suo Ertu sue, but San elder brother can't?"

Brother Nine felt awkward.

"Suo'etu is a pure outsider, Khan Ama will not favor him, and it is also useful to sue... the third child, but Khan Ama's precious son, it is a white confession... In case of a toss, the thunder If the heavy rain is small, let it go lightly, and the master will feel even more aggrieved..."

Shu Shu patiently said: "Crying children have milk to eat. Don't you go and say hello first, and when you turn around, the third elder brother turns black and white. The emperor misunderstood that it was your fault. Isn't it even more depressing? This is the first thing to do in front of the imperial court." After registering, Master Huihui really can't help but do it, and it can also reduce the guilt..."

Brother Nine was tempted, and stood up: "You're right, we have to guard against the third son's bastard's accusation, and beat him up... His broken mouth, 'open mouthed' in front of others, is in Khan Ama's eyes." In front of him, he is more dexterous and clever than starlings... I have to report to the master, if I really want to make a move later, I can justify a few more words..."

As he said that, he hesitated a little, lowered his voice and said: "Then what do you say? What other words can we use to beat the third child to death..."

Shu Shu thought about it carefully, and said: "There is no need to add oil and vinegar, just be truthful..."

Brother Nine froze, frowned and said: "It's useless to guess, it's all speculation, and there is no evidence."

Shu Shu lowered her volume, and said in a low voice, "I can say this... so and so... and then confront him..."

Brother Jiu stood up again, bowed his head and pecked Shu Shu's face: "I won't call you 'often reasonable' from now are really the 'great cleverness' of our family!"

After hearing these nicknames, Shu Shu felt embarrassing, and somehow felt a little chilly on her head.

Brother Jiu said this, and went out with high spirits.

Shu Shu went back to the room, took out a pen and paper, and wrote an Arabic "3".

She drew a circle on it.

This third elder brother has a strong sense of presence.

When he was a child, no matter whether he was intentional or unintentional, he always stated his interests and killed people.

The attack on the eldest brother and the fifth elder brother before, whether he was used or pushed the boat along the way, has achieved results.

The elder brother was not harmed, but the fifth elder brother was disfigured.

Now that the prince's position is secure, no one would think of seizing the heir.

Except for the eldest son of the emperor, no one compares the advantages of other princes and elder brothers.

In fact, if the reserve position is shaken, how many ranks will the princes who are most qualified to be candidates for the new prince be divided into?

The elder brother and the tenth elder brother are at the front, one is the eldest son and the other is the noble son, so they are equal in weight.

Followed by the fourth elder brother and the fifth elder brother, both are the sons of concubines, one is raised by the empress, the other is raised by the queen mother, and they are also similar opponents.

The third class is the third elder brother. Compared with the brothers, there is no obvious advantage.

The fourth class is the other elder brothers, soy sauce is followed, unless it is a cake falling from the sky, the possibility is very slim.

The fifth elder brother was disfigured, so he was out early.

Encourage Prince Horqin to toast the ninth elder brother just to vent his anger?
If the purpose is deeper, directly to mutilate his body, is it also cutting off his foundation?
I always remember "Nine Dragons Seize the Inheritance", and I seem to be a bit paranoid about being persecuted? !

Walk in the middle.

With some interest, Kangxi listened to Zhao Chang's report to various ministries.

He wondered if his son had started selling medicine, and how he set the price.

Zhao Chang inquired around, and was also puzzled in his heart, saying: "Jiuye didn't take the money, but paid back the favor... Except for the Horqin department, eight other princes who had previously prepared the most abundant birthday gifts for the Nine Fortunes, got nine Grandpa gave medicine privately..."

"There's not even a single pill in Horqin's department?"

Kangxi listened, feeling a little delicate.

Princess Duanmin loves to save face the most, and she is usually full of airs, so she probably can't stand such neglect.

Zhao Changdao: "The Eldest Princess has a good relationship with Jiu Fujin. He once wanted to visit Jiu Fujin...Jiu Fujin learned that he took the initiative to meet the Eldest Princess and received a gift from the Eldest Princess. Later, someone sent a gift in return. It seems that there is a brocade box. It's filled with wax pills..."

Kangxi nodded, a little uncomfortable.

My own son didn't know how to shy away from it, so he mentioned this medicine in front of his daughter-in-law?

This... with whom?

A bit thick skinned...

As for Brother Nine giving medicines to princes and princes instead of selling medicines directly...

After a little thought, Kangxi realized that this was the second round of price hikes.

At this moment, Liang Jiugong came in and reported, "Your Majesty, Master Jiu is here..."

Kangxi nodded.

Liang Jiugong turned around and went out to deliver a message.

With the sound of "Deng Deng Deng Deng", Brother Jiu hurriedly walked in, with grievance and anger on his face...

(End of this chapter)

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