My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 215 The Big Tail Wolf

Chapter 215 Big Tail Wolf
When Kangxi saw it, his face sank: "What are you doing in such a panic?"

Brother Nine got straight to the point and said: "Ama Khan, you can let your son make the decision, ask the third brother what's going on... How did I offend him and make him think I'm not pleasing to the eye..."

Kangxi frowned and said, "Talk well, what did he do?"

Hearing Shu Shu's reminder, Brother Nine didn't add any oil or vinegar, just talked about the banquet and apology in Darhan Palace just now, and the antecedent of this apology, the matter of Prince Horqin drinking himself at the beginning of the month.

"My son thought it was weird at the time. Why did they start arguing? About the golden belt, my son didn't think about it carefully, but the son's identity is here. Prince brother, if you don't look at the face of the monk or the face of the Buddha, they shouldn't either." That's what it is..."

Speaking of this, Brother Nine had a bitter face: "At that time, drinking a cup of strong wine was very uncomfortable, but under the watchful eyes of the public, I couldn't let others see the joke, thinking that the royal family was not close to the Horqin tribe, and gave birth to other speculations. ...

My son barely drank it. He vomited twice when he went home. After a whole night of tossing, his stomach hurt for several days...

Originally thought it was the revenge of Darhan Palace, the son wanted to keep them at a respectful distance, so as not to come back again...

Today they entrusted Fifth Brother to be an intermediary to apologize, and the son knew that it was the third brother who was fueling the flames, telling them what the son hated them for being close to Fifth Brother...

Those Taijis in Darhan Palace came to toast to curry favor with their son, and you said that in these two incidents, the son was wronged or not..."

He paused, and said: "Ama Khan should pass on the third brother directly, and the son will ask him directly to see what he can say... He is well-read poetry and books, loves to reason, and has good skills, the son thinks I don't have the confidence to go over and break up with him, and I don't know what to do other than ask you to make the decision..."

Kangxi glared at him angrily, and scolded him, "You're talking nonsense! Do you still want to do something to brother?"

Brother Nine puffed his cheeks and said: "If only the older brother bullies the younger brother, the younger brother can only bear it. Khan Ama, you are also reasonable..."

Kangxi felt uncomfortable, so he ordered Liang Jiugong to say, "Go and tell the third brother to come over..."

Liang Jiugong responded and went out to deliver a message.

Brother Nine muttered: "Hmph! You don't need to think about your son to know what he can say... You must be right and forthright, saying that he has good intentions, it's all for my own good, it's all about the overall situation... …

What's wrong with exposing the rift between Horqin and the royal family, and dissolving any unhappiness...

Anyway, I just do good things with good intentions, and others don't appreciate it...

Tut tut!When the time comes, he will be the one who will be wronged, and my son will definitely become the one who says 'a dog bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't know a good heart'..."

He muttered endlessly, Kangxi only felt a headache, frowned and said: "Shut up!"

Brother Jiu stopped talking, still with grievance on his face, and looked at Kangxi with pitiful little eyes.

His mind is filled with scenes from his childhood.

When he was young, he and the old boy were both stubborn, and they didn't study hard in the study room.

Khan Ama came every afternoon to test the prince's homework. The other brothers were serious, but he and the tenth were the only ones who were always dragging their feet.

Khan Ama didn't strictly control her, and seemed a little pampered.

At that time, he was young, and he was only treated as the son of a noble concubine and the son of a favorite concubine.

But thinking about it now, Khan Ama is so cruel.

Brother Nine really felt wronged.

For myself, but also for the old ten.

Unknowingly red eye circles
Kangxi saw it in his eyes, and his headache became more and more: "Okay, okay! I'm not old-fashioned yet, if there is really something wrong with the third elder brother, I will make the decision for you..."

Brother Jiu lowered his head and stopped talking.

Ama promised to the old tenth county king, but it could be sooner or later.

According to Shu Shu's intention, Khan Ama will suppress the matter of the old ten's title for the sake of the prince. It is not known when and when this title will come down.

Clearly, the law of etiquette stipulates that a man in the clan can be knighted at the age of fifteen.

Could it be that the royal elder brother is not as good as the prince's elder brother outside?

The boss's county king was delayed until this year, and the boss is already twenty-seven.

Delayed for a full ten years.

Will the old ten be dragged to the top twenty?
Then he, the one who was tied up with him, will have to wait until that time?
When the nephews have grown up, he will still be a bald brother?
Brother Nine is mournful.

It's not good to think that smart people are at all.

I used to be muddleheaded, even when I felt uncomfortable occasionally, I was not so blocked.

Perhaps he has long understood that his father doesn't love his mother or love him, but he is just deceiving himself and thinking that he is a favored prince.

Now that I'm smart, I can't deceive myself anymore.

Seeing his son's aggrieved appearance, Kangxi felt both novel and helpless.

It was only before that he felt that he had grown up and was responsible, and knew that he would come forward to ask for an errand for his younger brother, so he went back.

Getting more and more squeamish, I can't stand the slightest grievance, I'm really going to be a little princess...

Kangxi wanted to reprimand him, but he couldn't bear to think of his current body.

After a while, Liang Jiugong brought the third elder brother over.

"Khan Ama, pass on your son..."

The third elder brother's voice was full of excitement.

However, when he saw Brother Nine who was standing beside him, his excitement stopped abruptly, his eyes were a little strange, he paused, and then continued: "What orders do you have for your son..."

Kangxi glanced at him carefully, and said: "The Moon Moon League gave a banquet, what did you say to the sons of Princess Duanmin? You said Brother Jiu was annoyed, so let them compensate Brother Jiu?"

The third elder brother was taken aback, then nodded, and said frankly: "It is the son who said it, and the son is also thinking about the ninth brother, thinking that he is young and vigorous, I don't know the severity... The imperial court and Horqin are blood relatives, it is not true It's not good to be disgusted by outsiders, it's better to resolve it earlier..."

Speaking of this, he hesitated: "Did the son do something bad with good intentions? Is the ninth brother angry?"

He paused, turned to Brother Nine and said, "Third Brother is really doing it for your own good. If there is something inconsiderate, I will compensate you here. Ninth Brother, don't be upset..."

Brother Nine laughed out loud with a "puchi", raised his hand, pointed at his finger, and said with a sneer, "Han Ama, listen, your precious third son's mouth is full of lotus flowers, and he met a few It’s not right to be a good person, but to pretend to be a wolf with a big tail... Listen to this, the truth is on his side, and I don’t know the cause and effect, I really think he is that Lu Dongbin..."

Kangxi reprimanded: "Speak well, don't be smug!"

Ninth elder brother snorted softly, stared at third elder brother, and began to look around.

Hey, the third child is crazy!
Sweat was dripping on his brow.

Grandson, do you know how to be afraid? !

The third elder brother was stared at uncomfortably, and he also realized that something was wrong with the current situation. Is Lao Jiu learning to sue for crimes after all this shit? !

He had helplessness and tolerance on his face, as if he was coaxing an ignorant child, and said kindly: "Then it's okay to think that brother is wrong? Ninth brother, don't be angry..."

Brother Nine showed admiration unabashedly.

In the past two days, he has acquired an extra skill, which is to observe others.

I didn't pay attention to it before, and I didn't pay attention to others.

Now it seems that everyone is not a layman.

There is no trace of affectation in the posture of the third child.

If he hadn't made a report first, he would definitely be bitten back.

Ninth elder brother showed a bit of deliberation, raised his eyebrows and said: "Third brother is kind? Is it kind of you to tell others to pour me, or is it kind of seeing that fifth brother wants to help me block the wine and drag him away? Tell me, younger brother is also kind." Listen, don't waste your kindness..."

The third elder brother was surprised, and blinked his eyes: "Is there still such a thing? Let me think about it, maybe I didn't pay attention..."

He really seemed to be thinking about it carefully, and he said after a while: "I remembered that someone said that the old prince Naiman was coming to toast. The fifth child has passed... what's wrong with this?"

Brother Nine didn't look at him, but looked at Kangxi: "Ama, look, your three sons are really kind-hearted and honest, and they know the general idea... Even if it makes your son drunk and overwhelmed by the medicine, Lost life span, this is also an unintentional loss..."

Kangxi had a sullen face and did not speak. He glanced at the third elder brother, with doubts and scrutiny in his eyes.

San Age's palms were wet, and his pupils dilated involuntarily.

He hurriedly said: "Khan Ama, my son will not lie, my son really thought that way at the time, even if something was wrong, it was not my son's original intention..."

Kangxi didn't answer, but asked instead: "You don't know Brother Jiu is taking medicine?"

Walking in such a big place, there are some movements, all under everyone's noses.

Maybe when he was in the palace before, this son didn't hear anything outside the window and didn't know the news well, but outside, there are only these people...

San Age paused for a moment, then nodded: "Son, I just heard about it, it seems that the ninth brother is drinking medicine to regulate the spleen and stomach..."

Speaking of this, he felt uneasy: "But when my son told Horqin, he didn't ask them to drink... What my son said was to let them get closer to the ninth brother and not to separate from the fifth brother. From far and near, that's not good..."

The ninth elder brother didn't give the third elder brother a wink, he straightened his chin, like a little rooster, and said to Kangxi: "Khan Ama, if the third elder brother said so, then it should be so! It's my son these days I'm not happy, I don't want to see him, lest there be any disrespect in words, or if the third brother is kind enough to do something for his son, his hands will be itchy... At that time, the prince's elder brother will become a joke... I've been hiding for two days, not coming to Yuqian..."

The third elder brother heard this, his hands and feet became cold, and he looked at the ninth elder brother: "What does the ninth brother mean? I really didn't mean it... Okay, I deliberately hurt you to do something... You really think too much... ..."

Brother Jiu didn't refute, nodded and said: "Yes, yes, you are right..."

As he said that, he looked up at Kangxi, with disappointment in his eyes, and said in a muffled voice, "Ama Khan, that son will retire first..."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and strode out without waiting for Kangxi's answer.

The third elder brother looked at his back, felt uneasy in his heart, and became more sincere on his face: "Khan Ama, I really misunderstood... In my son's heart, the younger brothers are all close, because of Dong E's sake, they treat each other on weekdays. Ninth brother is even closer..."

How did that happen?

Lao Jiu, this black-hearted bastard...

This is going to be sued!
He spoke eagerly, with sweat dripping from his forehead

His throat was also dry, as if he could hear his own voice trembling.

Kangxi said in a deep voice, "What is written in "Book of Rites: The Ninth Li Yun?"

The third elder brother heard this, his face turned red...

(End of this chapter)

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