Chapter 216 Everyone is an enemy
The third elder brother was sweating profusely on his forehead, but his body was trembling, and his heart felt cold.

"Huh? Forgot? This is the book you started learning when you were eight or nine years old. How could you not remember it?"

Kangxi's voice was very soft, somewhat inexplicable: "I asked you to copy it a hundred times, I thought you could remember those who desire evil have a big heart. People hide their hearts, and they are unpredictable. Both beauty and evil are in his heart, even if he doesn't see his color..."

With a "plop", the third elder brother knelt down.

I dare not bear, and cannot bear the charge of "unfeeling and unrighteous".

Murdering a sibling, and a younger brother who is fifteen or six years younger by half, this is not only a discord between brothers, but also vicious.

"Khan Ama, it's my son's fault... My son was sloppy before, and didn't pay much attention to everything. Even if he heard that Lao Jiu was taking medicine, he didn't take it seriously..."

The third elder brother clenched his fists and didn't dare to quibble any more, kowtowed and said: "Over at Prince Darhan's mansion, it is true that the son is talking too much. I got angry... I thought carefully, and wanted to see him vent his anger... You know Erchen, my son is timid, at that time Erchen really didn't think that Lao Jiu had a problem with his health, and he wasn't so vicious Yes, how could you do this on purpose..."

Kangxi looked at him and narrowed his eyes: "Oh? I didn't know then, how do I know now?"

The third elder brother didn't dare to look up, and said in a low voice: "That Yanzi pill, isn't it the deer blood ginseng antler pill? I read "Materia Medica" before, and I have been to the Royal Pharmacy a few times, I remember this prescription..."

The third elder brother honestly admitted his mistake, Kangxi didn't feel relieved in his heart, and his face became even darker.

"You are also an older brother? How old is Jiu, how old are you?"

The third elder brother's heart was raised, and he choked up and said: "Khan Ama, I don't dare anymore... I am just jealous in my heart, they are all well, brothers are dating, lively, and I just jump alone One……"

Kangxi's voice turned cold: "Lao Jiu is the only one who is not close to you? Who else is close to you? You don't think about your own faults, but rely on others! You still use such a small means of revenge... I am very disappointed... ..."

Third elder brother raised his head, his eyes were red.

His martial arts and martial arts are excellent in every way.

Obviously he can be the leader, but he is the third in ten thousand years.

To avoid the boss, but also to avoid the prince.

That's not enough?
Could it be that the little brother below, he has to avoid again and again?
Obviously it wasn't me who started it, it was the few of them who came together to slap me, run on me, and disrespect myself, that's why I was narrow-minded.

There is cause and effect!

Why only look at the effect and not the cause?

Among them, I have three points, but those bastards have seven points!

Kangxi frowned and said, "Is that just a quarrel between brothers? What occasion was that?! A banquet from the League! If Lao Jiu threw up his sleeves and left at that time, how do you think it would end?"

The third elder brother pursed his mouth into a line, slandering endlessly in his heart.

How can it be? !

He moved his lips, for the sake of ordinary drinking?

Originally, I wanted Lao Jiu to throw up his sleeves and leave.

At that time, even if Lao Jiu is ignorant and acts frivolously, he will definitely be reprimanded by Khan Ama.

Still want to act as an agent for the Ministry of Internal Affairs? !
I want to eat fart!
He suppressed his dissatisfaction, his face flushed and said: "At that time, Erchen had a few sips of wine, and he was a bit overthinking, he didn't think so much..."

Kangxi looked at his third son and felt displeased.

Some mistakes can be made when you are a teenager, but you can't make them again when you grow up.

"At Laojiu's place, Mrs. Dong E carefully took care of her. After several months of throwing around, all kinds of food supplements, combined with medicine, she felt a little better... No matter whether you are intentional or unintentional, a mistake is a mistake, and it really hurts. If you hurt his body, then you should prepare some gifts and apologize to him..."

Kangxi said in a deep voice.

The third elder brother opened his mouth and closed it again.

I am an older brother, why don't I compensate my younger brother?
Still want to prepare the ceremony? !

He does too!
Besides, Lao Jiu, that black-hearted bastard, will he be hurt if he says he's hurt?

A few cups of white wine have such a great lethality, so if you want to deal with anyone in the future, you can just have a meal of wine.

Khan Ama confused?

Believe what you say!
It must be Concubine Yi who blew on the pillow, and he was in a daze.

The third elder brother was angry in his heart, but he didn't dare to break his mouth. He clenched his fist in his sleeve and nodded obediently: "My son understands. My son must prepare a generous gift to make amends to Lao Jiu..."

In addition to the "Book of Filial Piety", prepare a "Book of Rites" for him.

Joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, hatred, and desire are the "seven emotions".

Father's kindness, son's filial piety, elder brother's kindness, younger brother's righteousness, wife's listening, Changhui, young obedience, monarch's benevolence, and minister's loyalty are the "Ten Righteousnesses".

I made a mistake this time.

On "Seven Emotions", they act carelessly and have no "brother good", but shouldn't that black-hearted bastard also learn what a "brother" is?
Kangxi murmured, and said casually: "Great gift? Didn't you get a lot of skins during the previous rounds... I heard that the princes of the ministries have also given you a lot of skins these days, so let's gather together, eight carts of skins , it should be almost..."

"Khan...Khan Ama..."

The third elder brother was dumbfounded, as if in a dream: "You mean, eight cars, not eight..."

Kangxi nodded and said: "Yes! Bache! It's no surprise that there are many people who are polite, so it's just right to smooth out the past, so as to save your brothers from falling into a rift..."

The third elder brother still wanted to talk, but Kangxi had already waved his hand to signal him to go down.

The third elder brother left in a daze.

Is this meat cutting?
This is to kill him!
Kangxi sighed, and complained to Liang Jiugong: "It's been more than ten years, I only grow old, I don't grow my brain, my heart is narrow, and I don't tolerate others... If this continues, who will treat him..."

Liang Jiugong was like a statue, his expression was just right, and he didn't dare to change in the slightest.

At this time, he was self-aware, and he only said sincerely: "The outside head is as big as the third master, maybe he is the head of the family, and he can be used as an adult... But in the palace, the emperor is kind, and the third master grew up under the emperor's wings, and his temper is still a child. ..."

That's the prince elder brother. The emperor can dislike him, but it's not their turn to speak up like slaves.

Kangxi shook his head, and said Brother Nine: "Unsteady! I praised him in vain before, but when he was wronged, he made a fuss, scolded people, and started to fight. He has no brains..."

Even if there is dissatisfaction, do you need to settle it immediately?

I can't hide things in my heart.

He disliked it so much, but remembering the look in Brother Jiu's eyes when he was about to leave, he couldn't bear it, and told Liang Jiugong, "Forget it, this time I've wronged him...Guang Chusi has a new cloak, and I asked someone to pick one." give it..."

As he said that, he thought of the two tiger skins that Elder Brother Shi had filially, and Dong E’s filial piety of various dishes: "Elder Brother Ten and Fujin Jiu also have one piece for each of them, as a birthday gift...after two days, they Uncle’s birthday, remember to ask the dining room to prepare two tables of pastries for delivery..."

Liang Jiugong agreed and went down to give orders.

Walk outside the middle road.

The eldest brother was pulled over by the fifth elder brother, confused.

"Fifth, what on earth did you drag me here for? You faltered, and didn't make it clear..."

The elder brother refused to move and stood there.

He was in his prime, tall and strong.

Five Agora didn't move.

He looked at the gate of the middle road, and said with a bit of embarrassment: "My younger brother just wants to ask my eldest brother to help me fight..."

The eldest brother listened, with a serious face, looked around: "This is the place where the holy driver stays, who is so courageous to start a fight here?"

The fifth elder brother rolled up his cuffs and said: "It's not someone else, but my younger brother and I want to beat the third child. I heard that he was summoned by Khan Ama. Come over and stop him, and punish him..."

The elder brother froze, frowning: "What did he do again?"

The fifth elder brother said angrily: "He is a bastard! Bullying Lao Jiu..."

The elder brother snapped his fingers, and there was a "quack" sound: "How old I am, I can't understand the words... This is to help you, not to call it a fight..."

The fifth elder brother hurriedly said: "No, no, no! Brother, you are just starting a fight...My younger brother will beat him up later, if he fights back, you can help start a fight..."

The big brother was amused.

"It turned out to be a side frame..."

How did the third son bully the ninth son?
Lao Wu, a good and honest boy, was forced to start playing tricks.

The fifth elder brother nodded calmly and said: "Then you have to stop, or my younger brother can't beat him... If Lao Qi is here, he can find a helper, but Lao Qi is not here, the rest are still children... ..."

Eldest brother also felt itchy hands, snorted softly: "Isn't there still brother me? Just say hello, and I'll help you..."

The fifth elder brother shook his head quickly: "Brother, don't meddle, so as not to drag you down when Han Ama turns around to scold others..."

At this moment, I heard footsteps, and the third elder brother came out from the middle with a sullen face.

The fifth elder brother hurriedly pulled the eldest elder brother, and whispered: "Elder brother, you can keep an eye on it and hold it..."

After finishing speaking, Fifth Brother rushed forward.

The third elder brother is struggling with the eight carts.

I made three sieges, only to save six carts, and the remaining two carts were given by Prince Naiman and Prince Aohan.

How to allocate these eight cars of leather, I have a good idea in my heart.

Empress, honor the four cars.

At Dong E's place, give her two cars and gag her, so as not to feel as if she is embarrassed and relies on her to support her elder brother.

There are two carts left, and Mrs. Tian wants to keep some here, as well as some gatekeepers.

He became the king of the county, and Khan Ama assigned him twelve commanders, six of Manchurian commanders, three of Mongolian commanders, and three of Han army commanders.

Among them, several assistant leaders were pulled down from the upper three banners and became the king's assistant leaders, who carried the Xianglan Banner.

The remaining Zuo Ling are Gong Zhong Zuo Ling with the Xianglan Banner.

Whether these two groups of forces are good or not, they are just in balance, so as not to have slaves who are disobedient.

Prince Jian Yabu, the owner of the Bordered Blue Banner, is not a close prince. Khan Ama definitely hopes that their brothers will share power, and wait for the opportunity to replace him and become the new owner of the Bordered Blue Banner.

He is a little distracted.

There is only one flag owner, and two princes fly the flag. Who is Khan Ama interested in?

This is also my own opportunity, I can't take it easy, boss...

He was in a trance, didn't notice the movement around him, and was bumped into by the fifth elder brother.

The third elder brother staggered, just about to scold someone, when he saw the scar on the fifth elder brother's face, he said angrily, "Old fifth elder brother, what are you doing..."

Fifth elder brother didn't wait for him to finish speaking, he went over and threw himself on him, and the two of them rolled to the ground together.

The third elder brother was caught off guard for a moment, fell straight on the ground, and was crushed by the fifth elder brother.

The fifth elder brother straddled him all at once, raised his fist, and hammered his chest with all his strength.

The third elder brother was punched, groaned, and came to his senses, angrily said: "Fifth, you are crazy!"

While speaking, he had exerted all his strength, pushed the fifth elder brother away violently, and broke free.

He was born as the prince's elder brother, and it was the first time in his life that he was beaten, how could he bear this grievance?
The fifth elder brother stared, stood up abruptly, and continued to rush forward.

The third elder brother was depressed at first, seeing the fifth elder brother like this, his eyes also had a fierce look, he clenched his fist and wanted to fight back.

Seeing this, the elder brother hurriedly took two steps forward to hold him back, and said: "If you have something to say, don't do anything..."

The third elder brother can break away from the fifth elder brother, but he can't break away from the eldest elder brother.

The fifth elder brother was not idle, and took the opportunity to step forward and punch him twice.

Guessing it stabbed the third elder brother on the breastbone, the third elder brother grunted, and the fifth elder brother also bared his teeth in pain.

Seeing his clumsy appearance, Eldest Brother was speechless, so he had to remind him: "Hey! Don't greet your face! It hurts, and I can't come out to meet people at the banquet tomorrow..."

The fifth elder brother's new punch just landed, and when he heard it, he turned a corner abruptly and landed on the third elder brother's face all at once.

The third elder brother was facing each other, his head was tilted, and there was a "buzzing" sound. He was fierce, his red eyes struggled hard, and he stared at the fifth elder brother, as if he wanted to eat people.

Fifth elder brother was frightened by his gaze and was startled.

The elder brother was about to speak, but when he saw the figure in front of him, he let go.

The third elder brother broke free and kicked the fifth elder brother with one kick.

The elder brother stretched out his hand and grabbed his neck: "Third brother calm down, don't do anything, that's the younger brother..."

The third elder brother was so angry that his lungs exploded, he turned around and pushed the eldest elder brother: "Get lost!"

Hearing the familiar footsteps, the elder brother relaxed his strength, and was suddenly pushed to squat on his buttocks.

When the fifth elder brother saw him, he was afraid that he would continue to attack, so he hurriedly stepped forward to stop the elder brother, and stood in front of the elder brother: "Don't hit the elder brother..."

The third elder brother's mind was still "buzzing", and his eyes were a little blurred. Hearing the fifth elder brother's voice became more irritable, he squinted his eyes, and greeted the fifth elder brother's wound on his face with his fists clenched.

The eldest brother was about to get up, but when he saw that he was punching in the wrong direction, he hurriedly pulled the fifth elder brother to turn around, and received the punch with his back.

The third elder brother did not spare any energy.

He has worked hard on riding and archery, and has also specially practiced his arm strength.

This fist hit the back of big elder brother's heart.

The elder brother also bit his lip in shock and couldn't breathe.

This is the junction of the middle road and the east road, not far from it is the temporary residence of several princes.

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother were about to go to the ninth elder brother's place, when they heard something wrong, they trotted over.

It happened that the third elder brother was about to slap the fifth elder brother in the face, so the eldest elder brother protected this section.

Seeing that the second fist was coming again, both of them rushed forward.

The tenth elder brother grabbed the third elder brother's arm, and the thirteenth elder brother put his arm around his waist.

The third elder brother became more and more annoyed.

I just feel like everyone is hostile.

He didn't stay idle, he went to kick the elder brother, and another uppercut with his free left hand landed heavily on the tenth elder brother.

"Yinzhi, you bastard!"

The emperor's angry shout came from the ancestors.

(End of this chapter)

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