My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 217 The Right and the Wrong

Chapter 217 The Right and the Wrong
The scene in front of him made Kangxi furious.

one by one...

It's not the appearance of both civil and military skills, like a rascal in the market.

Neither are they like siblings.

Especially the third elder brother, he was merciless when he shot at his brothers, as if he was facing an unshakable enemy.

Hearing the familiar voice, Brother San was stunned.

His eyes were bloodshot before, and his brain was chaotic with anger, but now he gradually became clear.

He realized later that he knew what he had done.

The body is all wood.

This is Khan Ama!

As soon as he closed his eyes and straightened his body, he was about to fall backwards, as if he was fainting.

Did not fall.

Behind him, there is the thirteenth elder brother who hugs his waist and pulls people.

Seeing this, the thirteenth elder brother hugged the third elder brother's waist tightly, and resisted firmly behind him.

It's just that the tall and strong elder brother who has grown up, and a thin boy who has not yet grown up, is very reluctant to support, gritted his teeth, exhausted his strength, and his small body was also precarious.

Seeing this, the tenth elder brother hurried forward, helped the third elder brother's other shoulder, and supported him firmly with his hands.

The picture is a little weird.

The third elder brother closed his eyes tightly, but with the support of the two elder brothers, he stood upright.

Kangxi strode forward, his eyes burning with anger.

He glanced at the "fainted" third elder brother, and looked at the fifth elder brother next to him: "What's going on?"

When the fifth elder brother was anxious, he scrambled in Chinese and Mongolian: "I was the one who fought... I... the third brother... the eldest brother fought..."

He said the key.

Kangxi looked at Eldest Brother again.

The eldest brother looked a little embarrassed because of his broken lip.

Also, the back of my heart was blocked just now, my breathing was very difficult, my chest twitched with pain, and my face turned pale.

The elder brother smiled wryly and said, "It's my son's fault, he didn't hold them's time to pull them away..."

Kangxi didn't ask Brother Ten and Brother Thirteen, just now he saw the scene of the two running over, and knew that they were passing by to stop the fight.

Not far away, Brother Nine also came out, followed by Shu Shu.

This is the news, I know that the elder brothers have fought.

Seeing Kangxi coming out, Brother Jiu stopped, and hurriedly said to Shu Shu: "Don't come out, you'd better go back and wait for the news..."

Shu Shu nodded, not trying to be brave.

She could see clearly that there was no one else on the court, they were all princes, with palms and backs of hands, whether Kangxi would punish him or not, and how to punish him, she was not sure.

With outsiders, it is inevitable to be more fair.

Just looking at the people in the distance, she couldn't help reminding in a low voice, "Fifth Brother's wound only looks better from the outside, and it hasn't fully healed yet. Be careful when you pass by, and remind you not to break open the wound or dirty the wound... "

Brother Nine responded, feeling worried, and trotted forward.

It's because things outside happened too fast. Although he got the news and knew that everyone was fighting, he didn't know the cause and effect, and his face was still confused.

He didn't expect the fifth prince, so he wondered why everyone was there, and he was the only one left?
He habitually went to see Old Ten, wanting to ask what was going on, but when he saw the bruises on Elder Ten's face, he immediately became hairy, and almost jumped up, cursing: "Which bastard moved his hand? Dare to hit you? So rebellious!"

Elder Brother Shi hurriedly stopped him: "It's okay, it's nothing, I didn't hit him on purpose, I just got into a fight and swept it away..."

Brother Nine said angrily: "It's not intentional that they are all beaten into pig's heads, so what is intentional? Only when the brains are beaten out are they said to be intentional!"

He went to look at other people again, and saw the wound on the elder brother's lip and his face that was blue with pain.

"Ah! Brother was beaten?!"

Brother Jiu was a little confused.

He glanced at Fifth Prince, a little confused.

Is it true that the fifth brother can't help beating the third child? !
There must be someone else, right?
He glanced at the third elder brother who was supported by the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother, reluctantly, and tentatively said: "Is this a gang fight? The king of the third county has also been beaten?"

Kangxi glared at him: "Stop talking!"

During this northern tour, there are a total of seven princes accompanying him, the eldest elder brother, the third elder brother, the fifth elder brother, the seventh elder brother, the ninth elder brother, the tenth elder brother, and the thirteenth elder brother.

Except for Seventh Brother who stayed in the front to accompany his wife to conceive, the others were all in front and involved.

A group of people entered the courtyard on the middle road, where Sheng Jia lived temporarily.

The imperial physician has passed it on.

Big brother's lip is broken, it's a small injury, and when he takes off his clothes, the bruise on the back of his heart is exposed, which is shocking.

The bruising on the skin is not serious, but the chest will still be stuffy for a few days. Pay attention to observe whether it hurts the lungs.

The fifth elder brother was not beaten on the front, and the wound on his face was stretched, and there was some blood oozing.

In the back, he was kicked several times because he was standing in front of the eldest brother. There were several bruises on his thighs, one of which was close to the root of his thighs, only an inch or two away from his son's bag.

Elder Brother Ten looks swollen like a pig's head, but it's actually just a skin injury, but there's actually some tinnitus in one ear.

When the imperial physician examined him, his face turned pale and he vomited once, and was helped to sit on a chair.

What the imperial physician said was that the ear door was injured, and he had to rest for a while.

Kangxi's face was gloomy, and finally he pointed to the third elder brother who was "ignorant of his personnel" on the carpet, and asked the imperial physician to come forward to check.

The third elder brother's heart hung up.

He feels fear.

This is a conspiracy?
Plot against him?

Just hit a few times, why is that so?

The old Jiu in the front was dying after drinking a few cups of wine, and he said that his life was lost. Today, those who were hit once and twice are also half dead?
Third elder brother was afraid.

He didn't dare to faint again, and waited to die.

He immediately turned over and sat up, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed to plead guilty: "Ama Khan, it's my son's fault, I lost my mind for a while..."

As he spoke, he touched the sore spot on his face.

"Because I'm the son of Khan Ama, I grew up with gold and jade, and I haven't touched a finger on my body. Today, I was punched by the fifth child, and I was blown up at that time... I know that I should be calm and reasonable, but The city government is not good, the self-cultivation is not enough, and the elder brother is getting sidetracked...the son is angry..."

He choked up and burst into tears.

However, he did not delay his speech, and still made a well-organized statement.

It was his wound, also the wound on his face, which was in stark contrast to the one on Elder Brother Ten's face.

The tenth elder brother's face was swollen and his ears were ringing; the third elder brother here, if you don't look carefully, you really can't see it, but your cheeks are slightly flushed.

This is also the reason why Kangxi put him last and asked the imperial physician to check the wounds of the other three first.

The third elder brother didn't know this.

He only remembered the moment of humiliation and anger when the fist fell on his face.

I mistakenly thought that my injury was not minor.

Kangxi didn't speak for a long time, and his eyes turned indifferent when he looked at the third elder brother.

He looked at Fifth Prince, very surprised.

This son has been good-tempered since he was a child, and he has never had any quarrels with his brother.

Not to mention working with people.

The fifth elder brother looked a little uneasy.

He just wanted to fight and teach the third child a lesson, but he didn't expect such a big commotion.

Seeing Kangxi looking over, he knelt down honestly without any excuse.

"Third brother is wrong, he shouldn't bully my brother...he is an elder brother, how can he bully my brother..."

Fifth elder brother said.

He was already clumsy in speech, and repeated these two sentences over and over again.

Brother Jiu was listening in, only to realize that the root cause was still in him.

The fifth brother also learns badly, and will "secretly hide his position".

Promise yourself not to fight, but come to fight.

He couldn't help being anxious, and hurriedly said: "Didn't I tell you? Don't rush to find the third brother to reason, even if there is something wrong with him, just tell Han Ama..."

The fifth elder brother showed disapproval on his face: "He is so good at talking, what if he coaxes Han Ama?"

In the room, it suddenly became quiet.

Everyone had a look of agreement on their faces.

No matter how deep the cultivation of the third elder brother was, he couldn't help it, and he looked at the fifth elder brother with resentment.

Kangxi sat in a high position and saw it clearly.

He looked at the eldest brother, with an unclear expression, and looked at him faintly.

The eldest elder brother said awkwardly: "Ama, if you punish, punish your son... As the elder brother, he should have properly mediated the relationship between the brothers... And just now, the son also got sidetracked... The fifth brother The injury has not healed, my son is afraid what will happen if he meets him..."

Speaking of this, he also had a serious face: "What's the matter with the third son? Where did you greet with your fist just now?"

With such a great force, it hurts people to tremble when it hits the body, and the consequences of falling on the fifth prince's injury are unimaginable.

Brother San's pupils tightened, and he said in a hoarse voice: "In a hurry, how could I notice this... you are allowed to beat me up, and I am not allowed to resist? I have to be beaten honestly by you... ..."

The thirteenth elder brother stood by, and hurriedly said: "Third brother, third brother, my younger brother didn't do anything. I just saw you kicking the eldest brother and punching the fifth brother, so I came up with the tenth brother to stop..."

Having said that, he looked at Kangxi: "Ama Khan, my son also saw the third brother's fist greet the fifth brother's wound... The son even pulled back hard, using the force of feeding, but didn't pull much. If brother ten hadn't stopped him, something big would happen..."

Elder Brother Shi is a good man, he couldn't stand being punched in the face like that.

Fifth elder brother is still injured, and the wound is so deep...

It's unlikely that the brains will come out, and the face will be stained for sure.

Brother Nine was listening beside him, but couldn't help it anymore, "Deng Deng" two steps forward, grabbed the collar of Brother Three's clothes.

"Bastard, you are really dark... besides bullying your younger brother, what else can you do, you use dirty tricks every time..."

The third elder brother looked blank, and let him procrastinate without struggling.

Elder Brother Ten couldn't sit still anymore, so he hurried forward to pull Brother Ninth.

"Bastard, you bastard..."

Brother Jiu was still pulling, when a cup flew over his head and hit him straight.

The cup then fell to the ground, and with a "snap", the fragments scattered.

Brother Jiu was startled, raised his head, and met Kangxi's anger.

"Khan Ama, did you smash it crookedly..."

He also felt aggrieved, put down the third elder brother, and rubbed his shoulder that was hit.

Kangxi laughed angrily, and scolded: "What are you talking about?! Shut up! If you speak again, I will ask someone to sew your mouth shut!"

Brother Jiu covered his mouth, his eyes rolled around, and he realized that he had slipped his words...

bah bah bah!
I even scolded myself...

(End of this chapter)

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