My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 218 Promise Brother 9 One Thing

Chapter 218 Promise Nine Brothers One Thing
The third elder brother knelt back again, raised his head, his face was full of grievances.

He choked up and said, "Look, Ama Khan, this is still in front of you, one or two dare to attack your son...

Khan Ama just asked the son to reflect on why the elder brothers and the son are not close...

The son-in-law is also introspecting, the son-in-law is sincere, he likes to say a few more words when he sees that the little brothers are inappropriate, and the honest words are harsh...

Erchen was raised outside the palace when he was a child, and he lived a simple life, so he developed the habit of thrift. When he came and went, he did what he could and did his best. I'm afraid he would have already offended his elder brothers...

The old and the young are orderly, and there is a difference between the superior and the inferior, which is the truth that has been passed down since ancient times...

The son knew that the fifth son was raised by the emperor's grandmother and had always been favored. He was a head taller than the other elder brothers since he was a child. This time the son was named the king of the county, and he might feel unhappy...

Of course, my son has something wrong, but my brothers have broken the rules, so I can't help but want to preach a few words, it's just... that's all..."

After speaking, he burst into tears.

In the crying, there is endless grievance and sadness.

Everyone was stunned.

Fifth elder brother was stunned, probably unable to react, a fight is a fight, what does it have to do with the county king and Baylor.

Elder Brother Ten was beside him, touching his swollen face and smiling wryly.

"Third brother, you are really a noble man. You took a hit, and those of us learned a lesson by being tied up, but we didn't succeed. In the end, you were the one who was wronged..."

The third elder brother seemed to have never heard of it, still crying loudly.

All elder brothers looked at each other.

If I cried like this when I was a child, I would cry too.

This boss is so shabby.

Ninth elder brother covered his mouth and stared at third elder brother. If his eyes were knives, he would already be lingering.

It's really a thief bite, penetrating three points.

This is why Brother Wu added a crime.

Obviously he loves his younger brother, fifth elder brother is only in his early years, this hat comes over, it becomes fifth elder brother's act of being jealous of the virtuous and capable, and a villain.

He remembered what Shu Shu said, that children who cry have milk.

Could this make the third child hide?
What is the lesson? !

It was this bastard who was obviously wrong, and he still dragged Fifth Brother?
Brother Jiu was so angry that his eyes were red.

What I think of is the pure prince's mansion.

Long before he was born, Prince Wang Shuchunjing died of illness.

Two months later, Aunt Wang gave birth to a posthumous child.

This little cousin became a pure prince in three or four months, but died before reaching his first birthday.

Pure Prince Aunt did not remarry, and has been keeping festivals in the palace.

I was in my teens at the time.

Counting it down now, she was in her thirties, but she looked older than her mother by more than ten years.

If something happened to him, Shu Shu wouldn't even have a posthumous child.

Now that the Eight Banners are sinicized, very few of the clan Fujin have remarried.

If there is an emergency, Khan Ama has no shortage of sons, and the empress also has a fifth elder brother, even the old ten here, who is going to get married soon, and the children will be married in the future.

Shu Shu here, widow...

Such a delicate person...

She is just a bald elder brother, and she is a widow, and she will not be as comfortable as Aunt Chun, who can guard the huge palace.

At that time, it might be that the Ministry of Internal Affairs allocated a deserted and secluded courtyard, and three or five eunuchs and palace men were sweeping.

I don't know what will happen when I meet someone as arrogant and rude as Fujin, and brother San who is greedy and calculating.

Brother Jiu's chest was so congested, his heart was ashamed, and tears fell down.

Elder Brother Ten was the first to notice something was wrong, and hurriedly whispered: "Brother Ninth..."

Brother Nine was holding back before, but after listening to Brother Ten's voice, how could he bear it, he hugged Brother Ten and cried, "Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, you have to promise brother one thing, if you If you don't agree, brother, I will die with peace..."

Everyone was startled, even the third prince was so shocked that he stopped crying.

Elder Brother Ten's expression changed, and he looked Brother Ninth up and down: "What's wrong with Brother Ninth? What's wrong with you?"

The eldest elder brother and the fifth elder brother didn't care about kneeling anymore, they all got up and came over.

Even Kangxi stood up.

Brother Jiu cried and said: "Just say, you should, should you..."

"Yes! Yes!"

Seeing that he was not in the right condition, Brother Ten nodded quickly.

Ninth elder brother cried so hard that he said: "Woo... In the future, younger brothers and sisters will come in... How many more sons do you have... Pick a good-looking, sensible one and give it to your Jiu sister-in-law..."

Shu Shu is a face-seeker.

Elder Brother Ten hurriedly said: "Okay, what are you talking about? Isn't he taking medicine? In the future, my nephew will have..."

Everyone felt a false alarm, with condemnation on their faces.

Even Kangxi frowned, wanting to reprimand him.

Brother Jiu has already cried loudly: "In case... I follow in the footsteps of Uncle Chunjing, don't worry about your sister-in-law Jiu alone..."

The room fell silent again.

Then there were two sounds of "pop" and "pop".

Fifth elder brother's face turned red, and he slapped ninth elder brother twice on the back vigorously.

Ninth elder brother was beaten until he staggered, finally stopped crying, and looked at fifth elder brother ignorantly: "Fifth elder brother..."

"You are not good, bad! Unfilial!"

The fifth elder brother was full of anger and gritted his teeth.

It's just that he doesn't know how to swear, even if he is very angry, he can only say a few words.

Brother Jiu's tears came out again.

Such a fifth brother, without his own protection, is really worrying.

Seeing his younger brother suffering so badly, the fifth elder brother thought of his physical condition, felt pain in his heart, couldn't help it, and started crying "woo woo".

Brother Ten knew about Brother Nine's condition.

Even if the thirteenth elder brother doesn't know all about it here, he knows the general idea of ​​what he eats together these days.

Elder Brother Ten thought that if something happened, he would not be able to bear it.

Brother Thirteen, here, it is serious...

The two of them didn't cry aloud, but their eyes were red with tears rolling in their sockets.

Even the elder brother couldn't bear it in his heart, and felt sentimental.

Speaking of the crying of the third elder brother, Kangxi was irritable and introspected, wondering if he was too harsh on the third elder brother.

Maybe it's because of the lack of communication between father and son, and the lack of communication between brothers, that there is friction?

When Brother Nine cried, everyone followed suit, and Kangxi was left with sourness.

In the room, the only sound was Fifth Prince's cry.

There was the sound of chaotic footsteps outside.

A young eunuch ran in first, and hurriedly reported: "Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager is here, so you must come in directly..."

That is the Queen Mother, no one dares to stop her.

He had just finished reporting when the queen mother had arrived.

The old lady has a strong figure, and usually moves slowly, but now she is very flexible and vigorous.

A room full of people.

But her eyes fell directly on the fifth elder brother, strode forward, and said lovingly: "Xiao Wu, don't cry, the emperor's grandmother is here, and the emperor's grandmother will decide for you..."

As she said that, she looked at the other elder brothers with sharp eyes, as if she was a different person.

Immediately, she looked at the fifth elder brother again, her face full of distress.

The fifth elder brother looked really embarrassed.

Walking here, because of the pick-up, the past few days have been paved with yellow sand and sprinkled with water three times a day.

The fifth elder brother was pushed down by the third elder brother and rolled on the ground, but he was covered in mud and water, and he was wearing royal blue, which was particularly conspicuous.

The wound on his face was more than two inches long. The wound was originally dry, but as soon as he broke free, blood and water came out.

The fifth elder brother knew that his wound was scary, and he wanted to turn his head away for fear of scaring the Queen Mother.

The queen mother directly helped him by the shoulder, took a closer look, and said with a loving face: "When you meet a blind man, there are not many who can escape. This is the badge of Batulu! The little five of the emperor's grandmother, you have a good heart, get it." The protection of the Longevity Heaven..."

The fifth elder brother looked at the queen mother.

Seeing the benevolence in the queen mother's eyes, the fifth elder brother mastered the skill of complaining without a teacher.

He pointed to the third elder brother who was kneeling on the ground, and said angrily: "Grandmother, he bullied Lao Jiu...knowing that Lao Jiu drinks medicine and cannot drink, and encouraged Prince Horqin to force others... grandson went to him...he Just now I told Khan Ama that my grandson is jealous that he is the county king and that my grandson is Baylor, but my grandson is not jealous..."

He spoke Mongolian very fluently, and he also explained the reasons behind it.

The queen mother patted the loess on his body, her voice was a little low: "Did he hit you?"

The fifth elder brother nodded, then shook his head again, and said, "I just pushed hard, the elder brother was protecting his grandson, the fist landed on the elder brother's body, and the back of the elder brother's heart was purple..."

The queen mother saw the elder brother again, nodded, and praised: "Knowing how to protect my brother, he is a good boy..."

The fifth elder brother went on to complain, saying: "He wanted to beat me later, but the tenth and thirteenth stopped me, and the tenth took me a while..."

Speaking of this, he was frustrated, and muttered: "It's all about the grandson's fault, he's too weak, and he needs to be protected by his brother..."

The queen mother patted him on the shoulder lightly, without saying anything, and looked at the tenth and thirteenth elder brothers.

When her eyes fell on Brother Ten's face, she was angry.

Brother Jiu put down his hand covering his mouth, and hurriedly said: "Grandmother, it's all grandson's fault, fifth brother is for me, and the others are also affected by grandson..."

The Empress Dowager did not intend to anger Brother Nine, so she held back her anger and said kindly: "He is your brother, he should protect you, Xiao Wu is a good brother..."

The last sentence was addressed to Fifth Prince.

Fifth elder brother nodded and agreed: "Yes, grandson is a good brother... Eldest brother is also a good brother, protecting grandson at the front; younger brothers are also good brothers..."

The third elder brother was beside him, it was extremely miserable.

They are all good, only you are bad? !
He looked at the queen mother and said, "Grandmother, it was Lao Wu who made a move on his grandson. He was instigated by Lao Jiu... He was the most kind and generous in the past. He won't be like this. You have to remind him not to be used by others." It's..."

The Empress Dowager looked indifferent, and glanced at him lightly, but did not answer his words.

She looked at the emperor and said: "The emperor disciplines your son, I want to take Xiao Wu back..."

The old lady has always been kind to others, but now her face is drooping, and she doesn't hide her anger.

Kangxi knew that his aunt was really upset.

Fifth elder brother is her precious grandson, and even he has complained about it.

Now is not the time to make excuses and make amends, so Kangxi nodded.

The fifth elder brother shook his head, refused to leave, and said: "Emperor Grandmother, you go back first, grandson will go to see you later..."

(End of this chapter)

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