Chapter 219 The Room Is Surprised
The empress dowager can face the emperor, but she is reluctant to face the precious grandson she raised.

She is very kind to the fifth elder brother, like a baby doll.

"You still have injuries on your face. What's the point? It's the same when you talk about it in two days."

The fifth elder brother looked firm: "Grandmother, that's not right, this is the fault of my grandson... If Khan Ama wants to punish her, she should be the first to punish her grandson... It's not kind for a grandson to leave with the emperor's grandmother No, it can't be like that..."

The situation is like this, this one is still thinking about reasoning, and everyone is speechless.

Even Kangxi was indescribable.

The queen mother nodded, with a look of relief on her face, and praised: "Good boy, our little five is responsible, the imperial grandmother is waiting for you... don't go anywhere for a while, the imperial grandmother has left you crispy cheese..."


The fifth elder brother is very honest and well-behaved: "After receiving the punishment from Han Ama, the grandson will go there, and I will add three spoonfuls of sugar..."

The queen mother was worried again.

If the little elder brother who was studying in the study was making such a fuss, it wouldn't be a big deal, just a few reprimands would be over.

There are too many boys, how can they not fight.

Now the few in front of me, except for a few young ones, are all knighted by adults.

How will the emperor punish him?
The Empress Dowager looked at Kangxi involuntarily, with a pleading look on her face.

Either she wanted to meddle in the emperor's discipline of the prince, or she didn't want her precious grandson to be punished.

Kangxi was also helpless, and stepped forward to give the Empress Dowager an arm: "You go and rest first, and I will take the fifth child there later..."

The queen mother was slightly relieved, glanced at the fifth elder brother, resumed her usual walking posture, and went out slowly.

Because Brother Nine was crying just now, except for Brother Three who was still kneeling, everyone else got up.

Looking at his sons who were standing around, the oldest elder brother was already half a head taller than him, and the youngest thirteenth elder brother was between his eyebrows.

Kangxi became irritable inexplicably, took two steps, still sat on the chair, looked down at the crowd, and finally calmed down.

His gaze slid across everyone's face.

The elder brother's eye circles were slightly red, silent as always, with a dazed expression, not knowing what to think.

The third elder brother frowned, still showing aggrieved look.

The fifth elder brother looked at the third elder brother who was still kneeling, with a tangled expression on his face. It seemed that he was hesitating whether to step forward and kneel down with him.

At this moment, he should have made up his mind, so he went over and knelt by the right hand of Third Elder Brother.

Everyone looked over.

The elder brother let out a sigh of relief, without hesitation, he strode forward and knelt on the left hand of the third elder brother.

Brother Jiu stopped crying, but the tip of his nose was red and his voice was hoarse. Seeing this, he snorted softly, not wanting to kneel very much.

But he has always been loyal, and he also knows that the root of the matter lies in himself, and there is no reason to avoid it, otherwise he will be sorry for the fifth brother and the boss.

Brothers suffer together, let's suffer together!

He stepped forward valiantly and vigorously, and knelt down next to the fifth elder brother, but his chest was puffed out, as if he was about to admit his mistakes, rather than accepting an award.

Looking at it, Kangxi felt his hands were itchy again, and fumbled for the teacup at hand to hold back.

All four brothers knelt down.

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother looked at each other, knowing that it was not good to stand still, they also stepped forward at the same time, and honestly knelt down on the right hand side of the ninth elder brother.

Brother Nine saw this, turned his head, frowned and said, "Okay, what are you kneeling for?! Ahma Khan is not ignorant, and will it involve you? Hurry up and sit on the side, so as not to be dizzy for a while... "

The last sentence was an instruction to Elder Brother Shi, saying that he was about to pull Elder Brother Ten to get up.

Elder Brother Ten was very helpless, quickly pressed his arm, and whispered: "Brother Ninth, brother is fine, first listen to what Han Ama said..."

Brother Thirteen was also nearby, reminding in a low voice, "Brother Ninth, stop talking!"

You are still holding back your mouth, why did you forget it now? !
Only then did Brother Nine come to his senses, and quickly raised his head to look upwards.

Khan Ama's face was gloomy, looking into his own eyes... it seemed that he was not very kind...

Brother Jiu was also afraid, and lowered his head.

After a long while, Kangxi looked at the elder brother and said, "Boss, who is at fault today? How should I be punished?"

The elder brother raised his head and said: "It's the sons who are wrong, you should have something to say... If there is a misunderstanding, just talk about it; if it's not a misunderstanding, you should tell Khan Ama first, please Khan Ama The verdict...or else, a one-year stipend?"

I divided the assistant leader myself, and I have filial piety outside, and I am not short of money.

The fifth child has the empress dowager's private house and is well-off.

The few remaining young ones were not knighted, so naturally they were not involved in fines.

Even if Khan Ama was more cruel and made everyone sit still and fined their monthly bills, the loss would not be too great.

The tenth elder brother has many private houses, and the ninth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother have their own mothers and concubines to supplement.

For the always stingy third child, it was a painful pain.

Even though he has disciples, he also has filial piety outside, but Pixiu is used to it, and always only fishes inside, not outside.

In the entire palace, Zhongcui Palace and Qiandong Institute are all in their own way.

In these two places, the rewards are not following the crowd, but only the rewards from other masters are halved and then halved.

With such behavior, the mother and son should have a rich private house over the years.

But, what do you save so much money for?
Big Brother was stunned.

He turned his head to look at the third elder brother, and couldn't help hesitating.

Did the third child really get involved in the encounter with the bear at the beginning of the month?
Khan Ama has asked someone to review the matter. If the third child is really suspected, even the prince elder brother will not be unscathed.

But the third child seems to be quite ambitious...

Originally thought that he was aiming at Prince Yu, wanting to be a virtuous king and a prince of governance.

Now it seems that he underestimated his ambition...

After hearing what the elder brother said, Kangxi was noncommittal, and looked at the third elder brother again.

Third elder brother's spirit was a little sluggish.

His mind was running fast, thinking about how to turn the situation around.

The terrible thing is that there is no good way to think of it.

Whether one son is important or five sons is more important, there is no need to choose at all.

How come this is so?

Unknowingly, he stood on the opposite side of Brother Zhu.

Even if you weren't very close before, you don't need to go to this point, right?
The boss has a dark heart, because he is eyeing his own salary.

He was stunned for a while before his face was full of frustration.

"Han Ama, you can punish me as you like, my son will admit it...

It's those eight carts, can they be saved?

The son was angry for a while and made a fool of himself. Lao Jiu really hated his son...

Seeing that Lao Jiu just made his last words and asked Gu Gu, it's good that his life will go smoothly in the future, if the children's heirs are in trouble, I'm afraid this mistake will also fall on the heads of the ministers...

This rift is inevitable, if you insist on giving me this skin, I will say nothing, but I am not very happy..."

At this moment, the third elder brother didn't bother to pretend, and truthfully expressed his reluctance.

After saying this, he raised his head and looked directly at Shengyan.

"Khan Ama, why don't you punish our brothers to copy the "Book of Rites" together? I will definitely remember 'Brother Liang' in the future, and take good care of my younger brother. Even if there is something wrong with them, I will persuade them tactfully; Also learn what a 'brother' is..."

Kangxi sighed heavily in his heart.

At this time, the son is still playing tricks.

At this time, is eight cars important?
Brothers are orderly, which is the most polite thing in the world.

He is disrespectful to his brother against his brother; he is not friendly to his brother against his brother.

Kangxi's eyelids drooped, and he had already made up his mind, so he looked at the fifth elder brother again.

The fifth elder brother said honestly: "You can punish him however you like, anyway, it was Erchen who was wrong... You shouldn't have done something to brother... Erchen did it on purpose, wanting to let him have a long memory, so as not to bully Lao Jiu again... ...It shouldn't be...Kerchen shouldn't either...We brothers are both wrong..."

He speaks frankly and sincerely, and he also puts emphasis on "two brothers".

So, please don't hurt the innocent.

His thoughts were written all over his face.

Kangxi looked at it, and also sighed.

The dragon gave birth to nine sons, each of which is different.

As the fifth son, my aptitude is mediocre and not clever, but he is very kind and honest, which is very rare.

Kangxi looked at Brother Jiu, seeing his swollen eyeballs, and couldn't help but feel disgusted.

Brother Fifth, those two slaps just now were light!

At the age of teens, talking lightly about life and death is extremely unfilial!
Today's dispute could have been avoided.

Whoever is as coquettish as he is, complaining to himself and complaining in front of his brother, otherwise a gentle child like Lao Wu would be so out of line.

He glared at Brother Nine and scolded, "You are already an adult, not a child, but also a family. You have to take responsibility when you encounter problems in the future. Don't count on this, count on that..."

Brother Jiu is not happy anymore.

It turns out that others are right, but you are wrong?

He was unhappy, his words lost respect, he straightened his neck, and said: "Ama Khan, did you pick up your son from a pile of firewood? Why are the elder brothers in front of you princes, and elder brothers in the back are black and white? Isn’t it right and wrong now? Let’s talk about who is right and who is wrong... The one who punched and kicked the younger brother is your sweetheart. If you don’t want to say it, just take the son who is not loved by his father or mother. Come vent your anger, why?"

Kangxi was also annoyed that he was so arrogant and rude, and said angrily: "It's your Ama! Why, I can't blame you?!"

Brother Nine was full of disrespect, and even wanted to talk back.

Elder Brother Ten had already hooked his shoulders, covered his mouth tightly, and reminded him in a low voice: "Don't push the flames, it's too cheap for the third..."

The volume is turned down very low.

Brother Jiu listened.

His shoulders drooped, he stopped kneeling, his buttocks moved back a little, and he sat on his lap, his face drooped, and he lost his temper.

Kangxi was so angry that it could be seen that he was about to die, thinking about the crying and begging just now, he suppressed the words from his mouth again.

He looked at Elder Brother Ten.

Elder Brother Ten's face was swollen and bruised, and his eyes were closed, but he didn't care about his size, and looked at Brother Ninth with tears, unable to hide his worry.

The thirteenth elder brother was alive and kicking, and he was not injured, but his usual bright face was gone, his mouth was pouted, and he stared at the third child without a glance.

Thinking about the fact that Brother Nine was talking nonsense just now, and he still nodded in agreement, Kangxi felt that this youngest son was also favored in vain, and he owed a lesson.

Kangxi frowned and sighed inwardly.

Son, they are all debt collectors!

Yuxue was cute when she was a child, but when she grows up, she is very angry.

If the current situation is not handled well, not only will siblings turn against each other, but also resentment will arise between father and son.

Kangxi looked at Fifth Elder Brother and said, "You know that you have a good heart to protect your younger brother. If this fist is aimed at outsiders, I can only praise you..."

Speaking of this, his expression was solemn, and his voice was also stern: "But you forgot, the third elder brother is not an outsider, nor is he an enemy, he is your elder brother of the same father! In your heart, you only respect your concubine and mother, not your concubine." Father Khan, a younger brother from a compatriot is a younger brother, but a brother from a different mother is not a brother?! He did something wrong, I taught him a lesson, the prince taught him a lesson, and the elder brother taught him a lesson, but it is not your turn to teach him a lesson ! That's disrespectful!"

The fifth elder brother blushed, shook his head quickly, and said: "No! In my heart, everyone is the same, all the same... Lao Jiu is the younger brother, and the third brother is also the elder brother, they are all the same..."

Kangxi saw that his expression was not fake, he said what he thought, his expression slowed down a bit, after thinking about it, he said: "Then I will fine you a year's salary, will you accept it?"

The fifth elder brother is Dorobeile, with a salary of [-] taels of silver a year.

The fifth elder brother respectfully kowtowed and said: "My son surrendered, this is what should be done, it was originally my son's mistake."

Seeing that the fifth elder brother was very calm and accepting it with peace of mind, Kangxi added another sentence: "Copy the "Book of Rites" one hundred times..."

The fifth elder brother's face was cracked and he lost his composure. He was already thinking hard about the number of words in "Book of Rites"...

One time will kill people, one hundred times will you still be alive?
The third elder brother lowered his head, but the corners of his mouth curled up, feeling much more confident in his heart.

Khan Ama took his advice and let these bastards copy the books.


The elder brothers at the front were originally different from the princes at the back.

The prince Jingui in the front was protected by his ancestors, and Khan Ama was raised by hand, how can the ones in the back compare?
Khan Ama is still partial to him.

So Lao Jiu is envious and jealous.

I was framed today, maybe it was from the grace.

What if they united?
Can you still control Khan Ama's mind? !
An old man from an ordinary family is worried that he will be coerced by his son for taking care of the elderly in the future; Khan Ama is the emperor, and Gan Gang is arbitrary, how many of them are allowed?
He concealed his joy, and looked at Kangxi with some anxiety, his eyes were full of admiration and dependence.

Kangxi skipped him, and his eyes fell on the elder brother.

"Boss, you are the elder brother, and you should be fair and just to your brothers. Although today's incident happened for a reason, but you have lost your sense of justice and become biased. I will punish you, will you accept it?"

The eldest elder brother hurriedly said: "Son, the younger brothers are still young, young and energetic, the son should suppress it, and shouldn't follow along..."

Kangxi nodded, and his gaze became much warmer: "Then fine you half a year's salary..."

The elder brother is the king of Doro County, with a salary of five thousand taels of silver a year.

This punishment is not light.

Because he was neither the sufferer nor the perpetrator, he kindly got into a fight and was beaten.

But Big Brother didn't complain at all.

Having been a father and son for nearly thirty years, although it cannot be said that "there is no better way to know a father than a son", the elder brother also has a general understanding of his father.

Maybe there will be a surprise today.

The third elder brother lowered his head again, otherwise he was afraid that he would not be able to control himself, so he smiled.

Boss, deserve it!
Dogs meddle in their own business with mice!

No, maybe he took the opportunity to retaliate!

In his heart, the third elder brother made a strong note of the eldest elder brother.

Kangxi's eyes finally fell on the third elder brother.


The third elder brother looked up, his expression was a little dazed.

Why is Khan Ama calling his name again?

Kangxi's expression was indifferent, and his voice was not loud: "You beat your brother and raped your brother, you are disrespectful and unfriendly, you have lost your virtue, and you are unbearable to be a king. Now you will be removed from the title and demoted to Baylor... The king belongs to the assistant leader, divided from the top three. Flag holders, return the upper three flags..."

 It's the end of the month, and the author is begging for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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