My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 220 Anxiety and Anger

Chapter 220 Anxiety and Rage

The whole house fell silent.

Even Brother Nine lost the unruliness he had before, held his breath, and didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, unconsciously becoming more careful on his face.

The third elder brother seemed to have turned into a statue, maintaining a posture of looking up, with doubts on his face.

After a while, his face changed drastically.

With a "swipe", the blood faded, and his face was pale.

With a "swipe", the blood was rolling, and his face was full of clouds.

He rolled his eyes and leaned back straight.

The fifth elder brother was beside him and hurriedly supported him.

The elder brother also came over, helped the other side, and then looked forward, looking at the emperor's father on the high seat.

Kangxi sat like a mountain, standing still, with no sadness or joy on his face, as if a god was looking down on all living beings.

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother were at the side, both a little bit at a loss.

Only the fifth elder brother, sweating profusely from anxiety, shouted loudly: "The imperial physician, please send the imperial physician quickly..."

Liang Jiugong stood beside him, and there were several deacons and eunuchs at the door, but no one moved.

They have only one master.

In the royal family, elder brothers are little masters, but not young masters.

It wasn't until Kangxi nodded slightly that Liang Jiugong bowed and went out to deliver a message.

The house was silent.

No one dared to speak, and everyone held their breath.

The princes knew from a young age that this one was not only Ama, but also Khan.

The elder brother still had worry on his face, but he quietly paid attention to Kangxi's reaction.

Seeing that his indifference returned to indifference, but his eyes fell on the fainting third elder brother several times, the eldest elder brother breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought that the third child would be severely punished, but he didn't expect to be demoted.

The rank of title is actually a matter of Khan Ama's words.

You can step down, or you can find a way to go up.

The key is those few golden words, which should be paid attention to in daily life...

There is an example of the fourth child, because of a few comments back then, he missed the position of the county king this time.

"Beating brothers and harassing younger brothers, being disrespectful and unfriending, lacking in virtue, unbearable to be a king", this is to throw the face of the third child on the ground, and then trample on two feet.

Elder brother inexplicably remembered an idiom.

Kill the chicken and scare the monkey...

Maybe it wasn't appropriate, but he was a little scared.

Time seemed to thicken.

Obviously, the minute hand on the chiming clock has moved by one space, but everyone feels that they are about to freeze.

The doctor is here.

After seeing the third elder brother's face, he said truthfully to Kangxi, "My Majesty, Chengjun Wang is in a hurry, his qi is chaotic, his liver yang is soaring, and he faints...need to soothe the liver and calm the qi... ..."

The imperial physician was a little surprised by this result.

These rotating imperial physicians are on duty at the front.

Just now, you elder brothers scuffled. You didn't see it, but you heard about it.

First, there were two other imperial physicians who treated orthopedic injuries were ordered to come over for consultation.

Several elder brothers were injured, and it is said that it was the Chengjun King who did it.

This was beaten well, why did the beating person get so angry?

Kangxi still looked neither sad nor happy: "Soothing the liver and calming the qi? Isn't it rushing to attack the heart? Why is anger attacking the heart?"

The imperial doctor bowed and said: "The disorder of qi, blood, yin and yang is the result, and the cause of rushing to attack the heart...Anger makes the qi go up, joy makes the qi slow down, fright makes the qi go down... Chengjun Wang has a sign of qi going up, and depression qi hurts. The liver, the liver wood is against the spleen and soil, and it will hurt the stomach fire for a long time, so it is necessary to soothe the liver and calm the qi..."

Kangxi looked numb, snorted coldly, got up and left.

The imperial physician sensed that something was wrong, and tremblingly looked at the elder brother who could call the shots.

The elder brother thought for a while, and said: "Go down and prescribe the prescription..."

Eldest brother felt that he was also sick when he sat down, his hands and feet were cold.

I just feel that Khan Ama seems to have become a stranger.

Not like Amma, just sweaty.

The third child fainted on the ground, not knowing about personnel affairs, Khan Ama even cared about whether he was angry or not.

Is this still the Khan Ama who loves and favors the third child the most?
Like a man who has changed his mind, he abandons his next wife like walking shoes.

How cruel...

He looked at the third elder brother, feeling less disgusted and more pitiful.

The fifth elder brother was still supporting the third elder brother, trembling slightly, unable to speak, with guilt on his face.

Seeing the elder brother looking over, the fifth elder brother hurriedly said: "Big brother, is it because of me..."

The elder brother interrupted him quickly, saying: "Let's talk about the other things later, let's send the third child back first..."

This is the living place of Khan Ama, and behind him are the attendants of the palace. They are grown-up elder brothers, it is not good to stay here.

The fifth elder brother responded, and cooperated with the eldest elder brother, helping the third elder brother from left to right.

The third elder brother was unconscious and dead.

The elder brother's stature and strength are all there, and he is holding it steady, but the fifth elder brother is a little bit strenuous.

Brother Nine had already recovered from his shock, and said disapprovingly, "When will this help..."

As he said that, he greeted Liang Jiugong from outside: "Familiar, please call a few rough envoys and eunuchs..."

Liang Jiugong hesitated for a moment, and went out to order someone.

Brother Jiu looked at the high chair above again.

That chair is the most spacious.

But he is not a fool, he just took a look.

Immediately, he took a chair next to him, put it behind the third elder brother, and said to the eldest elder brother and the fifth elder brother: "Put it on the chair, and ask someone to carry it away..."

After a while, a few eunuchs came to listen to the order, followed the order, lifted the chair of the grand master and left.

The eldest elder brother and the fifth elder brother guarded from left to right and followed.

The ninth elder brother, the tenth elder brother, and the thirteenth elder brother fell behind.

The three of them looked at each other in blank dismay, each of them was holding back hard, and deliberately slowed down their pace.

"Han Ama scolds people too harshly. The third brother has always been very strong, so he won't die of anger..."

Brother Thirteen said with a worried face.

Although he doesn't like this half-brother very much, he doesn't maliciously hope that something will happen to him.

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "That's not true. The people in the imperial hospital are the most timid and fearful. If there is any danger, they will say it is very dangerous, so as not to bear the responsibility later... It should be an ordinary fainting, nothing serious. The imperial doctor is not nervous. Khan Ama didn't give any more instructions... Otherwise, he is the eldest son, even if he is annoyed and punished, he will not bear it..."

Elder Brother Ten also frowned, looking worried.

When I think of it, it's not the third elder brother's body, but the third elder brother's mind.

The third elder brother seems to be gentle, but he is narrow-minded and acts viciously.

I didn't have any enmity with Brother Nine before, and I could do some calculations, but I don't know what will happen in the future.

He reminded in a low voice: "Ninth brother, I'm afraid the third child has a grudge..."

Brother Jiu said disapprovingly: "Remember the grudge, remember the grudge, I'm afraid he won't succeed?! I can't say that I will do a good job, and I will make a county king in the future, and suppress him..."

"And what about Fifth Brother?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "I'm afraid that he will blame Fifth Brother for the demotion..."

Brother Nine is serious.

"Then what should we do? He is eloquent, and he is the best at coaxing people. Later, Fifth Brother will be targeted, and if he doesn't keep it all right, he will really be tricked by him..."

He was born on guard, but there was no good way for a while.

Before that, he was very happy.

You know, he stopped the fifth elder brother from beating someone, but he never let go of the idea of ​​"beating brother".

The youngest being punished this time was also a reminder to him that it would be better for a gentleman to use his words instead of his hands in the future.

It must be within the rules, not outside the rules, and leave a handle.

The third child is the beloved son, and there is still a prince to surrender, so he will be punished like this; if his ordinary son, the bald brother, is punished, there will be no buffer.

Elder Brother Shi thought for a while and said, "The queen mother is a sensible person, and I guess there will be arrangements... Looking back, we should be more careful anyway..."

Brother Nine nodded, still not sure about it.

The thirteenth elder brother looked forward, feeling a little confused.

According to what the two elder brothers said, if the third brother is so stingy, in addition to resenting the fifth and ninth brothers, will he also vent his anger on other people?
Today, everyone is facing him.

The front has already reached the place where the third elder brother is staying.

It's a courtyard on the East Road, right next to the second entrance.

A group of people came in mightily, which naturally alarmed the people in the courtyard.

A curvaceous figure appeared in the corridor, dressed in colorful clothes, it was Tian Gege.

Seeing the elder brother and the fifth elder brother were there, she wanted to avoid it, but when she saw the person on the grand teacher's chair, she stopped and rushed over: "Master, what's wrong with you? Master... er..."

The eldest brother was upset by the noise, pulled his face down and said: "Shut up!"

Tian Gege choked with sobs and didn't dare to cry anymore, but he was holding a handkerchief and Xizi was holding his heart.

The eldest elder brother ignored her and asked someone to carry the third elder brother to the house to settle down.

Tian Gege was in tears, and followed behind, as if the sky was falling and the earth was falling.

When the elder brother saw him, he was a little more patient. Knowing that the third elder brother brought a Gege to serve him daily, he said: "My elder brother was in a hurry, and the imperial doctor prescribed a prescription just now, and asked to rest... Be quiet and don't disturb me. he..."

Tian Gege was worried, but he didn't dare to ask more questions, and nodded honestly.

The fifth elder brother was by the side, looking at Tian Gege's appearance of collapsing when he saw the wind, he was very worried, he didn't seem to be able to take good care of people.

"Brother, do you want to tell your empress to send two proper nuns over for the night?"

The elder brother glanced at the fifth elder brother, seeing his serious proposal, he was very speechless, shook his head and said: "Forget it, there should be no shortage of people..."

After finishing speaking, he asked the third elder brother's personal eunuch: "Your master went out, did you bring the old nanny with you..."

If there are young female relatives, most of them will arrange for the old nuns to come out with them, so as not to make mistakes in the rules.

That's the case with the eldest brother, thinking about the third elder brother, San Fujin should also arrange for it.

But the eunuch shook his head, and said: "Our Fujin arranged for two nanny to follow, but he didn't like the nanny taking care of things, and sent them back when they arrived in Miyun..."

The eldest brother glanced at the third elder brother and felt that he might have thought too much before.

Just such a womanizing thing, what great promise can it have.

He asked the eunuch to say.

"You are also an old man next to elder brother, so choose two steady medicine attendants on duty at night, and keep an eye on others, so as not to disturb elder brother's peace... If you feel uncomfortable, you can go to me or report to me at any time... Or go and tell Concubine Yi..."

(End of this chapter)

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