My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 221 The Little Saint 9

Chapter 221 Saint Nine

The eunuch bowed and agreed.

The fifth elder brother was worried, and whispered: "Brother, how about younger brother staying to take care of him, what is it..."

The elder brother directly pulled his wrist: "Look again, it won't happen for the time being, let's go first, and let the third child have a good rest..."

After finishing speaking, he pulled Fifth Prince's arm and went out.

This old fifth, if he keeps his mouth shut, he wants to take the fault of this time on himself, it can't be like this.

He came and went, the third child took it seriously, and he should hate it alone.

Fifth elder brother did not struggle, but followed out obediently.

At the gate of the courtyard, the ninth elder brother, the tenth elder brother, and the thirteenth elder brother were still hesitating whether to go in or not.

Somewhat reluctantly.

The elder brother and the fifth elder brother came out, seeing the expressions of the three of them, they decided directly, saying: "It's not at this time to visit the sick, let's leave first..."

Brother Jiu listened with his hands down, and was about to listen to his elder brother's order and leave.

Footsteps were heard not far away.

Liang Jiugong came, followed by a young eunuch.

"Several elder brothers stay behind, the emperor has an order!"

Everyone stood upright.

Liang Jiugong looked at Brother Jiu and said, "It's for Lord Jiu..."

Brother Jiu put down his horseshoe sleeves and knelt down.

Liang Jiugong said: "Shangyu, Yinzhen, ignorant of learning and skills, ignorant of the world, and neglecting the teachings, will copy the "Book of Rites" a hundred times, and will be fined for three years!"

Brother Nine looked up "teng", his lungs were about to explode.

The appearance is not much better than that of the third elder brother.

What does it mean? !

This is the dear eldest son who loves him, and he can't bear to embarrass him alone, so he insists on being tied up again? !
Brother Jiu turned over and was about to get up, wanting to argue, but he didn't move a muscle.

His two shoulders, pressing two hands.

The big brother and the tenth brother made a move at the same time.

The thirteenth elder brother was also clever, and stepped forward to cover the ninth elder brother's mouth.

The fifth elder brother was ignorant, and comforted: "Ninth brother, don't worry, I will give you the money..."

Liang Jiugong looked at the postures of several people, his expression unchanged.

Eldest elder brother hurriedly said: "Anda go first, Khan Ama can't leave anyone..."

Liang Jiugong also winked, bowed, and left with the little eunuch.

Brother Nine opened his mouth and took a bite on Brother Thirteen's hand.


The thirteenth elder brother let go of the pain.

Brother Jiu is not ignorant of good and evil, knowing that everyone is doing it for his own good, so he breathes hard to calm himself down.

The elder brother persuaded in a low voice: "It may not be a bad thing... It's better than being exempted from the Ministry of Internal Affairs..."

The eldest elder brother has also heard about the situation of the ninth elder brother and his wife, and they are already at odds with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

This acting head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a buffer and a turning point.

Besides, the penalty was only the salary, and the prince's monthly regulations were not added.

Nine princes acted as an agent for the Ministry of Internal Affairs and received the third grade salary.

One hundred and thirty taels per year, and three hundred and ninety taels in three years.

If the prince's monthly regulations are also punished, life will be difficult.

At that time, the dignified prince will only be able to eat soft food, relying on his mother or wife to subsidize him.

Nine princes gritted their teeth and said, "Then this comment should also be marked on daily life! It's shameful!"

"You're only sixteen, these words don't question your virtue, it's a good thing..."

The elder brother thought for a while, and solemnly warned: "Today you are rude in front of the emperor, and the punishment is not wronged. Khan Ama left room for you, so you should calm down a little bit, don't be above Qiqing, and learn a lesson, don't do it again in the future. Such audacity..."

Brother Nine frowned: "Is it hard to tell the truth in front of Ama Khan?"

The elder brother looked solemn: "Old Ninth, that's Khan Ama, even Khan!"

Ninth elder brother was taken aback for a moment, trying to figure out what big elder brother meant.

The fifth elder brother was by the side, and after hearing this, he leaned over and muttered.

"Brother, my younger brother wants to intercede with Ama Khan, and ask Ama Khan to change some words for the third child. Don't question his virtue... He is so strong, if he doesn't come down, he will be very angry..."

Ninth elder brother heard it and couldn't help being anxious. Just as he was about to speak, the eldest elder brother had already spoken.

The eldest elder brother had a stern face, instead of the usual gentleness, he was stern, and stared at the fifth elder brother.

"Thunder, rain and dew are all due to your kindness! The third child has violated the taboo, the fifth child, don't be confused! It's better to go to the empress dowager, the empress is already waiting for you... If there is any reason you don't understand, you can ask her to make decisions for you , or ask the Empress Dowager for her opinion..."

The Fifth Elder Brother has always heard about it, and he responded honestly: "Mm, Mm! My brother will go to greet the emperor's grandmother..."

After all, he was also afraid of the fierce elder brother, nodded to the younger ones, and left quickly.

Brother Jiu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

As far as Brother Wu's brain is concerned, it's better not to get involved.

The elder brother's face sank like water, looking at the back of the fifth elder brother.

That is the place where Zhonglu Shengjia is stationed in Hua.

His mood was a little agitated, and he seemed to understand something again.

Shu Shu here, who knows that the outside world has changed.

The butterfly's wings flapped a little again.

She was still thinking about how Kangxi would punish her sons, and she was a little bit gossip.

An adult prince is not a urchin, so there is no room for tolerance.

The commotion was not in other places, it was walking under the watchful eyes of all the attendants, and there were nine princes outside.

It is estimated that the punishment will not be light.

Also let Brother Jiu take a look, as a lesson for the past.

Before, he was studying in the study room, and he didn't have any errands, so he could still be a little elder brother.

Even if there are some small wrongs, they will not be punished heavily.

But if you go out on errands, you must be rigorous in your actions and considerate, otherwise, even if you are a prince, you will still be punished.

Just like what happened just now, no matter who is right or wrong, only one charge of "disregarding the general situation" will be charged, and both parties in the fight will each have to fight [-] boards.

But okay, what's wrong with third elder brother?

Fighting with Big Brother?

Maybe it was the elder brother who made the move and wanted to teach the younger brother a lesson, so the third elder brother resisted?
What is the fifth elder brother stirring up inside?
Pull frame?

I can't even care about my injuries.

Or did the fifth elder brother follow suit?
It's not easy for Shu Shu to send people out to inquire around the world, so she thought about it twice, but she couldn't figure it out.

At this moment, I saw brother Jiu come back angrily.

Shu Shu rushed to meet her.

Brother Nine took her hand, feeling that he was wronged a lot, and wished he could cry, but finally held back.

I am a man, standing upright, how can I act like a child?
Seeing Shu Shu, she couldn't help worrying: "Did Brother Wu fight? For Master?"

She also guessed this possibility just now, and felt that the fifth elder brother should have self-knowledge, not that kind of arrogant and conceited.

Brother Jiu nodded, and said with frustration: "Yes! Hey! What's going on with Khan Ama? Are you really old and confused..."

But he knew the seriousness, and the complaints in the back lowered the volume.

Shu Shu heard this without thinking, and became more and more worried: "Fifth brother was punished? Is the master also being accused?"

Brother Nine is regarded as the root of the trouble, right? !
In that case, the Queen Mother and Concubine Yi must be prevented from venting their anger.

"Fifth brother is seriously injured..."

After Shu Shu finished asking, she felt something was wrong.

If the fifth elder brother was seriously injured, shouldn't someone else be the one who punished him?

Brother Jiu nodded, shook his head again, and described the situation just now.

After he finished speaking, there was contempt on his face.

"I thought that the third child was more promising, and I was ashamed of him. At the beginning, I was caught by Khan Ama, and I pretended to be unconscious so that the tenth and thirteenth could be supported...

Later, she started to cry and make trouble again, just like that shrew in the market, the innocent and pitiful person inside and outside the words, and the faults are all other people's fault...

When Khan Ama said he was condescending, he immediately rolled his eyes...

This time, it's not just pretending, it's about being anxious or angry..."

Having said that, he sighed.

"Ama Khan is acting weird today, with a drooping face, as if someone owed him eight hundred tangs...

Needless to say, the third child was punished, the fifth brother and the eldest were also punished, the fifth brother received a salary of one year, the eldest half a year...

It's still a bit wicked, for fear that Brother Wu would have a good time, he punished him a hundred times in "Book of Rites"..."

Shu Shu felt a little warm in her palms.

There is some fluttering on the body.

Third elder brother descended? !

Don't you want to shave your head next year?

History, changed? !

She couldn't tell what it was like, she was a little excited and a little scared.

Nine princes drooped their heads, and said dejectedly: "Is he getting old, becoming more and more biased, and can't hear the truth, and even hit people with a cup... Later, he asked someone to pass the word, and also criticized the master indiscriminately, You have to drag Master to embarrass yourself with the third child..."

Shu Shu has no reviews.

This is the emperor.

No one can challenge his authority.

The favor he wants to give, he will accept it if he wants to, and he will not allow others to complain.

What he wanted was the absolute surrender of his sons.

She only looked at Brother Nine, and said worriedly: "I smashed on Grandpa, is Grandpa hurt?"

Brother Jiu hurriedly said: "No, no, it landed..."

In fact, my shoulder still hurts now.

Just can't say it, otherwise it would be embarrassing to be stripped of clothes in broad daylight.

Brother Nine changed the subject, taking pleasure in other's misfortune.

"The third one deserves it too! He has been drifting for half a year! Think about it carefully, he was not so annoying before, even if he was stingy, but he can coax people with his mouth, and he is always nice to talk to, and no one cares about him...

To be honest, since I was named the county king in March, my behavior has changed, I still look modest, and the problem of 'talking but not heart' has become more serious...

The Lord understands that he thinks too much of himself, he looks down on others in his heart, and if he knows what to say, he will say it, and it’s okay to offend, otherwise, why didn’t he "talk without heart" in front of Khan Ama and the crown prince..."

Speaking of this, he snorted softly: "Khan Ama's phrase 'unsophisticated, out of the world' should be reserved for the third child!"

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt a little worried.

She and Elder Brother Ten wanted to go together.

Third elder brother is not a gentleman.

It's not like a man to act like a man.

If you don't offend him, you will use dirty tricks, so this time it will be a big enemy.

There is a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no thousand days to guard against a thief.

In the future, it may be possible to fall into the wrong hands at any time if you omit and omit, so you have to think of a way to prevent problems before they happen.

Shu Shu didn't say these words, because Brother Jiu Qiqing told him these things would only add fuel to the fire.

She persuaded: "This is the end of the matter, it's useless to talk too much, I still have the head of the House of Internal Affairs. At this time, I don't say it's just sending charcoal in a timely manner, but I should do my best. In contrast, it seems that I have a big heart..."

Brother Nine was somewhat unhappy.

"I'm a good person if I don't fall into trouble, and I still want to be a saint? Besides, he definitely doesn't want to see me now... I will show a face or something at that time. I am not at a loss. If I don't want to be a saint, I still want to be a saint." Ordinary people..."

Shu Shu said softly: "If you don't do it for him, do it for the fifth brother, do it for the emperor, and also to help the empress..."

Brother Jiu was confused and couldn't figure it out for a while.

Shu Shu explained: "Fifth Brother is kind, so he must feel guilty. I'm going to make amends here, so as to save Fifth Brother from stepping forward and being embarrassing by Sanbeile later...

As for the empress, the highest ranking among the concubines is the concubine's mother. It seems unkind to ignore Sanbeile. It's not good if she asks too much. It's better for the master to help put things first...

As for the emperor, think about the reason why Sanbeile was punished today...

Lord, take this as a warning, and in the future, just make this respectful friend..."

Brother Nine listened and went in, nodded, and said: "Big Brother, Fifth Brother, and Old Ten are all hurt... Big Brother kicked his lungs and started to cough a bit, Old Ten was a little dizzy and nauseous, Fifth Brother is okay, but Skin trauma..."

Shu Shu became worried, thought about it carefully, and then continued to suggest.

"Then ask the imperial doctor first to see if there is any medicinal diet that does not conflict with the medicinal effect... I guess that the king of Zhijun should add moistening lungs and clearing phlegm, while the tenth brother should be more restrained, and the fifth brother. I have to avoid spicy food for a few more days..."

(End of this chapter)

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