My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 222 News from the Prince

Chapter 222 News from the Crown Prince
Brother Nine listened, worried about his elder brothers and younger brothers, got up and said, "Master, let's go to the pharmacy and ask..."

As he spoke, he hesitated for a moment, and said: "I was thinking about getting you new jewelry before, but it will be delayed later, and the salary will be fined for three years, and the master will do free work for Khan Ama..."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "Don't worry, sir, we will not be short of money in the future..."

Brother Jiu shook his head, disapproving all over his face.

"It's settled, the receipts from your marriage are kept, and you are not allowed to mix them up! Otherwise, I will become a badass!"

Shu Shu stretched out her hand to touch his face, and chuckled lightly.

"I just love a little boy like my grandfather, can't I?"

Brother Jiu snorted and grabbed her hand.

"That can't be done! My lord, I am indomitable. If I can't even support my wife, it will be a big joke... Just wait, in less than three years, Mongolia will be able to collect a batch of money at the end of the year at the earliest..."

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Master, think about it carefully. What kind of day will it be in another ten days?"

Brother Jiu thought about it carefully: "The tenth birthday is also your birthday, and there is a gold festival, what else?"

Shu Shu was helpless.

"Three festivals and two birthdays, the rules of the yamen... the birthday presents that are here are about to start to be delivered, and the ones outside will be sent to my elder brother..."

Brother Nine murmured, "Two birthdays for three festivals? Three festivals, New Year's Eve, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival? Two birthdays? Master's, yours? Who made the rules..."

Shu Shu shook her head and said: "I don't know, but I have had it for a long time... When my Ama was a leader in the early years, the assistant leader below bowed in this way; when I became the governor, the leaders and assistant leaders below did the same... ..."

At that time, she was young and hadn't recovered the memory of her previous life. She was terrified when she saw it, and felt that she was suspected of accepting bribes.

She didn't know that this was a customary rule in the officialdom until she told Ernie and was educated by Ernie.

This is also the way to salute to the banner owner on his own side.

Brother Nine was born as a prince, except for his parents in the palace, he was the only one to please others, and he didn't have to please others, so he didn't care about these worldly ways.

Now he listened with gusto, nodded with a smile and said: "There is still such a rule? That's pretty good, I really thought that I would have to work for three years..."

They are all married and established, so they naturally hope that they are the pillars of the family, otherwise they will not have the confidence to speak.

Thinking of this, Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "Let's also look at the attitude of the people below. If there are those who come here sincerely, use those who can be used, and promote a few more..."

Shu Shu hurriedly dissuaded her.

"My lord, if it becomes a deal, then I will leave my mouth...

These festivals and birthday gifts are just icing on the cake, and we don't lack money to...

If those people who come to the door with a lot of money can use silver to buy errands, then they must be looking forward to earning more silver to make up for the money they spent in front of them. It would be even better if they could double or triple, maybe even ten times Double, just like those people who repaired the palace before...

Such a person, even if he is capable, he still needs to think about it...

Too greedy, it will affect the reputation of the master...

Those people are no different from the people of Guo Luoluo's family, they are all taking advantage of the power of the master to make money..."

Brother Jiu's face was indeed vigilant.

"That's right, no one would do business at a loss... Hmph! People from Guo Luoluo's family, I don't even bother to talk to them, so they will support these big rats?"

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "Before, the master gave the tenth and thirteenth brothers the lack of favor in the Ministry of Internal Affairs... Maybe it can be the same with the king of Zhijun... A good man with three gangs, a fence with three stakes ...and Fifth Brother, there is an internal supervisor on the Empress's side, and an internal supervisor on the Queen Mother's side, who can just let Fifth Brother be a favor..."

Between people, reciprocity is a rule.

It is also a way of balance.

Before, Shu Shu thought about keeping a distance from the fifth elder brother, so as not to drag the fifth elder brother down in the future.

After what happened today, I no longer think so.

The fifth elder brother is a good brother who is qualified, and keeping him at a respectful distance from his own side will only make people feel ignorant and wolf-hearted.

Because they are from the same mother, the two brothers will be regarded as cousins ​​outside.

There are no seedlings of the "Baye Party" yet, so maybe there is no need to avoid suspicion for the time being.

How can we be neither party nor group?
That's being an octopus...

Brother Ninth has a shallow temper, and the order is yet to come. As long as he doesn't follow Brother Eight, no one will stare at him to clean up.

After being a good brother, also be a good brother.

Brother Nine heard it, and said: "Over there, Boss, I feel like I'm in a panic. It's better to pay back the favor sooner..."

He didn't like big brother before, but after getting along all the way, he changed a lot.

Today, it is even more impressive.

The boss is a good man and can be called a big brother.

When he reached the door, he stopped, and said: "No, I haven't told my mother about this today... Don't say anything else, just say that the boss is protecting Fifth Brother from getting hurt, so it's not good for the mother to ignore it, Do not make a statement..."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "My master is right, I guess my wife is also in a hurry..."

Brother Nine walked away in a "dump, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap" manner.

Shu Shu felt a little confused.

Now is the thirty-seventh year of Kangxi.

There are still more than twenty years before the change of emperor.

There are still ten years left before the "Abandoned Prince".

But the father and son believe that it didn't happen overnight, but developed little by little.

The emperor in his prime is also getting old a little bit.

Now Kangxi is forty-five years old, and out of fifteen princes standing under his knees, eight of them have grown up.


How old is the prince's eldest son?
It seems to have entered the Shang study, two years older than the fifteenth elder brother, that is eight years old...

Kangxi should be aware that he is slowly aging as his children and grandchildren grow up.

A loving father and a filial son will become extremely precious.

I don't want to cut off the bullshit, and brother Jiu doesn't have that political talent.

Besides, the most unpredictable thing in this world is the human heart.

The third elder brother has always shown others the image of a good brother who is diligent and motivated. Once he became the king of the county, he would be full of complacency, praise the high and trample the low, and act cautiously.

What would happen if Brother Jiu really ascended to the position of Supreme?
Shu Shu didn't dare to think about it, nor did she want to think about it.

Today's third elder brother's comment is also a good start.

Just let the scale of "Nine Dragons Conquer the Inheritance" get smaller and smaller, so as not to have such a big impact.

Everyone is eliminated one by one, and the result will not be so tragic.

There is no need to be so clear about the opposing positions of the enemy and ourselves.

Shu Shu circled twice on the ground.

Mrs. Beizi is indeed too low grade.

Maybe you can look forward to the county king Fujin.

When the new emperor ascends the throne and bestows grace on his brother, it is logical that he will be promoted to Prince Fujin.

But there is still a problem right now, that is, the third elder brother has a strong personality, and will not easily admit defeat, so there is no way to make any moves.

He became a lesson for the past and gave Brother Jiu a wake-up call.

Brother Nine also set an example for him.

Next, he should be really sick.

Shu Shu wrote down this matter, and it seems that he will remind Brother Jiu to arrange two more imperial physicians to be on duty there.

It's Sanfujin's side, and she probably won't be so close to her in the future.

Shu Shu doesn't care, how can everything be good in this world?

That's fine too.

But Elder Brother Ten's symptoms sound like a concussion...

At this time, there is no such thing as a concussion.

Passing through Mongolia these days, brother Jiu helped her draw two Mongolian medical handbooks.

There was a reference to "concussion surgery" in one.

It is to treat people who hit their brains after falling from a horse, and the method is a bit cruel.

"Use shock to control shock".

This is also the method for treating large animals such as camels and horses.

Shu Shu shook her head.

Forget it.

This is not a method that can be tested.

She thought for a while, and called Xiaotang in: "I made a box of the fruit dan skin I made before, and sent it to Elder Brother Ten... If you feel sick and don't have an appetite, just eat that to appetize..."

Concussion requires bed rest, which can easily cause difficulty in defecation.

People nowadays do not have the habit of eating fruit, and everyone assumes that it is eaten by women and children.

Shu Shu ordered again: "Go to the dining room, apples, grapes, etc., cut two bowls of diced fruit, add yogurt and honey, and send one to the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother...

You've been running over to Elder Brother Ten these past two days, staring at Elder Brother Ten's diet...

Ask him if there is anything he wants to eat, let’s forget about dried meat, sticky pastry or something, which is not conducive to digestion, and it will be broken for a few days..."

Xiaotang responded, and went down to the dining room.

Shu Shu remembered that not only the tenth elder brother was injured, but also the eldest elder brother and the fifth elder brother.

These two are uncles, it's not good for her little aunt to directly intervene and take care of them.

I have already mentioned it to Brother Nine before.

He should remember, so don't worry about it.

Walk in the middle and go backward.

Concubine Yi is here, terrified.

The movement ahead caught the eyes of many people.

Already came to report with the spirit.

Concubine Yi felt that she was getting old and her heart became softer, not as calm as when she was young.

It's just that the reason is still there, forcing myself to restrain myself.

At this time, the more you can't act rashly.

It's not easy to send people out to inquire, otherwise it will fall into the eyes of the emperor, and even she will be angered.

Zhang Pin is young and doesn't have such good concentration.

After receiving three or two sentences of news, she knew that the elder brother who followed her was involved, so she rushed over in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, I heard that the elder brothers were fighting? The emperor was shocked, and King Chengjun carried it away..."

Zhang Pin asked one after another.

"What's going on? Or ask someone to go to the front to inquire about it?"

Yifei glanced at her,
"If you want to go, then go, and just let me know when you turn around..."

Zhang Bin's expression froze.

How dare she?
Didn't you come here specially because you want to invite someone who can call the shots to come forward?
She was embarrassed, not knowing what to say.

Concubine Yi was restless and impatient, too lazy to deal with her, she picked up the teacup with a cold face.

Zhang Bin was blessed and withdrew.

I just saw Brother Nine striding in.

Concubine Zhang hurriedly stood still, nodding her head: "Brother, please..."

Brother Nine also lowered his hands and bowed, "Hello, concubine..."

Concubine Zhang wanted to say something, Concubine Yi had already heard the movement and came out to greet Brother Jiu at the door.

Brother Jiu bowed again, then turned around and trotted away.

Concubine Yi directly took his hand, looked him up and down, seeing that he was doing well, she was relieved at first, and then she blamed him.

"What's going on? All right, why did the fight start? I heard that the third elder brother beat your fifth elder brother. Why don't you say stop it?"

Brother Nine frowned and said, "When my son heard the noise, he had already finished beating. How else can he watch?"

Concubine Yi frowned: "What's the reason for doing it? Third elder brother, be good, what are you bullying your fifth elder brother for?"

Brother Nine didn't know how to speak, hesitant on his face.

Concubine Yi raised her eyebrows: "So it was you who caused the trouble?! For no reason, what did you provoke Third Elder Brother?"

Brother Nine drooped his head and told about the drinking at the beginning of the month.

Concubine Yi gritted her teeth and said, "Your mouth is just for show?! Don't say what you should say, and bald out what you shouldn't say..."

If she had been told earlier, she would have found other ways.

With this cause and effect, Concubine Yi's expression softened a little: "Has the emperor hit the elder brother?"

Brother Nine shook his head: "Remove the title, downgrade to Baylor..."

Concubine Yi had a strange look on her face, and she muttered to herself: "Such a big fire, could it be that the crown prince did something?"

 There is another update below, and there is an update, everyone, don't forget to read it. ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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