My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 223 Big Brother, You Are Deceitful

Chapter 223 Big brother, you are empty

Brother Jiu felt puzzled when he heard this: "It's the youngest who is disrespectful and unfriendly. What's the matter with the crown prince? Isn't the crown prince in the capital?"

Concubine Yi glanced at Brother Jiu, unable to explain to this silly son.

That is the emperor, and there are deep meanings in both movements and movements.

Just because of fighting, was he punished so severely?
It's not like a pig's brain is labeled as a dog's brain, it's all skin trauma, and there are causes and consequences.

The third elder brother is the emperor's help in the selection of the prince, and today it is not just a matter of the prince's elder brother being lowered.

The youngest virtuous king flew away...

But the emperor has always favored the crown prince, even if he is angry, it will not last long, and he will have to promote a son later.

Mostly the fourth...

In the past, the candidate for Jiufujin chosen by the emperor was A Ling'a's daughter and Concubine De's niece.

But the Tong family got involved.

The emperor then married Dong E's family to Jiufujin.

There was a little embarrassment between Concubine Yi and Concubine De.

Enemies should be resolved rather than knotted, and it is better to resolve them as soon as possible.

Ninth elder brother remembered the serious matter, and "baba" said that the eldest elder brother was protecting the fifth elder brother from being injured, and that the tenth elder brother was also protecting the injured.

"Emiang, take a look, is it possible to send someone over to have a look..."

Concubine Yi nodded, and said: "I see, what about Brother San?"

Ninth elder brother curled his lips, and talked about the imperial physician's diagnosis of third elder brother and the emperor's reaction.

The corner of Yi Fei's mouth twitched.

Ninth elder brother still wants to find eldest elder brother, he comes and goes in a hurry.

Concubine Yi thought for a while, then ordered Xianglan to prepare some gifts.

The eldest brother, the third elder brother, and the tenth elder brother all prepared a copy, and the fifth elder brother, the four injured, none of them left behind, similar ginseng, bird's nest and so on.

"Don't pull down Thirteen, prepare another meal..."

As Concubine Yi said, she thought of Concubine Zhang who had just been kicked out by her.

She is also sensible on weekdays, but today she is a little cautious, but she is just a loving mother.

Then she ordered Xianglan again: "Go and see Zhangbi and ask her what she has brought for elder brother Thirteen... Tell her what Lao Jiu said just now, so that she won't worry about it if she doesn't understand... "

Xianglan responded and went out.

Less for a while.

Xianglan prepared all kinds of gift boxes and asked the women to wait, then went to the residence of Concubine Zhang in the backyard by herself.

When Zhang Cong heard the report, she hurriedly got up to greet her, without any annoyance on her face, she said with a smile, "But what is your order?"

Xiang Lan blessed her, and said: "The empress sent the slaves to visit some elder brothers... The empress said, let the servants come to see the concubine master, if there is anything to bring to the thirteenth master..."

There was surprise on Zhang Bin's face.

"Thank you for your hard work. Seeing that it's getting cold, I happened to make two quilted vests here. I was thinking of adding clothes to my elder brother... I'm sorry to trouble you..."

Xiang Lan bowed and said, "You are welcome..."

Concubine Zhang hurriedly ordered the maid to pack up her clothes.

After that, she looked at Xianglan, hesitant to speak but stopped.

Xianglan didn't push her too much, so she briefly talked about the fight between the princes before.

Zhang Pin listened carefully and found out that Brother Thirteen had nothing to do with her, so she finally felt relieved.

Xianglan helped Concubine Yi explain: "Because it involves the fifth elder brother, our empress is suffocating in her heart, and neglected the concubine..."

Zhang Pin smiled heartily, and said: "What's the matter? Your Majesty has always been open-minded, and she often takes care of me on weekdays. I can still hold grudges because of this..."

Seeing that she was sincere and had no suspicions, Xiang Lan had to remind her in a low voice.

"Third elder brother, besides the prince of the county, the concubine is also restraining people here. It's better to be quiet these few days..."

Zhang Bin listened carefully, with a grateful face, she was very appreciative, and said in a low voice: "Please remind me..."

This is not to remind her to restrain others, but to remind her not to bump into the muzzle of the gun.

Will the emperor be in a good mood after lowering his beloved son to a noble?

At this moment, the palace man also took out the package.

Xianglan picked it up and handed it to the little palace maid. Then she was blessed and turned to leave...

Big Brother's yard.

Big brother has taken off his shirt.

He was lying on the kang, and an imperial physician was rubbing the bruise on his back vigorously.

Eldest brother has been on the battlefield and suffered trauma. He knows that such trauma can only be cured by rubbing it away, otherwise it will be bruised for many days, and it will be even more difficult later.

The imperial physician is quite powerful.

After a while, the bruise on Big Brother's back became deeper again.

At this time, a little eunuch came in to report.

"Master, Master Jiu is here..."

The eldest brother didn't move, and directly raised his voice to call someone in.

Brother Nine came in "treading" and was shocked when he saw this scene.

The elder brother gritted his teeth, his forehead was covered with sweat from the pain.

Seeing this, Brother Jiu glared at the eunuch standing beside him.

"Are you blind? How do you serve the master? Hurry up and get two clean towels, your teeth will collapse after a while..."

The eunuch didn't move, he only looked at the elder brother, and when he saw the elder brother nodded, he turned and went out.

The elder brother turned his head and said with a smile: "Old Jiuxing, he has really grown up and can take care of others..."

Brother Nine snorted softly and said, "That means you were born in front... If my younger brother is in front of me, he must be a good brother. If you don't believe me, just look at tenth and thirteenth brothers. Did I take good care of my younger brother..."

Seeing him boasting so brazenly to show his merits, the elder brother looked at him, a little displeased.

"Is it a good brother to take care of, or a good sister-in-law to take care of? Before the wedding, why didn't I see you being so sensible..."

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows with a bit of pride.

"Husband and wife are one, without a good brother like me, who would be willing to be a sister-in-law for these brats..."

Eldest brother is not convinced: "Your Fujin is good, right? Other people's Fujin is not good?"

Just as Brother Jiu was about to nod, he noticed that Big Brother's eyes were not looking well, so he changed to shaking his head.

"That's impossible, not to mention other people, even my sister-in-law's conduct is very good... Before and after my brother's wedding, I have troubled my sister-in-law a lot..."

Eldest brother's expression became better now, he nodded and said: "It's good to know! Who called her a sister-in-law, married me, and made you brats as uncles..."

Hearing this, Brother Nine was very unconvinced, and glanced at Brother Nine.

Why are my uncles all brats?

Whose uncle is the elder brother?
Not to mention, among the brothers of the same grandfather, the eldest brother is at the top of the list.

At this moment, the eunuch has brought two clean towels over.

Ninth elder brother took a piece and personally delivered it to eldest elder brother's mouth.

The elder brother's eyes fell on his hand, but he still bit the towel with his mouth open.

The imperial physician behind poured the medicinal wine on his hand, and started to rub it for the second time.

Brother Nine was beside him, seeing his slow movements, he said: "Be stronger, my elder brother has thick skin and thick flesh, so he is not afraid of this... yes! Use your arms..."

It was really noisy, the elder brother only felt "buzzing" in his head, and wanted to shut up the ninth elder brother.

But he had a towel in his mouth, so he gouged out Brother Jiu twice with his eyes.

Seeing this, Brother Nine leaned over.

"Brother, do you have cramp in your eyes? Then brother rub it for you?"

As he spoke, he took another towel and rubbed it on Big Brother's eyes.

The elder brother spat out the towel and was about to stop him, but found that his movements were not as rough and brutal as expected, but very gentle.

While rubbing it, Brother Jiu asked, "Is it better?"


The eldest brother responded in a muffled voice.

Only then did Brother Jiu stop his movements, pulled up a chair, sat next to the Kang, and watched the imperial doctor massage.

After half a cup of tea, the imperial physician finished the massage.

The bruise on the big elder brother's back, which was originally the size of a bowl, had doubled or tripled in size.

Brother Jiu looked at it, grinning his teeth, and felt that his back also hurt.

The elder brother turned over and sat up. Seeing that he looked weird and unsteady, he felt a headache: "Why are you here? Do you have something to say?"

"Brother, have you heard about it? My brother is trying to sell medicine to Mongolia, but he has no one...

On the side of the House of Internal Affairs, my younger brother knows the internal management leaders under our mother's name, so I don't want to use them, lest they get their noses in the face...

But I can’t be a bare-handed general, I’m not here to tell you, big brother, if there are people from Concubine Hui’s clan who are available, or children from other relatives, from the three banners of the inner palace, big brother can push two people over..."

Brother Jiu didn't talk too much, and just stated his intentions.

The eldest elder brother couldn't help frowning when he heard this, and looked at the ninth elder brother solemnly.

"No nonsense is allowed! The Ministry of Internal Affairs is not an ordinary yamen. You can 'new officials take office three fires' and pick out mistakes by 'killing chickens and scaring monkeys', but you can't use nepotism...

Cutting a person's future is like killing one's parents. There are countless vacancies in the Ministry of Internal Affairs one by one. If you are new here, don't meddle in personnel affairs...

Even if you want to change people, you have to relax for a while, wait until you are familiar with the situation, and then call the deputy...

Don't install outsiders, it will lose justice, and it will be easy to be criticized..."

Those are good words.

Brother Nine also knows good and bad.

He stood up and listened.

He didn't explain until the elder brother finished speaking.

"Brother misunderstood, it's not the lack of the Ministry of Internal Affairs' quota, but the errands of the drug seller... In addition to selling the drug, there are other things to be arranged later, and a lot of manpower is needed..."

The elder brother frowned even tighter, and asked after a while: "Is this the work of Khan Ahma?"

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Of course, otherwise my younger brother wouldn't dare to make his own claim..."

The eldest elder brother suddenly said: "No wonder Han Ama was annoyed, and she didn't spare you from your errand, so it was because of this..."

Brother Nine was full of pride, sat down, raised his legs, and looked a little proud.

"Besides my younger brother and me, who else in the prince's elder brother is economical? My younger brother promised Khan Ama that [-]% of the profits will be donated to the internal the younger brother's errands will be paid according to the salary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs." , Looking back, there is a vacancy in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and I will fill it up with this credit..."

Eldest brother thought for a while, and said: "This is your first errand, you have to be careful, and you need to be commanded by experienced people... Let me think about it here, and pick two suitable people to go there..."

Speaking of this, he reminded: "On the side of Concubine Yi's mother's natal family, only the main branch raises the flag, and there are clansmen and in-laws in the inner palace three flags..."

Everyone is in the palace, there are no secrets.

What's more, the Jin family is still restless and very good at exploiting.

Brother Nine curled his lips and said, "I don't care about using them... One by one relying on their seniority, they come to my younger brother to rely on the old to sell the old, are they annoying? Anyway, my younger brother has a bad temper, and I don't listen to cats, cats and dogs around my elders." , the little master has to be respected or something... Bah! A nonsense made up by a slave..."

The eldest brother saw that his mouth was stiff, and asked with a smile: "Then when you met Liang Jiugong, why did you say 'knowledge'? Don't you show off the prince's elder brother's spectrum?"

Brother Nine looked at him curiously.

"Brother, I'm not stupid! What's wrong with being polite? We didn't have it when he started serving in front of Khan Ama... What if we offend you and blow your ears?"

The eldest brother laughed and scolded: "Let's go! The wind is coming out of your ears, what nonsense?!"

Brother Nine got up and said: "This is all the truth! Big brother, you are too stupid, like Khan Ama, you can't listen to the truth..."

With that said, he waved his hand and walked out.

The elder brother sat on the edge of the kang, watching the figure at the door disappear.

These little brothers, because of the big age difference, rarely deal with each other.

His previous impression of Brother Nine was similar to that of the Emperor's father today.

Ignorant, unskilled, unsophisticated, lost in teaching...

Now it seems that it is too superficial.

This guy is nice.

Jiufujin is also good.

The young couple always look happy and joyful, and others are watching with joy.

It was the same with me and Fujin back then, like mixing oil with honey.

When did you start estranged?

Grid entered the door one by one...

Daughters landed one by one...

Disappointment over and over again is not the son of a son...

Big Brother sighed heavily.

After deciding to go back to Beijing, I will have a good talk with Fujin, focusing on keeping in good health...

 13500, for the first time in my life, the author of the scum hand has already tried his best, and the monthly ticket is pinched, ^_^.

(End of this chapter)

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