My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 224 The Old Situation Is Wrong

Chapter 224 The Old Ten's Situation Is Wrong
Brother Jiu came out from Big Brother and went to the pharmacy.

There is walking in front of the middle road, and there is an imperial doctor on duty.

The ninth elder brother talked about the injuries of the eldest elder brother, the fifth elder brother, and the tenth elder brother, and said casually: "Are there any dietary restrictions?"

The imperial doctor heard this, but didn't answer immediately, but fell silent.

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

The imperial physician said: "Reporting to Ninth Master, Zhijun Wang and Wu Beile are just skin trauma, avoid spicy food, light diet is enough... Tenth Master, the injury is at the head of the six suns, so it is not easy to move..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "The imperial doctor next to me has seen it and said this, and didn't prescribe a prescription, so it shouldn't be serious..."

The imperial doctor continued: "What I mean is that, here, the tenth master, medicine, drink and food are all secondary, the most important thing is to rest... It is not suitable for driving and horses to be tired..."

Brother Jiu pursed his lips and understood the hesitation of the imperial physician.

He thought for a while, got up and said: "Come on, you go over with the master, and show Elder Brother carefully..."

Right now they are in the northeast direction of Mulan Paddock, the last row.

The day after tomorrow, when Shengjia sets out, he will leave the paddock and head towards Shengjing.

At that time, it will be Isshiki's Royal Road.

It is bitterly cold in the Northeast, and dripping water turns into ice in the twelfth lunar month.

Most of the Shengjia returned before Dongyue.

The speed of the entire team will be accelerated.

If Elder Brother Ten needs to rest, it is really not easy to follow him around.

Brother Ten has no female relatives here, and there is nothing to avoid.

Brother Jiu arrived with the imperial physician and went directly into the room.

Elder Brother Ten was lying on the kang, his face was pale, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Hearing movement at the door, Elder Brother Ten looked over.

Seeing that it was Brother Nine who came, Brother Ten was about to get up.

Brother Jiu took two quick steps, was held down directly, and said: "Don't move, don't move!"

Elder Brother Shi was staring blankly, so he was not polite to him, just smiled.

Brother Jiu smelled something wrong in the room.

Some strong sour taste.

Ninth elder brother glared at tenth elder brother's close servant eunuch: "Elder brother vomited?"

The eunuch bowed and said, "I vomited just now..."

Brother Jiu said angrily: "Is it a dead person? Don't you know how to teach the imperial physician?"

His voice was so sharp that Elder Brother Ten felt his brain was going to explode, and there was a bit of pain on his face.

The imperial physician hurriedly reminded Elder Brother Jiu: "Master Jiu, silence, Master Shi can't bear to make noise right now..."

Brother Nine closed his mouth.

The Imperial Physician was already sitting on the edge of the kang, carefully inspecting Elder Brother Ten's situation.

With a soft voice, he said, "Aside from dizziness and nausea, what else does Master Shi feel uncomfortable about?"

Elder Brother Ten touched his forehead and said, "You can't think about things in your head, it will make you more confused..."

Having said that, he looked at Brother Jiu.

"I seem to have forgotten something. I remember the fight just now, but I can't remember why Shisan and I passed by before the fight..."

Brother Jiu also imitated the imperial doctor, slowed down his voice, and said: "If you can't remember it, don't think about it, it will be fine in two days..."

After hearing this, the imperial doctor had a diagnosis in his heart, looked at Brother Jiu, and waited for Brother Jiu to show him.

Seeing this, brother Jiu took the imperial physician out to the outside room.

The imperial doctor said: "Master Shi's symptoms just need to lie down for recuperation, and don't move for three or five days... If the symptoms are mild after three or five days, and you don't feel dizzy or vomiting, then get off the kang and walk slowly until it's back to normal, that's fine." If the symptoms don't get better after three or five days, then you have to prolong the time of lying still..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "You can prescribe two medicinal recipes. Since he is sick, it is better not to eat medicinal soup..."

The imperial physician responded, and went to the side to write the prescription.

It's time to work.

Xiaotang is here.

I brought a box of fruit peels and a large bowl of diced fruit mixed with yogurt.

Seeing Brother Nine, Xiao Tang hurriedly knelt down to see him.

There is Duobao Pavilion between this outer room and Elder Brother's bedroom.

Elder Brother Ten heard the commotion outside, and hurriedly said, "Xiaotang came to deliver food?"

As he said that, he was about to get up, but his eyes turned black again, and his chest felt nauseous.

Brother Nine saw this, and hurried forward to support him: "Excellent? Things can't fly there, why worry? Lie down, and get up to eat when you're hungry..."

Seeing that he was nervous, Elder Brother Ten hurriedly comforted him: "It's nothing at all, Brother Ninth, don't worry too much..."

Brother Jiu said with a stern face: "This hurts the brain, not the other place, can you be careless? You are too, stupid, just honestly hit him, I don't believe you can't dodge ?”

Elder Brother Ten didn't answer, but looked outside.

Brother Nine sensed something was wrong, waved his hand, and sent everyone out.

"what happened?"

Brother Nine was surprised and said, "Did you really do it on purpose?"

Elder Brother Ten lowered his voice and said, "I saw Liang Jiugong running back... I thought that the third brother would go to greet Brother Fifth, his intentions were too vicious, and he couldn't be easily spared..."

Brother Jiu heard this, and was about to explode: "What is he, who are you? Even if you want to cheat him, you don't have to cheat him yourself! What kind of tricks are you playing?! I'm half dead, I'm playing splits!"

Elder Brother Ten held his head and hurriedly begged for mercy: "Brother Ninth, please keep your voice down..."

Brother Nine was gasping for breath, but he kept his mouth tightly shut.

That is to say, Elder Brother Ten was injured, otherwise, Elder Brother Ninth wanted to kick him.

Elder Brother Shi smiled wryly and said: "So this person can't be too bad. If he wants to hurt others, he cheats himself. The third brother is the same, and so is the younger brother. If the younger brother is innocent, he will stop him. If he doesn't think of cheating others, he will not No, this is what happened now..."

Brother Jiu remembered what Shu Shu said.

There are traces of everything that has been done.

He couldn't help worrying.

In case the matter of the old ten is exposed...

Khan Ama didn't like Old Ten in the first place, and he didn't know what to do in the future.

Ninth elder brother looked serious, looked at tenth elder brother and said: "This matter, God knows, you know and I know! Don't think about it again, and don't mention it to anyone... It's Thirteen Needless to say with your sister-in-law Jiu, one thing more is worse than one thing less..."

Brother Ten knew the severity and nodded.

Ninth elder brother recalled the guilty face of fifth elder brother before, and he had to remind him: "You were injured, only he owes you, not you owe him... He has bad intentions, viciousness, you don't know Big brother’s back injury looks terrible...and you suffered so much, if you hit fifth brother’s face, what will happen..."

Elder Brother Ten also had a cold expression on his face: "I only knew that he was stingy before, but I didn't expect him to be really bad. Anyway, Brother Ninth, you have to be more careful in the future..."

Brother Jiu snorted softly and said: "Don't worry about that, if you can deal with him once, you can deal with him the second time..."

Elder Brother Ten: "..."

Today's matter, what's the matter with Brother Nine?
Does Jiu Ge feel too good? !

Today's matter of the third child, although he and the elder brother contributed to the flames, in the final analysis, it was the third child who went astray.

If the third elder brother didn't fight back and went directly to the imperial court to complain, then the fifth elder brother would be the one who could not be demoted.

Seeing that Brother Ten couldn't open his eyes, Brother Nine didn't bother him.

He went to the outside room, called the eunuch of Elder Brother Ten, and gave him careful instructions for a long time before getting up and leaving.

Walking to the door, the ninth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother faced each other.

Brother Thirteen did not come alone, he also brought the eunuch with him, and the eunuch held a bowl of yogurt mixed with diced fruit.

Seeing Brother Nine, Brother Thirteen stopped: "Brother Ninth..."

Brother Jiu nodded, glanced at Guo Ziding, and said, "Is this for your tenth brother? No need, he also has a copy..."

Brother Thirteen said: "My brother knows, he just wants to come and eat with Brother Ten..."

Brother Jiu said: "Then go, just keep your voice down and don't disturb him..."

Brother Thirteen nodded, looking like a grown-up: "Don't worry, Brother Ninth, I will take care of Brother Ten..."

The fifth elder brother was the least injured, and there was still a queen mother. The ninth elder brother had nothing to worry about, so he went back to his residence directly.

Seeing this, Shu Shu thought of reminding him to guard against the illness of the third elder brother.

Before Shu Shu could speak, Brother Nine had already mentioned Brother Ten's symptoms.

"I vomited again, I couldn't bear to hear any loud noises, and broke out in a cold sweat..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu also became worried.

Concussions can be mild or severe. When I was in Yuqian, the imperial physician didn't even read the prescription, and only allowed him to rest for two days, thinking it was a mild illness.

Listening now, it is not sure.

She said: "Tenth brother is in such a situation, it is not suitable to move, it is better to rest here..."

Speaking of this, Shu Shu remembered Qi Fujin's words before.

After the whole paddock, Shengjia stationed in six places.

In the first place, there was a bear wounding incident, leaving the fifth brother and his wife recuperating.

The second place is that Qifujin found out Youxi, and the husband and wife stayed there to raise their babies.

The third, fourth, and fifth places were all perfectly fine.

The sixth place is going to keep people again.

Shu Shu thought about this in her heart, and continued to speak.

"Otherwise, the Lord will go to the imperial court to ask for orders, and we will stay here to take care of him, and let the tenth brother rest for a while... After a few days, he is better, and we will chase after the big troops..."

Brother Nine heard it, but shook his head.

"I can't catch up with you, but the holy driver didn't go directly to Shengjing, but went to Xingjing to worship the mausoleum via Jilin Wula, and then went to can go directly to Shengjing to meet..."

Shu Shu said: "Isn't that just right?"

Brother Jiu hesitated for a moment: "In a few days, it will be the Empress Dowager's birthday, why don't you follow the empress, fifth sister-in-law and the others..."

Shu Shu blamed: "What did you say? It's not that we are disrespectful, everything has its own priority...Even the Queen Mother will not blame us for it..."

Brother Nine nodded and said, "Then, why don't you go talk to Ama Khan?"

Shu Shu hastily grabbed him, and whispered her guess about the third elder brother.

Brother Nine showed disgust on his face, he gritted his teeth and said: "If he wants to be sick, he will be sick! If he can really ruin his body cruelly, in exchange for Han Ama's pity, then he will admit it. If he wants to pretend, it's not so bad." Good pass..."

Like the tenth brother, he just thought that the third child was a bit sinister, like to tell crooked things, and like to talk small things.

Just don't like him.

But today, he understood his viciousness.

In his heart, elder brother nine really regarded elder brother third as an enemy.

What he thinks is what he thinks, and the loathing and hatred are all on his face.

How dare Shu Shu let him go to the imperial court with such a face...

Shu Shu pulled him into the bedroom.

Brother Jiu was a little dazed and looked at the window.

It was bright outside.

Don't you want to go to the imperial court?
Shu Shu has already pulled him to sit down in front of the dressing table, and handed the glass mirror to his eyes.

"Grandfather looked in the mirror, thinking of Sanbeile..."

Brother Nine had a lot of hatred on his face, and his tone of voice was too disgusting.

"Missing him? Master is disgusting!"

As he said that, Brother Nine was also stunned.

He was taken aback by the cold expression in the mirror...

(End of this chapter)

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