My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 226 Double gift

Chapter 226 A Double Gift

When Brother Nine came back, it was already time to hold the lanterns.

Shu Shu saw that his eyes were red and his mood was a little depressed. She couldn't guess the reason, so she didn't rush to ask, but took out a gift list.

"The long history of Darhan Palace is here again. He kowtowed to plead guilty, and said that he had made a mistake in preparing the birthday ceremony... It was a bit of a joke, and he mentioned that Fifth Brother also sent a copy..."

Brother Nine nodded, took the gift list, and glanced at it.

Seeing that there are a total of sixteen items above, including antiques and curios, and many good leather items, he nodded and put them aside.

"Let's do it, this time it's cheap for them..."

There was displeasure on his face.

Shu Shu nodded, understanding what Brother Jiu meant.

If it was before, this would be a small festival.

Especially among them, there are some misunderstandings.

But what happened today, if you really want to be held accountable, there is Darhan Palace inside.

After all, if they hadn't been in the middle to push the boat smoothly, the third elder brother and ninth elder brother would not have deepened their rift, leading to today's accident.

In this world, everyone who is a parent has a parental filter.

My own child is good, but if there is something wrong, it is because he was bewitched or kidnapped by others that he accidentally made a mistake.

This is the difference between closeness and distance.

Kangxi even punished his son.

If at this time the ninth elder brother insisted on holding Darhan's palace to account, it would be no good over there, and he might have to accept the emperor's wrath.

"Just look at the Empress Dowager's face. If you really want to tear it up, there is a long princess behind. It will be embarrassing to make trouble..."

Shu Shu persuaded.

Either she was afraid of Princess Duanmin, or she found it troublesome and there was no need to confront her.

Brother Jiu also meant the same thing.

"Yeah, that's it... the day after tomorrow, the holy driver will leave, and they should go back to Mongolia, out of sight, out of mind..."

Shu Shu thought of "Yanzi Wan".

"How do I get this medicine? It shouldn't be available at the Princess Mansion, right?"

She thought of Darhan Palace.

Because Princess Duanmin did not come out to greet her, Shengjia was stationed in Darhan Palace.

There is no side Fujin in Darhan Palace, but there are many female slaves who serve the prince in daily life.

If because of this medicine, the middle-aged King Darhan had a concubine, I'm afraid Princess Duanmin would hate Brother Nine to death.

Brother Nine said: "Fifth brother is good, who cares who will use him, there will be many buyers in the future, if there is no shortage of our money, that is..."

The couple were gossiping when Walnut came in to report.

"Master, Fujin, Fifth Master and Wu Fujin are here..."

Shu Shu and Brother Nine looked at each other.

Both got up and went out.

It's so late, what's the matter?

Fifth elder brother and Wu Fujin are not husband and wife, they are followed by a few court ladies and eunuchs, all with big bags and small bags.

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu didn't know the reason until they welcomed their brother and sister-in-law and sat in the room.

It turned out that the fifth elder brother had just returned from the queen mother's side, and knowing that the Darhan palace had sent a gift, he told Wu Fujin the cause and effect.

This gift is an apology from the palace, it should have belonged to brother Jiu, they shouldn't accept it.

Wu Fujin was also at a loss when he received the gift list in the afternoon, and it was because the governor of the palace said that the fifth elder brother knew about it, so he reluctantly accepted it.

After listening to fifth elder brother's words, she naturally would not object, so the couple delivered the things without any delay.

Brother Nine was very speechless, took his gift list, and praised it.

"Brother, I have a copy here... I gave it to you, so you just keep it. What are you doing so clearly?"

"No! No!"

The fifth elder brother waved his hand, his attitude was very firm.

Shu Shu took Wu Fujin's hand and said in a low voice, "Jiuye deliberately took the lead in Wangzhang to nod Darhan and his son this morning, just to push Fifth Brother ahead... If my niece wants to caress Meng in the future, come to the Horqin Department Always more reassuring…”

Wu Fujin said softly: "My sister-in-law has taken this love, there is no such thing, we are brothers and sisters-in-law, there is only reason to subsidize you, how can you subsidize it? Either you stay or return..."

The attitude of the couple is very firm.

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu looked at each other, feeling helpless, they could only reluctantly accept it.

Ninth elder brother remembered the "Yanzi Wan", and said to fifth elder brother: "Brother Ming'er sent someone to send it to fifth elder brother, fifth elder brother, you look at Da Taiji who can be the master of King Darhan or their palace... "

The fifth elder brother listened and was unhappy.

"Isn't that very expensive? Why give it to them? This time, the gift should be regarded as the previous apology...or I won't give it..."

Brother Jiu said with a smirk: "If you don't tell them to try it, how can you sell it to them at a high price in the future? Don't worry, fifth brother, my younger brother didn't suffer..."

The fifth elder brother nodded reluctantly.

It's late.

The couple did not sit for a long time, they said a few more words and got up to leave.

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu sent it out in person.

Seeing that the group of people had gone far away, Brother Jiu complained to Shu Shu in a low voice: "Brother Wu can't turn his head, so push him over for a bargain, and he doesn't want..."

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said, "Fifth Master may feel uneasy about today's matter, so don't force him for now..."

Brother Nine nodded and knew where the roots were.

He looked at the backyard and thought of Brother Shi, but he was still worried, so he said to Shu Shu: "There is no one to take care of Lao Shi, so I'll go over and see..."

Shu Shu nodded and signaled Walnut to hand over the lantern in his hand to He Yuzhu.

Afterwards, she reminded Brother Jiu in a low voice: "Before my master comes back, I'll also go to Sanbeile for a walk..."

This behavior is in Kangxi's eyes.

Brother Nine wanted to show generosity, and even the imperial physician wanted to help arrange it.

It is always good to echo back and forth.

Otherwise it looks fake.

Brother Jiu thought for a while, understood, and nodded.

Brother Nine left in a hurry.

Elder Brother Ten's yard was already quiet.

When a eunuch saw Brother Jiu, he was about to come forward to say hello, but Brother Jiu stopped him.

The room where Elder Brother Ten lived was dark.

There is only a small lantern in front of the window to prevent it from getting up at night.

Brother Jiu tiptoed in and stood by the kang for a few glances.

Elder Brother Ten had his eyes closed and was already asleep, but he was not sleeping soundly, and his brows were still frowning.

Ninth elder brother withdrew and went out of the upper room, and then called tenth elder brother's personal eunuch.

"When did brother sleep? What did you eat?"

The eunuch replied: "I was tired before lighting the lamp... I didn't eat anything else. When the thirteenth master was there, I ate a bowl of fresh fruit mixed with yogurt... First, Jiu Fujin sent Miss Xiaotang to give Yi noodles and mushroom sauce Come here, and say that it is for our master to make supper...

Brother Jiu felt relieved after hearing this, and instructed: "The imperial doctor will come over to watch the night later, if brother wakes up in the middle of the night and feels uncomfortable, you must remember to go to the front yard and tell the master..."

The eunuch bowed in response.

Brother Jiu came out from here.

Thinking of Shu Shu's reminder, he went ahead.

Just now, I performed a half-truth and half-fiction in the front of the imperial court.

He felt reborn.

Even if he already hated the third child in his heart, he could face it calmly.

This is "sophistication"?
Would Khan Ama feel more relieved that he had "knowledgeable about the world"?
Those comments must be placed on the daily note.

He had to think of a way to show a good performance in front of Khan Ama for a while, and try to get rid of these words as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, he became less disgusted with visiting the third elder brother.

This is also "sophisticated"!
Also like a "story"!
The ninth elder brother brought some novelty and came to the courtyard where the third elder brother was temporarily staying.

It was He Yuzhu who went in.

There are female relatives here, and it's already night, so he can't go in and out at will.

When He Yuzhu came out, he brought out the eunuch who was the leader next to Brother San.

The ninth elder brother was just like the tenth elder brother. He first asked the third elder brother if he woke up, and asked about his diet and daily life.

The chief eunuch bowed, worried, and said: "Our master Youchu woke up once, drank the medicine and fell asleep again... but the food is here, the rice water is not wet..."

Brother Jiu couldn't help curling his lips.

Has this started?
Don't want to hurt your body, so you want to go on a hunger strike?

Immediately, he pulled down the corner of his mouth, with a look of worry on his face.

"How can you not eat? Even if you lose your appetite after taking medicine, you still have to eat some... Turning back, Master told Xing Zai to send some soft pastry to prepare. If your master wakes up in the middle of the night , can also cushion..."

The eunuch bowed and said words of gratitude.

Brother Nine said: "The imperial doctor will come to watch the night later, if your master feels uncomfortable, you can also send someone to tell the master..."

The chief eunuch didn't respond.

Is it really impossible to find brother Jiu?
If something happened to my master, shouldn't he report it to the imperial court, or to the concubine Yi?

Brother Jiu raised his face with a stern face, and raised his voice: "What? The third brother is sick, and you just follow suit, and you don't recognize the master in your eyes? If the third brother's illness is delayed, can you, a slave, take responsibility?"

He was so annoyed that the chief eunuch didn't dare to bear it any longer, bowed and said: "I don't dare, I don't dare..."

Only then did Brother Jiu nod his head, and then asked a few more words.

"If the third brother wakes up and has no appetite, you can prepare fried noodles or something, and eat a few bites..."

The chief eunuch agreed honestly.

Only then did Brother Jiu take He Yuzhu away.

Zhao Chang, the former imperial eunuch, was ordered to visit the third elder brother, and he happened to see him right.

Brother Jiu didn't know that his goal had been achieved.

When he went back, he sighed to Shu Shu: "I think I have really grown up. If I had let him go to death before... Even Khan Ama's side, there is nothing to be afraid of. If you don't want to see him, you don't want to see him... ..."

Shu Shu understood what he meant.

The waywardness before was like breaking a can and breaking a can, and being stubborn without desire.

Now, elder brother Jiu has desires? !
She tentatively asked, "Why did you change your mind?"

Could it be that he really had a bad idea? !
Self-knowledge is still necessary.

Brother Jiu glanced at her, and snorted softly: "Don't you hate Tian Gege? We won't always be prince elder brother, prince Fujin... When the title goes out, the palace outside will have to move around. How many side Fujin are there?" , I can't bear to let you bow your head..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt agitated.

She couldn't help pecking Brother Jiu's mouth.

Is this honeyed?

Why is it so sweet...

 There is another chapter below, please don't fall behind. ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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