My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 227 You Have a Face

Chapter 227 You guys have to show some face
Shu Shu is courteous.

The ninth elder brother was so celestial, he became a Buddha immediately.

By the next day, he was dissatisfied, and followed Shu Shu to complain: "You used to hide your secrets..."

Shu Shu glanced at him, her face became more charming: "No, I can use what I have learned..."

Brother Jiu didn't believe it.

"Liar, don't say you read it in a book, where can I buy a book on the way?"

Shu Shu pointed to the two Mongolian medical handbooks on the dressing table.

"It's written above..."

Shu Shu didn't lie.

It is indeed a folk prescription for treating women's infertility in the handbook.

It is suitable for offspring.

In the past two days, Brother Nine's emotions have been more sensitive, so she withdrew her son's rhetoric.

Brother Jiu looked her up and down and said, "Look at you, you are a decent person, why do you pay attention to these unscrupulous people..."

Shu Shu felt itchy, so she didn't hold back and pinched his waist.

"Why, Master doesn't like it? Then from today on, I'm serious?"

Brother Jiu hugged her in his arms, smiled and shook his head: "It's just right, I love this dishonest one..."

The mood turned around, and Brother Nine was also in the mood to talk about what happened before the imperial court yesterday.

He muttered in a low voice: "Is Khan Ama a little naive? He is also soft-hearted. He gave birth to such old sons, who are so far behind in sequence that they can't get along with each other at all. How can there be any brotherhood? Let's say the boss and ten Seven, one is almost thirty, and the other is only talking, what do you do with these brothers? At most, they are like sons..."

Shu Shu was speechless.

It's only been a day since I grew up, and I'm a little drifting.

But he was right to say that Kangxi was soft-hearted.

At this time, the sons have not threatened his rights.

After five or eight years, when the sons in this row grow up to the prime of life, in his eyes, they should all be debt collectors.

She persuaded in a good voice: "The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh. Parents are like this. I definitely hope that their children will love each other..."

Brother Nine nodded: "Okay, not for others, just for Han Ama to feel better..."

Shu Shu is happy that the ninth elder brother retains this innocence and filial piety, nodded and said: "So I say how good I am, among all elder brothers, I am the most caring and filial brother..."

Brother Jiu was in a good mood and accepted his wife's compliment frankly. Then he remembered something and couldn't help frowning.

"What's the matter with Er Niang? Yesterday I sent Aunt Xianglan to various places, why did she pull us down here? Outsiders don't know, and they don't know what to arrange, so I can't bear it..."

Shu Shu was not easy to get angry, and said: "Master is the mother's own son, not someone else, so just use these empty politeness..."

Brother Jiu curled his lips, disapproving of this statement.

"Anyway, I don't believe it, and Aunt Xianglan from Fifth Brother's side didn't go there either... she must have gone. Your Majesty has always been considerate to Fifth Brother's side. If she wants to save it, she can save us. After all, she's used to being biased... "

Shu Shu couldn't complain about her mother-in-law, so she just urged him to wash up.

"After breakfast, I have to present a birthday present to the Empress Dowager..."

The two wanted to stay and take care of Elder Brother Ten. They missed Halloween a few days later, so they had to send the birthday gift in advance.

Brother Nine went to wash up.

The two had breakfast.

Shu Shu thought of Brother Thirteen.

"The thirteenth brother has been following us these days, will he follow Shengjia this time, or will he also stay..."

Brother Nine said: "Naturally, I will follow. It's rare to come out once... I will follow to Xingjing in the future. If I don't come out with Shengjia, I won't have the chance to go and see..."

Xingjing is Hetuala, the old capital of Taizu.

By the time the husband and wife finished their breakfast, Walnut had already taken out all the birthday presents.

A total of sixteen birthday gifts.

Shu Shu prepared eight things here, and Brother Jiu prepared eight things.

Among them, small objects are wrapped in brocade boxes.

Fur and so on are all big packages.

Before breakfast today, Shu Shu had already sent Walnut to ask, knowing that the Empress Dowager was free in the morning.

The husband and wife both went to the Queen Mother.

He Yuzhu, Sun Jin, Walnut, Xiaosong and others carried gifts and followed behind.

Because the nine tribes of Mongolia followed the siege, a princess and two princesses came to court, and the Queen Mother's place is also lively during the day, and there are not many people.

Shu Shu and Brother Nine came early to avoid the time when the princesses were around.

I saw the young couple coming hand in hand.

The Queen Mother smiled lovingly and called Shu Shu to come forward.

Shu Shu didn't move, but stood with Brother Jiu.

Brother Nine said: "Grandmother, your birthday will be in a few days, grandson and Fujin will stay in the line for a few more days, and today I kowtow to you in advance..."

Bai Momo stood by, seeing this, she hurriedly brought over the brocade mat and placed it in front of the two of them.

Brother Nine took Shushu and bowed down.

It was not easy for the Queen Mother to be stopped, but after the two of them got up, she got up and pulled Shu Shu over, let her sit by the kang, and asked Mother Bai to move a chair for Brother Jiu.

The Queen Mother asked Shu Shu directly in Mongolian.

"Why don't you leave? What's the matter?"

It has been two full months since the northern tour, and half of them are in Mongolia.

Shu Shu's Mongolian has also improved by leaps and bounds, much better than before.

She replied truthfully: "Brother Ten got a fist on the head yesterday, and he was a little dizzy. The imperial doctor ordered him to lie still for a few days..."

This is also very experienced.

As a conscientious old sister-in-law, Shu Shu doesn't need to use honorific titles for her uncles.

The queen mother nodded: "That is a poor child, you are all good brothers and sisters..."

Shu Shu couldn't accept the credit, so he said, "It's Khan Ama who is kind and worried about Elder Brother Ten, so he told his grandchildren to stay..."

The Queen Mother didn't say much, just patted her hand.

Shu Shu presented the gift list and said, "I didn't prepare anything expensive, just some small things that can make you smile, which is the filial piety of grandchildren and daughter-in-law..."

Brother Nine was beside him and opened his mouth to dismantle the stage.

"Grandma, don't listen to her. You can do your best. There are two things that were prepared in Beijing. They are all unique. There is nowhere to look for them outside...there are two other things that were painstakingly found in Mongolia..."

Shu Shu glanced at Brother Jiu.

The queen mother became interested: "What are those, quickly bring them to me to see..."

Shu Shu asked someone to take out four brocade boxes from the sixteen-color birthday gifts.

The first one is a condensed small model.

Raw material made of wool felt.

There are small yurts on it.

Little lamb the size of a peanut.

There was also a three-headed little girl in a Mongolian robe, holding a riding whip thinner than a toothpick.

The queen mother looked at and touched the little girl, and said with a smile: "It's a little fat's about the same as when Qiqige was a child..."

Seeing that Shu Shu and Brother Jiu were confused, the old man smiled and explained: "It's the baby name of the concubine..."

This is her younger sister, Concubine Shuhui.

Shu Shu brought the second gift, which was a palm-sized brocade box.

Open it, and inside are eight galahas with white jade luster, so small and delicate that even a child can hold them.

This is made of deer bone, which is more precious and rare than the common sheep Galaha.

When the Queen Mother saw her, she smiled and grabbed a few handfuls in her hand.

"The one I used to play back then was the lamb's Galaha, which was about the same size as this one, not as good-looking as this one... I haven't played it for many years..."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "Daughter-in-law used to play games when she was young. At that time, she lived with sister-in-law Seven in the front and back streets, and often played this together... Oh, my daughter-in-law also has itchy hands. Grandmother practice hard. We will catch up in a few days." Finally, you take us to play this..."

The Queen Mother smiled and nodded.

"Okay, okay, I'll ask someone to make two rice bags and put them in millet, to match that naughty boy..."

The next two birthday gifts were brought by Shu Shu from the capital.

A brocade box, when opened, the lid of the box is an inlaid mercury mirror, which can be directly propped up to make a makeup mirror.

In the brocade box are several makeup tools.

There is the eyebrow clip that Shu Shu thought of when she got married.

And the powder puff that reminds me of it.

There are also six brushes of various colors like a large brush.

The queen mother looked at the novelty, it was indeed something that had never happened before.

Shu Shu explained them one by one.

Eyebrow trimmer.


Sweep blush.

For eyeshadow.

After hearing this, the queen mother couldn't help laughing and said: "How old is the imperial grandmother, how can I use these, she can't become an old goblin... Keep these things for yourself..."

Shu Shubuyi said: "Grandmother, this is all figured out by my granddaughter-in-law herself. Let's take the first share, and no one else can use it except you... You just use it every day, so that others will see it and follow suit, grandson." The daughter-in-law will also sell this in the Yinlou later, and the money will come from Wuyang Wuyang, and when the time comes, I will exchange it for delicious food outside to honor the emperor's grandmother..."

The queen mother laughed heartily: "Okay, okay, let's join forces and fool other people's money..."

The fourth birthday gift is a tin.

When Shu Shu got married at the end of June, Concubine Yi wore only tins, or half tins, with only a few pieces of jewelry scattered around.

By July, many concubines followed suit, and it was considered fashionable in the palace.

Shu Shu's tin is painted by himself and asked to be made by Yinlou.

It's full of tin.

Longevity flower jewelry such as osmanthus and chrysanthemums are inlaid with the seven treasures of Buddhism.

Gold, silver, glass, amber, coral, clam, agate.

The identity of the Queen Mother is not good for Dai Yanse.

I chose black coral.

Amber is also light yellow.

There is no woman in this world, no matter how old she is, who does not love jewelry.

The Queen Mother fumbled for it, she liked it very much, and immediately ordered Nanny Bai to get the mirror.

Seeing this, Shu Shu got up and helped the Queen Mother put it on.

The Empress Dowager was wearing a homely gown, and her hair was only tied up on her head. Wearing this, she immediately looked different, and looked much more graceful and solemn.

She is old, and her hair seems to be thick, but there are some bald sideburns on both sides of her forehead.

This tianzi just covers the hairline, and the whole person looks several years younger.

The Queen Mother looked into the mirror, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "It looks good, it looks good, I will wear this on my birthday..."

As she said that, she did not forget to remind Shu Shu: "Your silver shop also sells this, this is more valuable..."

Shu Shu responded with a smile: "Listen to the emperor's grandmother, tell the silver building to prepare later, our grandparents and grandchildren can make a lot of money together..."

Although this tin is gorgeous, it doesn't match the Empress Dowager's usual attire, so it's a pity to keep it for nothing.

Thinking of this, Shu Shu explained to Nanny Bai: "This can be worn on weekdays, and the flower hairpin on it can be taken off... This is the number of double nines, and there are eighteen pieces of jewelry on it in total. On weekdays, Nanny can watch and help the imperial grandmother to match..."

Nanny Bai agreed.

Brother Jiu was by his side, and felt that the tianzi was also good, so he didn't have to worry about combing his hair on weekdays.

Otherwise, it would be troublesome to put on hair oil or something, and she would have to wash her hair every time, which was very troublesome.

Later, he drew two figures, and also asked someone to help Shushu make two.

The grandparents and grandchildren had a great time.

A eunuch came in and said, "Your Majesty, the eldest princess is here..."

There is only one person who can be called the eldest princess, and that is the eldest princess Duanmin

The queen mother smiled, nodded and called in, and then motioned for Shu Shu to pick the tin.

Shu Shu stepped forward and helped the Queen Mother pick it off.

At this moment, Princess Duanmin came in.

She was about to greet the queen mother when she saw that Brother Nine and Shu Shu were still there, she immediately lowered her face.

She looked around at the various brocade boxes on the ground, and glared at Brother Nine.

"Okay, the Ninth Prince has blackmailed our house!"

Brother Nine was puzzled.

"What do you mean by that? Why didn't my nephew know about it and blackmailed your family?"

Princess Duanmin said angrily: "You guys have to show some face! In your eyes, do you still have me as an aunt? Or think that I am easy to bully, every time, endlessly... Last time I borrowed the golden belt, How much gold did you bring over there? It’s still not enough. This time, you’re taking advantage of your daughter-in-law’s birthday to receive a birthday gift! How dare you take it twice in a row?!”

Brother Jiu was also annoyed.

"My nephew doesn't agree with what you said... The gold on the golden belt is all handed over to the neizao. If you don't like it, just take it back later... and my birthday gift, Fujin, was sent by the prince. I gave it several times... What kind of gift is that, didn't the prince and Taiji say it? It's an apology!"

Princess Duanmin sneered and said, "Oh! An apology? You deserve it too?! We were cut twice in love by you. If we didn't cut the bones, it was wrong? Relying on the status of the prince, blackmailing is blackmailing. Why don't you dare to admit it? Still thinking What is it called an apology? You will make yourself look good..."

Brother Nine was trembling with anger, unable to speak.

Shu Shu frowned and said: "Princess, please be careful, what exactly is the compensation, you can ask the prince and Zhu Taiji..."

Princess Duanmin raised her eyebrows, eyes full of contempt, and scolded: "Presumptuous! What are you, it's your turn to teach this princess how to behave..."

Speaking of this, she looked at the brocade boxes around her: "No wonder you are trying to blackmail us. This is in a hurry to present a birthday gift in front of the Queen Mother? You will borrow flowers to present Buddha..."

The queen mother drooped her face and said: "Duanmin, since the children have said it, you should ask your prince first, so as not to cause any misunderstanding..."

Princess Duanmin said violently: "What misunderstanding? How can there be any misunderstanding? You are so confused, isn't this obvious? Or are you biased and want to protect these two things..."

The queen mother was unhappy and said: "This is my grandson, my grandson-in-law, why can't I protect her?"

Duan Minchang Princess sneered: "Okay, Huang Ernie, you are really consistent, you obey the emperor's orders... If he doesn't want to see me as an imperial sister, you will not recognize me as a daughter... "

 14000, my God, I want to die, the author is already lying down, don't hide the remaining monthly tickets, 55
(End of this chapter)

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