Chapter 228 Hitting a snake and hitting seven inches

What kind of bastard words are these? The Empress Dowager's face turned pale with anger, and her body shook.

Princess Duan Min gave a cold snort and flung her sleeves away.

Shu Shu and Brother Nine rushed forward to help the Queen Mother.

The Empress Dowager's face was very depressed, her face was filled with ashes, and she waved her hands feebly.

"I'm fine, you guys go to work first, I won't leave you talking..."

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu looked at each other, and it was not good to stay, otherwise the queen mother would not come down, so she would back out.

Brother Jiu said angrily: "I was thinking of taking advantage of them, but I'm so shameless?! This is the King Darhan himself who has become a good man, with a generous face, and behind the scenes, he provoked the eldest princess to make trouble? Who cares about their things? It looks like, Master Huihui cleaned up and ordered someone to smash their tents..."

Shu Shu felt that it wasn't that complicated.

It is too late for King Darhan to bridge the relationship, how could this be the case.

It should be that Princess Duanmin came out to make a fuss when she knew about it and couldn't bear it.

Shu Shu was also sullen in her heart: "In that case, if we are reasonable, we will become unreasonable, and it will become a joke along with that..."

That's it, whenever two groups of people have disputes, no one will think about the cause and effect, they just gossip for fun.

Brother Nine gritted his teeth and said: "That can't be endured forever, I'm going to vomit blood... and 'two things', bah! If our authentic prince elder brother and prince Fujin are 'two things', then she Not even 'stuff'..."

Shu Shu looked at the building ahead.

That's where the holy grail is.

She whispered to Brother Jiu: "We are thinking about the overall situation, but some people don't care about the overall situation, so I went to the emperor to make decisions... Today, it is not only us who have been wronged, but also the empress dowager. Seeing that the birthday is here, I also suffered from this..."

Brother Jiu narrowed his eyes.

"Okay, I'm going to find Khan Ama now!"

After all, he left in a "squeaky" manner.

Shu Shu went back to her residence.

She ordered Walnut to say: "Lead someone to prepare the two gifts from Darhan Palace yesterday, and prepare the gift list."

Also, it is impossible to return.

In that case, Princess Duanmin would be cheaper.

If a shameless person makes a fuss, he will take advantage of Lizi.

But this thing can't be kept.

Otherwise, it would match what Princess Duanmin said, and it would appear that elder brother Jiu is greedy for money.

How about sending it to the Queen Mother?

Or send it to Kangxi?
Queen Mother...

He had to worry about going to Horqin's tribe, and also about the clan's side, so he would hold back Princess Duanmin.

If these were given to the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother would not be able to stand the fuss of Princess Duanmin.

It's better to go to Kangxi.

Shu Shu made a decision, and made a note for Darhan Palace in her heart.

Even if you want to make money from Mongolia, you can skip this one.

There is a dynamite pack, the princess, who will not listen to reason and may explode at any time.

imperial front.

Kangxi also just withdrew breakfast.

The temperature in the mountains was low, and I tossed and turned before falling asleep last night.

This morning, Kangxi got up a little late.

Hearing Liang Jiugong's report, he said that elder brother Jiu had come again.

Kangxi didn't have yesterday's dislike, his expression was much more relaxed than yesterday, he nodded and called to pass.

Brother Nine came in angrily, and said unceremoniously: "Khan Ama, you have to make decisions for your son, or your son will die of anger..."

Kangxi became irritable again, angrily reprimanded.

"It's so early in the morning, what did you say? I don't know a taboo?!"

"Bah, bah, bah, bah! Tong Yan Wuji, Tong Yan Wuji!"

Brother Nine was also in a panic, and hurriedly said.

Kangxi felt that it was too noisy, so he frowned and said, "Talk well, what's the matter?"

Brother Nine frowned, with a displeasure on his face, and said: "Who else could it be? It's the eldest princess... This morning my son brought Fujin to kowtow, and the emperor's grandmother happily accepted the birthday gift, but when the eldest princess went over, she just covered her head and covered her face Once she scolded, she scolded her son first, and then her son Fujin... The imperial grandmother stopped her, so she scolded the imperial grandmother for being stupid, favoring her grandson and granddaughter-in-law, what the hell, the imperial grandmother was so angry that she was about to burst into tears... "

Kangxi's face drooped.

He has always been filial and treated the Queen Mother very well, how could he allow others to be disobedient?
Princess Duanmin had a bad record before, Kangxi didn't think that elder brother Jiu would make up nonsense, so he only endured angrily asking.

"Okay, did you provoke her? Why is she crazy?"

Brother Jiu said with injustice: "Okay, who is willing to talk to her..."

After all, he talked about the fact that he refused to let Fujin accept the birthday gift from Darhan Palace the day before yesterday, and that he had a dinner party yesterday to make amends and so on.

Among them, nine points were true and one point was false, Shu Shu was hidden.

Brother Nine felt that it was better to be the culprit himself.

I am my own son.

Shu Shu is just a daughter-in-law, not her own daughter.

"Khan Ama, it's not that the son is arrogant and disrespectful, and treats his father poorly... It's because the birthday gifts sent by the palace first are too shabby, not to mention six items in total, but the birthday noodles and birthday peaches are counted, and the rest A few things are also worthless skins, what is this not a Mai Tairen?"

Kangxi's face was ashen.

Yesterday, when the elder brothers fought, he always thought that it was the old nine who broke his mouth and complained to his brothers, which made the fifth elder brother teach the third elder brother a lesson.

It turned out that he had misunderstood, and the root cause was in Darhan Palace!
He was full of depression, and finally found a place to vent.

"Princess Duan Min, the attendant is not filial, treats her servants unkindly, and has suspended her salary for three years..."

"King Darhan, if you indulge your son in evil and offend the prince, your salary will be suspended for three years..."

"Taiji Batu, offend the prince, disrespect the imperial court, stick forty, kill Taiji..."

The emperor's oral orders were passed on one by one through the imperial eunuchs.

Brother Jiu was listening, very relieved, and then got a little tangled up.

He wondered in his heart, whether Khan Ama was too rash.

I didn't send anyone to check it out, so I believed everything he said.

If what he entered was slander, wouldn't that be the case?

Kangxi looked at him, and scolded: "Your mother is right to scold you, don't say what should be said, and talk nonsense what should not be said... Those who follow me with their teeth and claws on weekdays are not very arrogant, but when they go outside, they are cowardly." ..."

Not to mention being bullied once, but also being bullied a second time.

Ninth elder brother drooped his head and said: "Isn't my son thinking that when he grows up, he can solve any problems by himself. How can he use these old things to disturb the cleanliness of Han Ama and Erniang..."

"Hmph! What happened? I couldn't clean up the mess by myself, and I didn't ask my parents to make decisions, so I made a mess..."

Kangxi was really angry, looked at Brother Nine and said, "Three years as a monthly punishment!"

Brother Jiu was dumbfounded and wanted to speak.

Kangxi has already made great strides out.

Brother Jiu followed and saw Kangxi striding towards the Queen Mother's courtyard.

He looked embarrassed and wanted to give himself a slap in the face.

Really, it is obvious that you are not feeling well and you are annoyed, why do you reply? !
Just listen to his reprimand honestly, and there will be no fine money later.

The prince's monthly bill is fifty taels of silver, which is one thousand eight hundred taels in three years.

The key point is that without this income, the reward money from the elder brother's subordinates and others will not be able to be paid out.

Khan Ama is really hurt, this is forcing himself to eat soft food.

Brother Jiu came back with remorse, saw the brocade boxes all over the floor, and was eager to try.

"Didn't you say you won't smash their accounts? Why did you change your mind?"

Shu Shu shook her head, saying that these brocade boxes are not good to keep.

Brother Jiu couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"My lord told you that something is going to happen to the Eldest Princess... Both of them have stopped their salaries, and her precious little son has directly turned Taiji..."

Princess Duanmin and King Darhan have four sons.

Batu is the youngest son, he is one or two years older than Brother Jiu, and he took the lead and led others to booze and drink to Brother Jiu.

He is also Princess Duanmin's preferred heir.

It is King Darhan who prefers the eldest son Dataiji.

Therefore, the position of the eldest son of King Darhan's palace has not yet been finalized.

"Ama Khan is amazing, the snake hits seven inches... This time the eldest princess must be honest..."

Brother Jiu is very gloating.

Batu was accused of "offending the prince and disrespecting the court", so don't expect to be the son of the prince.

It is the position of Taiji that he has removed. Whether it can be restored depends on Princess Duanmin's actions.

"Haha, she has four sons, no matter how dishonest she is, there are still three waiting to be punished..."

Because of what happened in the past few days, Brother Nine has already hated Darhan Palace.

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt something else.

Darhan Palace, I am afraid that it will not be peaceful in the future.

Princess Duanmin is domineering, she doesn't even look down on the queen mother and the emperor, she will only treat her husband and son even worse.

The heir was replaced by the eldest son who did not meet his wishes, and there would be more troubles in the future.

After all, it is the emperor, who kills and punishes his heart.

She slandered a few words before talking about the sale of medicines.

The Mongolian princes all knew that the Ninth Brother was involved in this, and since there was a suspicion with the Darhan Palace, they could be arranged to be blacklisted.

Otherwise, still dealing with them, it seems that Brother Jiu, the prince, doesn't have a long memory.


After hearing this, Brother Jiu felt that it was what he wanted. He only thought that Shu Shu thought it up for himself, and the hand holding her was sticky.

"It's still best for you, you don't need to say anything, but I will protect you..."

"Han Ama and Er Niang's words are full of disgust inside and out, and I still don't want to complain..."

"They are kissing Ama and Erniang, so they can't take the initiative to love and protect the master. I have to take the initiative to ask for this love..."

Shu Shu received the merit calmly, no longer humble.

Otherwise, it will come and go again and again, and the habit will become natural, and there will be no credit if there is credit.

Shu Shu's eyes were full of tenderness.

"Who told me to hang around my grandfather all day long, knowing what I think, and thinking about what I am thinking, but it's not that I can't bear to be unhappy... The emperor is different from the empress. They have their own busy places every day. Staring at Master from morning to night, it's not really negligence..."

Brother Jiu curled his lips: "Don't comfort me, negligence is negligence, there is no difference between sincerity and insincerity... No one will say what you say, but no one is a fool, it depends on how to do it..."

This was another Che Jilu talk complaining about the imperial concubine's eccentricity, Shu Shu was already tired of hearing it, so she diverted the conversation.

"Master, go and see if the tenth brother is there, if there is anything that needs to be taken care of..."

(End of this chapter)

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