Chapter 229 Is Mynah Jealous?
Brother Jiu heard this and got up quickly.

"I was thinking about it before, but when I was interrupted, I almost forgot about it..."

After all, brother Jiu went out and went straight to the backyard.

Elder Brother Ten was still lying down, with his back resting on two pillows, his face looked much better.

Brother Jiu sat directly by the Kang.

"Are you still confused today?"

Elder Brother Shi smiled bitterly and said, "It's fine when I'm lying down, I can't get up... When I sit up, my eyes turn black, I forcefully get off the ground and walk a few steps, when I jolt, I feel sick again..."

Brother Jiu blamed and said: "Then don't get up, force yourself to do something, and just lie down for a few days... I told Han Ama yesterday that I will stay here with your sister-in-law Jiu to take care of you." , when you recover, we will go directly to Shengjing to meet Shengjia..."

Elder Brother Shi was stunned and speechless after hearing this.

Brother Nine saw him, reached out to touch his forehead, and lowered his volume.

"What's the matter, I speak loudly and feel confused again?"


Elder Brother Ten said in a muffled voice: "You don't need to keep anyone, there is a manager here... Didn't Brother Ninth keep talking about going to Xingjing..."

Over the past few years, Shengjia has made many tours to the north, but the number of times he went to Xingjing for "east tours" is numerous.

So far, there have only been two "Eastern Tours".

One is the tenth year of Kangxi, and the other is the twenty-first year of Kangxi.

Counting this time this year, it was the third time, and it had been sixteen years since the last time.

Brother Jiu said disapprovingly.

"It's just that I said it twice before. I didn't catch up this time, and there will be a next time... Besides, my brother and I are both grown-up princes. If there is any errand in Shengjing in the future, I will just choose one..."

Xingjing is near Shengjing, less than three hundred miles away.

Elder Brother Ten knew that it was not as simple as what he said.

He just smiled and said: "There is no need to delay so long, my brother is half better today than yesterday, maybe he will be better tomorrow, so don't delay the journey..."

Brother Jiu glared at him with disapproval.

"Don't mess around, I've already asked the imperial doctor, you have to take care of yourself, or you will get sick, and the headaches in the future will outweigh the gains..."

Elder Brother Ten still didn't give up: "But my younger brother doesn't want to delay Brother Ninth to go to Xingjing, younger brother, I want to go too..."

Brother Jiu said: "You will get married next year, and you will also receive errands... At that time, there will be errands from Shengjing's side at the clan's mansion. At that time, we brothers will come again... This time, let's be good together Just wait..."

The thirteenth elder brother came over and was puzzled when he heard this sentence.

"Didn't Shengjia leave tomorrow? Why is it still going? Do you want to postpone it?"

Although the Mulan paddock is nice, but in the wilderness, after staying for more than half a month, the thirteenth elder brother is also tired of living there.

Brother Jiu said: "You go your way, I will stay with your sister-in-law Jiu..."

Elder Brother Thirteen was taken aback for a moment, and pursed his mouth.

"My younger brother is also staying, we are in a wave..."

Brother Jiu said: "What nonsense are you talking about? Khan Ama is going to Xingjing, and he only goes there once in more than ten years. You should go and see and see, and talk to us later..."

The thirteenth elder brother's face was tangled.

He knows that the opportunity is rare, but he is also reluctant to part with his brothers and sisters-in-law.

He pinched his fingers and calculated the distance.

"Didn't you mean to go to Shengjing? Why is it going to Xingjing again? How many days will it take?"

Brother Jiu, because he arranged to go to the yamen before, read a lot of the arrangements of Shengjia's travel, so he knows the general idea.

"Out of the paddock and on the imperial road, we will be on our way. By then, it will be a hundred miles a day..."

The officers and soldiers of the Eight Banners who followed were all equipped with mounts, and they were about to set off on a journey, and it would not be a problem for more than a hundred miles a day.

It's just that the time on the road in the daytime is longer, and the cars and horses are exhausted.

Ninth Brother thought about it, and said to Tenth Brother: "Your sister-in-law Jiu is impatient to ride a carriage, this time is just right, avoid this time of rushing..."

The thirteenth elder brother said in frustration: "Then what about my brother..."

Along the way, his diet and daily life followed his two elder brothers.

It is also ripe now.

The other brothers and sisters-in-law are much different in age, so they are really unfamiliar.

My mother-in-law is also there, but he is no longer a little elder brother, so it is not good to go to the concubine's place all the time.

He was a little conflicted, he wanted to go to Xingjing to see him, but he also didn't want to leave everyone.

Brother Jiu saw this and said: "Okay, okay, no one has forgotten you... Your sister-in-law Jiu said that I will prepare a meal for you today, and later you will go out alone to add food... "

Elder Brother Thirteen heard this, and immediately rejoiced: "Sister-in-law Nine is the best..."

Brother Jiu raised his chin and said: "That is, it doesn't matter whose Fujin it is..."

The thirteenth elder brother was thinking about something, and circled around the ninth elder brother, hesitant to speak.

Brother Nine hurriedly said: "Sit down quickly, it makes people dizzy..."

Elder Brother Thirteen shyly said: "Brother Ninth, is there any close cousins ​​or sisters in my sister-in-law's natal family... Dong E's family is well educated, and my younger brother wants to get closer to Brother Ninth..."

Brother Jiu glanced at him, and said: "What beautiful things are you thinking of? I really thought that we could get in the conversation by choosing Prince Fujin..."

Brother Thirteen said disapprovingly: "I'll just go and beg Khan Ama... It's not always begging, just this time..."

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "That's useless, don't forget that there is a third sister-in-law in front..."

Brother Thirteen heard this and understood, with disappointment on his face.

"Yeah, I forgot about that..."

Brother Nine recalled the story of his mother-in-law's mother-in-law pregnant with pearls, even if he was a child, he would not be the right age for Brother Thirteen, but he would be about the same age as Seventeen.

But it's just a thought.

With so many nobles in the Eight Banners, a family with two princes, Fujin, is already the only one, and it is impossible to have a third one.

Regarding his own marriage, brother Jiu didn't think so much before.

She only thought that Shu Shu was an outstanding talent, and her father-in-law's family background was ranked after A Ling'a, so she made herself the prince Fujin.

Now that he's grown up, he thinks more.

Back then, when Khan Ama proposed marriage to the third elder brother, Peng Chun's family members were not as good as before, like appeasement after beating.

Peng Chun is a famous general of the Eight Banners. Although he was defeated in Ulan Butong, he has a general and king above him, so he can't be the master, and he can't take full responsibility.

Here I am...

Khan Ama has already started to lift up his father-in-law, and promoted the father-in-law, who was originally a leader, to the governorship of Manchuria, replacing Peng Chun's position.

The father-in-law's sister is Prince Kang Fujin. He is in charge of Zhenghong Banner Manchuria.

As a prince, is he considered a "marriage"?
If myna's marriage to Bafujin is a marriage between the royal family and the palace, then what is my marriage?
Is it a marriage between the royal family and the palace?

Not counting!

Although Dong E's family is married to Prince Kang's mansion, they are independent nobles, not attached to the palace.

No matter how you think about it, it was Khan Ama who planted maggots for the Dong'e clan and King Kang's mansion.

Play it once, play it a second time...

Torn apart Dong E's family and Kang Wang's mansion, Zhenghongqi is not a single iron bucket.

He was so quiet that the tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother both looked over.

Brother Thirteen said directly: "What is Brother Ninth thinking, you have a weird face..."

Brother Jiu couldn't say that he had a weird association, so he said something else.

"Thinking about the number of assistant leaders of the third son... Among the twelve assistant leaders before him, six were from Manchuria, three were from Mongolia, and three were from the Han army. , this is directly taken away, leaving four Manchurian assistants and two Mongolian assistants..."

The thirteenth elder brother understood: "Then this should be the number of the fourth brother, the fifth brother and the others..."

There is no regulation on the number of assistants under the name of the princes and princes of the clan.

Because many of the princes of the clan are Gong Wang or descendants of Gong Wang.

The number of assistant leaders under their names all came from the Shifeng king of that branch.

The princes were knighted and lowered the flag, starting with Prince He Shuoyu.

As the elder brother of the emperor, Prince He Shuoyu received the most favor, and he was granted the title of twenty assistants.

When Prince He Shuogong and Prince He Shuochun were enshrined, although they were also Prince He Shuo, there were only twelve assistants.

Because the three imperial brothers and younger brothers were all assigned to the population of the upper three banners, and they brought their own assistants to lead the lower banners, so naturally they did not cause dissatisfaction among the princes of the lower five banners.

When it came to the elder brother and the third elder brother, although he was the king of Duoluo County, Ke Zuoling was compared to the prince.

As for how many assistants Enfeng Dorobeile and Gushan Beizi will lead, there is no precedent.

Brother Jiu said: "Just cut it by half, the gap is a bit big, the third child should feel uncomfortable..."

You must know that as long as you are a prince, no matter if you are the King of Duoluo County or Dorobeile, the money assigned to settle down is similar, and the allocated property is also almost the same.

In terms of annual salary, there is a big difference, one is five thousand taels of silver, and the other is two thousand five hundred taels of silver.

It's just that after everyone has a good fortune, no one will take the annual salary seriously.

I didn't expect the most important Zuo Ling to have such a big gap.

All of a sudden, the distance between the county king and Baylor was opened.

The thirteenth brother is already counting down according to this ratio.

"If Zuo Ling and Jue Yuan are opposite, then there will be three Zuo Ling for the son, and one or two for the Bafen Gong..."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but be speechless: "No way, they are both the sons of Khan Ama, the gap is so big?"

Elder Brother Ten was listening, but felt that it might not be impossible.

There are examples of the Taizu Dynasty.

Among the sixteen sons of the Taizu, there were five young elder brothers who came from Shu Fu Jin.

Now in the clan, it is divided into three branches according to the birth mother.

When they were outside the pass, these elder brothers only had a small population, and they had to be the genus of the first brothers.

After entering the customs, the title did not come up.

It is the lowest level in the clan.

Brother Nine said from the side: "Thinking too much, Han Ama loves his son so much, why is he willing to keep the prince low? The baby is almost the same..."

Brother Nine was talking and saw Brother Ten.

According to what Shu Shu said before, his initial title will not be too high, because he has a brother from the same mother.

Fourteenth brother's situation is the same as mine.

The twelfth elder brother will not be named high, because the biological mother has not yet been named, and she is the prince born by the concubine.

What about the starling?
Without the credit for beating Zhungeer before, the starlings and their princes might be Beizi.

But after the tenth old man became the king of the county, he felt sour, so what about the starling who has always been so strong?

Will you care?

Will you be jealous of Old Ten?
Thinking of this, brother Jiu was startled.

 My mind was too high yesterday, and I felt sick for a long time. The efficiency was slow last night, and it was the same this morning, so the update was delayed for half an hour. I cried and asked for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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