My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 230 Brother 3 Don't Get Angry

Chapter 230 Third Brother, Don't Get Angry
Brother Nine couldn't hide his thoughts, so he brought them out on his face.

When Elder Brother Shi saw this, he felt a little worried.

"What's the matter, brother nine? What do you remember?"

Although they are all real brothers, Brother Jiu feels that these words are not easy to say, otherwise it would be like saying bad things about Brother Eight.

And it's all things that don't have a shadow, just my own wild guesses.

He said: "It's nothing, just thinking that we have prepared so much food before, it's not good to keep all of them, I have to go back and discuss with your sister-in-law about sending them around..."

"When the holy driver leaves, there are only a few of us. When the time comes, what do we think of as the dining room system..."

Seeing that he wasn't telling the truth, Elder Brother Shi was puzzled, but he didn't press him.

The ninth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother came out.

Elder Brother Thirteen said: "Brother Ninth, go back and tell Sister-in-law Nine that you can make do with the rest, so I will prepare an extra portion of Yi noodles and a few meat sauces for my younger brother. It will definitely be better to eat that when the weather gets colder." ..."

These are all trivial matters, Brother Nine nodded in agreement.

But he still muttered: "You should eat seriously or eat seriously, don't be too picky about eating, or you won't grow tall..."

With that said, Brother Nine took a look at Brother Thirteen's height, and he was one fist shorter than himself.

"Forget it, eat whatever you want, what do you do with your stupid height..."

The thirteenth elder brother grinned sullenly and didn't speak.

There is no need to talk about the topic of height.

Whether it's Ninth Brother or Fifth Brother, it's not easy to compare with others.

After returning to the courtyard, Brother Nine sent someone down and muttered to Shu Shu about the rank of title.

"I haven't thought about the gap before, but the difference between the twelve assistant leaders and the six assistant leaders is too much..."

Brother Nine said in shock.

The imperial clan of the Qing Dynasty did not split the soil and seal the borders, but Ke Zuoling could be passed on to future generations.

In the case of the same title.

If the title comes down, the number of Zuo Ling will be reduced accordingly.

"Then it will be passed down for several generations, and it will be no worse than the idle clan..."

Brother Jiu became worried.

Shu Shu couldn't laugh or cry.

How many generations?

Let's get through to the second generation first.

It's just that Brother Nine didn't have the ambition of becoming an emperor, so he said something about the inheritance of the title.

"There were two county kings before, and now there is only one left. It is not good to show the boss, and some people talk about the eldest son of the emperor, thinking about the merits of the dragon..."

"The same goes for the third child, he is rampant when he succeeds, so let's not talk about learning from the fourth child..."

"The fourth child is not useless. He is worthy of being brought up by Tong E Nie. He is a bit of a fan of honor and disgrace..."

Shu Shu listened, very surprised.

It's rare that this guy can still praise the fourth elder brother.

But there seems to be some uneasiness in this rambling.

Shu Shu said: "We don't compare with others, it doesn't matter if there are more assistants or fewer assistants... There are fewer people and fewer people... Now the Tai Hospital has all kinds of health-preserving medicines, and the emperor's age is long, let's just care about it." Just rely on your elders..."

After the last sentence, she lowered her volume.

Brother Jiu looked like a little rabbit, with a frightened face, looking at Shu Shu speechless.

Seeing this, Shu Shu felt a little regretful, as if she had said too much.

Brother Jiu leaned over and lowered his volume: "Okay, what are you thinking about, why does it seem like you've got into my heart..."

Shu Shu said softly: "I just think it's better to be a prince...just look at the situation of Prince Yu's Mansion and Prince Gong's Mansion...Is it true, no matter what, Ama is still Ama, but the brothers are separated... "

Brother Jiu didn't speak for a while, but got up and walked to Shu Shu's dressing table.

The above Mongolian medical manuscripts have been put away, and the "Materia Medica" is left.

Brother Jiu took the "Materia Medica", walked back to Shu Shu, and said in a low voice: "This is a tacit understanding, and the master thinks the same way... Do what you want to do, and rely on it when you have to rely on it... Don't ask for sweat." Ama is older than Peng Zu, as long as he lives as long as Song Gaozong and Ming then we will all be in our forties, we will have grandchildren, and our sons should stand up, and we can still live happily..."

It is this son, whether he was born by himself or was carried by the old ten, is uncertain.

No matter what, he decided to discipline him well and let that brat know what filial piety is.

Shu Shu couldn't help reaching out and pinching Brother Jiu's face.

There is no one who speaks of "gnawing the old" and "gnawing the young" so freshly and refinedly.

But it's better this way, it's better than meddling with seizing the progeny if you don't control yourself.

Brother Nine thought of Brother Eight and felt a little heavy.

"Speaking of which, it would be good for the old man and the old ten to be knighted in the next few years, or else the old ten would directly become the king of the county and overwhelm mynah, I'm afraid mynah would feel uncomfortable..."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "This is also human nature. Brothers are orderly. As an elder brother, you must hope that you can be the pillar and protect your younger brother... Just like the fifth brother, he always wants to subsidize us, but he is unwilling to take advantage of it." We are cheap, this is the friendship of being a brother, and it also involves the dignity of being a brother... The eighth master is probably the same, he is used to being an elder brother, and he definitely hopes to stand at the front and be a support for the master and the tenth brother , instead of relying on my younger brother..."

Brother Jiu was a little annoyed: "At the end of the day, it's just too strong... What's wrong with relying on my younger brother? I wish the old ten would be the prince directly. When the time comes, we won't have enough salary, so we'll rub him..."

Shu Shu didn't add fuel to the flames, but said: "Maybe I'm thinking too much, Ba Ye looks lenient and open-minded, he doesn't seem like a calculating and stingy person..."

Brother Nine frowned, nodded and said: "Of course mynah is good, but isn't there a 'pillow wind'?! Bafujin is so proud, she looks down on this one and that one, she talks about it every day, who knows What about the future..."

Shu Shu was silent for a while, and asked: "Then let the master take the tenth younger brother, only the eighth master will follow the lead, and I will treat the eighth Fujin like the mistress, is the master willing?"

Brother Jiu reached out and touched her forehead: "I don't have a fever, how can I talk nonsense? Brothers are brothers, not subordinates, why do you have to be attached to each other? Besides, if you really want to be like that, you Ao, don't make a fuss..."

Shu Shu pulled his hand and said, "That's what I said..."

Brother Jiu shook his head: "Don't think about it anymore. Now it's different from Taizu's time. Khan Ama will not be so cruel. He will divide his sons into three, six, and nine grades, so that sons with bad backgrounds will be given to sons with good backgrounds." The son is a man..."

Before he finished speaking, his face changed, and he realized that something was wrong.

"It's... the same with minor differences..."

The third elder brother is assigned to help the East Palace, and the eighth elder brother agrees with the elder brother because his adoptive mother is Concubine Hui.

After a while, he whispered to Shu Shu in a low voice.

"I thought that Khan Ama only favored the prince and stayed close to the first few elders because their father and son had been together for a longer time. Now it seems that Khan Ama really divided his sons into three, six, nine and nine classes..."

Because Shengjia is leaving tomorrow.

All the attendants of the House of Internal Affairs must follow suit.

Brother Jiu went to the Yamen to hand over some errands.

As a result, the news that Brother Jiu and his wife stayed here temporarily spread.

On the same day, the heads of various departments came to give birthday gifts.

Shu Shu didn't meet in person, so Walnut and Sun Jin came forward to meet.

Here, Shu Shu ordered Xiaotang to pack the previous food and deliver it to various places.

The emperor's side...

The empress dowager...

Yi Fei's side...

big brother over there...

Fifth elder brother over there...

Brother Thirteen's...

Shu Shu thought for a while, and added the third elder brother to prepare.

If there is a distinction between distance and nearness, that is not what Kangxi would like to see.

As for Seventh Brother.

The road is far away, Qi Fujin is still pregnant, so be careful when eating.

In addition to distributing these meals, Shu Shu also asked Xiao Yu to take someone to pack the luggage.

When Elder Brother [-] recovers, they set off, it's best to take it lightly.

A lot of unused luggage can be sent back to Beijing with the car of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or directly entrusted to the fifth elder brother to go with the main force.

After a short while, Brother Nine came back after explaining his errands, and then sat down and drank two sips of tea, and then the acting chief of the dining room came.

Aunt Walnut's cousin.

He is clever, and these days he is also considerate to Brother Nine, who is on the peak.

He came here specifically to complain to the ninth elder brother. It turned out that the third elder brother hadn't eaten any rice since last night.

The food in the dining room can be brought back as it is brought up.

Brother Jiu couldn't help frowning when he heard this, and said to the man: "I see, you are good, work hard... Follow the rules, don't take what you shouldn't take, and show your secrets to the outside, your position will be considered stable... ..."

The man immediately knelt down: "Master Jiu, don't worry, this servant will not dare to break the rules and disgrace Master Jiu..."

Brother Jiu nodded and took the teacup.

The man backed out.

Only then did Brother Jiu say to Shu Shu: "The third child is a hypocrite, because he is afraid that others will not know that he is on a 'hunger strike'..."

Otherwise, even if you don't eat the master's regular dishes, the people below can share them, and why don't you send them back?
Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "Sanbeile is not a child, if he can come up with a 'bitter trick', then he is sure that this method will work... Lord, let's not watch..."

Brother Jiu frowned and said: "Is he taking himself too seriously? I don't believe that he can be starved to death after being hungry for a day or two. Sheng Jia is about to leave tomorrow, can he still delay it for him..."

Shu Shu didn't know what would happen next.

It feels good to be prepared.

Otherwise, the third elder brother had a "hunger strike" and succeeded, and Kangxi felt sorry for his son, and he wondered about the cause again.

Brother Jiu is the culprit in this fight between brothers.

The fifth elder brother took the initiative to provoke a fight, and he was not innocent.

The big brother and the tenth brother were obviously on the sidelines.

This is a moment.

Yesterday the emperor might have felt that the third elder brother was vicious and disrespectful to his brothers; but tomorrow, if he changed his mind, he might suspect that the other sons were secretly colluding and eliminating dissidents.

Shu Shu leaned into Brother Jiu's ear, and said, "Master, it's not easy to hide this, and I have to ask the emperor to make the decision... But you can go there first to make sure, so as not to make any mistakes, but you can't do anything wrong." It seems that I heard that the wind is the rain..."

Brother Nine stood up and said, "Then go and have a look..."

Shu Shu thought of Tian Gege, and got up: "I'll go with my master, after all, there are still female relatives..."

The third elder brother is recovering from illness, and Tian Gege is the master, so she can't be allowed to come out to entertain the ninth elder brother.

Brother Jiu nodded, and the two went to the front.

In San Age's courtyard, there was silence, and all the eunuchs held their breaths.

The leader too listened to the movement outside, so he came out to greet them, met the two politely, bowed and said: "Our master is still resting..."

Brother Jiu frowned and said: "I heard that the third master has not eaten any rice since yesterday, how did you serve him like a servant?"

The chief eunuch said with a bitter face: "The slave also persuaded me, but the master won't eat it, and the slave really has nothing to do..."

"Okay then, Master, go and have a look, you can't just starve like this..."

Brother Jiu said, and went to the upper room.

The chief eunuch wanted to stop him, Shu Shu said: "After our master visits the third master, he will report to the emperor..."

The eunuch changed his words and led Shu Shu and Brother Jiu to the upper room.

Tian Gege picked out the curtain and came out, standing in the porch with his face drooping.

As the eldest brother, she was afraid and dared not say anything.

A bald-headed elder brother with his teeth still behind, what is she afraid of?

Just as she was about to speak, Brother Nine walked past her and entered the room without even looking at her.

Just as Tian Gege was about to call out, Shu Shu's cold gaze stopped him.

Tian Gege shivered.

This one is notoriously sour-faced, she really doesn't dare to be presumptuous.

At this moment, Brother Nine has already entered Dongshaojian.

The third elder brother was half sitting and half lying down, with a gloomy face.

But after only one day and one night, there were black and blue stubbles on his mouth and chin, he looked a few years old, and he was a little careless.

Brother Jiu went in and sat directly by the Kang.

"Third Brother, I heard that you have a bad appetite. Is there anything you want to eat, or ask the imperial physician to prescribe you a prescription..."

The third elder brother's face was full of frost, with a bit of ferocity: "Okay, old nine, you are here to add insult to injury..."

Brother Jiu has talked about the truth several times from yesterday to today, and he has convinced himself.

He sighed, and looked at the third elder brother, as if looking at an ignorant child: "Third elder brother, what are you talking about, don't be angry... your body is your own, and it's not worth it if it breaks..."

The third elder brother fell on his back in anger.

It really does not hurt my back when I stand and talk.

That's right, it was him who was demoted and received bad reviews, not him.

The third elder brother said in disgust: "I bet I'm angry, where should you cool off..."

Brother Nine sighed and said, "Isn't it anger? Listen to my brother tell you about the cause and effect..."

As he spoke, he repeated the set of "misunderstandings" that he brought up in the imperial court yesterday.

"Third brother complained that I was close to elder brother and not close to you... But think about it carefully, is it the same when I first left Beijing, and it changed later..."

The third elder brother was confused.

"And this thing?"

The conscience of heaven and earth, he really didn't know that the steward of the palace dared to belittle the prince elder brother.

I didn't know that even the boss and the seventh child secretly became good brothers.

Brother Nine said confidently: "It's for this reason, my younger brother thinks that my third brother will definitely look down on me, otherwise why would I ignore you, so I want to stay away from you..."

The third elder brother was dumbfounded.

 There will be four changes later, everyone, don't be left behind, continue to ask for monthly tickets, only 85 tickets are short.

(End of this chapter)

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