Chapter 231 The True and Dutiful Son
The third elder brother has always thought a lot, knowing that it is really going to be like that, it is impossible to say that Han Ama has already written this in his heart.

"Old Jiu, is this all true?"

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes: "Who is still fooling you? It's not a secret. You can just ask around from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and you will know that the palace has changed its chief..."

It was the third elder brother's living place for a while, and it was difficult for Shu Shu to go in, so he sat outside for the next time.

Listening to Brother Nine saying "You" and "Third Brother" in one mouthful, she simply admired it.

It grows so fast.

Before, I was itchy with hatred, but now I have begun to talk slyly.


The third elder brother was annoyed, but still complaining: "It's been so long, so what are you doing to provoke the fifth child to do something to me?"

Brother Nine heard this, and hurriedly said: "Your brother is about to die unjustly! Where did my brother say that? It's obvious that King Darhan and his son were uneasy and kind, talking nonsense in front of Fifth Brother, saying that it was Third Brother, you encouraged them to toast or something ...Fifth brother is sincere, just treat yourself as the third brother and you bully others..."

"Prince Darhan and his son..."

The third elder brother narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth.

Brother Nine had a gloating expression, and said: "They didn't get it right, Khan Ama has already been punished, the eldest princess and King Darhan have suspended their salaries for three years, and Batu, who provoked our brotherhood, beat [-] boards. Taiji..."

With a little thought, he concealed what the eldest princess had made a fuss in the morning.

The third elder brother didn't know the news from outside, so he was startled when he heard it. After a while, his expression was complicated, and he murmured: "Khan Ama..."

Brother Jiu persuaded: "Ama Khan still loves you, I know that you have been wronged this time... So third brother, don't hide your shame like a woman, you are Ama Khan's own son, yesterday It's all a matter of one sentence to confer a title, demotion today, and promotion tomorrow..."

The third elder brother frowned and said: "Khan Ama still blamed me, so he demoted me..."

Brother Nine gritted his teeth and said: "Third brother, third brother, you still don't reflect on yourself at this time. If I were Han Ama, I would definitely punish you..."

The third elder brother said unfairly: "It was the fifth brother who made the first move...Brother Bao also has him..."

Brother Jiu snorted coldly: "What kind of strength is he, what kind of strength is yours? Even if it didn't come out of a mother's belly, we are still brothers of the same father, not enemies..."

As he said that, he vividly described the bruising on the back of the eldest brother and the need for the tenth brother to lie down for several days to recuperate from his injuries.

The third elder brother listened embarrassingly.

He naturally knows his strength.

Otherwise, I won't be afraid anymore, and want to "bitter tricks".

Ninth Brother glanced at him: "Third Brother, you should thank Big Brother and Old Ten. If your fist really fell on Fifth Brother's face, have you thought about the consequences? Even if Khan Ama can spare you, there is still the Queen Mother Well, there is also our empress, you can stay behind..."

The third elder brother rubbed his face: "I had red eyes at the time, but I didn't treat him as an enemy, why did I think so much..."

Brother Nine got up and said: "Don't do it, turn to the story sooner! Go and plead guilty to Han Ama, and pay the boss and the tenth for nothing... It's also the same in the future, don't be so narrow-minded, the courtesy is reciprocal, you can't eat it deficit……"

His earnest expression made the third elder brother confused.

The third elder brother looked carefully: "Old Ninth, why are you talking about this..."

Brother Jiu said impatiently: "Why else? Of course I want to turn over the page, don't you really hold grudges?! If you hold grudges, then don't big brother, fifth brother, and old ten remember? Brother, who should I help? That's right, from my point of view, Fujin, our brothers are also close, but Fifth Brother, Lao Shi and younger brother are also close..."

The third elder brother nodded and said: "Yes, we brothers should have gotten closer..."

Brother Jiu said again: "If you make more noise, you will annoy Khan Ama, Khan Ama has another son..."

The third elder brother felt that it was in his heart.

"That's right, there are so many sons of Khan Ama, if we mess around, it must be cheaper for others..."

Brother Jiu heard this, thinking about the word "other people".

Who are the "others"?

The prince who didn't come out with his retinue?
Fourth elder brother?
Eighth brother?
The third child felt dark in his heart.

Brother Jiu was thinking about it, so he didn't bother to say anything, and said: "Anyway, I've already told you what to say. You are an older brother, so you can make up your own mind. My younger brother will go back first..."

The third elder brother turned over and sat up, holding the ninth elder brother, a little reluctant to let go: "Hey, this matter is troublesome, we brothers should have talked about it long ago..."

He also sighed in his heart.

If he had known it was a misunderstanding, he would have made up for it early, and he would not have had to suffer on the road for more than a month.

In the end, there was an accident.

Brother Nine said: "There are still many opportunities in the future, think about how to plead guilty to Ama Khan... Tomorrow, the holy driver will leave, so don't delay, this time he is going to Xingjing, and the crown prince is not here yet. I’ve been there, if I miss this time, I still don’t know when the next time will be…”

The third elder brother nodded quickly: "Well, I remember this..."

Brother Nine said: "Third brother stay behind, younger brother and Fujin go back first..."

Only then did the third elder brother know that Shu Shu was also here.

The clothes on his body are not suitable for meeting guests, so he let go of his hands, and only said in a sly way: "Please trouble me, let my brothers and sisters watch a joke..."

Brother Nine said: "Don't be a layman, our brothers can be regarded as kissing each other..."

After that, he cupped his hands and turned around to come out.

Shu Shu was outside, and after hearing everything, she almost wanted to applaud Brother Jiu.

She didn't show it on her face, and with a bit of reserve, she got up and followed Brother Jiu out.

When he returned to his own yard, Brother Jiu had a smug face and showed off to Shu Shu.

"The third child wants to use a 'bitter trick', but the master refuses to let it go! Khan Ama is biased, if the third child makes trouble, and the appointment makes the elder brother and the fifth brother displeased, the master has to eliminate this hidden danger..."

Shu Shu was simply surprised.

She thought the same way before, and she was still thinking about how to guide Brother Jiu.

This time, the husband and wife really have a tacit understanding.

She touched Brother Nine's face and said, "Why did you become Zhuge all of a sudden? Zhizhu is in your hands..."

Brother Nine looked arrogant.

"What's so difficult about it, it's just comparing your heart with your heart..."

"I just need to think about the third child's evil thoughts, and then think about the situation where Han Ama said, "I don't have a child, I don't know my parents' kindness", what else I don't understand..."

"These two, one is acting like a baby, waiting for Khan Ama to coax; Khan Ama is also waiting for a lot of elders to bow their heads and plead guilty..."

Speaking of this, he was unhappy: "Why? Could it be that after this incident, the relationship between the two of them has become deeper, and the rest of us are the culprits and an eyesore..."

Shu Shu kissed Brother Jiu on the face.

"Where is it an eyesore? Smart and handsome... It's just that I don't need to say it, I just look at my father's deeds today, that is, he is filial to his son and a sensible brother..."

She praised without a word.

Brother Jiu hugged Shu Shu and laughed.

"I learned it all from you. It's good to be a good person, and others are also confident... Even if the third child comes back and doubts in his heart, it's hard to say anything, or he just doesn't know what to do..."

Shu Shu felt that there was nothing to worry about.

The third elder brother obviously doesn't have enough brains.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be a good start and make this situation happen.

Even Brother Nine's tricky trick was able to fool him.

Perhaps the repeated punishments scared Princess Duan Min, and Princess Duan Min didn't make trouble anymore, and there was nothing else going on in the whole trip.

Until the evening, Sun Jin came in to report.

The third elder brother carried the thorns on his back and went to the imperial court to plead guilty.

Shu Shu and Brother Nine looked at each other.

Brother Nine sent Sun Jin down, and then sneered at Shu Shu: "Look, it's this time, and you're still acting in a nasty, fake way... People who read books are crooked... Dear Ama, dear Do you still use this between your sons?"

Shu Shu said: "This is a matter of attitude, if not, how can the emperor know that he has made a mistake..."

This is also a sense of ceremony.

This kind of picture impact is definitely more touching than Blank White Teeth's confession.

Brother Jiu was a little irritable again.

"Turning the story like this, won't it be cheaper for the third child? Why don't you think of a way to cure his stinginess..."

Shu Shu hastily persuaded: "Don't add to the superfluity, don't fight with him again in the past two years, if you have anything to worry about, you have to wait until you really turn the page..."

Brother Jiu nodded, and said: "I understand, I think about it in my heart, I have done a lot on the surface..."

Seeing the third elder brother kneeling in the porch wearing only a tunic and carrying thorns, Kangxi was also speechless.

It's not about singing big plays.

"Okay, what are you doing like this?"

The third elder brother raised his head, revealing the vicissitudes of life on his face: "Ama Khan, my son knows his mistake..."

As he spoke, he choked up.

"The son and elder brother are different from other princes. They were raised outside the palace when they were young, and they all remembered when they were sent back to the palace..."

"My son has always been worried. He is always afraid of being sent out again. Whether it is reading or archery, he has exhausted all his strength. After studying hard in the middle of the night, his eyes are almost broken. He is afraid of being left behind by his brothers and Khan Ama. ignore..."

"But in the upper study room, the prince is the prince, and the elder brother is the eldest son..."

"My son can't go up or down, and only once surpassed the prince in his homework, but he was beaten by Er Niang twenty times..."

Speaking of this, the third elder brother burst into tears.

"After that, my son became afraid and knew what the rules were. He didn't dare to compete with the prince in homework, and he didn't dare to compete with his elder brother in riding and shooting..."

"But my son doesn't dare to slack off, he just wants to be a prince recognized by Khan Ama..."

"My son is always afraid of being picked and looked down upon by his brothers, so he tends to overthink..."

"Jiudi went to see his son just now, and said that he cleared up the previous misunderstanding, and only then did the son realize that he had misunderstood..."

"This is my son's sin, small belly, sensitive and thoughtful, jealous of my brother..."

"There was also the fight yesterday. My son was going crazy at that time. He felt that even his younger brother dared to attack his son. Who else in this world would look down on his son..."

"At that moment, the son didn't think about his younger brother or his elder brother, but he thought that the enemy who hit me in the face and humiliated me was in front of him, so he lost his sense of control..."

"This is the son's second crime, disharmony between siblings, mental instability..."

"My son's crime is three, he is stingy..."

The third elder brother talked about this very calmly.

"The son has been familiar with the classics and history for many years, and knows the harm of nepotism. Although there are uncles in the imperial dining room, the son has never accepted their filial piety..."

"My son understands that those people are trying to take advantage of my son, the prince's elder brother. If my son accepts them a hundred taels of silver, they dare to embezzle a thousand taels outside..."

"So my son is not rich, so he pays more attention to money..."

Speaking of this, the third elder brother smiled bitterly and said: "Speaking of this, the son is not showing credit to Han Ama, but to say that the son knows his mistakes and will gradually correct them. I just ask you not to be disappointed in the son..."

After speaking, kowtow to the end.

Kangxi's heart was sore and numb.

The son was sent out of the palace for foster care at that time because he was born prematurely and was in poor health.

Coupled with the fact that several of his brothers died young, some people said that Zhongcui Palace's geomantic omen is not good.

At that time, there was no Zhaoxiang institute dedicated to raising the little elder brother.

In fact, a dead horse is used as a living horse doctor, and it is also to prevent him from dying in the palace.

Instead, it grew like a weed.

Even if his personality is flawed, he can grow into a prince elder brother who is both civil and military.

Kangxi sighed and helped him up.

"Correct when you know a mistake, there is nothing good..."

The third elder brother became honest.

"Thanks to Lao Jiu for reminding me, otherwise my son's face would not be wiped away. In fact, I was complaining about Han Ama in my heart. If you punished our brothers, my son would have nothing to say, but you only punished him when Lao Wu made the move first." In addition to the title, the son’s title has been lowered... The son was about to explode at the time, and he hated the sky and the earth, even you, and felt that he was thrown by Khan Ama again..."

He didn't cry, but the tears fell like rain.

Kangxi was also sour, and scolded: "Stupid! I have raised you well for more than ten years, is it just to give up for one day? You also have a son now, why don't you know the kindness of your parents..."

The third elder brother wiped his eyes: "Who is Khan Ama who has so many sons, and the son is not slipping in the middle, but he is just an insignificant one..."

Kangxi sighed, and said: "Okay, don't act like a child..."

Speaking of this, he hesitated: "Boss, old ten's injuries..."

The third elder brother said: "My son is going to make amends. The previous eight carts were given to Lao Jiu after Khan Ama ordered them to be returned to Lao Jiu... This time on the northern tour, my son also received a lot of gifts, and I will divide them into three parts. , as an apology to eldest brother, fifth younger brother and tenth brother..."

After finishing speaking, he added another sentence: "My son also got a few good horses, and I will let the seventh elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother each choose one..."

Kangxi saw that he thought of all the sensuality, and nodded very gratified: "Very well, you are also an elder brother, and you should act like an elder brother... Just that bastard Lao Jiu, who was ignorant before, but now that he is old, he doesn't care. Looks like a big can you be worse than him?"

The relationship between father and son turned around.

Kangxi's gloomy mood also mostly improved.

Liang Jiugong was by the side, witnessed the reconciliation of father and son, and gave Brother Jiu a thumbs up in his heart.

This ninth elder brother is not talking about it, but is really filial.

Otherwise, he would not take the initiative to bow his head and persuade the third elder brother.

The emperor is a sensible person, and he will definitely make a note of it in his heart.

Even if Brother Nine does not follow him during the next period of time, the emperor will not forget this son...

 Another day of [-], ho ho, continue to ask for monthly tickets, today, and then make an appointment for the beginning of next month, ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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