Chapter 232 Favor

That night, the third brother's eight cars arrived.

The eunuch, the leader of the third elder brother, brought someone to send it.

It is no longer the guarded look of before, but the demeanor is very respectful.

"This is sent by our master's servant, saying that he first promised the emperor to supply Jiuye as an apology for the previous misunderstanding..."

When Brother Jiu saw this, his expression was not obvious, and he was very surprised.

Before, he thought it was cheap, brother three, and wanted to cure the other party's miserliness, but he didn't expect the other party to be enlightened.

Is the phrase "reciprocity" that I mentioned earlier so effective?
The youngest would not think that if he generously made favors to Khan Ama, others would not be ashamed to accept his things for nothing, and would return a similar amount, right?

What big dream? !

Brother Nine was a little upset. He somehow felt that he talked too much and let the third brother take advantage of it.

"Where is the third brother, are you still in front of the imperial court?"

Brother Jiu asked.

Are the two still sticky?

It's all changed, the two talked for more than an hour?

Your lips are getting thinner.

Or hug your head and cry, with snot and tears?
The chief eunuch said: "Our master went to Zhijun King to apologize..."

Brother Nine: "..."

When the eunuch left, Brother Jiu and Shu Shu said, "The third son is smart this time..."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "Growing up in the palace, who can be a fool..."

It was an unexpected incident before, and I didn't think about it for a while.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu and said, "This doesn't sound like a boast..."

Shu Shu urged him to wash up: "There are a lot of people in the palace, so naturally they are more sensitive than the children outside, and I am more sensible than others..."

Brother Nine's eyes were sticky: "Then tonight, is there any other 'new learning'..."

Shu Shu joked: "If there is, what should I say? If not, what should I say?"

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "No matter old or new, Master will remain invincible..."

This night, Brother Jiu has the tendency to destroy the old and establish the new.

Shu Shu, on the other hand, was a little unstable, and stared at her when she was rubbed.

But seeing Ninth Brother Yingying Yuli, she couldn't bear to get angry.

This commotion reached the third watch.

After cleaning up, the husband and wife hugged each other and squinted for a while, and it was almost the fourth watch.

The two yawned.

This morning the holy driver set off, even if they didn't follow the retinue, they still had to go to see him off.

Brother Jiu finished dressing and went directly to Yuqian.

Shu Shu went to Yifei's side.

When the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law met each other, they felt a little embarrassed.

Yifei also had dark circles under her eyes, and her face looked tired.

Shengjia rested at her place yesterday.

He didn't mess around like a young man, but he also listened to the "Son Sutra" that the emperor babbled for half the night.

Starting from the difficulty of descendants back then, the eldest son Chengrui who died young, and the first son Chenghu...

Even though I was young at the time and didn't know the bond between flesh and blood, I still felt uncomfortable...

Talking about these elder brothers who have been raised again...

First, they scolded each other, and the reasons for their deficiencies were different. Some were improperly raised by their biological mothers, some were delayed by the husband who went to the study, and some were abducted by haha ​​beads and broke.

In the back are boasting next to each other, each has its own merits, and they all follow him, Ama.

Concubine Yi felt uncomfortable for half the night listening.

The emperor didn't mention Brother Eleven...

The emperor died of ten sons, only elder brother eleven was over ten years old...

Brother Eleven, you should have stood still...

But the emperor mentioned the son who died before him, but didn't mention a word about Elder Brother Eleven who was raised until he was a teenager.

The emperor didn't praise the fifth elder brother, only the ninth...

The reason for praising Lao Jiu is because Lao Jiu is filial to Lao Ama, loves the house and Wu, and is kind to his precious third son...

Concubine Yi listened as if she was listening to a story.

Seeing Shu Shu coming, Concubine Yi beckoned her to come closer.

"What's going on? I heard that Lao Jiu went to persuade Lao San?"

There was suspicion on her face.

Brother Jiu came out of her stomach, and he is the most narrow-minded and fussy. Doesn't she know that?

It's like a different person all of a sudden, I don't know what's wrong with holding back.

Shu Shu knows the importance, just as she told Brother Jiu yesterday, some things need not be said, and it is not easy to say them.

With a look of embarrassment on her face, she mumbled.

"This daughter-in-law is not very clear about it. It was someone from the dining room who reported that there was no rice from Sanbeile for two days. Master Jiu was worried, so he took his daughter-in-law there... Maybe there is some misunderstanding. Now Are you ready?"

Concubine Yi nodded and didn't say anything else, she just instructed: "You guys have to be careful outside, and when you go back on your way, keep an eye on Lao Jiu, don't allow him to ride a horse... It's cold, it's hard to feel the wind..."

Shu Shu nodded in agreement.

Brother Jiu's body is a little delicate, so he should be careful no matter what.

Even in midsummer, you have to wear a vest to protect your stomach when you sleep, otherwise you will have diarrhea when the night wind blows.

Seeing that Shu Shu is well-behaved, Concubine Yi's expression softened.

"Emiang won't be able to keep up with your birthday, so you guys can get some delicious food later..."

Because the tenth elder brother was recovering from illness, and the ninth elder brother and his wife were staying, so people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs were also left as errands in the dining room.

Thinking of her daughter-in-law's birthday, which is just in time for the Golden Festival, Concubine Yi really thinks that her daughter-in-law is really lucky.

Such a background, such a birthday, and such a behavior.

Even the emperor will make a note of it.

As for the birthday gift, she had already sent Xianglan to send it over. It was a pair of Ruyi hairpins inlaid with rubies.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law exchanged a few pleasantries.

It's almost time,

Shu Shu took a one-foot-square brocade box from Walnut's hand, and handed it to Concubine Yi with both hands.

"Every time I favor my mother's good things, this time my daughter-in-law has also shown her filial piety..."

Out of curiosity, Yifei took it and opened it with her own hands.

Inside is a half tin.

A golden flower is the base, and on the top is a one-inch-square coral blessing.

One big and nine small, a total of ten blessing characters.

Concubine Yi brought a smile on her face: "This is really delicate..."

Most of the ornaments made of characters are small objects such as hairpins and earrings. This is the first time I have seen such tins.

"It's just some small thoughts, it's nothing..."

Shushu said.

In fact, I wanted to add such auspicious characters to the Queen Mother's birthday gift before, but later I thought that it would be fine if the Queen Mother didn't know Chinese characters.

Concubine Yi loves beauty, and her aesthetics are also online.

Looking at Tianzi for a while, she thought about it, and said: "You can refer to this, and do something else..."

Shu Shu earnestly said: "If there is something you like, Madam, I will send it outside to try to make it when I turn back... It can't be compared to the exquisite work done by the master of the house, but it is convenient and convenient..."

Everything in the palace must be recorded.

Even the lord of the first palace like the cheap concubine is not qualified to send someone to make custom jewelry.

Mostly, the internal manufacturing office will bring the finished products to the imperial court, and the emperor will reward the concubines.

Others will go into the Qianqing palace treasury.

Concubine Yi knew that she had a silver house as a dowry, so she appreciated it very much: "When I get back to Beijing, I will draw some delicate shapes and make them to reward people..."

It's just that she is an elder, so she has no reason to take advantage of the younger generation.

Let Xianglan set up an account later, and I can order some gold and silver wares from there.

Not to mention anything else, there are about ten sets of birthday gifts such as longevity locks and children's bracelets that are rewarded in a year.

As the elder brothers grow up and marry wives and concubines, there will be more little elder brothers and little princesses in this palace.

imperial front.

Brother Nine was talking to several internal ministers.

Looking at him like a little adult, asking about the arrangement in front of Shengjia, the elders were also speechless.

Speaking of which, we have no affiliation.

Not to mention the acting chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, even the most serious chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can't control them.

You must know that the inner minister is from the first rank, and the inner minister who leads the guards is the first rank.

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is only the third grade.

But who said this is still the prince...

Brother Jiu's attention was actually on Suo'etu.

The beard is all gray.

The once prominent Prime Minister is old...

How old is the old man?

It seems to be over sixty years old...

After tossing around all day, can we wait until the crown prince ascends the throne...

Suo'etu noticed Brother Jiu's gaze and looked over.

Brother Nine strode forward with a displeasure on his face.

It was Elder Brother Ten who came out.

His face was pale, he didn't try to be brave, and he sat on a chariot.

Seeing Brother Nine coming over, he smiled and called for someone.

Brother Jiu scolded: "Okay, what are you tossing about? Khan Ama will still pick on you?"

Elder Brother Shi said with a smile: "I'm also tired from lying down, and I'm so stuffy, I just came out to get some air..."

Brother Jiu snorted softly, didn't say much, and only asked the eunuch to put the chariot lightly on his shoulders.

Most of the bruises on Elder Brother Ten's face disappeared, but because of what he ate and vomited in the past two days, the uninjured half of his face was pale and his cheeks were sunken.

The third elder brother walked over, the stubble on his face had been shaved clean, and he still looked like that gentle prince elder brother.

He looked at Elder Brother Ten, took a closer look, and said with guilt: "It's all my brother's fault. I made a mess for a while, and even my younger brother suffered because of it..."

After all, I'm going to bow down and pay homage to Elder Brother Ten.

Although the tenth elder brother received the third elder brother's apology last night, he thought it was just a formality to show Han Ama.

I didn't expect this one to really put down his figure.

He hastily turned away, refusing to accept the salute from the third elder brother.

"Oh, third brother, it's nothing, there's no need to be like this..."

Who wouldn't say beautiful words?
Elder Brother Ten looked carefree, as if he didn't take it to heart at all.

"It's not intentional, it's okay, it's just scratched..."

Seeing this, the third elder brother had a smile on his face, and said: "Anyway, this time, my brother appreciates it, and if I can use my brother later, you can talk about it, tenth brother..."

Elder Brother Shi was confused, but still nodded obediently: "That's a good relationship..."

The third elder brother patted the ninth elder brother on the shoulder again, looking very close, and then left in high spirits.

Elder Brother Ten asked in a low voice: "This one is stupid? Why doesn't my younger brother know when he sold a favor to him..."

Brother Nine smiled sullenly, and said, "Why didn't it sell? If you and the boss didn't stop him and his fist landed on Fifth Brother's face, would the Queen Mother spare him? Our mother is not a vegetarian either..."

"Hmph! Boss?"

Big Brother came to visit Tenth Brother, and just heard this sentence.

Seeing this, Brother Nine hurriedly smiled brightly, and went forward: "Brother Ann..."

The eldest brother looked him up and down, and said angrily: "Any what? Isn't he the boss? Why is he a big brother again?"

Brother Jiu raised his finger and gave a thumbs up: "Are you the first one anyway? It's so good, it's also close. You see, my brother usually calls the tenth brother 'Old Ten'..."

Eldest brother raised his eyebrows: "No wonder I was able to convince the third child, this is because he took the smart medicine and can talk..."

Brother Jiu couldn't help but be moved when he heard this: "Smart medicine... I really need to think about it. If I really get it, I'll sell it to the south. After eating this, I can never forget it..."

Eldest brother was amused: "Talk like a child, that's not a smart medicine, it's a fairy medicine..."

Speaking of this, he thought of the serious matter, and said: "It's enough to stretch it in Mongolia... Mongolians are straight, if you stretch it, they take it seriously, thinking that those medicines are not sold, but there is really no follow-up... "

Brother Jiu listened with gratitude, "Thank you for reminding me, brother, I have interrupted you for the past two days, and my younger brother has forgotten this..."

The accompanying convoy is almost ready.

Shengjia is about to set off.

The thirteenth elder brother rode over, looked at the tenth elder brother several times, and said bluntly, "Tenth elder brother should make up for it. No matter how thin you are, it will be scary, like a skeleton..."

Elder Brother Ten glared at him: "It's as if you've gained a lot of weight...Let's go back and see who has lost weight..."

The thirteenth elder brother choked, reluctantly followed the eldest elder brother and went to Yuqian.

Seeing the team getting farther and farther away.

Walking has become empty.

Although it was just a small farewell, brother Jiu was also inexplicably a little sentimental.

This is parting...

Perhaps it is because of the withering vegetation in autumn and winter.

Brother Jiu was thinking about it when there was movement behind him.

Someone limped forward and greeted cautiously.

"Ninth Master..."

 I'm a little tired today, so I woke up early, but after a few hours, only half a chapter of the second watch came out, so it was going to be later.

  At the beginning of the month, I asked everyone for a guaranteed monthly pass. Xiaojiu went to breakfast, and continued to support after breakfast, ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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