My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 233 Little Poisonous Snake Is Evolving

Chapter 233 The Little Viper Is Evolving

It was Batu who came.

Horqin Taiji has been leather.

The youngest son of Princess Duanmin.

He looked a bit embarrassed, his legs and feet were not very convenient, and there were bloodstains on his robe.

As the son of Princess Heshuo and the Mongolian Prince, Batu was originally entrusted with a first-class Taiji, regarded as the first-class genuine, with an annual salary of one hundred taels of silver and a fourth-rank satin.

This year's salary is not much, but this title can be passed on.

When he is the next generation, he can choose one person to inherit the first-class Taiji, and the other sons will directly grant the fourth-class Taiji.

This is the imperial court's honor to the Taizu's bloodline and the golden bloodline.

Now, everything is empty.

"Pa-ta", Batu knelt down and kowtowed to brother Jiu.

"Jiuye, the slave made a mistake, the slave never dared again..."

Brother Jiu couldn't help frowning when he saw this.

"Why are you here?"

With the departure of the holy driver, the last stranded Mongolian princes also set off.

There should be no Mongolians in the paddock.

Batu lost the arrogance and arrogance of the princess's beloved son before, and replied honestly: "The servant hides first, and asks others to get into the carriage..."

Because there are two princes left here, besides the servants of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the imperial physicians of the imperial hospital, Kangxi also ordered to keep twenty guards and five hundred guards.

The guards were stationed around the row, but the twenty guards were divided into two parts, one for brother nine and one for brother ten, all in front of him.

After listening to Batu's words, someone held the handle of the knife and put on guard.

Ninth elder brother also had scrutiny in his eyes, and he stopped tenth elder brother behind him, preventing this guy from bursting out and hurting others.

Seeing this, Batu couldn't help but smiled wryly: "This slave is already like this, what else can I do? Come here now, just begging Master Jiu to show his respect and let this slave go..."

Brother Jiu heard that this was wrong, and said, "Okay, what are you doing staring at you?"

Having said that, I suddenly realized.

"You take it as yesterday's incident, and the master complained?"

Brother Nine frowned and said: "Is the master that small-bellied? I want to sue, I have already sued... What's the matter with the gods?! It is obvious that the eldest princess snarled and rude in front of the queen mother, and angered the queen mother, which made Han Ama Annoyed, not only punished the eldest princess and the prince, but also vented her anger on your most beloved son..."

After saying this, he helped Batu up with regret.

"Our cousins ​​are about the same age, and we don't know each other. I thought that the position of prince and son would definitely fall to you in the future, and it would be decent to walk in the capital... Sigh, it's a pity, the eldest princess is this time. What a mistake, I quarreled with the queen mother at this time, and said that the queen mother is stupid, this is Halloween..."

He seemed to realize that he had made a slip of the tongue, and hurriedly changed his words: "The paddock is also thousands of miles away from Horqin's department, cousin, don't delay, go after the eldest princess and the others..."

As he spoke, he ordered the steward, who was standing beside him, to prepare the carriage.

He also called the Guarding Military Academy and ordered him to bring fifty vests and escort Batu to chase after the team of Darhan Palace.

It hasn't been long since the various ministries set off, and they can catch up in half an hour or an hour.

Batu was helpless into the carriage just like that.

Elder Brother Ten was by the side, looking at Brother Ninth with novelty in his eyes.

Brother Nine raised his eyebrows and said: "What? Have you seen it? This is 'talking to people when you see people, talking nonsense to hell'..."

Elder Brother Ten was puzzled: "Just ask someone to kick him out, why Brother Ninth is grinding his teeth with him..."

Brother Jiu sneered and said: "You don't know how much the eldest princess is. She pointed at my nose and scolded me yesterday, saying that I am shameless and extorting money. Your sister-in-law is protecting me, so she said what kind of thing is your sister-in-law? Unless your sister-in-law comes to teach her how to behave... What kind of punishment is it to suspend her salary for three years... Is she short of the several hundred taels of silver?"

Princess Heshuo married a foreign vassal with an annual salary of four hundred taels and fifteen bolts of satin.

After three years, it was only one thousand two hundred taels.

However, Princess Duanmin had a generous dowry, so she didn't expect to live on her annual salary at all.

Elder Brother Ten's complexion was also ugly.

Brother Jiu continued: "At first I still felt depressed, but after all this distance, she is still an elder, even if she is depressed, she has no place to take revenge... This is just a few good words, maybe it will have a miraculous effect..."

Brother Ten remembered Batu's expression just before he left, and nodded.

"He will investigate when he goes back. When he is sure, he might really hate the eldest princess..."

Brother Jiu showed a bit of contempt: "It's not surprising, whoever called him a young son, he is used to being arrogant... and he has no skills, except for pretending to be a tiger, I guess there is nothing left..."

Shu Shu was by the side, witnessed it together, and felt a little weird.


Poison Tongue Nine has a tendency to evolve...

Became a viper...

Looks like a villain...

But for the matter of talent just now, if it was Shu Shu, it would be almost the same.

Retaliating against Princess Duanmin's rudeness is still secondary, mainly to divert Batu's resentment.

It's not fear, but it's a bad feeling to let this mine explode without knowing when it will explode.

Today's move can be regarded as minesweeping,

But right now, Brother Ten is too thin...

When the three of them turned back, Shu Shu and Ninth Brother sent Tenth Brother back directly.

At this time, the body of Elder Brother Ten must be the priority.

Shu Shu called the eunuch next to Elder Brother Shi, only to find out that Elder Brother Shi had not vomited in the past two days except for the earliest yogurt mixed with diced fruit, and he vomited everything else.

Shu Shu probably knew it in her heart.

Sour and edible.

Some are afraid of greasy.

She told Xiaotang to go to the dining room to prepare sauerkraut pot.

The broth is used as the base, but the slick oil on top is skimmed clean.

What is braised inside is not fried Yi noodles, but silver noodles.

There is also pickled pickled cucumber, cut into small cubes, fried with minced lean meat, and served with porridge.

Since the holy car was to be sent off respectfully, everyone didn't have breakfast.

After a while, breakfast will be served.

In addition to sauerkraut noodles, there is also white porridge, served with two vegetarian rolls, and a few sour side dishes.

Ten princes did not vomit as expected, and ate two bowls of sauerkraut noodles.

After breakfast, Elder Brother Ten was worried that his brother and sister-in-law would be bored, so he suggested to Elder Ninth: "After two days my brother will be healed, let's take my sister-in-law to hunt..."

This is the royal hunting ground.

The army and civilians are forbidden to enter and hunt.

As the prince's elder brother, they took dozens of guards to hunt, and no one would say anything.

Brother Jiu was tempted when he heard this, but he said, "Why wait for you? You support yours, and we bully ours..."

As he spoke, he looked at Shu Shu.

Shu Shu thinks more.

Although the holy car has already set off, it is not that the sky is high and the emperor is far away.

The two princes are here, there must be news to the imperial court.

It wouldn't make sense if they knew that they started having fun after Sheng Jia left.

Shu Shu said: "Don't worry, after a few days, when we go out of the paddock, it will be more convenient to hunt on the way, and it will save us a day..."

Brother Nine had no objections, so he listened to Shu Shu.

In the dining room, there are masters from the imperial dining room, but there are also local masters.

After Shu Shu heard about it, she wanted to have one or two dishes with a light sour taste for each meal, and asked the chefs to cook some local specialties in the paddock.

The ingredients hoarded here in the paddock are mainly game of various colors.

However, there are not many fresh ones, and most of them are dried and pickled.

After Shu Shu tasted something new, she asked her to change back to the original menu.

Chicken and mutton are the main dishes in daily life.

After three days, brother ten's dizziness improved a lot and he could walk easily.

After another five days, it was almost healed.

At this time, it was already the seventh day of October, and there were only four days left to Elder Brother Shi's birthday, and six days to Shu Shu's birthday.

Brother Jiu hesitated, and discussed with Shu Shu: "Should I celebrate your birthdays before leaving?"

Shu Shu felt that there was no need.

It's all birthdays, just a meal of birthday noodles.

But there is still Elder Brother Ten, so she said, "Ask Brother Ten for his opinion, I'll do whatever..."

Elder Brother Ten couldn't wait, and said, "Let's go quickly, I'm suffocating, and I'm cold..."

Although the earth dragon was on fire long ago in the house, it was dry and cold outside.

The terrain here is high, there are mountains and forests, and the temperature is low.

Without outsiders around, Shu Shu lost a bit of restraint, rock sugar pear, rock sugar white fungus, rock sugar bird's nest, never stop.

Not only did he eat it by himself, but he also took the tenth and ninth elder brothers to eat.

Masks are also on.

Even if it is so, it will also suppress the cough.

Whenever I lie down at night, my chest always feels tight.

Brother Jiu didn't want to leave before, just for this reason, he wanted to delay for a while, so that he didn't even have to go to Shengjing, he just went back to Beijing.

This is the east boundary of the paddock, one thousand miles away from Shengjing, and eight hundred miles away from the capital.

From Shengjing to the capital, it is thirteen hundred miles.

Brother Jiu saw that Shu Shu couldn't tolerate the cold, and was also afraid that the hard journey would arouse her illness, so he wanted to take advantage of it.

Shu Shu felt inappropriate.

Too deliberate.

Elder Brother Shi's symptoms are all on the pulse record of the Imperial Hospital, which is to be submitted to the imperial court.

Moreover, it's rare to go out for a trip, and I don't know when the next time I will go out of Beijing.

Two to one.

The three of them set off with a group of people.

Before leaving the paddock, there is another hunt.

Hearing that Brother Nine was going to take Fujin to shoot and hunt, the Military Academy brought a simple map over.

It is the distance between Xingzai and Yudao, and there are two small paddocks.

There are two tigers in one, and a herd of deer in the other.

Thinking of the efficacy of deer blood, Brother Nine was fascinated, but he did not act arbitrarily, but sought Shu Shu's opinion.

"Let's hunt tigers, or deer..."

The guards and guards are all there, hundreds of young and strong.

Not to mention two tigers, even if there are ten or eight tigers, it is also everyone's record.

Shu Shu thinks it's okay.

I have seen a lot of tiger skins these days.

It is the tiger bone, and the lower head has made a lot of filial piety.

Just don't bother the king.

"It's still a herd of deer, everyone just adds food..."

Shu Shu said.

Therefore, Brother Nine and several guards from the Military Academy drew up a departure route.

Shu Shu got into the carriage and changed into her riding clothes, with a thick mask covering her face.

With a bow on her back and a hand crossbow in her hand, she handed it to Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu waved his hand and said, "You can use it, I also brought a bow..."

Shu Shu still put it in his hand: "I'm afraid I won't dare to do it when the time comes, I'll still hold it, I'll think it's all my ejaculation..."

Otherwise, relying on Brother Jiu's own strength to show timidity in front of the subordinates is not very good.

Brother Jiu lacked a bit of self-knowledge, so after listening to Shu Shu's repeated words, he took it in his hand.

Brother Ten picked up the car curtain, and begged Brother Nine, "Brother Nine, younger brother, go too, I'm really fine..."

Brother Nine glared at him, and said, "An Sheng stay here, it's not a parade, he needs to add more people, just wait for the food..."

The team marched for an hour, and it was far away.

By the river ahead, there is a herd of deer drinking leisurely.

Long ago, a vest wearing a deerskin came forward, blowing a deer whistle, leading the herd of deer to the encirclement.

Shu Shu reined in the reins and lowered the bow in his hand.

Even the ingredients are a bit difficult to handle.

Bucks fit...

Beautiful doe...

Xiaolu Linglong...

Shu Shu turned her head, let's wait for them to become ingredients.

Brother Jiu was at the side, seeing her like this, he showed such an expression as expected.

"You said you shot and hunted when you were young, so it couldn't be Meng Ye, right? Later, I have to ask my father-in-law, is it true or not?"

Shu Shu laughed and said, "What's the lie? At that time, I was young and didn't know life and death, so I had less fear... Now that I'm older, it's different..."

Brother Jiu was also inexplicable when he heard the word "life and death".

However, he would not confuse this with hunting.

It is the principle of this world that the weak eat the strong.

Man is the spirit of all things, and he can hunt all things.

If there are higher-level creatures on top of a person, that person is also a prey.

With a solemn expression, he picked up the hand crossbow and shot it at a half-sized doe.

The baby doe fell at the sound.

The deer herd scattered.

The twenty bodyguards and one hundred guards lying in ambush next to them used several rounds of cavalry and shooting.

After a while, many deer fell on the ground.

Some were shot directly, and some fell to the ground and wailed.

Brother Jiu got off the horse, took the empty leather water bag on the horse's back, and went to collect the deer blood.

Shu Shu looked straight at it.

Reminds me of tender deer blood tofu.

Peppers are plentiful.

Spicy deer blood tofu must be delicious.

Shu Shu has been walking here these days, and she has not been idle, and has asked people to prepare a lot of things.

Because of the cold weather and the long journey to travel, the most fearful thing is that someone will fall ill.

Shu Shu and the others definitely have nothing to worry about.

In addition to the paddock, there is a royal road leading to Shengjing.

Around fifty or sixty miles along the road, there are palaces.

It's just that the palace houses are limited, and most of the accompanying guards have to live in tents.

Shu Shu asked someone to prepare a few jars of spicy sauce.

Inside are pepper, aniseed, ginger, and pepper, which are cold-dispelling things.

Zanthoxylum bungeanum is precious at this time, and the quantity is limited, so ginger is the main one.

There are also a lot of dried vegetables and meat in it, and several jars have been made.

A few jars were directly sent over to the kitchen of the guard barracks to make soup for everyone to drive away the cold.

The food for the twenty guards will be eaten with Shu Shu and the others.

These upper three banner guards are all high-ranking officials.

The first-class bodyguard is the third-rank, the second-class guard is the fourth-rank, and the third-class guard is the fifth-rank.

They are all descendants of honored nobles from the Three Banners.

There are a few of them who are acquainted with the ten princes and are offshoots of Niu Gulu's family.

The person in charge is the master master left behind by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he will also set off with him to join the main force.

Instead of eating and sleeping in the open, everyone went directly to the palace on the imperial road.

In the afternoon, the palace was full of spicy and spicy smell.

Of the more than [-] deer that were shot, Shu Shu left three fawns.

A small one cut the meat into slices and stewed it in the spicy soup.

The two ends were slightly larger, and they were roasted directly, and everyone ate them separately.

Shu Shu also ate the spicy deer blood that Shu Shu missed.

Brother Jiu excused that Lao Shi still needs a light diet, so he only allowed him to taste a chopstick, and let Shu Shu eat the rest.

At night, Brother Jiu drank a few mouthfuls of deer blood...

(End of this chapter)

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