My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 234 I Only Wish My Brother Long Lives

Chapter 234 I Only Wish My Brother Lives Long
Brother Nine deserves to be biased.

In the end is not the same.

It is not only about dealing with people, but also advancing by leaps and bounds.

Even the knowledge between the bed and the bed is also connected to the spiritual orifice.

There is no need to learn and teach now, but it has a sense of mastery.

Shu Shu ate half of the plate of deer blood tofu, which was spicy and hot from the inside out.

The ground cage on the side of the palace is warm, and there are two hot springs, and the hot soup is also well prepared.

The two of them back and forth, washed for more than half an hour, and then came out of the soup pool supporting each other.

Shu Shu used to have some itchy throat, I don't know if it was caused by the steam, or something else, but she got better, but her body was weak and her back hurt.

Seeing this, brother Jiu was moved.

"Let's go back and think about a hot spring village..."

In Shu Shu's mind, Xiaotangshan Hot Spring Palace immediately came to mind.

It has not been built yet, and buying land before that is a business that is sure to make a profit.

It will take more than ten years to build the Xinggong, but his own Zhuangzi can be built first.

At that time, the elders in the family can go to recuperate.

Brother Jiu groped Shu Shu's waist and was also thinking about it.

"At that time, we will repair one in the house, and it will be convenient..."

As for what is convenient, just look at the refreshment of Shu Shu the next day, and you will know the general reason.

Young couples, getting together is the principle of human ethics.

Not walking with the elders, the two are the masters of the house, their mentality is different, and their actions are much more presumptuous.

Shu Shu looked at Brother Jiu's face, feeling a little worried.

His lips were pale and his eyes were blue-gray, obviously due to his poor health.

It's better to have a long flow of water.

It's so vain, so what's the point?

What should I do if I can't bear it?
How to make up for it?
Deer blood ginseng antler pills?
This definitely won't work.

At this time, he should be given cold medicine.

Similar to Niuhuang Qingxin Pills.

You can't fool around with your youth.

Shu Shu asked Xiaotang to go to the dining room to have a look.

But with the ingredients they bring, they can make a dish of amber chestnuts and walnuts, and add a dish of roasted mutton with scallops, both of which are good for the kidneys.

As far as the three masters, the husband and wife and the tenth elder brother, breakfast was not separated, they all used it together.

Elder Brother Shi was a little surprised when he saw scallops roasting mutton.

"Brother Jiu just ate venison yesterday, so he's hungry again? Eat less, don't get angry..."

Brother Jiu licked the corner of his mouth, and there were several small bubbles.

It was venison and deer blood again yesterday, and this was on the corner of my mouth when I got up early.

He looked at the teacup in front of him, and looked at Shu Shu reluctantly.

"Do you have to drink this bitter soup?"

It is a cup of Kuding tea, which is used for refreshing and reducing fire.

Shu Shu also picked up her cup.

"I do this too... Now that the weather is dry, it's just right to drink this..."

Not only their husband and wife, but also Brother Ten also put this tea in front of him.

The tenth elder brother saw it, and quickly moved the scallop and roast mutton in front of the ninth elder brother, and placed it in front of himself.

"Brother Jiu, restrain yourself, you're getting angry, what should be avoided or what should be avoided..."

Brother Nine: "..."

He had heard from Shu Shu that these two dishes were specially cooked for him, and he knew the efficacy of them.

Although he doesn't think it's necessary, it's better to be prepared.

Seeing the kindness of the tenth elder brother, he didn't care about it with his younger brother, but he felt that this dish was really not suitable for the tenth elder brother.

The old ten is now at the age of "full energy will overflow", and there is no woman around, so it is not suitable for nourishment.

He took the plate of roasted mutton with scallops and pushed it in front of Shu Shu.

"Don't you like to eat scallops, don't eat mutton, that gets angry, pick the shellfish to eat..."

Shu Shu nodded with a smile, and said, "I eat too..."

Brother Jiu thought that the focus of this dish was mutton, but in fact, scallops also nourish the kidneys.

Elder Brother Ten was by the side, and felt that it was not pleasing to the eye, as if he was redundant.

It's a good thing for brother and sister-in-law to love each other, but he makes people feel sad.

It seemed that Brother Jiu's closest person was replaced by his sister-in-law.

Well, if the brother-in-law took one of the two new dishes, it shouldn't be a problem for him to take the other.

Amber chestnuts and walnuts, what's the way to eat this?
Shouldn't this be snacks?

Purely sweet.

The old thirteen is here, he must love this.

Ten princes ate several mouthfuls.

Brother Jiu saw him, exchanged glances with Shu Shu, and reached for the plate.

"Okay, okay, you don't like sweets...this is your sister-in-law's... special tea..."

The tenth elder brother was a little unhappy, and looked up at the ninth elder brother, only then could he see clearly that his face was pale and his eye circles were black.

He was taken aback: "Ninth Brother, did you choose a seat? Didn't you rest well last night?"

Brother Jiu frowned and nodded: "Well, I didn't rest well, I'll catch up in the car later..."

Shu Shu was beside her, her face blushed unknowingly.

Elder Brother Ten has already figured out the personnel affairs, but he just didn't think of it for a while.

It was embarrassing when I realized it later.

It seems that the couple have to take a good rest for a few days and stop messing around.

When the team set off, Brother Nine yawned and got into the carriage.

Shu Shu put the pillow back, let him tilt it, and said in a low voice: "From now on, it won't be like last night again... I still hope that I will be with you for a long time..."

Brother Jiu raised his eyelids, and his tone was unhappy.

"Why didn't you say no last night? Shu Ning, Master found out that you crossed the river and demolished the bridge. How long did it take? Is the water flowing forever..."

Shu Shu pinched him, gritted her teeth and said, "I want to kill the donkey even more..."

Brother Jiu was honest, took Shu Shu's hand, and muttered in a low voice.

"Seventh Brother, Seventh Sister-in-law and the others came out, and within a few days, Seventh Sister-in-law was born... Let's work hard on the road, what if..."

Seeing his serious appearance, Shu Shu couldn't help frowning.

"Okay, how do you think about this, you don't have to force this, we are still young..."

After all, she just cited a few examples, all of which were stories about mother and child dying before they left the pavilion.

Brother Jiu was taken aback, but he was dubious.

"But in the "Great Qing Law", the marriageable age is sixteen for men and fourteen for women...the laws are formulated in this way, can there be mistakes?"

Shu Shu really paid attention to this paragraph before.

"The "Great Qing Law" inherited the "Ming Law", and the "Ming Law" inherited the "Song Law". They were all for the time when the country was founded, and the people's livelihood was dying... But think about it carefully. Is the age at which the princess of the Queen's Pass gets married getting delayed year by year..."

Brother Jiu may have limited reading of the other history books.

The deeds of several generations of my ancestors are still roughly known.

He nodded and said, "Princesses in Taizong's dynasty were married at twelve or three; during Emperor Shizu's reign, among the four princesses, only Princess Duanmin was married late, and the other three princesses were seven, twelve, and fourteen. Married at the age of [-]...But ladies and gentlemen, those who don't marry early, choose a son-in-law at the age of eighteen or nine..."

Shu Shu whispered: "Your Majesty is knowledgeable, and he must have learned a lesson from the early death of the prince in the palace. He knows that it is better to be of the right age to conceive children...It is not enough to be late, and it may not be a good thing to be early, especially if the mother's body has not matured." ..."

"Concubine Rong..."

Brother Jiu blurted out, thinking of the concubine who gave birth to a child and died.

He was puzzled: "If you want to talk about Concubine Rong's first son, Ama Khan was thirteen years old, and Concubine Rong was fourteen or five years old. Both parents are young, so it's reasonable to say, but after that, there are several years in between. Years, still died a few..."

Concubine Rong and Concubine De have the same number of children, six.

It's just that among the three sons and three daughters of Concubine De, two sons and two daughters stopped.

Concubine Rong had five sons and a daughter, four of whom died young.

Shu Shu didn't know the situation at that time, so she could only make a rough guess: "Perhaps it was because she gave birth too early and hurt her mother's body? She gave birth too frequently later..."

Apart from Concubine Rong's first son who died young, the other five children were all conceived in succession. It took six or seven years to give birth five times.

Not to mention at this time, even three hundred years later, when medicine has advanced, it will also cause great harm.

The reason why Concubine Rong looks older than the other concubines, like two generations, is not only because of her age, because there is also Concubine Hui who is about the same age compared to her, and it is more because of her early body damage.

Brother Nine listened.

"Empress Concubine Hui also died young brother... On the contrary, our empress was eighteen when she entered the palace, and she gave birth to her fifth brother at the age of twenty... The same is true for Empress Defei, who entered the palace at fifteen or six. I will give birth to my first child next year..."

There is evidence.

I also know that Shu Shu is not just talking about it.

Brother Nine believed it, and couldn't help being afraid for a while.

His palms were covered with cold sweat, looking at Shu Shu's stomach, he felt a little uneasy.

"It won't be so coincidental..."

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "Don't worry, Lord, I should be fine these few days..."

She calculated the date in her mind, and it happened to be in the middle of the safety period.

Brother Jiu asked if he didn't understand.

Shu Shu popularized the division of "safe period" and "dangerous period" for him.

Brother Nine was surprised and said: "This is actually knowledge, and it is also read in a book, and it is specially for boudoir girls to read?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said: "The daughter in my boudoir is chaste and quiet, how can I listen to these? It was all passed down by Ci Qin before she left the cabinet..."

Brother Nine kept it in his heart and decided to recharge his batteries in the future and follow this date every month.

All the way without incident.

Two days later, it will be October [-]th, brother ten's birthday is coming up.

Even scattered birthdays are not easy to deal with.

Brother Nine was raring to go, and wanted to arrange for someone to go to a nearby village to buy a few pigs, and add food to the guard camp tomorrow.

When Shu Shu heard it, she quickly persuaded her to stop.

It's not superstitious cause and effect.

But on such a day, Shu Shu was a little apprehensive about killing pigs and sheep.

"I brought a lot of dried noodles, so I added noodles to them..."

Brother Jiu was a little unhappy.

"It doesn't cost much, a few dozen taels of silver tops the sky..."

Shu Shu held Brother Jiu's hand and said, "Add meat the day after tomorrow, and buy more pigs and sheep..."

Brother Nine was puzzled.

"Tomorrow is the tenth day of the old age, and your birthday will always depend on one..."

Shu Shu said: "My son's birthday is also the day of my mother's death. There is really nothing to celebrate..."

Especially Elder Brother Ten, who lost his mother as a teenager, was inevitably touched.

Brother Nine was silent.

"My lord was negligent, so tomorrow we will have a vegetarian meal with Lao Ten..."

Shu Shu was speechless.

Is it overkill?
But thinking of the late Concubine Wen Xi, she nodded.

But celebrating your birthday like this seems a bit pitiful.

Shu Shu said: "If we pass by the market tomorrow, we will buy more rice noodles and coarse cloth for preparation, and give some to the poor along the way, and it will be a blessing for the ten brothers..."

Brother Jiu quickly nodded and said: "This is good, this is good... You can also give up some temples and Taoist temples along the way..."

Wait until the next day.

Breakfast is very simple.

One bowl of plain noodles per person.

There are four small dishes for breakfast on weekdays, which are delicious with meat and vegetables.

Today is also the four ways, but it is completely vegetarian.

Stir-fried beans with salty cucumber, pickled perilla leaves, shredded mustard greens with old vinegar, and shredded kelp.

Elder Brother Ten looked at the dining table, but didn't react for a while.

He lowered his head and looked at the noodle bowl vigorously. He was a little excited and looked forward to it, and said, "This is... the noodles cooked by brother Jiu?"

Brother Nine glanced at him: "You're too big, right? I've never been filial to Han Ama and Niangniang, and I even cooked noodles for you..."

Elder Brother Ten was a little disappointed, and looked at Shu Shu: "Sister-in-law, did you forget?"

Seeing his pitiful appearance, Shu Shu hurriedly smiled and said: "I didn't forget, the birthday gift is prepared... eat the noodles first, and I'll give you the noodles after eating..."

Su noodles are ordinary silver noodles.

Did not get longevity noodles.

Shu Shu was afraid of breaking.

The omens are not good.

Although history seems to have changed, she is afraid that history will be corrected.

In history, the ten princes did not live long.

Although it is slightly better than the eighth and ninth elder brothers, it has not reached sixty.

This breakfast is eaten very quickly.

After about a quarter of an hour, Brother Ten put down his chopsticks.

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu looked at each other and smiled.

It's really a child, looking forward to seeing the gift.

Brother Nine feels that he is not two months older than Ten, but a lot older.

He completely forgot how happy he was when he saw all kinds of birthday gifts on his own birthday.

When the dining table was removed, brother Jiu didn't give a shit.

He took out a palm-sized brocade box and handed it to Brother Ten.

Elder Brother Ten opened it with joy, and the smile on his face froze.

A wrench finger, it looks like a huge golden wrench finger.

The tenth elder brother was disappointed: "Ninth elder brother, isn't this the golden ring finger given to you by the prince of Karaqin? You just use this to send off younger brother..."

Brother Jiu pointed and said, "Look carefully, what's on it?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the two small scars on his right hand: "In order to engrave this, I almost poked my finger off..."

Elder Brother Shi didn't bother to look at the finger puller, and hurriedly looked over, seeing that the scar had healed before he felt relieved.

"Ninth brother is not good at this, so don't do it, it's scary..."

Elder Brother Ten complained.

"Hey! Bring it back to me..."

Brother Jiu was not happy to hear it, so he reached out to grab it.

Brother Ten quickly raised it up: "How can there be such a thing? I gave it as a birthday present, and I still want it back..."

He took a few steps away and looked at the wrench,
It turns out that the front of the finger is still flat, but there are many lines engraved on the top and bottom, like symbols.


Brother Ten guessed.

Brother Nine shook his head: "Latin is combined with French, and your name is written, as well as auspicious words. From now on, this will be our brother's seal..."

Elder Brother Ten couldn't put it down.

Although he couldn't understand it at all, the intention in it made him very happy.

Just like Brother Jiu said, Ama Khan and Concubine Yi's mother haven't got anything from him yet, so this should be the first one for me.

Shu Shu was at the side, and also asked Walnut to take out the birthday gift she had prepared.

It was a mink fur cloak.

Naturally, it's not Shu Shu's needlework.

She can't do this either.

It's the material she chose and the color she matched.

It was prepared by the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs who spent money.

There are two pieces in total.

Ninth elder brother one, tenth elder brother one.

The ninth elder brother is indigo, and the tenth elder brother is azurite. They look the same from a distance, but the difference can only be seen up close.

Brother Nine is embroidered with a bat pattern, while Brother Ten is embroidered with a swastika pattern.

This is what Brother Jiu is wearing today.

So Brother Ten took the package with both hands, and when he opened it, his face was filled with joy.

He didn't wait, and went directly to change into new clothes.

Standing with Brother Jiu, like twin brothers.

On this day, walking on the road is slow.

Stop at the market too.

Passing by the village also stopped.

Temples and Taoist temples are not left behind.

Elder Brother Ten was sitting in the car, bored, unlucky and difficult to follow.

He misunderstood.

I thought my brother and sister-in-law were begging for a child.

Then it turned out not to be.

Because when the brothers and sisters-in-law passed through the village, they only asked about the old people with a long life, not the women with many children.

He thought it was weird and sent someone to check it out.

Only then did I find that my brother and sister-in-law were giving out food and cloth.

"I don't give much, just ten catties of rice, five feet of cloth, and a string of money, and nothing else, just let people talk about being a hundred years old..."

Elder Brother Shi heard this, but he didn't understand it at first, but when he understood it, tears poured down his face...

 There are only three shifts today, but they are all big chapters, [-] words, which is the same as the usual four shifts. Xiao Jiu is wilted, crying for safety.

(End of this chapter)

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